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Ibim Semenitari is the Rivers State Commissioner for Information |
Meanwhile, the deputy registrar of University of Port Harcourt, Williams Modi, said the school will issue a statement once they get all the facts - I.e, the true identities of the victims and what actually transpired on the day of the reported incident.
Also, I heard that residents of the community have started fleeing the area to avoid being arrested. Please continue...
Before I broke the story on Friday, I spoke with three different UNIPORT students, one of them my cousin (he was the one who sent the story to me) and they all said the same thing. That the Aluu community said they killed these boys because they stole. I asked the students what the victims supposedly stole, and they said - the people who killed them said they stole phones and laptops. That was why I made that my headline...
But since then, we've heard different versions of what happened on that early Friday morning...different versions! Below is another one...which suggests the boys didn't steal the phones and laptop but took it by force...

At this point, I really don't care what these boys did. Not that I condone any form of crime, but there's no excuse for what the Aluu community did to these boys. No excuse! Even people that have been prosecuted for a crime and condemned to die are shown some kind of respect. These boys were treated like animals. Maybe even worse. Animals we kill for consumption are not treated like this. So we must all rise and condemn this act. This is the land that will be home to our children and children's children.
The right to life is a fundamental right!
1 – 200 of 270 Newer› Newest»Thumbs up linda ,God bless you ..
Hallelujah! Thank You Lord. 4 those who av escaped, it's either ul b caught or ul die a most painful and gruesome death.
The Campaign shall continue linda!!! everyone in that Community should be arrested, included the asshole that was shouting thief thief...
This is Murder!!!!!!!!!!
Linda, I commend you for your investigative journalism. Thank you for doing what you can to bring closure to the families of the victims. You are blessed and we are solidly behind you. b
This is appalling! Sick nd utterly disgraceful to naija. What r we turning into?sad!!! Plslinda keep making noise bat it so pplewnt forget till justice is done! I'm heart broken.
thank God they have caught those murderers!
This better be true...
Am hoping for more arrest
Not only arrest but persecution in the court of law...
Hav neva bin d same sinc i hrd dis story. And i pray dat al perpetrators of dis dreadful act be brot 2book in next to no time. #JUSTICE 4 ALUU#!!!
I tink d guy who started shoutin "thief thief" should be arrested.gosh wot an unfortunate incident
Thank GOD some arres has bee made
This is the most horrific and gruesome act I've ever seen. What is this country becoming. How on earth would people with blood running through their veins actually watch such a thing happening? Its soooo heartbreaking..the sorrow and nightmares they have put the families- especially the mothers of these ones through is unimaginable. This people have taking heartlessness and wickedness to a whole new level.How savage! How pedestrian!How low can we go as human beings. Please if anyone driving hits a pedestrian on the road, DO NOT STOP. This just might be the end. A word is enough for the wise. I just pray this would not be like all the other cases which would be talked about for a couplle of weeks and then silence......
Yes,I'm sooo hapi 2hear dis cuz av bin so down snce I watchd d video.... My heartfelt condolences 2d families of d victims. SO SAD!
"Justice must be done even though d heaven falls"
Nigeria has gone past jungle justice, for us to be respected by other countries,there's need to respect d sanctity of d humanlife. Sporadic action is so uncalled for.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
I am in this fight together with you,Linda.This barbarism has to stop.What is becoming of Nigeria?So much crime.I will fight for myself and my children bcos I can't live in a whiteman's land forever.The incompetent bastards in power should get out cos we need change.We can't keep watching things get worse everyday.Uniport students why are u keeping silent?Greatest Ife students would have fought back mercilessly.ALUTA CONTINUA VICTORIA ACERTA.
The govt should deal with those guys who committed the act,including the vigilantees
This is a serious matter!
Who is the guy that was owing them?
By the way was the traditional ruler part of the mob?
I'm of the opinion so many wrongs have been done already, no need 4 more.
We as a nation should use this opportunity to review our justice system.
The Police force has a lot of repenting to do.
The boy who owed the money should be arrested too and sentenced to death.... I have not recovered from the shock of that video! I cried my eyes out! These guys can't die in vein! I'l fly to ph and protest if that would make a difference! Justice must be served!
this is really sad!! such wickedness even to the extent of videoing instead of calling the authorities. peoples children. they dont even knoow what it took their parents to train them to that level..... God will avenge their death. they will know NO peace.......
Just reading dis 2nd conversation brings tears 2 my eye cz if deres a possibilty dat dis is wot really happened den dias just no xcuse.(Nt dat dia wz eva any)
NYC-1 says: Is about time Niaja govt created a lasting impression that jungle justice has no place in the society. No matter what happens, these promising guys are gone and their families may never get over it for the rest of life. I pray and hope that these people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law to serve as a deterrent to future occurence. It is good to know that the police have made arrests. I hope that those arrested are the real barbarians and not innocent people. We owe it to our coming generations to make the world a better place. Thank you Linda for creating awareness. We are in this together. My condolence to the families of these promising guys.
If d 2nd version of d story is what really happened,d guy in question should be arrested. no matter what they don't deserve to die this way.
These students were cult members who staged an attack on another cult member for the purpose of overthrowing his regime.It was not an armed robbery attack contrary to what people were led to believe.
Linda, I av never had cause to post a comment on your blog but this story is just beyond horrifying!!! How people can even do this to fellow human beings is beyond me. I sincerely hope with the arrest of the tradition head of this cannibalistic community, some of the culprits will be fished out and brought to justice.
