Lol. Every day, another weird story. Trained lawyer Cherrelle Campbell (pictured above before and after her procedure) paid $2,500 to under
go dimpleplasty on both cheeks to get the dimples she's always wanted.
always loved dimples but I wasn't blessed to be given big ones.When God was giving out dimples I was at
the back of the queue. I find myself on the street or watching TV and
anyone with dimples stands out to me. I was online with my friend and we were
basically having a joke as to what procedures you could do and you
couldn't do, and I was like: "wow, I didn't know you could have your
dimples done. I gave it a bit of thought, contacted them and here I am. I
wanted really deep ones so every time I smile, they're there and I'm glad
it's for life as well. It's not something I'm going to have to repeat
which is good.'
Cherrelle sai
d she didn't expect such deep holes but knows she will love them
"I was impressed as I didn't think they
were going to be that deep, it's mixed feelings. Once it has healed, I
know I will love it.'
1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»So fake!why in the world will u do something like this??
really, really funny. d dimple kinda looks weird on her.
She looks stupid!
Rubbish! Vanity! she is suffering from too much money
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Weird... to me, she looks prettier wiv out d dimples.... whatever rocks her boat jare
Lmao na wa o people r ignorant sha.dimples r actually a deformity of the cheeks muscles.
Jeez so pple love dimples somuch like dis n here i am complaining dat mine is too many. Thank God oh mine is real
Waste of Money smh!
Linda I no understand the other picture ooo! What I see therebis nt a before pics
Hmmmmm na waoooo notin wey person no see
Just look at the way she used her own money to scatter her face.
And to think she looked so cool earlier.
God has a reason for placing dimples where they are found.
look at the artificial dimple like potholes on benin-ore express road
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
And now she looks ugly with that borehole on her both cheek
EwWwwwwwwwwww, dats ugly, she was beautiful b4 de dimple. Rubish, what a waste of money
Wahala dey oh
You just messed up your look. You are beautiful even without the deed dimples. Look @ you looking so artificial now....sorry its forever!
Na craze dey wry dis 1,if she nor knw wetin 2 use moni do mke she bring am 4 mi bt anyways sha gud 4 her
Nothing way person no go see for this world . Her new dimples look very fake they look more like the holes that they are .
Wahala dey oh
That na money for golf 3 o! Wey 1 person for dey use do cabu cabu for Lagos!
This Oyinbo wunt stop surprising me tho
She is *fgly* wit d dimples
She looks prettier and younger in d before pics. Hope she really likes it finally.
Imagine the madness ..."smh"
Monkey u for go look for digger take dig ur whole brain......fake swag.... The doctor no even sabi dig....u for look for me with that 40k make I use digger@mis-dimpLe
Why are some pple so stupide and dump? She was very pretty she is in a big mess with her face & she is saying she will love them? Oh dear!!
Lol!!!! World is really cumin 2 an end!
Weirld story indeed,bt for mi oo she's beta witout dimples.
The devil is a liar!! See how this fine girl just made herself ugly. People should be contented with their looks abeg. God has a reason for everything.
this is a bit weird o. it's not by force nah.
Check this out and get paid. click here .
Mschewwwwwwwww.. That's almost 400k. Is dis woman okay? Nd I'm here lookin 4 jus 100. Na wa o. Dis world sha
She was more beautiful b4 th surgery. She is now having a bore hole on her cheeks thinking she is Dimpilicious..
I read the DailyMail version... the girl stated that she got them done for free not $2,500.
well congrats girl lol
Mad fellow
*just passing by*Which kind of something we dey hear so! Isn't she cute in the above picture? Must u dig konga on ur cheek to look beautiful??? *hisses and walks away from thread*
Jesus dats boreples nt dimples. She's looking like a clown nd ugly
Oh! Now she looks like peppermint dimple
Honestly, people have serious esteem issues! We need boosters, not surgery!
Its her life, let her live it @ full.... Pls i need ass lifting if u knw any surgeon contact me via
Dis babe no well oooooooo abeg linda if dis babe no get wetin 2 use moni do make she com give me abeg,bcos I need moni 4 my training.
Finally you're completely ugly. Lol
Gurl...u shldnt have,u look prettier without d artificial dimples..
Remaining to buy dencia's whitelicious and bleach that black away.
Laughing hard. See the way she looks. LMFAO.
Bacteria will start living in those holes you made on your face.
i can save money inside her chick...#to me diz 1 iz nt a dimple @ all, all i can see is a big hole in sum1 chick....
Few say so*via B.A.G*
Some babes don mad sha........smh
Wonders will neva end,Gud 4 u it's ur moni but it's nt really fyn.
What a sutpid girl abi woman,it does not look gud on her lol!
Stupid girl. So she is saying that God who created her didnt know what He was doing eh? Olodo u just turned urself from a beautiful girl to an ape. And why yo dimples be looking like a septic tank tho? Bend over let me pee in it. Anuofia!
