Girl badly beaten by boyfriend shares her story & photos of her injury on instagram | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Girl badly beaten by boyfriend shares her story & photos of her injury on instagram

Her name is Gabriella. Says she's an aspiring Victoria Secret model and actress. Not sure where she's from though. Gabriella, via her instagram account @bambiiiii_ shared her recent sad experience of domestic violence from her boyfriend of eight months. She was badly beaten, thrown from a moving vehicle and dragged. She shared this photo of her injury above on her instagram page and wrote:
"This might be a little graphic but I just want to let everyone know that I am okay. I am a survivor of domestic violence with a boy I dated for 8 months. I really thought everything was fine but he constantly questioned me about cheating and flirting. Nonsense. I never looked at someone the way he looked at me. Thought I loved this boy. How can someone that 'loves' me do this to me? The scars on my chest are way worse and extend down to my right nipple, completely scarred. The skin on my shoulder has been completely skinned. And I have bruising on my rib cage, neck, and my muscles. I was kicked out of a moving vehicle, then beaten and dragged, as I blacked out and was left lying there in my own puddle of blood. Doctors said I could have died if not made it when I did. I am so blessed and beyond lucky to be alive and have so much support from friends, family, and strangers. As I try to recover I ask to please keep me in your prayers. I have to wear a neck brace for 3-4 weeks, an arm cast and I can barely walk for now. Thank you for all the love. I hope to be an inspiration to women and anyone involved in domestic violence.
She didn't say what happened to the guy that did this. See pics of Gabby before the brutal attack after the cut ...


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Obonna James said...

God forbid, no matter what, She is human.

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy!

Anonymous said...

My lord wat is dis choi im sad beyound words.

Anonymous said...

I just saw her post on instagram myself, she is very lucky to be alive, ppl usually die from such injuries! The man that did it is evil and should have his penis cut off. Ms Bee.

Anonymous said...

D guy is a beast, no gal deserves dis.glad she is ok though.

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy,this boy is wicked.

Unknown said...

pls,that guy needs to be dealt with......wats rubbish

patty said...

OMG datz so scary may God see her thru,I hope dey arrest d mad guy

Alloy Chikezie said...

Oh good Jesus! How can a human being have the heart to do this to a fellow human being? This is raw wickedness, I hate violence in relationship, and the worse part is that most times, it the woman that suffers, that's wat hurt me the more, I hate violence against women, the girl should take legal action against the boy, he mustn't go free, else he will beat another gilr like that

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Anonymous said...

Na this fine babe dem brush like that?? God go purnish that boy ooh.

Unknown said...


Ada said...

Please place the *viewers discretion advised*. Your question is apt; what happened to the person who did this?
This just reminds me of the lady who predicted her death in the hands of her ex-convict boyfriend.
I do not know what to say. It is not like there is a sign that says #violent person# beware on a guy's forehead or something. Take care dear

Soul said...

They are simply cowards. They should go and fight their sex na. Let's see if they will come out unscathed. My sister went through that for 8 months out of a 10 month relationship. She refused to listen to us saying the idiot loves her. After she was rushed to the hospital the last time with a deep gash on her lip, I called on some friends who went to the man's house and beat the bejesus outta him, with a threat to be killed if he comes near my sister again. Till date, he hasn't even as much as texted her. + he relocated so my mumu sister couldn't locate him when she left the hospital. All is well now. She's sad but I'd rather have her alive.

REXOVIC said...


Unknown said...

I am happy you are lucky to be alive, So Come Unto STELCH All Yee survivor of domestic violence, and he shall give you LOVE!!!

[Mischevious And Naughty]
>>My Comment Moderation Disabled<<

Anonymous said...

na wash jare. person wey dem beat reach like that no fit get time for insta-wetin?

Chika said...

U r d healed 1, God please have mercy on ur creation.

Stunt*** said...


Unknown said...

Jesus , thank God she's alive

Slimy said...