These students were innocent.. they were just killed for nothing and this is the case of a failed nation that cannot protect its citizens and provide adequate security for life's and property... i ask Nigerians to stand up and defend these young Nigerians>>> and as they say the youth are the leaders of tomorrow
Nekii Deedee Kosa: I'm a student of uniport,and if you have an iota of idea what students and the locals of Aluu community experience in the hands of robbers on a daily basis,even in broad day light, then you will not be quick to judge the pepertuators of this act. My classmate was killed month's ago in this same community on his way to his room,by a group of guys who wanted his phone. He wouldn't oblige and he was murderd in cold blood. What did the police do? Nothing. Did you hear of it? Of course not,cause nobody put it up on facebook? On two different occasions,my female friends,were raped and robbed on their way to their off campus rooms after school,at about 8pm. What did the police do? Did you hear about that? I personally came back from school one day and everything in my room was gone! My refrigerator,laptop,tv,everything! That was the day i made a resolve never to stay off campus for the rest of my stay in school. I took what was left of my properties straight to the campus hostel. I didn't even bother reporting nothing to no police cause i knew it would be useless. Numerous and i mean numerous of such crimes happen in Aluu on a DAILY basis. These people have cried to the govt and yet nothing is done. Police,police everyday,yet a criminal is never caught. So what do you expect? I'm in no support of this evil killing of these young men,don't misunderstand me,but maybe this cruel vigilante system is the only way these people have deemed fit to protect themselves. It reminds me of the "bakassi boys" of the eastern communities of the old. This is an outcry to the goverment. They should expect much more of such dastardly acts. If they won't protect the people,the people will protect themselves
Just received this BC on my BB;
My personal investigation reveals that the Uni port students are not thieves,no arms found on them,they went to recover debt from a friend" who now refused to pay, they seized his lap top and he started shouting thieves on them. One of them escaped,I just got his contact now." "@dino_melaye:...by Hon. Dino Melaye
Awwww...dis is soo cruel! Gosh dis guys re young nd no mata wat dey did death is nt jst it...justice must prevail*tears*
If this is the true story d guy dat shouted thief is also responsible for their death,he should have clarified d situation,instead of allowing the boys to b beaten to death,
#JusticeforAluu4. Good progress Report.
As a journalist I went on an investigative journalism and my findings was that d guys are not thieves but cultist on a mission to kill the leader of their cult group. These guys are from rich homes, two of them move on jeeps. They were incensed by the overbearing attitude of their cult leader and decided to topple him. Not knowing that the place was in the radar by some resolute vigilante boys following persistent handset theft and rape, five of them embarked on a journey around 3am with their axe and knife on hand trying to gain entry into their targets abode. The target who is their cult leader was however sensitive enough to notice their presence and started screaming - 'thief, thief' which attracted the attention of the vigilante who rounded them off. One out of the five cult guys escaped allbeit with a gunshot wound he sustained from the vigilante while trying to escape. It was this 5th cult guy that escaped but later died in Agip that narrated the ordeal before he died that gave us the tip that they were set up as thieves instead of an equally bad CULTIST. The things they claim was stolen was never found on them and perhaps some persons wanted them dead all their confessions were waved. I agree Cultism itself is a social problem, but to take a life on the guise of what he did not do is injustice. Perhaps it's God's way of giving the cult leader another chance to renounce an embrace God, who knows he would have been the one dead had he not employed the false accusation alarm. I think all relevant investigative agencies shld come into this matter especially why some group of persons should defy police order to hand over a criminal. Don't get me wrong, for attempting to take a soul they deserve to be paid in their coin but this should be done within the armbit of the law not unsubstantiated accusations and taken laws into our hand in the name of vigilante. One of d major militia groups in Rivers state started with a vigilante and we will not want a repetition of that. THANKS
linda. i feel your pain and anger and i share your emotions, we need to start orientating our people that our justice system is credible. we need to understand y this wicked act of jungle justice started in the first place. sooo sad. sooo very sad. whether they r criminals or not..this should never have happened and a stigma should be put on alu community for what happened to the promising young men...may their souls rest in peace
That's good. The perpetrators of this brutal and useless act called jungle justice should be arrested and charged with murder. I think about the video and i have goose bums all over. How can human beings be so brutal to the fellow beings. no amount of crime deserves that sort of death.
Haba naaaaaaaaaa... See its not hard DAT community is already cursed cos dos are innocent bloods,NO MATTER WHAT their crime was nobody deserves to be killed like DAT Na habaaaaa... How wuld dia families feel? Had one was d only child even.. Its really sad.. Saw d video today couldn't watch it,d fool killing even had d heart to kip hitting d poor boy nd was saying nd I quote. "e never die well I go kill u make u die". Those pple need to be arrested.. They have absolutely not right to take anyone's life.. And for d bastards DAT went out screaming thief after owing them dats if its wat really happened cos its different stories,he needs to be apprehended too.. I jst pray those murderers would be caught.. May their souls rest in peace Amen.. Soooo sad.
