While playing for his team against Villareal, a spectator threw a banana at him as he tried to take a corner kick. What do you think Dani did? He casually picked up the banana, peeled it, eat the banana, threw away the peel, and then completed the kick...
This move has left many people in shock and Dani is getting a lot of praise for how he handled it.
This is not the first time the Brazilian footballer will face racism on the pitch. He complained about
it last year after being taunted by monkey chants from
sections of the crowd during a match at Real Madrid.
Racism in football is becoming an issue in Europe and enough is not being done to stop it. Dani is a star! Hopefully, he made the person who threw the banana feel like stupid!
lol! wayray boy
Injustice! see What Happened to Oluwafemi in the hands of Two Naval officers in front of Silverbird Galleria (Photos)
monkey somebody! LOL
Which Nigerian Celebrity Has These Shape ?
Correct man
from Akogun
not interested.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#
Odeshi...for your pocket. #saynotoracism #wearealmonkeys
Racism is everywhere even in najia!!!!!!!!!!!!! tribe aganist tribe, rich aganist poor, nations aganist nations!!!!!!!!!!!!. Linda, how you dey nah!
I hate it when ignorant stupid people discriminate others based on race, gender, sexuality. The world is round bitches get over your ignorant asses,we are all equal.
What's doing this white people sef.
That's a very mature of way of handling an issue thats capable of making one angry. Make fun of it and make the person feel like a fool.Good one alves
Hate and ignorance is the cause for discrimination in this world. Whites think they are better than blacks, straight people think they are better than gay people, men think they are better than women. All this stupidity is a product of ignorance, enlighten your selves biko.
I like his maturity
Shock waves flowed down my spine watching Alves yesterday.
Not withstanding they were leading us 2:1 he Never let all That get to him.
And after eating the banana he went ahead to give to crosses that resulted in goals.
Anyone who need my nude picture hit mai name
Same thing they did to eto and fifa can do anything about this #bright bravo#
You make sense jor Dani..#W.G#
Hmmm. And if u think racism is gonna end soon, then u bera wake up n smell d coffee.
Dat was sooo matured of Dani nd i luv dat.
Doesn't take away d money,fame nd medals he has earned 4 himself nd those stil on d way.What's more,he stil helped his team 2 win d very match.
Ma team good we don't really need a mascot...aint no way dah person would make any barca footballer feel inferior,sure Dani made him look more than stupid
Now dats my boi
Hear, hear!
That was real mature...and I think he is going places .Linda post o coz am 1st
Nice one......clapclap.
So much for maturity. Love you more
Never been a fan of Dani Alves until now. He actually told them in their faces, that they suck. He made my day.
Yes I saw it and was stunned. And they earned an own goal immediately after the corner kick and subsequently earned another own goals.VIVA VISCA FORZA BARCELONAA!!
Wat is wrong with dis oyibo people sef...stupid people....dat is y dey grow old on time....*Amarachi*
Nice one dani
maturity caunt in every thing one dose n Alves has demonstrated just dat
Dat single act jst made me team alves for life...
CLASSIC! I love(d) this! All Thumbs Up, Dani!!! Lmao!
Thought Dani is mixed race,nice way to go about it. Kudos.
all these albino ppl that call themselves white should stop this their racist attitudes....we are all one in the eyes of our CREATOR
big up 2 u dani.dos useless fellow spaniard will neva stop ds criminal act until drastic sanction is bn meted out 2 dem.
I trust my boy ....good one Dany....
Well done man...Let's say NO to racism!!!
nice way of handlingthe situatn. grownmind.......
*sleepy* ok
He realy tried o, to av eaten it. What if it ws poisond or somtin?
Racism is so popular in spain russia but dani response was in a very mature and professional way and made me fall in love with him. Shame on the perpetrator. Dani, thumbs up.
Dani, your action has humiliated the racist and i believe whoever threw that banana will not try it again. Sometimes, we need to make light of such mockery to humiliate the mocker.
Foolish ignorant white morons I like what he did, he's a big guy
Linda please correct yourself. He 'ate' not eat.
one million likes for that action.
He has started a movement.
The best pictures from today are Suarez (yes him) eating a banana in a picture with Coutinho and the Prime Minister of Italy and the Italian coach Prandelli (yes Italians) eating bananas too.
Always knew Alves was zany but this was totally off the chains. Brilliant.
Lolz....Vealareal fans were angry nah, VealReal were leadin 2nil,den barca did a nice come back,d match ended. VealReal 2 : 3 Barca!!!! So wat do u expect? Lmfao
Also, that fan was disrespectful because the club is in mourning. He's been fished out and banned from attending games for life. He may face a court case too.
