Accepting her award, Lupita gave one of the most powerful speeches about self-acceptance and loving yourself just the way you are. Her message basically is; Black is beautiful and you really don't need Dencia's Whitenicious. Yep, she mentioned Dencia in her speech. Check on it after the cut...
Lupita's acceptance speech at Essence Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon
Thank you Alfre, for such an amazing, amazing introduction and celebration of my work. And thank you very much for inviting me to be a part of such an extraordinary community.
I am surrounded by people who have inspired me, women in particular whose presence on screen made me feel a little more seen and heard and understood. That it is Essence that holds this event celebrating our professional gains of the year is significant, a beauty magazine that recognizes the beauty that we not just possess but also produce.
I want to take this opportunity to talk about beauty, black beauty, dark beauty. I received a letter from a girl and I’d like to share just a small part of it with you: “Dear Lupita,” it reads, “I think you’re really lucky to be this Black but yet this successful in Hollywood overnight. I was just about to buy Dencia’s Whitenicious cream to lighten my skin when you appeared on the world map and saved me.”
My heart bled a little when I read those words, I could never have guessed that my first job out of school would be so powerful in and of itself and that it would propel me to be such an image of hope in the same way that the women of The Color Purple were to me.
I remember a time when I too felt unbeautiful. I put on the TV and only saw pale skin, I got teased and taunted about my night-shaded skin. And my one prayer to God, the miracle worker, was that I would wake up lighter-skinned. The morning would come and I would be so excited about seeing my new skin that I would refuse to look down at myself until I was in front of a mirror because I wanted to see my fair face first. And every day I experienced the same disappointment of being just as dark as I was the day before. I tried to negotiate with God, I told him I would stop stealing sugar cubes at night if he gave me what I wanted, I would listen to my mother’s every word and never lose my school sweater again if he just made me a little lighter. But I guess God was unimpressed with my bargaining chips because He never listened.
And when I was a teenager my self-hate grew worse, as you can imagine happens with adolescence. My mother reminded me often that she thought that I was beautiful but that was no conservation, she’s my mother, of course she’s supposed to think I am beautiful. And then…Alek Wek. A celebrated model, she was dark as night, she was on all of the runways and in every magazine and everyone was talking about how beautiful she was. Even Oprah called her beautiful and that made it a fact. I couldn’t believe that people were embracing a woman who looked so much like me, as beautiful. My complexion had always been an obstacle to overcome and all of a sudden Oprah was telling me it wasn’t. It was perplexing and I wanted to reject it because I had begun to enjoy the seduction of inadequacy. But a flower couldn’t help but bloom inside of me, when I saw Alek I inadvertently saw a reflection of myself that I could not deny.
Now, I had a spring in my step because I felt more seen, more appreciated by the far away gatekeepers of beauty. But around me the preference for my skin prevailed, to the courters that I thought mattered I was still unbeautiful. And my mother again would say to me you can’t eat beauty, it doesn’t feed you and these words plagued and bothered me; I didn’t really understand them until finally I realized that beauty was not a thing that I could acquire or consume, it was something that I just had to be.
And what my mother meant when she said you can’t eat beauty was that you can’t rely on how you look to sustain you. What is fundamentally beautiful is compassion for yourself and for those around you. That kind of beauty enflames the heart and enchants the soul. It is what got Patsey in so much trouble with her master, but it is also what has kept her story alive to this day. We remember the beauty of her spirit even after the beauty of her body has faded away.
And so I hope that my presence on your screens and in the magazines may lead you, young girl, on a similar journey. That you will feel the validation of your external beauty but also get to the deeper business of being beautiful inside.
There is no shame in Black beauty.
Black is Beautiful indeed....NEKYNYMOUS
The Dencia whatever whatever is suppose to be for spot removal. However people use it for bleaching purpose. Anyway Lupita said it all. Black beauty rocks!
Lupita.. Abeg tell dem
Fake ass bitches be bleaching anyhow
Just appreciate yourself the way you are... Either black or white..
She may have helped a few ladies but d majority of em will still go to Dencia
Go lupita!black is beautiful!I am dark too n will never change it!God bless u!as for dencia,oh well...ur case is with jehova!
Abeg make she go sit down for shit, bcos she win award she feels she can now talk ewu.
You said it all, black ɪ̣̝̇ș beautiful and u can't buy black
You said it all, black ɪ̣̝̇ș beautiful and u can't buy black
Good speech..This Lupita girl is gonna go far success is written all over body.