I love u linda, may GOD bless u..I ve bn uneasy since I saw pictures n watched d video briefly...I just cldnt finish d video...am still nt ma sef..being a mother has really made me so emotional..just imagine wat d parents re goin tru...I wish afta d culprits re brought 2 justice dose boys wld cme back alive..dis is so sad..buh the GOD that is on that throne will expose every1 involved they can't run 4 too long..linda thank u 4 ur good heart n 4 making dis story come 2 life...may GOD bless u -kayden's mum
Haba naaaaaaaaaa... See its not hard DAT community is already cursed cos dos are innocent bloods,NO MATTER WHAT their crime was nobody deserves to be killed like DAT Na habaaaaa... How wuld dia families feel? Had one was d only child even.. Its really sad.. Saw d video today couldn't watch it,d fool killing even had d heart to kip hitting d poor boy nd was saying nd I quote. "e never die well I go kill u make u die". Those pple need to be arrested.. They have absolutely not right to take anyone's life.. And for d bastards DAT went out screaming thief after owing them dats if its wat really happened cos its different stories,he needs to be apprehended too.. I jst pray those murderers would be caught.. May their souls rest in peace Amen.. Soooo sad.
U r so right dear.doesn't matter wat dey did anymore.d pple dat killed them need psych consult for craziness.their deaths were so gruesome n heartbreaking.no reason is enough justification to take a man's life.May their souls rest in perfect peace Amen
Justice. Justice. Justice! I don't care either, they should have handed them over to the police and the truth would have prevailed.
But instead, they killed in the worst way ever by savages. May all those who had a hand in their deaths never know peace, their children will be cursed for this.
Justice. May God have mercy on the souls of these four young men cut short in their prime.
linda, like i said before i feel your pain and anger. alu or oolu community should be stigmatised and blacklabelled for some time to come. for u to see children and murder them in cold blood is just babaric. at the end of the day we would now blame politicians and the police for the ills in the society when people like the people or aalu are killing human beings at will. however i also think we should address the root cause of jungle justice and address it to its bearest minimum.
if d 2nd story is true, den it is even more pathetic. In law, dia actions of confiscating d debtors properties can successfuli b argued unda d head of Honest Claim of Property. I hope the debtor is also arrested and prosecuted 4 conspiracy 2 commit murder!
Praise the Lord. They all have to pay the price of their evil act.
Praise the Lord. They all have to pay the price of their evil act.
Linda, i was upset u did not post my earlier comment but i am too impressed a young woman like u can speak out against injustice... pls help us get to the bottom of this case. Dont let them sweep this under the carpet. Innocent boys killed for no reason by bursting open their heads ....we need to see the face of that tramp that burst the poor boys brains. I am so upset... please what about this peti now...
Reading that bbm message makes my eyes teary... wasted the boys lives for nothing.. wat a wicked world.
May that community never have peace, they have shed the blood of 4 young men in a very horrible way ( i watched the video and i am in shock).
whether they stole or not I don't care, these are our fellow human beings! When did Nigerians become so unfeeling, people were taking pictures and videoing. That chief should face murder charges and he should be hung along with the rest of the murderers. Anyone renting a house in Aluu should leave that place, they are animals and barbarians.
@ linda may God bless u , I've been sick ever since I watched d video 2day its awful its wrong and justice must prevail ! #cant stop crying# May their soul rest in perfect peace and May God grant their families d heart to bear the loss .Ameen (zaynab aka @peelal)
Gosh!I haven't been able to do anythn reasonable since 6am wen I watched d video!its barbaric n demeaning!Nigerians have no value for human life!human life is memeant to be sacred bt here we don't recognise d fact that people struggle on sick beds fightin for this breathe and some senseless people out there snuffed it out of dose boys!really sad cus I just kip replayin d video in my head!dre thots at dat time n all d unsspoken words in them!I pray and hope dose people are caught n others learn dre lessons dat on no account shld someone be killed like dat I don't care wat dre offence was!it wasn't just right!!!
Aluu community ,u have murdered sleep.Your land will never be fertile again.No man or woman from Aluu shall ever be productive again.Sorrow and destruction awaits your sons and ur daughters alike.The blood of these young boys wasted on your soil shall hold Aluu down forever.
linda, i gotta let you know you're a good woman!!, fighting for justice is the best thing human beings can do in assisting eachother!! ... Nice job!!
linda, i gotta let you know you're a good woman!!, fighting for justice is the best thing human beings can do in assisting eachother!! ... Nice job!!
I don't believe that story of someone shouting thief. It that was true then the person would have stopped the murderers when it got too far to say lets not kill them or something. I think it was something else but no matter what it was wrong for them o be killed like that. Haba
Jesus christ oooo, what a waste? God this guys are sons of a fellow women like me ooo*crying*
All your hands are stained with blood. How many of you in the deepest recesses of your black, dirty hearts have not wished another harm.
Hypocrites will come on here and pretend outrage, when all you do is wish death on others.
Get your priorities right (it's too late anyways, all your hands are stained with the blood of the innocent).
d person dat raised 4 false alarm shld be arrested & prosecuted
Just thinking about the parent of dis boys.
Linda, this particular case MUST not be swept under the carpet......Justice must be done, the people who killed those guys MUST be made to face the same slow but painful death the boys passed through. #JusticeforAluu4
Your ignorance continues to shine through.
This is the land that will be home to our children and children's children? Really? That's if the land hasn't broken up by then.
Students of Uniport should pls wait patiently for six good months, then raid d d entire community, kill them n roast them all alive. That community must learn from experience. See Mothers dt will not wait to eat d fruit of their labour were bold enough to watch d killing of glorious children. God pls av mercy on their souls, even if they stole, they were harmless wen they caught them, they shld av handed them over to d Police. As for d police, it is where they r not needed dt they'll b found, none of them came to rescue till this evil act was successfully carried out, am sure they will now blow siren up n down dt street, useless pple.
this is really sad i couldn't bring myself to watch the video and quite frankly i don't think i want to. I hope their families get justice such senseless killings it doesn't matter what crime they allegedly commutted what that communty did was senseless and brutal
All this just shows the sign of end time. Am still short of words. All I can say is may God have mercy on his children and protect us all so we won't b at the wrong place at the wrong time. Vengeance is of the lord. He would bring to book everyone involved in dis barbaric act.