Lmaooo,,na wa oooo!!nothing wey we no go see 4 diz world
Werey leleyi o.yaba left candidate..dis is well not dimples
I watched this on tv last week and I tried understanding what runs through these peoples minds that they decide to ruin themselves. I mean she looked prettier before the artificial dimples n now with the dimples she just looks "wrong". Some people get money to waste sha
Eyah, this is madness oh.
God help you
My dear you were even finer and more attractive without them fake,God you look like a piece of horror with them, so wired and fake.
Na ur life
This one don pass dimples, na pot holes. Hehehe
Hahahaha,na wa oooo,so fake you can even pour water and suck it out
She looks betteroff without d dimples
Most of the time God knows what's best for us! She looks lovely without the dimples and while I agree that you may love something on other people, you've gotta realize they probably want to have something altered too!
Dat's funny.lindo,gdnyt.
"When gawd was giving out dimples" Nonsense
Cherrelle or whatever you call Ɣ☺ΰя self, you are a big mumu, so the cheek way God give you NOº°˚˚° do ba?! Damboroba shege banza! Alakiaye!
Total madness of it kind
Lmao,i tnk I prefer the b4 pixs
well......she got the cash....spend it girl
Na wa oh! Abeg my fellow Libers, is this lady not finer without d dimple? How on earth can any one ever feels that when they are created, God made a mistake? God already knows that ds lady will be a head turner without deep dimples n HE created her that way. Now u ve altered d way u were created n I must confess u look way uglier than ur original self, shior. Mtchewww! U can admire people with dimples, but u shouldn't have stooped so low 2 get ur flace altered.
Holy F**ks!!!
Oooh even baba God knew d dimple will make her look disabled and that's y he didn't put it...but this is democracy so she has chosen to look disabled and disabled she looks. Eeeeeeya.
Good God almighty!!!!... She was already pretty before naaaau... See money that she spent cos of dimples.... Her cup of tea...
Wetin we no go see for this world... hian cant even reconcile the pretty lady in d first pic and d ugly mutete with fake dimples like a goats' ass hole. Ode just messed up her face. Im glad for u that its a life time stamp. Ewu zambia ode oshi am so vexed. People should just start designing thier looks and body before they are born since Gods work is not perfect for them. Wish I could drill those holes even deeper that way you will be picking ur teeth from the sides without opening ur mouth. Muntula
You can't beat natural#omniscience God
Hian I don't like it joor cos she looks very beautiful b4 d dimpleplasty....see wat u've done to urself.humanbeings always questioning d work of God.God dey
Kolomentality.....see how ugly she looks with the dimple....mtcheeww...orisirisi
They look SO artificial. Superficial idiot.
This is what I call a DIMPIT
Orisirisi weyre........
buhaaaaaah women can explore i swear #THAT AKWA IBOM BOY
Oh no those are one hella ugly cheeks!the dimples are waaaaaay too deep. Hell no!
Hmmmmmmmmn...smh for her.
nothing to use money for.
So her own dimple she doesn't even need to smile or laugh it shows permanently? LMAO...This is so lame though and I prefer her face before, she's really beautiful don't understand why she went this far....anything that's fake though just never turn out perfect. ....
This beb na confirm ODE....can you imagin!!!
See as dis one just go spoil her face for notting#Rubbish
Only if she could be told how horrible and dsgusting she is looking now after spending that huge sum on frivolities.
She was so beautiful before the said surgery, now she looks so exasperating.
Lol sister,look at your face in the mirror again,those holes on your face looks like artificial valley created by a local farmer.Nothing is as beautiful as Natural things.
Only if she could be told how horrible and dsgusting she is looking now after spending that huge sum on frivolities.
She was so beautiful before the said surgery, now she looks so exasperating.
The pix is evn irritating.
Dis dimple is jst overdone, too deep. She was beautiful without them.
Na wa oo..see how person spoil ein face
Well congrates now u look ugly!!
I swear d chick looks good witout dose holes she calls dimples
Nawa ˚ooº°˚˚°ºoo wetin person no go see
Na wa oo..see how person spoil ein face
Nah wah o......#cantshout#
.....Miss Cherrelle Campbell u mean the surgeon drilled 2 deep holes on ur cheeks and took $2,500 from u?..... Thatz scam mehn!!!
Shez nw lukin lyk A̶̲̥̅ scare crow!
Shez nw lukin lyk A̶̲̥̅ scare crow!
Werey,ou look abnormal
Ladies and stupidity!! Warrisdis!!!! Such an ingrate
She look stupid. Haba dat is a hole not dimples. Hope she doesn't regret it. Linda I saw u paying for the balenciaga bag oh. Golden girl
does she even know how many baby lives can be saved with that money?