She's nt so beautiful dou, N̶̲̥̅α̩̩̩̩ genevieve dem suppose D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ talk.
Correct! u make sense my dear. Nothing to compare with Black. Black is beautiful.
Too long, lol, this one thinks she is beautiful??? Lol...funny
This lady just showed dencia a very big red card....... she really make people to knw that black is really beautifull but to be frank she is too ugly as in She no fine or even try at all..... In her case mehn, her black is really ugly....
Excellent Speech;black is really beautiful.God knows why He made each and everyone of us the way we are.
Dencia is a racist
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need i say more , beautiful
Say dat to your fellow Kenyans.... Cos Naija guys won't date or marry a charcoal like u.
I understand when people say they hate being black. Black people are so crude, wicked and disrespectful, example nurses in nigerian hospitals, this women are so RUDE and bitchy.
Lupita nyong has really been making wave in the internet like hell...... Abeg na jazz she dey use...... But she is really doing africa proud though but still on still she is so damn ugly...... Like ugly ugly..
We know black is beautiful, but to talk about it like u r feeling threatened is inferiority complex. Leave dencia outa ur speech, she didn't borrow cash from u to make her products, stop giving out hate speeches n b proud of ur dark legs.
You can say black is beutiful, but I will still go for light skin girls. Period
Oh....... dencia just got richer.....
Black is the worst,uglyiest skin colour in the world. Only few exceptions,like lupita for example are beautiful,the rest,ugly
Just on point Lupita.Am proud of my skin
I am buying dencia's whitenicious for my kids. GBAM
GREAT speech!!! We must embrace our skin color. Lovely!!!!!!!!
Did I almost cry reading this piece? Mind yourself Lupita :-) :-)
I have done just a few makeup jobs and I must confess,the dark skin is one you must pay close attention to,its like trying to work on a dark canvas,you just don't splash on colours,you take your time..you are precise,its simply amazing... unlike we fair skins that almost everything goes.
I love love love the fact that you now appreciate your awesome colour,God is a God of variety and variety they say is lifes' spice...so nope darling,God wasn't having none of that skin twisting bla with you. I can imagine standing next to you,and ooh the laugh God'll have while saying"yeah that's me,I did that...black & yellow"LoooL
Thank you. This is philosophically enlightening.
So teary eyed right now. This goes for everything else - the shapes of our nose, head, our weight, height etc, Self love is powerful
Linda,dis gal is still too black ,speech or no speech. See her legs they remind me of that poetry book we used in pry school. The one wit jack and jill,solomon grundy et al.
Black and proud
Dencia don popular be dat oo
nd the second pix tho
wooooow...hw i luv ds article....am proud to b black...am proud of my identity...nd am proud to b african
Absolutely true.
Yawns too many
Amen sister
Linda you miss the point of this whole speech. Or maybe you don't. The point is NOT that she mentioned Dencia's Whitenicious; you mention that with a hint of pride.
The fact is that this young girl seeing herself through the eyes of Lupita and Oprah has come to realize that black IS beautiful. I mean dark-skinned women are beautiful. In our own originality and authenticity, we ROCK!
THAT my dear is what the speech is all about. You've already given Dencia too much column space on your blog; but I suppose its what your mainly vacuous audience want abi?
Thank you for posting this btw!
Haba!!! Odogwuuuuuu! Speak it sister. I read ur words and already I see the beauty in ur mother! To have raised an incredibly well spoken human being like u.
*in martin luther word..I've a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not b judged by the color of their shin,but by the content of their character* Lupita tnx for d inspiring words,I' ve eva feel comfortable wit my chocolate skin color.(You can eat beauty)but to feel beautiful within and out.
La moi la inspired, Btw Dencia's cream does remove spots, nt her fault girls buy it in large quantities to bleach even tho its a little expensive. We should appreciate ourselves
She is a beautiful dark skinned woman. Real exotic breed but she whitened her teeth jare. Altering regardless of what kind is still in the same category as Dencia's foolish Godforsaken product
Awon bleachers!! una don hear??