Even the next community close 2 aluu-'alakahia' do d same tin.. They treat students lyk animals n even the police close-by are not honest. I dont even knw y they involved police instead of d army.
thank God, finally some progress, i hope we really see the end of this o, and it wont be swept under the carpet.
What happened was wickedness at its peak. I cldn't finish watching the video. It was horrible. The guy who raised the alarm should be arrested...and he cldn't even stand up for them before things got out of hand... So unfair. That community should be dealt with. May the Lord comfort their families.#JusticeforAluu4
even if they were cultists, or thieves or murderers or watever, no HUMAN BEING deserves to die like this. i can't bring myself to watch that video. nawa for PH people. now i know why my mum is scared of them. they can be wicked and crazy, especially if you are not an indigene.
NO nEEd 2 tEll sOmeOne gO 2 Hell. Just Say gO 2 "ALUU" and Burn 2 Ashes! That's whErE d dEvil rEsidEs. Smhhhhhhh, dis was so extrem. God has mercy on us, de whole Nigerians are sure not save. Justice really needs to be done ASAP
Good one.
@Linda...This is so so disheartening. I also heard from a reliable source that they didn't steal, but only went to collect the money owed.
It is heartbreaking that women in that community couldn't help save these young men. The man in the video with big check shirt (i think it was blue) should be arrested. No matter their crime, would he want his own son to be treated that way? I wouldn't be surprised if he is related to the person who raised the alarm...
I sympathise with the parents of these young boys, whose destinies have been ruthlessly cut short.
Only God almighty can have mercy.
That community shld be burnt down and the gov shld show no mercy to the killers. young boys killed as if they were not humans. i cant stop crying after viewing that video...The parents of the boys shld not let that case rest no matter what the young men did. May their souls rest in peace. justice for the young men.
Aluu-eme.... no pun intended. They must pay with their blood.karma must play out its full course.why are ppl always bitter about ajepikins...sotey any small issue evryone will hurriedly pounce on Dem wtout confirming.
Shame to de fool dat was ownin & refused to pay but turn around to call dem thieves, their blood will be on his head, i wonder how he has been livin wit himself since den. Am an ex student of Uniport, Uniport is has α hard campus but notin as horrible as dis has ever happened dere. God help us.
Linda I love you and love your spirit even at this computer age some people still have the gut to kill these boys in this maner.their plans was that nigerians will congratulate them now the reverse is the case.this is not a lawless country yes!some things hapening atimes makes it look as it we live in a lawless country but we shouldnt take laws into our hands its a double calamity for them...those arested should be executed imediately.and for the villagers why are they running?let them stay since they think we dont have law.this community shall never see peace not even a man of god wil deliver the land from the calamity coming to befall them.i hate this country I just want to leave god answer my prayer.
First thing 1st, the police in that community should all lose their jobs and should be jailed, that act must have taken over an hour so what were dy doing.what is our country turning into everyone in that video must go to jail. I am a mother I just can't imagine my child going via that beating talkless of burning.I automatically hate the people of Aluu
hitting somebody on the head like a big snake is just too bad. This video is just depressing!
Linda, dis is my first comment ever since u broke dis news on Friday. The video link was sent to me by a friend but I dare not open it. Right now, all I can say is....... My hrt BLEEEEDS
The Chief should be striped of his title for condoning such violence on those youths. He should be tried with his cohorts and jailed if guilty. What a human waste!
Thank God
hmmm....Lesson for All....If U ar in school.....dont join bad Gang.........Dont be a Cultists..thinkin U can Do and Undo............I kno what i hv seen.....ds Cultists acts like dey ar god most times.....they go about causin other pple Pain.........All d same,,,,,I @GALORE second d Motion Moved by LINDA.......Justice for ALLU4......I so second
God did not create us for all this...he didn't.and I feel deeply sad over this killing...look at how those boiz were killd!see how one of dem jumped up after he felt the heat of the fire!now...I really do not care if dey stole or if they were cultists...no one deserves to die like dt.am scared of this country now nd am sincerely not proud to be calld a nigerian animre.no law,no justice,no ruling,every1 wntd to take justice in2 his own hands.May their souls rest in peace but nt until dey find d ppl especially dt man dt kept on hitting dem wif stones nd plankes.May God have mercy
This is very good Linda. Justice shall prevail.
I no fit vex again sef... Our security operatives in dis country re so inefficient I feel so insecure as a nigerian right now. Dis thing d boys did is a very normal thing 4 students, we seize things of people dat re in our dept all d time, dey only went very early in d morning so dey could see dia debtor at home not because dey wanted steal. #justice 4 aluu 4.... Chyk
Dear God, today I cried and prayed for d souls of these youngmen..cos it hurts to know what dey went through while taking their last breaths ..may their gentle souls rest in d bossom of the almighty..n may d culprits b brought to justice.signed ruby
True,we have 2 rise n stop dis 4rm happenin again...wicked sons of d devil
I still feel very sad over the killings of these young men. Something had better be done o. The persons involved in dis evil act should be given the same treatment. Rubbish!
This is just so sad, may God be with their families
When criminals are to be executed(by lethal injection,hanging,or by whatever method,) iτ is done as quickly as possible. These young men weren't even close to being armed!