Na wa ooo, well as long she like dem, am happy for her, surgery noo for me.
Linda plz also find out weda they touched her forehead, jaw and lips too. wat a willy willy look.horrible!
This isn't new..
I could do my dimples too, but these ones are too much, too deep.
#otu_ocha... I mean 'oops'
Human beings can go to any length to get what they so desire.
Omo dz one dikw'egwu o.
They look unnatural
I could do my dimples too, but these ones are too much, too deep.
Hm na wa this doctors self can't they say no to somethings abi wetin una think? Make una help me answer I beg
So stupid and crazy of her look out how she is looking so ugly #bright bravo#
Na wao. Which kind life we de live? So na this fine babe yeye her sef like this? Wonder shall never end.
Madness comes in different forms I guess. U pray for her sake she looks a lot better than this when it heals!
Cherrel got issues. She looks like a cat did really catch her tongue. Crazy fetish
Nawa oooo,thank God mine is just natural
Some of this girls, when they die and meet with God, God won't recognise them. Abasi kan dooo!!
Lips sealed..
Lol. She looks better without d artificial dimples.
Its a pity oh' Plenty EVIL spirits dey worry dis gal. Uncountable numbaz of Evil spirits!!!
see how ugly u look with that big deep hole on ur face..rubish# u just disfigured ur face n even called that pit hole dimple...u r really insane dimple only apears when some1 with one u want us to belive u got a dimple fake ass
Akpa *in ado dialect*
For God's sake we are not God! So dnt act like u re! He made jst d way d way he wnt us to b...its a diff tin if its wen its abt our weight cos were not born fat or slim.girl u weren't born wit dimples..u could av jst admired dem.dis is wat hapens wen we are not content.we begin to make silly mistakes.u look so much better befor d surgery..if I could give my dimples I would av jst to stop frm doing dis trash.bein uncontent is sure a terrible thing!
Haaaa haaa haaaaa! Dis must be a disastrous joke. Cant stop laffin. This really cracked me up. Not to worry sweetheart,u nt only wld av deep dimples wen it heals. Ull prolly be able to sip ur fruit juice thru d hole. Congratz dear!
Everyday different stories. I wonder what this world is turning into. See how ugly and weird she now looks. SMH
I choose not to be a part of dis WTF!
#That happy sister!
Omg d first pic is better !!!!!!
Oh Dear, bt u luk much better Without those Dimples....#U luk xo much better without those#
rotflmao,wen r mouth is not a basket.y wil she pay 2k5$ to look lyk somtin called OFio.d God dat created r without dimples isnt daft.nw she as recreated r self nd she looks UGLY.tank God for my natural dimples.nd its perfect.
WTF!! this is not a dimple dear, looks like bullets were removed from both cheeks. this is just wrong in so many ways, like seriously? dimples when you are not even smiling?
Orisirisi..... Endtime tinz!!!!
God I don't just understand some people, to think I hate dimples. Here's someone paying a fortune to get dimples hian.
Nawa oh. What is dis again. Is really a good thing to b natural. From beauty to beast
Na wa nu finz we dey hear everyday...I fink she is beta without d dimplez tho***
Na wa oo...different story we dey hear everyday...for Dimplez again???....feel she is beta without it jawe,!!!
Just read this on Daily Mail some hours ago, she got dimples because she wanted to look like Cheryl Cole, but actually she looks really stupid!!! She better get her money back, and get the operation reversed!!! She looks like she got punched hard Lol!!! Linda post my comment o!!!whizman
Lol, if only she knows dimples re as a result of intra uterine developmental disorder
My dear u have just made d greatest mistake of ur life cos u have ended up loosing ur beauty...chai! Wat a loss
Blessed to have 'em naturally :D. The dimples make her look ugly presently, she was beautiful without it.
Lwtmb! ! Girlfriend needs to have her head examined. She looks worse with the dimples. Damn.
Rotflmao!!! Anon 11:43 & 11:45pm got me rolling. Jeez!!! She just used her own money to destroy her fine face.sorry o!$2k5 wasted! Moral lesson:Be contented.
ℓoℓ ....wetin oyibo pple no fit do. I get lite dimples wen I smile & am perfectly ok wit it dt way....cnt imagine τ̅o spend ♏γ̲̣̣̥ hardearned money on surgeries dt mite ruin ♏γ̲̣̣̥ looks in future. God knws y he made us d way we are. #IAmContented
Shut d fuck up! Ur own is so many wer? Shey na pimple ni? Modafucker!
ROTFLMAO!!!! #gbam! U said it all. Some pple have lost all their self esteem. SMH
This article is somewhat incorrect. Firstly, she didn't have to pay for the treatment as it was given to her for free in exchange for airing her story. Secondly, the picture on the left, that you labelled as 'before' is actually what she looked like AFTER her dimples had healed. They looked a lot more natural and less prominent.