D devil himself left hell n inflicted deze injuries.... OMG sum guyZ ar jst DEVIL incarnate

Anonymous said...

na devil go punish dat inhuman piece of crap dat she calls her biofrnd..d guy is her nemesis..chai see clean babe wey dz bastard scatter,na doz kind guys i dey lik challenge for fyt i go kill am ni..abeg linda story dey vex me..i go pray for d girl quick recovery nd d bastard boifrnd fatal death..vince

Anonymous said...

Nawa 4 d guy o #sad# so happy u dint die.

Anonymous said...


Igor said...

I do not support men who turn their wives or girlfriend into punching bags,but the lady did not tell us why her boyfriend beat her up in this manner.

Anonymous said...

Any man that lays a finger on a woman isn't worth the title 'Man'.

If u observe, creatures like these who beat up women can never stand up to fight Men. Only picking on the weaker sex.

My dear girl,get well soon.

sahnzylyn said...

Too bad. .I saw the pics on vixen and waje's ig handle and decided to check her out.This is really sad.some guys though. ..I keep wondering how on earth a person could be so heartless. The sad part is some girls actually condone such violence and would prefer to stay in such abusive relationships..You hear things like 'the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know'.It really pisses me off when I hear such things from some girls. .Please any man who lays a finger on you is a coward!! And does not deserve a second of your time. .period! !!

niquese said...

Oh my!!!I don't just know what to say,but I have to say this,her boyfriend is a beast..what did she do so wrong that she had to get this??may God heal you dear

Unknown said...

this is a misfortune nd sadly on this part of the world this is treated as a normal occurence or a content on the news. there should place more penalties on this occurrence looking at the girl she could have died

Anonymous said...

This is just disturbing!!! The Fashion Engineer

Anonymous said...

Na wa o

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Noncence. She does't like her self, and i think there is something else she enjoyed more than the beating from the dude. Continue be with him my dear, u own ur life. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Unknown said...

Oops...... what can I say!

Unknown said...

This is a misfortune and its sad that in this part of the world such is treated as a normal occurence or a content on the news there should be more penalties to this , looking at the girl she coulda died

Anonymous said...

God will punish d animal.

Anonymous said...

Emasee o, this one don pass Don't be silly. What the hell is this!! All in the Name of Love?? Nne please run run run away from that beast in human form. I hope he gets severe punishment for this ugly act! But seriously what's wrong with some men, they can't control their level of jealousy just as they Don't have control over their Jonthomas. This is a complete nonsense!! Linda please where's this guy? Am very angry right now and I need his head on my plate!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear,such a beautiful girl..she's so Lucky to have survived this..Women should learn not to stay in an abusive relationships..its never worth it. But I hope the idiot that did this to her pays for it....


Unknown said...

It's such a barbaric act by her boyfriend.She should not be stupid enough to cover up for d guy.Proper action must be taken by reporting to d police αηδ get d guy arrested,probably jailed!!

Bonita Bislam said...

Choi that boyfriend is a beast.Is he the only man in the world? I want to believe she's seen his animalistic tendency before this happened but she was blindly in luv.Ladies shine your eyes o.Not every tall handsome guy is prince charming.some are monster charming

AnnMarie said...

such a pretty young girl scarred for life in the name of love

dominique said...

hope she gets well soon...the funny thing is that most of this men will still go back to this guyz. first time to comment linda pls post my comment o

CEO said...

The boyfriend needs to be jailed for life for beating a woman like this.. this is damn crazy..DAMN!!!

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

D@ guy nid 2 b lockup 4 lyf lyk hw cn u kick nd beat up sum1's child lyk dis nd she is so pweety....Uwa ka ehnnn

Anonymous said...

Love doesn't hurt,people do!! This has actually broken my heart,so sorry sister girl,u are really a survivor! U have absorbed it n u will teach d nx girl how u survived. Girl,boy need to undasnd dat love is a shield that protects not a raging storm! A grown up man,woman undasnd this. Jealousy is fear not love! I hope sm1 learnt a lesson frm this. Ur spirit is stronger that's why u survived this. Recover soon. Ify

Mo Unfiltered said...

Wow..this is really brutal... the guy is an animal

Anonymous said...

D guy shuld be tortured seriously for this.

Mo Unfiltered said...

Wow..this is really brutal... the guy is an animal

Unknown said...