The guy who was hitting them with the stick must have killed severally in the past! ¢Ïƒs he did the act with so much relish! I can't even stand a "goat" being slaughtered!RIP UNIPORT 4!
so after all dis guys were innocnet.i thank god that arrest have bin made and also that guy should be arrested.may their r.i.p
Hope when they are caught justice would be served,cos I heard dos guys who killed cynthia okogun hav been released on bail..they need to serve as an example to all d odas who believe in jungle justice..#damn murderers#
Anyone who laid their hands one dis one the cry of their mother will judge dem. Just imagine training a child to dis level and some pple kill them over a crime dey weren't sure off. May God give their families to grace and power to bear dis tragic lose *AMEN*
Nigerians,i dont thing we have govt in our country or has the word "government" changed its means that the government has no impact and the citizens decides to become animals, cannibal and heartless creatures.....have being crying for this young boys the stupid community jst waste they lifes for there perents......who never thief before make e till me.....only advise way i go tell the perent na make them cary sherem go keep for that land make them suffer,becoz govt go close the case.....linda i need a follow up with my advise......cryyyyinnngggggg
So happy to hear this
justice must take...they must suffer 4 wat they did 2 those handsome guys
d person who raised d false alarm shld be arrested & prosecuted
Thank God that the appropraite authorities have been notified and the arrest of these heartless animals have commenced. Those ones that are runnning, the law will definately catch up with you. No matter what the true story is concerning these four, JUSTICE must prevail!!!
Let them make sure they arrest that monkey with the big stick and when they get him, they should not charge him to court but rather take his wicked ass to a volcanic eruption and put him inside the magma. Since he wants eye for an eye. Ndi ALLU unu emego ALU tufia!!!
Good they've made some arrest. Let's wait and see what comes out of it.
Linda, may God Almighty bless you for this. I didn't have to watch the video - the headline and pictures were enough to disgust me.
I don't care to know what those boys did - they definitely did not deserve the kind of treatment they got.
How sick and barbaric have our youths become! The police should not spare anyone involved in this - even those who had the heart to film such barbaric acts instead of calling for help. Oh! They should be so seriously dealt with!
And I pray God Almighty grants the deceased family the strength to go through this disastrous time. I feel so pained.
Justice must take its full course. Can't see why they can kill people like that. God help Nigeria
may they all b charged n tried for murder in Jesus Name Amen. bloody barbarians, idiots.
I just pray the facts come out and that their deaths spark an end to jungle justice.
May God be praised !
What is this country turning into? Why will people take laws into their hands, what was the police doing? The government must bring those people to justice
The police should simply get the guy that accused them of stealing. He is the mastermind and would be able to point out the people that carried out the jungle justice.
May God be praised !
I knew from d 1st instance I read d story dat these boys didn't steal! I don't know them but my heart is heavy,I weep for d brutality and cruelty!!there are indeed wicked and unreasonable men!!I've cursed d killers already but I'll say this! They'll never know peace until they take their last breath they'll inhale calamity, sorrow and excruciating pain will be their companion, they'll beg for death but it will not come, their generation is cursed! May they never know mercy.. My heart bleeds
Linda, it's sad. Very very sad. Alot of stories are coming up. Some say they were cult boys given initiation assignment. I heared they stole from a man,raped his wife nd killed the man.
Also heard d laptop one. But killing them like that?
I don't know about that.
May God help us .
That community should be burnt down!! What kind of animalistic behaviour was that??!! People's sons, their pride and joy, their future and the ones they look up to to take care of them in their old age!! How dare Aluu community and infact any community do that?? This is heartless and barbaric and all the animals involved in this evil act MUST be brought to book. #justiceforALUU4
Linda, my heart is broken and bleeding. The people who did this to these boys as well as people who watched, videoed and allowed this to happen are animals and do not deserved to live at all. For God's sake what if these boys were any of them's children. May God visit the people who thought they could take lives at will with His Judgement.
I always come to this blog,but never commented,I can't help but comment about this issue,I work for Texas department of criminal justice,and I have seen how even pple charged with first degree murder are being treated with so much respect and still have some fundamental rights...this is just injustice and fear for my home country...I have family back home and we need to stand our grounds and say NO!! To this,if they are criminals,let the law say so,the law didn't prove them guilty,so why the killing,my heart bleeds!!!!
A Country without security!!where were the police when these boys were beaten and paraded naked until they were finally killed??our useless Government shld sit up!!see how the future leaders of tomorrow are been killed on daily basis☹.All those involved in the killing of those boys will never knw peace ,joy or happiness!
I am sooo enraged @ this gruesome act of pure evil and typical example of man's inhumanity to man. Even if those boys stole or even maimed someone foe God's sake they deserved to have been treated better than that. Hope people will now learn the ripple effect of jungle justice. how do u maim such young boys based on baseless accusations? May God punish all the perpetrators, and the onlookers who watched and did nothing to stop dis horrible crime but take pictures and videos while these innocent souls were being ripped away. They will all never know peace until dey die. AMEN! I have spoken GBAM! May God console and comfort their parents.
I agree! Please view this page. A lot of your articles are posted on here. It is listed in the Facebook description. I just thought you'll know that your work is having an impact somewhere. Please join if you please. https://www.facebook.com/LetsStopViolenceInNigeria
I concur a 100%
Its really sad nd painfull, I only read thes story nd saw the pix, have the heart to watch the video. Am happy arrest is in progress. God help us
Presido, Have u seen d video of brutal & savage killing of 4beautiful young men with bright future? Young men frm Engineering & Theatre Arts Deptmts UNIPORT? What's my President's view about it? I think u should reach ur River State Governor 2 reach d community & find out what realy happened. Goodluck & wise reign. Mom (Mama 4 Real) Chinwe Owoh.this waz 4rm my mum 2 her actors guild's president, nd dis waz her replie -The national President of Actors Guild of Nigeria, AGN, Ibinabo Fiberisima condemns the gruesome killing of 4 UNIPORT students. The first female President of the Thespians shed tears after watching the gory video of the killing. I am deeply touched as a mother, its too barbaric for civilised society governed by laws she said.