Pls o wat is d best way of removing less than 3weeks
simply beautiful
Ğoº°˚°ºϑ speech, Ğoº°˚°ºϑ story ɣ☺υ r Ɓêάů†ĩƒůƖ grl, never ɣ☺υ bargain wt God @ all cos ɣ☺υ r wonderfully made, Ūя̲̅ black is beauty n unique keep it up
Lulu u don spoil dencia choppings o**hehe iLoveMyComplexion**lili I v missed u like period o**i jst v one more exam to round up for DZ crazy semester**bona hope ur madness hasn't escalated?? Humble Divy**
Miss Jade said... wow!
Awwwww! For those insulting her calling her black, remember dat wen u call her that it simply means ur telling God to his face dat he did a very bad job. She's human like! God's creature for christ sakes! Make una de dia de insult her complexion while she enjoys d fame and wealth! She's bin celebrated evrywhere, una hear? Sum liber are fools!!!!!! "Huh? Did anybody say sumtin?" If I hear! Nonsense (witty lady)
Wow Lupita made a really strong speech.she's got a brain for 10.me likey
Pass me a Kleenex. That was nicely said. Proud black beauty
Yes Lupita, tell them...there is no shame in black beauty
Wow this is a great speech I can imagine the loud claps that would come after her speech..... I'm sure this speech triggered Dencia's beef when she said she doesn't know who Lupita is and she careless about who she is or what she wins. Go Lupita I love u mucho.
Nice One my dear, black is beautiful & beauty is from withing the inside, we all just need to understand that. Especially the lady folks. You don't need some things that will mess your Color up. Just take good care of your skin & body & you are set. Nice dress Lupita.
wow, this girl is just amazing!!!!!
beautiful, tell all those who have bleached their skin so white you can see the blood coursing through their veins and the exposed sore marks which have no hope for healing due to the fact that their skin have been eroded.
Wowww, she nailed it. Nice piece!
mehn she finished Dencia in very few words
Wow I hope is remains beautiful inside as well
Oya dancia fire back, but let's be realistic, lupita is black mhen, and whts she wearing there. She need a wardrobe manager quick...
Awwwn...this is really nice!
Words..........I love her. Black is Beautiful. Thank God am Black
Black is indeed beautiful..am black and proud
Oh God!! I luv dis
I love myself-skinny,thin, ugly,effeminate, too tall,long,malnourished, i love myself... ur beautiful no matter wat pple say,words cant bring me down #inspired dat bin said,dencias fame jst doubled!
is it me or is this girl just ugly
Indeed I am touched. But there's nothing wrong to enhance your colour. POC I said enhance(even tone) not bleach...
You couldn't have made the speech better.This is fabulous.Thank you Lupita.There's nothing wrong with being black.
Oh! Such a lovely speech. Its simply a-mah-zing! Self love is d summary of it
Una don hear, acid bleachers
Yes yes yes, that's confidence @ its peak. GOD bless u girl n u ll continue to shine in all ramifications..All y'all dat wants to eat fairer skin , una don hear and am begining to suspect dis dencia with dis her whitenicious obanje cream. Ladies beauty is in d inside not outside,self confidence matters a whole lot n come to think of a country where its so hard to see a soap now without whitening labeled on it.
Yes yes yes, that's confidence @ its peak. GOD bless u girl n u ll continue to shine in all ramifications..All y'all dat wants to eat fairer skin , una don hear and am begining to suspect dis dencia with dis her whitenicious obanje cream. Ladies beauty is in d inside not outside,self confidence matters a whole lot n come to think of a country where its so hard to see a soap now without whitening labeled on it.
I luv U.
Thumbs up lady, thisnis exactly what we are talking about. Ladies; stop bleaching out ur natural colour in the name of beauty. I hope they all adhere after this touching speech.
Thumbs up lady, thisnis exactly what we are talking about. Ladies; stop bleaching out ur natural colour in the name of beauty. I hope they all adhere after this touching speech.
Thumbs up lady, thisnis exactly what we are talking about. Ladies; stop bleaching out ur natural colour in the name of beauty. I hope they all adhere after this touching speech.
God would bless you Lupita, you are truly beautiful! your children will be beautiful and impact the world like you!I love you and God bless you.He will continue to work miracles in your life!continue to encourage girls and speak up about the beauty of dark skin.I really am inspired by your speech.God will always favor you.Girls listen ooo.#itsbuchi!
smart girl am sooo proud to be aliive in this world where people still see beyond the superficial....love her if she doesnt win the oscars on sunday i wont be happy ooo jk..wosh u d best lupita...dencia God bless ur hustle has gone to a room where oprah is sitting so probably u might be on er next show.