Dis is pure madness, hes so insane to have done dis to some 1s daughter. Gurl pls we should sharpen our eyes wit all dis wolves parading themselves in human clothing.

Unknown said...

Thank God dat u know d kind of guy he is b4 is 2 late.sorry dear nd thank God 4 ur life.

Anonymous said...

Bera die single oh!
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

The Guy must Have been a criminal before.

Livvsreamblog said...

Maybe she dated all this chewing gum bois that doesnt know how to control their anger,but nevertheless the beating was bad...

truth be told said...

That guy is an animal,I'm sure his father use2 beat his mum,hw can a human being do dis 2 a lady.U̶̲̥̅̊ sef as U̶̲̥̅̊ small reach,wetin U̶̲̥̅̊ need boyfriend 4?but U̶̲̥̅̊ fine o!sorry sha

Unknown said...

Whoever inflict pain to this lady, may God punish yu, destroy yu, kill yu, burn yu and cast yu to hell were yu belong....

Unknown said...

this is pure inhumanity on humanity. how on earth could a human being possibly do that to a fellow. if you ask me i think she was manhandled by a 'wild animal'. what ever may have happened, she should not have been treated this way.

i pray for your recovery, girl. what a beauty u 'were', and would still and forever be

Toluwalope said...

God have mercy on us.....what's wrong with some guys gan? I think the guy who did this deserves to be locked up and punished for this.

Anonymous said...

Next Please

Unknown said...

When i saw her real pic.. She was such an angel because she is so damn beautifull... Seriously, beauty of this nature are not suppose to be going through this much pain i swear...... Justice must be served..

Aby said...

hmm, relationship/marriage matter is a very sensitive issue that one has to be very careful while commenting because Nobody knows what really transpired between them.

But i still want to says that there is no crime in this world(even murder) that justifies a man to beat his girlfriend/fiancee/wife.

Anonymous said...

Hnmmm,which kain luv,d guy mst b callous and shud nevr b left unpunished, luv ni luv ko

Anonymous said...

Babe better pull out all ur law wit n sue that son of B***ch down to his last penny. What a brute, ladies pls prepare for situations like this coz no one knows who a voilent man is until he xibit it. So some self defense classes will do u a lot of good. Be prepared to burst that testes if need be, what the hell. Sweet anonymous.

Anonymous said...

That dude ought to be killed I swear...if a man tries this with me he is surely going on vacation to kirikiri for life...mtchew

Anonymous said...

Why will a guy beat up a pretty girl like this #bright bravo#

Onyinye said...

What a beauty to behold! God of mercy nd compassion have mercy on us ladies.
Wish her speedy recovery. Her ex shud be prosecuted.

i am Tomi said...

That dude is a fucking bastard! he needs to be castrated....imagine wat he has done to such a pretty girl. Linda post my comment Oo

Unknown said...

Lord have mercy!


The pursuit for d finest tins of life has eaten deep in2 d hrt of d 21st century girls, hw can u be dating a monster nd u say u dating. Am sorry if my comment offends d female folks, am jst pissed @ d choices girls mk. Dat guy is an animal mhen. Even lion won't do dis

Anonymous said...

this is Injustice... Glad she is alive tu tell her stor
y.. i pity all dese girls in a complicated relationship....

Anonymous said...

This is insane. We women endure a lot. Even if she cheated, please leave her and find another person. Treating her like this does not justify any thing.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

U want rich bf abi!? U got one. I know the babe's bf - drug taking lunatic and rich. He's from Georgia.

Anonymous said...

Dis is serious,hw can a fellow human mal threat some one like dis,this is wickedness in high places.he must not go un punish at all.thank God for saving ur life dear,u hv to be more careful to choose any guy as ur boyfrnd,nxt time

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can only say God still loves u dats y u survive .if u r dead by now whr do u want to meet urself. Pls dear on dat sick bed u beta give ur life to Christ.n leave ds life of boi n girl friends bf it s too late cos ds end time n if u continue, u wl b seen guys like ds cos they r agent of darkness.a word s sufficient .....

May said...