However, the President commends the effort of the Governor of the State, His Excellency, Rotimi Ameachi for the quick response in arresting some of the culprits. His action is a reflection of a responsible and responsive leader who listens to the voice of his people.
We urge him to persecute this evil perpetrators.
The AGN President commiserate with the deceased families and pray that Almighty God will give them the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss and the Soul of the departed to Rest in Peace.
She appealed to the public including the university community to maintain peace.
We the okrikans will fight to our last dropped to bring down Aluu! Period! Just watch!
I hope the boy they allegedly stole from has been taken into custody as well. Good to hear that the authorities have moved into action. No way are those murderers going scott-free
Linda ikeji, I always said in my message to u on ur email, that d blog has turned somthing else, it has become the voice of d people, may God bless this ministry of urs.. For the killers, I see from d picture that they are so much, but my mind to God, HE is too merciful and patient! I cant imargin what I would done instantly to dis barbaric entities if i was in the position to judge this killers! Anyways, let God have His way.. And d law take its full course.....
I do not care wat anybody says,nobody deserves 2die ds way.so many stupid comments 4rm pple have really made me more sick than seeing d video.av had 2 delete sm pple cos of dat.The killers will know no peace and may their days be cut short on d surface of the earth.Aluu community,get ready for God n man's vegeance.
we should fight for justice for these boys...believe me, this could happen to anyone cos i was almost a victim myself...'my story' i went to a shop inside d market in enugu when i was a student a long time ago to buy a shoe, i negotiated d price and paid for it...i was very young and a little naive so the shop owner decided to ask for my phone no so he could pay me a visit, i refused politely so he tot i could be persuaded and i rudely told him no. he decided to deal with me...as soon as i left his shop his boy ran after me shouting thief! theif!! dat i stole shoe from his shop. people had already started gathering when my friends dad spoted me and asked what was happening, i explained to him and luckily for me i paid with serially arranged cash 'mint money' dat was d proof dat i paid him for d shoes... d shoe boy was admonished and he appologised...only God knows what might have happened if my friends dad wasnt there
I cried uncontrollably and I asked myself why? why? why? why?.........the answer is simple....there is decay in the land.....things has really fallen apart.
At this point, I wonder what the so called individual who was owing money was doing all this while when the boys where being murdered....did he not think it right to stop them? How often are people killed and murdered in broad day light in Nigeria that it is now something to photograph/video? Have we become so heartless to say no to violence or to stop a violent act when we see one?
No matter how I try I still cannot get my head around the fact that these four young boys where killed for absolutely nothing!
I can only imagine what the families are going through right now.
RIP brothers! Your killers shall know no peace!
It is with heavy heart, pity and sympathy that I receive the news. It is very pathetic and heart breaking that our fellow Nigerians were beaten and burnt to death without reasonable justification. I weep with the families of the deceased and pray that Karma take its full course.
The more details i get, the more my heart bleeds. they were not thieves after all. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Justice must be served. we are not barbarians, like the actions of that God forsaken community, called aluu, wants the whole world to believe.
can you imagine... for the fact that they are STUDENTS, they are not suppose be brutalized by the community.... and the guy that did the evil alarm must be arrested and be punished... and as for the entire community, no student must be allowed to reside in such evil community again and the chief must be dethroned...
i wont forget to add this #justiceforaluu4
am gonna scream it again and again
Linda I hope this won't be another case of arrest without being prosecuted because those aluu people/community don't deserve anything good in life. For passerbys to watch as humans like them are being treated like animals doesn't show they have good hearts. So please keep us posted on this matter as I will like to follow to the end.God knows if I were to be the judge handling this matter the whole community would be held liable for it or better still go there @ nite n pour petrol on every household n even @ the entrance of the town so there will be no escape route when I set up the town ablaze. Wicked bastards. May they all pay for this with their lives even the people watching too n didn't do anything to stop this barbaric acts. Linda please post my comment oo.
Tragic tragic tragic
dey shuld be charged 4murder and sentenced 2life inprisonmnt...may d soul of diz young dude RIP.
Gbam! Linda, you have said it all. It is so sad. I really don't care about what the boys did. The people of Alu are not Law Enforcement Agents! It is the duty of the police to arrest offenders/criminal. And even when civilians arrest, the law doesnt say that the offender should be lynched or beaten. There is presumption of innocence until a criminal/offender is proven guilty and in this case, it has to be beyond reasonable doubt. It just doesnt make sense. They should be punished. Justice must prevail! Y
Thank God for ur blog Linda, thru which u re able to make remarkable changes. This is one of those chnges. This act is so inhuman! Kill our 2mro's pple like animals, where elders should hav disciplined dem like way back wen there was community training of children.
I pray justice is done, cos it easily culd hav bn anybody or our relatives.