Tell dem ooooo! All these men that make dark skinned women feel iinsecure. Calling us "dirty" and a fair lady "clean". I think it's time for a reorientation and it starts with us women, african men and the people of cauasian and indian descent. Black is colour, black is soul, black is beautiful. Beyonce and rhianna, take note! And queen bey, don't go all creole on me cause we know u and riri are now brighter than ur future.
Black with confidence but nne dis ur leg dika charcoal nwanne u need dencia 4 ur leg lol
This is inspiring.. So much respect for Lupita... She still looks younger than her age without lightening up..
Dencia is getting more and more popular with every mention of her name.
This is indeed a candid advice 2 black girls who 're thinking of patronicing whitenicious products.please accept urself d way God created u.
Black indeed is beautiful
Her body is annoyingly beautiful.
Well said. I thank God I belong to the group of women who love the colour of their skin despite what anyone thinks (even though I am not dark nor light either).
Bleaching in the long run damages the skin more than you can possibly imagine. Black is indeed beautiful. Even the whites tan their skin. So what other validation do you need? That man you're bleaching your skin for, is it worth it? Will he keep loving you when you don't have the money to replenish your cream and your skin turns dark? These are lessons to be learned.
Deep words from an extra-ordinary woman. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who appreciates herself and who doesn't listen to what others think about her.beauty is divine and its beyond what u see on the outside. bleaching your skin from here to kotangora won't make you beautiful because you lack the charisma( the self-worth) to carry that beauty you have bleached to get. Women should learn to appreciate themselves first so that others wl appreciate their beauty.#shallow minded peeps shld pls kip off# this wonderfuly crafted piece is for the deep thinkers only. Bravo lupita,bravo!
u go girl, black is beautiful, i am black like really black and i am sooo proud of it, tnx girl u r my role model
I LOVE THIS. The world must know and accept that THERE IS NO SHAME IN BLACK BEAUTY.
Dencia has gone viral... Lol. Well that's good for her business.
So moving, heartfelt and true
Wow... just wow
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
C as she fyn
Wow she killed da speech, luv u mor lupita,girls dnt Jst read d speech learn frm it. --BOSS--
ℓ̊ love U̶̲̥̅̊ more gal. T̶̲̥̅̊ђε̲̣̣̣̥ blacks are bold n beautiful
Standing ovation Lupita!!!
Nice one, Lupita. I hope they listen.
I'm Black n beautiful...there's ntn wrong with being Black!!
Just just just simply beautiful..i'm speechless. I have more respect for you Lupita, you are such an inspiration to every woman both white and black...
Keep keep keeping on, the sky is your limit!
I need an urgent haircut.
Her words re so powerfull I never liked dis gel till now.... She's black and proud...wat really matters is ur inner beauty... Nice 1 girl
Rosie Said.......What can i say? Simply powerful.You go sista,mesmerize them with your authentic African inteligence.
Well said Lupita!
We the dark skin girls sayyyy, Amen!
First to comment!!....Oya make una follow me for back :)
Linda n lupitha...N̶̲̥̅̊a̷̷̴ђ 4 una pocket, fact is U̶̲̥̅̊'always look mre beautiful,mre flashy,catchy n attractive wn U̶̲̥̅̊ r light skinned. Desperate dark gals dat cnt do anytin abt their complexion r jus tryna force their colour down our throats.talkin lyk itz a miracle 2 b fair n al, if U̶̲̥̅̊ r fair U̶̲̥̅̊ bleached,bla bla bla. Lol, #teamlightskinned
Dencia and d likes should be listening! Black is awesome am proud of it, nice one
Well said Lup... Tell it to the easily intimidated black girls and black men that prefer all bleached up white girls. B proud of u and glow from the inside black women!!!
There is no shame wat so ever,,#BLACK&PROUD.... ¤Su•cre®
Black is beautiful any time any day
The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice
Really Lupita! black is beautiful, I love this woman
Wit ds much stress on bleachin,dark skin/light skin...it makes being fair more overrated,lyk a do or die tin. Nawa..
She only made whitenicious more popular.Idiat oshi
Awwww!so inspiring.black is really beautiful º°˚ .
Well said Lupita... well said
Olosho dencia hope u r seeing this...rubbish girl
Fantastic!! She said it all..
Beautiful speech
So powerful, even Chimamanda couldn't have said it better! Black is f*cking beautiful. I am proud of my color, my thick Igbo accent, I am proud of my Igbo culture. Because that is who I am. And I don't have to change it for nobody! I am black and proud.