Omg! These is close to death!! Whoever did this to her should be beaten to stupor and jailed. What's with men and being violent. Even if she cheats on u cnt he take a walk?. I hope she recuperate fast and I hope legal action is taken against the castrated devil behind this. All these stuff I read makes me sick and scared of getting married. She aint even enaged yet. It is well dear.

Chidimma said...

This is ridiculous

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Honestly speaking i hate hearing this. Mennnnn! You guys need to change ur attitude towards the way you treat women.

Anonymous said...

Poor thing and she is beautiful, it's well...

flave said...

Blood of Jesus!!! Wat cld she have done to deserve all dese frm an ord. boyfriend, dt demonic bf deserves to b jailed

Anonymous said...

May God punish him seriously, let him come to Nigeria and try it, dey will cut his dick dat made him think he's a man n give it to him to eat. Or beta stil organise beta thugs to beat hell out of him, naked him, use razor blade n cut his body frm head to toe rub cameron pepper mixed with ginger n garlic, n later pour spirit n finally sprinkle acid. And tie him to a tree under d hot sun 3day naked no food no water feed him with his sheet n urine. When ever he see any woman or girl he will respect them. Idoit!!!

Unknown said...

oh no........ this is serious

Anonymous said...

May God punish him seriously, let him come to Nnigeria and try it, dey will cut his dick dat made him think he's a man n give it to him to eat. Or beta stil organise beta thugs to beat hell out of him, naked him, use razor blade n cut his body frm head to toe rub cameron pepper mixed with ginger n garlic, n later pour spirit n finally sprinkle acid. And tie him to a tree under d hot sun 3day naked no food no water feed him with his sheet n urine. When ever he see any woman or girl he will respect them. Idoit!!!

Anonymous said...

Wat cud she av done to warrant such treatment frm ha bf? Dis is wickedness @ its peak>:O

Anonymous said...

GOD take control of your life bambii! i will definitely keep you in my prayers! get well soon! this is bullshit! and i hope that demon of a boyfriend goes to jail for attacking this poor girl! eating,sleeping and living with the enemy! prime example of how evil mankind is!

Anonymous said...

Ovoko dats horrible.I wish I can see dat dude Nd waste his life....dats girls anyway de always wanna b wit d bad boys.dont b surprise if she still goes bk to d dude

Anonymous said...

May God punish him seriously, let him come to Nnigeria and try it, dey will cut his dick dat made him think he's a man n give it to him to eat. Or beta stil organise beta thugs to beat hell out of him, naked him, use razor blade n cut his body frm head to toe rub cameron pepper mixed with ginger n garlic, n later pour spirit n finally sprinkle acid. And tie him to a tree under d hot sun 3day naked no food no water feed him with his sheet n urine. When ever he see any woman or girl he will respect them. Idoit!!!

Unknown said...

oh no..........this is serious oooooo

('-_-) IMPRESSION said...

This looks like a dream to me! But she should have said something about the boy. Hope she didn't let love seal her mouth and leave him scot free?

Anonymous said...

This boy is very wicked,hw he beat dat beautiful gul lyk dat. If is me I will nt date him again

Anonymous said...

May God punish him seriously, let him come to Nnigeria and try it, dey will cut his dick dat made him think he's a man n give it to him to eat. Or beta stil organise beta thugs to beat hell out of him, naked him, use razor blade n cut his body frm head to toe rub cameron pepper mixed with ginger n garlic, n later pour spirit n finally sprinkle acid. And tie him to a tree under d hot sun 3day naked no food no water feed him with his sheet n urine. When ever he see any woman or girl he will respect them. Idoit!!!

josh p said...

oopsss dat guy Na winchhhhhh o

Anonymous said...

Seriously,I could give a fuckless

Unknown said...

I support u too beta to die single than dis, my God is he a wild beast?

Joshua Samuel said...

Chei some boys are not worh it @ all..dats boy is surely a demon from hell..hw could he do dis to a lady like dis..

Unknown said...