God bless u Linda
pls, if them arrest every of the village man and did not get that man, i saw in the pic that was beating those guys with plank wood, as if he is killing snake, they hav not done anything, they must bring that yaya man, to face the music
pls, if them arrest every of the village man and did not get that man, i saw in the pic that was beating those guys with plank wood, as if he is killing snake, they hav not done anything, they must bring that yaya man, to face the music
Those that ar responsible for this, must b brought to justice nd I believe they dnt av children, cause if they do, dis wouldn't av happened...men! I weak...
Linda be blessed for standing up to justice. My heart has been bleeding since I saw that horrible video. #two wrongs don't make a right#
Pls we need their full names o.
I watched with horror the video of jungle justice being meted out on those poor boys and I know that I will not bring up my children in this country! I have forwarded the link to my cousin who is aa senator of the 'federal republic of nigeria'. Some people say we are outraged because they are 'cute' what nonsense!!! We are outraged because they are boys,we all went to universities in this country, at least a good number of us that read blogs and stuff, and we understand that these could have been anyone of the boys we knew at one point in time or another. It could be my brother,cousin or friend,we will not make heroes out of criminals but for goodness sake Ђδω much is a bloody laptop especially when we are in a country where billions are being looted on a daily by those who know better??? I never for one minute believed that they are even thieves,I'm just vexed! This is not right! The people of Aluu will never know peace for this act of inhumanity! Their sons and daughters will continually be cut down in their prime! If indeed those boys are innocent,their blood will cry out like Abel!! #justiceforaluu4#
God will punish ALL OF THEM..even in after life!BASTARDS!!!!
Linda tell dem ohhh even our politicians steal billions of Naira and nothing happens to them this poor boys may their souls rest in peace habaa no matter what dey did me sha am waiting for uniport sug president to say something about it sef
This is so brutal..Young,fine promising men. What on earth wld they've done 2 deserve this inhumane punishment.I jst hope they wld be in heaven dining with God.
Let's make sure this won't be swept under the carpet like other numerous cases we've known the beginning but not the end.
Calm down bro. We don't need more killings. Let the law handle this. We all feel ur anger.
:::....Lynda please keep giving us update. I pray justice be done! There was no reason or justification to have killed those boys.
Please let us wait for an official statement from the police before posting.
This also is the pic of the 4th person. Tamunotekena Elkanah (Tekena). It is sad seeing such a gruesome thing happen.
This is his facebook profile. Thanx for the good work.
My heart has been bleeding for 2days now seen I heard about dis story may God punish every soul from dat community dats support dat killings... May they never see peace and their unborn children...bunch of bastards bastardizing dat act.
Chrisbanks from abuja
Thank you very much Linda . God bless you and for those that committed this crime God will not let them rest until justice is served ##Teamlocust##
So hapi u are not uploading all the stupid comments we usually gt,10ks Linda.Ma gf asked me wat if sh ws robbed n raped,wld I still be on dr side? I looked @ her in d face and said yes.told her nobody deserves to die ds way n dat she will unstnd wen she has her own children.pple v said so many tins 2me 2day,bt I will neva chng ma perception.any1 of doz guys cld av bn ma blood brother.so mch innocent blood bn spilled in ds country.God,av ur way
I can't sleep Linda. I'm still awake by this time cos I cant sleep. How can u hit a human being to death and u go home and eat. Wonders are many on earth and the greatest of these are men. Rest in peace guys.
This is the facebook profile of the Fourth victim.
His name is Tamunotekena (Tekena) Elkanah
God help Nigerians... This is not the first of this kind happening in dis country.... God have mercy on the killers, God may the soul of our departed brothers, friends, course mate,sons Rest in Perfect Peace. May we continue to pray for our country Nigeria.... Cos wit the way things are going... Nigeria have no future for our un born generations...God av mercy.... God please strengthen the heart of those who lost there beloved ones...
In the same country where criminals are being celebrated and decorated, where Dimeji Bankole, Faruk Lanwan, Ibrahim Babangida, Lucky Igbinedion, Peter Odili... the list is endless - still breathe and control several affairs... these young boys are killed like lizards for what?...even if they were rascals - who on earth has not been rascally at one point in time or another?
NIGERIA, I'M SORRY - WILL NEVER BE A GREAT NATION - when the blood of the innicent cry ceaselessly for justice deprived!
yes, i said it.
ok, i have decided to be mute abt dis issue until i saw one of d videos.. And i saw the rage, d barbarism, d viciousness, d evil, d devilish, d demonic and everyother rotten word one can fink all happening @ once, and i was sick in d stomach, my hrt broke, i shed a tear, i lost ma appetite... Am a uniport student myself, and we heard that d boiz shot a man, raped his pregnant wife and she had a miscarriage. Ok, agreed, if d story was true, it was a rilly rilly bad thing they did, but am very sure dat even their victims wldnt have wished dem dis kind of death, no, not death, unspeakable murder.... Nobody deserves dis kinda treatment, Nobody !
Pls Linda am hearing a riot might ensue btw students and aluu indegenes, dis will mos def lead to more bloodshed. I am using dis medium to pls implore d govt to make sure dis riot doesnt see d light of the day.. God pls help us all in Jesus' name... Amen
The man that hit those boys big stick to death..should be arrested and kill the same way he did to the boys..I felt so sad when i watch the video.the entire community of Aluu must pay for this....
That community is very lucky not to have someone with my kind of mind,because by now, the community would have been burnt down,Women were there shouting "kill them, this one never die omg".Heavenly GOD.I put myself in the position of the boys families,what they are going through.
The lord be with them.