Dis is funny. . Me like wat he did
i love this guy...i dey gbadun am...
From Nyemar and i quote'' We are all monkeys'' white monkeys up against d black monkeys=monkeys vs monkeys
hope my comment will be approved after visibility
I luv dat guy for dat!!!
.....and so the white 200m sprinter was accused of racism when he said to the black 100m sprinter,"We are not of the same race" **Punch lines** Dani Alves should becareful next time cuz that could have been a poison.
Timaya ft. Dani Alves - 'Plantain Seller' remix
Lol I luv the way he handled it.
Lol I like d way he art @ them
Racism can never be completely stamped out from European football, but if more people gave it the kinda classic response Alves gave last night; making them look stupid, I think it will stem it down a whole lot.
Poisoned banana? What a risky way to respond
Great response....!; like sth I'd do.
Leaves them racists wondering, confused.
* My R1.50c comment *
Nice one Dani, when life gives you lemon you make lemonade...
Dani Alves has impressed me with his maturity.
Dani Alves has impressed me with his maturity.
Linda becoming an issue ke , it has always been an issue . The ony place that is okay is Britain all of those other European countries are full of racist ignorant idiots , especially Italians and Eastern Europeans awon oloshi . And linda it is ate banana
Best act ever Dani.....make d racist look stupid.
that was the right thing to do
Linda please make the neccessary corrections to the grammar, asap!! #petpeeve. Thank you.
That's how to do it.
...And Barca still defeated them yesterday.
feel stupid or feel like stupid Linda?...
Kudos Dani
I love you #kiss
Correct guy! Ave been saying this- if someone calls u a monkey call him a baboon chikena! No b d same mouth una get? The earlier Blacks start treating racism with the disdain it deserves and ignoring ignorant people who propagate such ideals the better. When they realize we are not bothered by their inane remarks n behavior they will stop.
This continues 'cos the football body usually takes little or no actions on such cases..stiff and strict sactions need to be placed on offenders and even on the club so they know how to caution their supporters...
watching the game I was like what, then he pick up the banana and eat it, very classy, making the idiot looks exactly as an idiot... but Linda is like your blog has been hack, always re-directly me to another site or trying to install a program on my system,
Nyc reply
wow.lord pls teach me such humility.bless u sir
Brilliant Response from Dani.
Racism is even worse in Nigeria. People will judge u for tribe u come from, religion, qualification, color of skin, and even for being poor or having some money in ur pocket.
Correct guy!
Maturity and wisdom blend together. Somethings money can't buy and can't be gotten in the market. Coolest guy, thumbs up.
My thoughts exactly
he day hungry ni
The fan that threw the banana has been banned for life.
#weAreAllMonkeys harsh tag has been used to support him by his colleagues on instagram
you know the irony they have accepted gay and lesbians but racism has not changed .
He ate the banana not eat it,correct that...that's the spirit man good play.
Hehehe .Bonario.i'm sure u knw why I'm laffin.
me i would just say, alves went too far tho, he shud have just kicked the banana away.cuz only monkeys eat bananas that are thrown at them. All the same i praise his courage.
Dani was very mature with that move. When life gives you lemon make lemonade, when Fan throws banana, Please chop the banana.
I love dis guy 2 death! He just gave me anoda gud reason 2 kip loving him. Kudos 2 U my ganja man!
God please make me this monkey they called him,make me that known monkey that is known.let me be that monkey that can get my family and friends their need.let me be the monkey that fly and drive pass those that throw banana and other things in same car that Peter brought in Jesus name.hit me with that monkeyship right now o.
My Dani My Dani......ur a man
stale gist... i watched it and just shook my head. STOP RACISM BLACKS AGAINST WHITE AND WHITES AGAINST BLACK....#WeAreAllMonkeys
Lol! atleast its not poisoned. If that banana was thrown in Nija....first thought will be...ndia anwam!!
Thank God the banana wasn't posioned ohhhhhhhhh....Please no other player should eat any banana thrown in ohhhhhhhhh
As a Madridstar (Madrid Fan), I'll say that that was foolish on the part of the fan who threw the banana but great response by Alves. iHala Madrid!
It wouldn't av been poisn cuz d person dah trowd d banana neva tot e wd eat it........nd I dnt tink e will eat d next 1 cuz dats wen dey will want 2 poisn im
Thank you Dani Alves - Walking out of the Pitch, which was the norm all this while was apparently our show of cowardice. Eating the Banana is a stunning display of bravado. You have revealed the 'hero' within u and us all. We are probably one step away from a major Break though.
Dumb move! What if the banana was laced with poison??
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