Ladies stop falling for rude and rugged dudes that will make yu loose ur pride because thats one of greatest gift yu ladies got.... Yu tend to look at the little advantage yu gat frm hanging out with this bagas like mad fun and other related act but forgetten the disadvantages is by far worse like the brutality been rendered to this innocent lady..... Relationship is no childs play so if yu are not feeling it anymore, yu pick up ur ass and get out frm there other than staying there and hoping he changes while yu are still being abused but if yu feel like staying then stay, dont worry he will change when yu are already six feet....

Anonymous said...

Seriously,I could give a fuckless.Women usually know violent men but they still stay with them cos of money,"love" blah blah blah

Unknown said...

The guy must be an animal in human skin, if u tangible reason to beliv ur gal is cheating on u, y dnt u tek a walk. No mata wat Gabby did, dis treatment is unfair

Anonymous said...

Dat guy is a devil see how preety she was

Anonymous said...

Nawa ooo

Unknown said...

Bat guy! She must have done something terribly wrong but that does not warrant such a beat down. If she did some thing wrong like flirting , then the beat down Is well served as long as she does not die.if he is just a goat that loves to bet women, please press charges and bounce after wards.

Unknown said...

Sista thank God for ya Life.

You Quickly Realized you are dating a monster in human flesh.

Anonymous said...

Sincerly speaking this is totally can a normal human being beat his own girlfriend like he crazy or what? Thank God for her life sha she is alive after all the suffering he put her through...glory be to God almighty in heaven

Pastor caught with another man’s wife in Hotel room

Ashawo caught servicing her Customer in Public

SEE what this guy and his girlfriend are doing

OMG! Girl opens beer with her breast

Anonymous said...

All cos of love ur face be like dis.....thank God ur eyes quickly open and some mumu babes go still go back to the guy ooo

MissBusyBody said...

The guy should be hung, drawn and quartered... Pre-colonial style

Anonymous said...

thank God for your life. girls run away from domestic violent guys. such a cuttie, may God give u all the strength and support u need.
get well soon dearie

Olufunmi Akindele said...

OMG!!!!!am short of words.I wish u speedy recovery hun....that bastard will suffer for the rest of his life. on second thought, i pray God saves him before karma catches up with him. Ladies we need to be more careful ooo. BTW Happy birthday to me......

Anonymous said...

Sorry darling! U will get ovet it soon okay..I have nothing 2 say 2 your bf (x bf)..jus b fine so..n pls don't go back 2 him no matter how sorry he is,cos dia will b a next time n dat time might cost ur life.b wise okay? Sorry I bad seeing all ur pictures..

Unknown said...

I have seen the world famous beats by dre, this must be beats by nnamdi by friends once told me about. What kind of guys do u ladies fall for. A girl once told me she likes a guy that beats her up once in a while. It strengthens the relationship. Well thank God u re alive to tell ur own story. Pele.

katherine pierce said...

Fyn geh!com gaby beta leav dat beast o except u wnt tu die.evn if he begs frm nw til tomao refuse tu go bk tu him o

Opelicious Morgann said...

D guy is sooooo heartless!!! I perfectly understand what she's been through. All I can say girls is that if a guy constantly calls you 50 times a day demanding your location, snooping your phone, asking u questions of your male friends or any guy at your work place, he's not being loving. He is a a potential abuser and before you can say YEPARIPA, he's turned you into a punching bag. Ladies, wise up.

This guy is heartless and I hope she reported him to the police. The crazy thing is d bastard will come begging when she's healed.

Miss Foxy said...

Thank God he didn't kill her! Pretty Girl...Some men can be brutally jealous sha.

charles said...

this is too bad. women should be carseful and choose their men wisely. Money isnt everything. Before it got to this extent,this babe must have seen the sign but she chose to stay on cos of money. Nigerian women make their decisions but dont want to face the consequences of such.

FROM Linda Ikeji Future Husband

jossy said...

Thank God u re alive, and I pray He perfects ur healing, whr dia is life dia is hope. Pls be careful wt ur choice of guy next time.

Anonymous said...

good for her,there mouth too the run


Thank God for ur least u are alive to share ur story...

mayree said...

Jesu Christi,d bf mst b a murderer,dis is really bad...

Unknown said...

Girl sorry o, but seriously that is not domestic but wild violence! Hmm, hope he's in jail already?

Anonymous said...