Pls help me tell Dem!!!!
Pls help me tell Dem!!!!
um Linda, you need to read the stories properly. I read this earlier on DM and she didn't pay for the procedure. She got it done for free in exchange for using her for publicity
btw, I love dimples too. They're really cute but having surgery cos of that is just crazy
Lol, u re WICKED........hahahahaha
She looked more beautiful before the surgery!
Bonario u re a bad guy. Looooooooool, nd she was a beautiful girl so lovely, wen I saw her first pic I fall in love wit her, as a young man be 4 d second one she went 2 do with money. Baby Y did u went 2 spoil ur face nw? Kai I am disappointed in u dear mtcheeew
Bonario u re a bad guy. Looooooooool, nd she was a beautiful girl so lovely, wen I saw her first pic I fall in love wit her, as a young man be 4 d second one she went 2 do with money. Baby Y did u went 2 spoil ur face nw? Kai I am disappointed in u dear mtcheeew
This is just crazy
really crazy. Why would someone go through that for just a dimple??? I dont get it at all.
She looks foolish.
Bona, certified wayray nice Sir
LMAO. I prefer her pre-dimpled looks tho. I want dimples badly too but with ds 1? #OperationRethink
Stupidity. ...datsall
After all said and done it doesn't even luk qud on her. Mtchew
Chill out na! What's your business if its pimples! E concern u???
My dear... if u actually read or have read or will read the comments on this blog about your story, please read mine and digest it;
"you are a bush girl with inferiority complex. Sorry to sadly say that dimples looks like an accident on your face #pretty to disaster"
You were at the back of the queue when God was blessing others with dimples because dimples was not for everyone. God knew that it would make you look like an eel, that is why HE left you at the back but you said no, you must have dimples... Oya, see dimples (puncture), take!
it's so disgusting.....
420k for Gulf 3! That Gulf 3 must definitely be "Agwo ndu"
Wait till 2015 Dec. Linda gives out money once every 2 years. Onye osi
Definitely pimples and not dimples. Dimples usually show on both cheeks, so you can only have two on your face. It's surprising that you have many dimples on you. Yours is probably a deformity.
This girl needs an award for her behaviour. THE MOST OUTSTANDING STUPID PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD.
Thank God mine is for Free
Anonymous hater Nig Ltd. Real humans will comment fearlessly with thier names and you will curse them under anonymity. Shame on you. That's how you people will be beefing people on blogs. If Achor has upset u can't u settle it with her face to face? Na to come here begin chop turkey.
E remain to put fetching pail near that well for her cheek wey she dey call dimple. Anyway God bless your hustle. Come to Nigeria and all this guys insulting you will buy you range rover to stick their "Prilg" inside there. Before 3 months, Flavour himself will sing at you trad.
My point: 1. You were pretty without the dimples
2. You are still pretty with it
Laffing so hard right now......nigga yu cracked me up!
its not cute on her makes her look weird... God never makes mistakes!!! Just love yourself the way you created...
Wow but u look more beautiful before the sugery hmmm congrats dear ure the first female to have saliva reservoir enjoy!
Jeeez lolzzzz to bonarios comment...still laffing...
funny enough as much as its cute its also a zygomaticus major((thinness of the jaw muscle)and i have very deep ones she is sick in the head to get a dimple at all cost...
And now it doesn't fit her... She really look ugly and artificial... A natural dimple can never be like dis! Sum pple will never be contended with what God gave them.
Gosh! She looks so hideous!! See how fine babe just made herself a caricature. She's obviously not happy with it , see her trying to convince herself.
foolish girl. you allowed your once beautiful to be deformed. u are now are a caricature of your old self
Lol...true. I like u didi.
foolish girl. you allowed your once beautiful to be deformed. u are now are a caricature of your old self
Hahaha we are living in a crazzzzzzzzzy world what a weird thing to ion like it at all she looked fine b4
Thank God i was blessed wit one, though she has it now bt it can never be d same. good luck to her.
so fake and ugly. i prefer the old look
Baba God why u give money to people wey no sabi use am
crazy thing wetin we no go hear for this world
I thought dimples show up when one smiles,but hers is permanently showing. Kai
People use dere own hands 2 spoil their looks. see how ugly she looks........
I guess she must be regretting already>>>> Who does dis????
Hian! So fugly!
Lol....orishirishi everyday!next post pls
Ure comment is cracking me u evrytin noils down to inferiority complex......if u dnt feel comfortable in ur own skin ure bound to end up dis way.....God neva makes a mistake and nobody can recreate his work....nt exactly!
She will grow to hate those fake dimples. Trust me.
she looked better without d dimples. well whatever rocks her boat o. #wakapass#
Looking at that dimple picture n trying to place how it looks like, real ugly! Ur name na sorry.
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