Nice speech gal, u've really inspired me
Black is beautiful
Oh dear Lord! What an intelligent and touching speech...I don't know what it is but I just can't help thinking about this lady.
Word frm lupi lupi.....Dencia awaiting ur reply cos dis is nt madam boof abi koof o....and as i dey look lupi she go get bad mouth....*awaiting with pop corn*
Wonderful speech,be proud of ur skin colour,fair or brown,we all need 2 love ourselves without pressures from friends nd family.
She has come to stay, a star is born.
absolutely no shame in it am black beautiful and proud.
absolutely no shame in it am black beautiful and proud.
Now i c wht beauty rily z. Wht makes u beautiful z ur spirit nd inner beauty nd not d skin cos it fades away lik a flower. D 1st pix shows her beauty in essence nd her speech z one in a million. Wht a brain? I watched 12 years a slave on monday nd i luvd her d more just lik linda ikeji luv her. Sorry 2 dencia customers cos u ve heardit all. Team lupita
@hilary, there's a big different between having a thick accent and being raz, and you fall into the BEING RAZ category. so sharrrrappp there.
See seniority in action. Dencia claimed not to know her, lupita mentioned dencia without stress or sign of anger
This is so inspiring. I have always hated my body because of what the media and artistes portray as beautiful and attractive. I have finally come to accept myself snd have realised God created me like this for a reason. I hope women (and men) who bash others because of their looks learn to stop putting others down
#singing... Black&Beautiful#
God knows I love and adore Lupita! I think she is a breath of fresh air in Hollywood. Haven said that, I think she should have left Dencia out of the speech. No need giving credence to someone on a downward spiral. Menyioning Dencia's name is only gonna make her more serious. I think it's tacky to put Dencia on the blast like that. Almost as if she's saying "I'm better than you." Even though we all already know that.
Beautiful though bt does she have wardrobe malfunction
Can't believe it's 2014 and black people, in Africa and America, are still obsessed with skin color. I will never forget reading all those hateful comments, on this board, about Lupita. It really saddened. We, as black people, will never get the message.
Thank you, thank you , thank you Lupita. I love you soooo much. You nailed that speech . May God continue to bless you.
Anon6:29 what are u saying??u light skinned bimbo?
Black ɪ̣̝̇ș beautiful
That's why Ur life is so miserable
U guys can't tell when a person is trying to sell herself. Am proud of lupita she's really smart but she just sounds self righteous like every other Hollywood person. 2ndly if u want to become light skinned its a choice white ppl here be trying to get tanned and plastic surgery its all a choice. We are all beautiful in our own way.
Standing Ovation Luppy......U inspire me, most men look down on dark skinned Gurls but who cares.... Am dark, shubby, beautiful and am PROUD!!!
Of course she can talk! Can you? Sit down there and be hating on someone that didn't do anything to u. Dencia cream user....mtchewww
I can feel ur pain skunk ....u just finished ur 7 days bleaching routine and found out ur more uglier..pele dear..stinking skunk....
Ejòr elo ní nokia charger..
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I'm light-skinned but I'm a black person(African) of course, if I could darken my skin to be like Lupita's skin, I for no mind o. Her skin tone is so beautiful out of this world. Black is beyond beautiful tho. Whether light-skinned or dark-skinned, if you're a black person you're a black person. Nothing would change that,so appreciate yourself.
No matter your skin colour try to maintain a smooth skin with appropriate makeup.
If you look badly dark, when u lighten up u will look badly light.
Skin colour isn't the beauty!
Have u had your low hatred med today? @steph
Lupita is beautiful with flawless dark skin. Some of the comments I have read here buttress the fact that a worrying number of black people have serious self-hate issues and if they could, would turn white.
Geeezzzzz who felt the difference between what dencia wrote and wht lupuita said?Denci claims she did enough history in school, how I wish she did enough English language...sheesh!!!! A product's name,whitenicious?that sounds like a nollywood movie...hahaha..#cheezyjayne
Thank u but those legs eh!
I believe she made up dat story cos she said it as if dey r hvn beef... She would hv just said d story wit out mentioning names.... She should pack well jor.... Nw as she mentioned d hard working gal she is nw famous dan Obama or Oprah
Ur kind response nah WILD ANIMAL for bush response.