When will us women learn our lessons? If we are committed to do the will of God, His goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life. Imagine this rubbish. Friend ni friend ko
Beware of devil Jn 10:10

Anonymous said...

Gurls cld be very annoying most times.... bt there is no justification wat so ever for dis brutality. Dat guy shld be put behind bars for a fuckin long time lest he does same to another gurl. Accept ma sympathy lady.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, don't stay in an abusive relationship whether emotional or physical abusive. If he hits you once, you can bet your ass on it he'll do it again. Some men can be completely heartless, as they don't know what it means to bring a humanbeing into the world and to nurture that being, they can be severely lacking in compassion.
If he is mean to you, then he doesn't love you, LEAVE!

Anonymous said...

My foolish baby daddy did the same to me...called the police and about to run for my dear life. Ladies watch out for the early signs. There is no excuse for domestic violence especially when a child is involved.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Omg! Ds is jus so inhumane,went true this in d hands of my Ex too.had too leav him for gud,pray God gives me my own man someday dat wil treat me right and respect me.pls women flee frm violent men dey are worse dan lions!

yooh said...

D guy should be jailed...dats crazy,wat if he had killed her,all bcos of child's play.....
Sorry beauty....

Anonymous said...

Tnk God for ur alive o
some guys are Hegoat.

Anonymous said...

Dis is inhuman, i praY he will met up wit his wicked act soon. Ynk God 4ur life, u will alwYs b a TestimonY ova uR enemies.

Anonymous said...

Thunder fire u there!!! If na ur sis carry dis kind face come back na wetin u go talk...antelop like u.

asbgist said...

Sis Linda ooooo! I jus saw dis on twitter and its already here... Am following her up on twitter... They guy dat did it to her is rugged, some1 comment on her 'beaten' pic that d guy is a cop

Justyswt said...

I hope the beast rut in jail.

Anonymous said...

Thunder should locate d bastard...ehn see better pikin fine girl na him dis guy take pratice panel beating

Toyeen Alimi said...

H̶̲̥̅̊♡̷̴̬̩̃̊w̶̲̥̅̊ can anyone be this wicked. I'm pretty sure he has sisters and maybe female cousins....I sincerely hope he dies in jail for doing this to a woman

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The guy shud b takin 2 kirikiri

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what she had done. she was most def caught cheating red handed. the cos of cheating can be very costly. sorry tho.

Anonymous said...

@ desmond, ur a mighty fool.. I pray u beat your mother one day.IDOIT of u. CLIP...

Anonymous said...

Well, that is just one side of the story. Nobody has heard the other side. Gals are certified cheats and liars. Who knows what she must have done to his lunatic boy friend to deserve this. Buh haba, guys should take a break from laying hands on women. It only portrays your weakness as a man.

Anonymous said...

lets get serious, no man will ever beat a lady like dis if he dint catch her cheating..... she is only saying half of the story.

Anonymous said...

the babe cheat nii jor

Unknown said...

Human being dey for dz world o" am speechless mehn. Wot a wicked boy!

Opelicious Morgann said...

Hahahahahaha dat punishment is very befitting!

chilly said...

Guys R animals...they claim they in. love yet insecurity is der first love.Smh.hope u get well soon

Anonymous said...

He could have killed her. Is the bastard in police net yet? He should be jailed for this.

Opelicious Morgann said...

I hope your mum and sisters and all d women in ur family get dis kind of treatment. Idiot!

Mystic Falls said...

WTH..the guy na Floyd Maywhether ni..On a serious note,the guy is heartless and needs a jail time for this brutality,she's really lucky to be alive.

MR. GENTLE said...

so merciless, damn a guy with such a wicked heart. Lord have mercy

Walata said...

Omg dis very scary why on earth would de guy beat his girl friend like dis, I guess the guy is demonic or he's high or bad tempered, I wish they will lock him up for years so dat his nerve will be calm wtf

Unknown said...

Just like the movies

Anonymous said...

See how she is dressed, Ashawo, showing all that cleavage, probably trying to look sexy to attract other men, even though she has a boyfriend. she looks like the type of girl that likes to give men problems and headache, just because she thinks she is pretty. serves her right. mctchheeew. Any girl that makes her man feel insucure is not worth it.

wanny said...

God punish dt boi, c wat he has dne to dis pretty gurl......soonest recovery Gabrielle

Anonymous said...

OMG, This is just wrong. Poor girl.

Anonymous said...

she looks dumb joor. maybe looking for world sympathy, probably all this feminist women organisations fooling themselves preaching equality and female rights will recognize her, interviews and shit, put money in her pocket. she knows what she is doing.

Anonymous said...

So you wait till he beat you and drag hell of you! you might av seen d sign since u av started dating him dat he is an idiot... mo jeri ara mi Lizybabe. Tank God you are ok sha and pls don't lemme hear he comes begging and you open ur legs for him.. trust you sha lol

proflinks said...

They always go back 2 d guy, lyk ma senior bro who beats shit outta his g.f on a regular basis and d stupid, dumb gal still comes back 2 him nd recently they are planning on moving in 2geda.

Anonymous said...

If I happen to her by now that dude would probably be swimming with the fishes communion must take place

Anonymous said...

This guy needs to spend his entire life in jail.

Anonymous said...

It is not about rude rugged dudes my dear. My abuser is a 37 year old church goer and he is educated. It is about emotional and mental instability that makes a man beat a woman.

Anonymous said...

You are an animal and a beast. Idiot!

Funmy Kemmy said...

What a great wickedness!

Anonymous said...

You are a deranged bastard for this comment. I don't think you have a mother or a sister. May you never find love in your miserable life.

Unknown said...

Shes lucky she made it alive...Thank God


LEEZ said...

Oh my! The guy must be apprehended.

Unknown said...

This is brutal, but there are forces or panel or investigation team in charge of cases like this. She should endeavour to report this issue to them, instead of publicising it.

Anonymous said...

such a pity.............that nigga deserves to be jailed just like this
Security man that r*ped a woman, then proposed to her

Anonymous said...

d guy is an animal i agree, but this babe is an idiot!! whatttttt!!! how can u allow a guy do this to you?? am sure this wld likely nt av been d first beating, he must av bin doing this bit by bit!! stay there and be posting pictures on instagram until he kills u.. your ghost wld post ur corpse for us to see den .. rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

HA am short of words wat did she do to deserve all this mess, bruises OMG

Anonymous said...

Some of the ignorant people commenting on this story are just annoying me. Even if she cheated nko? Why would you ever do this to another human being? Thank God she didn't die. And for him, obviously, his life is over cos his ass is gonna go to jail.
And for those stupid people saying she must have cheated, may someone do this to your daughters. Mchewwww

Anonymous said...

has she said this should server as a lesson to those still covering there killers in mask all in the name of love, you better ran out before they kill you and has for that bad boyfriend, jail am straight.... no story

Soul said...

@edDreams, sweetie, it's the calm and successful ones that are the bruts ooooo. Walahi. The man that hurt my sister was an regional manager in a top bank bank. He's a 37 year old, very classy and debonnaie. I was even jealous of my sister sef. But who knew the beasts that lived inside of him. Check the records. The likely ones to do that are never the ones who do.

Lilian said...

Anon 2:24 Use speak like a demented idiot and the comment you depicted is very abysmal. Even if she shows all her bare body, u think its right for her to go through such maltreatment. I respective of who is at fault, she shouldn't be beaten that way. The last I can recall is that a mere boyfriend has no right to do so.

ary said...

how do you do this to a person you claim to love? What the hell kinda jealousy is this? Damn!!!! He ruined the girl's look.

onye nsogbu said...

Wait ooo! Even armed robbers wont dare to beat u like dis!! I'll personally brief this guys existence here on earth. He needs to go back to hell where he belongs!! Baybay, ndo oh! Sorry e yea?

Unknown said...

This is pure wickedness, some pple r just meniacs who shud'nt be allowed 2 roam d earth

Oluwadamilola said...

Is this real? Jeeez!

Anonymous said...

shebi girls want rich bad boys as bf...then this is simply an occupational hazard...after all worse has happened to naija runs babes

Man Of God said...

thank ur God dat u escaped death! i advise u on ur thinking senses & run for ur dear life

Mega Don Tee said...