She don dey promote dencia be that
Pls carry urself and ur question go Stella dimokokus blog. Na dem dey answer dis kind question. I guarantee u, u will get answers sharply.
Lupita Nyongo dont mind the haters mehn. do your thing. she's beautiful, those calling her ugly, have u achieved like she has?
Lupita Nyongo dont mind the haters mehn. do your thing. she's beautiful, those calling her ugly, have u achieved like she has?
Why always black people going around talking shit about their skin colour? Never heard a white man, indian or arab talking about their skin colour. And yea they do get into tan boxes to get a tan or get in the sun to get a tan but they don't come on stage to blah blah blah fucking blah I am proud to be white. Black folks if we don't have a complex cos of our skin color we won't make such a fuss abt it all the time.
Sorry but dencia sounds dumb lol
Sorry hater! Get dis... Lupita wasn't talking abt physical beauty, she was talking about the beauty 4rm insyd... She is tellin u 2 stand up 4 ursef, accept who you are, change what u can and 4gt wot u can't, whether black or white ... Don't reject ursef coz of ur complexion, don't bleach ur skin so dat u wil be accpeted in ur society... So get it? Am not dark skinned so u don't tink am talkin cos am dark,,,, as 4 beauty,lupita is beautiful... Cuz if dencia was half as dark as she was, you wud neva want 2 see her face so get dat...
Why use wizkid's voice? Are u dumb? Or don't u have ur own voice??
That is a lie! !!!
All of you saying she's ugly shey dem put cameroon pepper for una eyes ni. Can't you see how smooth her skin looks,how cute her face looks,she has a good and perfect hair line,she's slim like a model. Why can't you just appreciate this gorgeous looking lady Africans and Nigerians (who only love to HATE everything). Oh! Well, why do I evem bother when it is said that "Haters love the internet" for all you haters, she's black,beautiful,famous and rich. And as the bible says in Proverbs 22:29, she's already standing before kings and queens. And u are somewhere wasting time and energy hating someone like that. Mehn! Na wa unto you o
Truly u are a model black is beautiful
Bitch knows who Lupita is..
Because she win award??? You're a bloody hater and it won't take you far. If it is that easy, go and win!! Moron of the highest order. Did she say anything that was bad?? Mumu!!
I don't usually comment but seriously ugly is the last word you can use to describe her. Lupita is by far one of the most beautiful women of our time and this has been my opinion from her time on SHUGA. Beauty is not what society expects you to look like, its not the weave or fake lashes you wear. Beauty is within, its is what you exude, if you feel beautiful from within then you will radiate beauty on the outside! Bleaching is becoming a big issue that needs to be tackled, we need to teach our children and youth to love themselves regardless.
To all those that call Lupita ugly, you definately have no clue what that word means and you must be insecure to say that about someone else.
This is my opinion and if you don't like it just put a sock in it cos I don't really care for yours.
Define racism... who told u there r no light skinned africans? Secondly..d crean is a sport remover..to even our ur skin tone. A white psn can use it same as a black psn... u ppl should get ur facts right before tongue lashing...dencia dint say dey shud turn it to full body cream...
Preach it sista but damn nupita u shldnt hav mentioned dat brainless dweebs name nau just givin d idiot free and cheap publicity. U supportin bleachin clap 4 ursef wen cancer comes knockin 2moro u will b roamin all ova d place lyk a HOBO lookin 4 MAN OF GOD 2 pray for u Ode oshi
So why is it call Whitealicious ??? We all no who she is targetting her marketing ploy is obvious . You've got to be a grade A star Olodo to think this biatch is trying to help people remove black heads. This is a bleaching product. To Whitealicious the skin. That's why she is a monster. She set out to cause controversy and she's going to get it. For a black woman to insinuate that White is some how better than black is a slap on the face of any self respecting african. By the time controversy has finished with her she'll be a untouchable taboo. Backward slave.
Local idiot champion you want to force your way onto international arena to be relevant. The only reason these people are interested in you is becos you offer a bases for research into the mind of a disillusioned BLACK AFRICAN suffering from severe body dysmorphia issues. In fact they should bundle you off to a lab somewhere to dissertation your brain and study your condition. That way they can come up with a vaccine to immunise other bleaching sickness people. That's the only way you can be relevant .Plastic fantastic just get back inside your box and shut up.
Stephanie u made me laughed,as a man,me myself black is d most outstanding qualities i admire in a lady.BB is wat i called it.go n sleep stephanie gal
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