These pictures do not represent beating it look more like accident. If you look closely at her chest the marks there is like one is dragged on tarred road and her leg. Beating does not Look like this. Though the story is pathetic

Mega Don Tee said...

These pictures do not represent beating it look more like accident. If you look closely at her chest the marks there is like one is dragged on tarred road and her leg. Beating does not Look like this. Though the story is pathetic

Anonymous said...

Omo see fyn girl...d guy is a GOD fore sacking. Bastard

onye nsogbu said...

I fink I have a name for this story....

Oluwadamilola said...

Is this real?

Unknown said...

Waashere!!! R u sure u r not my mother's child? Lol
Pls let's meet ooo I'm looking for my other LIB siblings

Anonymous said...

U guyz might b shouting ds is outrageous, ds is stupid, ds is evil, ds is whatever. But one thing I want u guyz to knw is "behind every action lays a reason". I will confidently tell u guyz dt ladies are responsible for their pain and molestation dey received from men.
Firstly, african ladies presently tend to love handsome guys dt has car and little cash, a guy dt doesn't respect, love, care or cherish dem, a guy dt beat and sexually molest dem in every mistake dey made. And I coat "a guy dt beat u 2day will surelly kill u 2moro".
Secondly, african ladies defined modelling as an act of nudity (wrong taught). Modelling is when u dress modestly but yet look sexy and highly attractive. Its not abt showing ur nudity to d world to see. Ur body should b what every man is craving to see and have not craving to touch and leave. If u are into nude or undies modelling den look for a guy dt will understand u and d kind of job u do.
Thirdly, 80% of african ladies don't really knw what dey need in man. Apart from being handsome, well presentable, financially stable at list to an axtend, d main thing a lady should concider in chosing her man is being happy around him and being her self around him. I coat "love is not born when happynes is not conceived".
Thus I end my comment saying girls are responsible for their pain.
My question to LIB ladies.
1) Are u ur self around ur guy?
2) Are u sure of ur/his love?
3) Are truthful to ur self?
KASH said "PEACE" tnx

Unknown said...

U r not alright. D psychiatrist is ur friend u know? Visit him...... So if she flirts he can beat her????? Wayray nie

Unknown said...

Oloriburuku no gbogbo iran e.... She's not from ur judgemental country n when did skimpy during summer become insecurity? Come here n feel how hot summer is na

Anonymous said...

Aren't you contradicting yourself,you fool.

Anonymous said...

God wud punish u,bastard animal,senseless goat

Unknown said...

haha! dis is indeed a cumbersome brutality. well, dis has shown the kind of husband he would be, so take heed. wish u quick recovery

Anonymous said...

The guy need to be sentenced. for real!

Unknown said...

dis is indeed a cumbersome brutality, dis has shown the kind of husband he would be, so take heed. wish u quick recovery!

Unknown said...

haha! dis is indeed a cumbersome brutality. well, dis has shown the kind of husband he would be, so take heed. wish u quick recovery

Apple said...

That is serious. I think the guy's mother is a prostitute and his father an armed robber.

Anonymous said...

U r insane, cn u hear dats d excuse.ode!

Sally Rue said...

We need an update on this story. We need to know if the animal is going to rot in jail.

Anonymous said...

If she goes bck to d guy, she hs a death wish. She hd prolly bin seeing his violent ways in bites n pieces, bt ignored it

Anonymous said...

Hw wld u? Wen u cn do d same. Aturu

Anonymous said...

True talk @soul
Bt i av noticed dey show signs dt we women ignore cos we r so much in love.

Anonymous said...

U r MAD!! So even if she ws a flirt she deserves d beat down? I cn c u doing dis. U better lock urself in a cage with tigers n save d world from trash like u.

Anonymous said...

Enuf of this heyaa, where is the animals now you should have his picture so everyone puts it up...even the beast will not have sleep when he sees his face up in hate for me...STOP ALL IS ITS PATHETIC! And ACT! If u like don't post this......ACTTTTTTT

Anonymous said...

Dat girl dt told u dt hs psychological problems +inferiority complex

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