My day was totally ruined after watching the video, and the guy who shouted thief should also be arrested as he should have come to stop or confess that they were not thiefs. I think that video should be taken off you-tube it is too violent, and how would the families involved feel watching such.
i second dis motion.... Pls for d sake of their families, y'all shld remove it... Fanks
Our gateman said he was dere wen everytin happened and dat pple around pleaded and cried for dem to be releazed even one of d boys younger sister came begging and crying, but dey poured water on her and beat her too. Two police vans came and couldn't do anytin, one of dem said (alladin God don catch u 2day) dats cos he has been arrested twice for one reason or d oda. U see how dis useless police add pepper to injury and doesnt even knw his job was to stop dem. #I JUST DEY VEX
The most painfull part for me was d pple dat gathered watching the act,not one of them could go and inform d police of wat was happening then.*justiceforAluu4*
Were u dere??? Or r u d cult leader?
I struggled to hold back my manly tears as I watched my ladyfriend watch this very cruel and barbaric video and wept. I strongly believe that we the youths have finally lost our sanity,watch a man pound a fellow man's head till it shattered,listen carefully to background voices in the footage and hear a woman telling the assailant that the other young man wasn't dead yet,how cruel can be again be? May their souls not rest in peace till they r avenged and may God forgive us all as a country. I usually came on this blog to laugh off the stress of the day without commenting,but here I stand today holdn back tears because I now av the job to console a friend and pray justice be done.
Does ur above claims give anyone d right 2 take a life... He who kills by d sword shld die by d sword...
wow..... U have a point there, cos i wonder why ppl will see dis kinda evil and not cry for em to stop... And frm experience, even if u raise ur voice and beg, these men will want to beat u join sef..... Kai, may God help these boiz' family o. This kinda loss is nuh easy to bear @ all o. God dey o ! !
Linda,first of all...God bless you.
It is not easy to speak out for the truth in this day and age.There are indeed many wonders in this world,the greatest of which is man.I went to UNIPORT too.The bitter truth is that entire Rivers state and its people as a whole is not very receptive to strangers,God help you if they now feel threatened by your percieved success.Things like going to school,getting a good job,owning a thriving business on their soil.It is not an easy something oooh!but evil is in its most toxic form from Alakahia onwards.The hostility there ehn!It's on another level.
I'm drained.Words fail me now.
RIP Aluu4,Eziokwu...Aluu Emego!
They must surely be brought to justice, those animals must face the wrath of law. Since i watched the tragic clip yesterday the image just kept coming bk. It's horrible Linda, so barbaric, those animal must be sentenced. They must be made to bear the pains the late 4 felt while dieing. Lord have mercy *crying*
They must surely be brought to justice, those animals must face the wrath of law. Since i watched the tragic clip yesterday the image just kept coming bk. It's horrible Linda, so barbaric, those animal must be sentenced. They must be made to bear the pains the late 4 felt while dieing. Lord have mercy *crying*
Oh God!will I ever get over this innocent killing? I call it innocent killing because since dey couldn't spare deir lives 2 accept or deny d allegations laid on dem,how can we find out what actually led 2 dis inhumane act? The sound from the head of one of the victims still reverberates in my head. Dear Lord,I call your wrath to visit anybody who speaks ill of these innocent souls. Make dem go thru worse situations amen. Some stupid ppl just open deir mouth n make animal bleats.Jesus even said it in d scripture that he who has no sin should b d first 2 cast a stone.... Linda,these boys bloods are crying for justice. Pls dnt let deir death b what we'll just hear about on ur blog n goes away wt d winds. May God console deir families.....
I think your the ignoramous here, like for real even if it's every tribe for it's self is it not still ppls children that would still in habit each land? So in ur foolery nothing should be done as we patiently await the day this land is broken. I applaud your thinking......not. I'm certain its ppl like u that reside in that community fools of equal rank. Kmt.
I just laughed out loud at ur comment (no disrespect) but really thinking of it, it should be the new saying.
I refused to watch the video or view the pictures I already pictured what the scene was like from what I read. I wonder,if I couldn't even watch it based on what I read, I wonder who had the heart to video this injustice till the end and even the ppl that stood by and watched? Even if they stole electronics, since when did we start equating human lives with electronics? It would have been more understandable if they were caught masked with gun in hand and evidence of what they stole piled up probably with the PPl they murdered lain beside them but no, no evidence just word of mouth. I saw a picture where they were covered in blood naked, linda naked. Besides ryt to life, they also have a ryt to human dignity. Our police force and government both federal and state should prove to that chapter 4 of our constitution was not written in vain. They deserve justice and they shall get thay justice they deserve. Whoever it is that Brutally carried out these murders needs to be given a dose of his own medicine in bits until the day of his final execution. It's high time we stood up for ourselves and our country and stop waiting for our government our government alone does not make up a country, it is we the ppl that do and until we show our government that we have refused to let matters such as this be swept under the carpet, then and only then will they wake up. #justice for Aluu4.
Hey jesus christ!!!!!!!!!Wtf!!! Who is that BASTARD.....dat paid his debt like dis.....weather dey violently or peacefully asked for d money d "idiot" owed e no mean say d "imbecile" will lay false allegations on dem by calling dem thieves....inshort na dat "bagger"kill those promising young guys ....chineke God heiiii..nawa ooooh *smh*
When every tom dick and Harry is given a uniform and called policeman, how are they supposed to know their job. Frankly speaking I don't get how security is so difficult to achieve in this country when it's as easy as putting every police man through continuous trainings, I mean how hard is it to provide sedan cars (oh I forgot, they only use hilux cos of our bad roads) to patrol every street and communities? What of patrol helicopters? It's so annoying that you can't even dial 911 to get to through to the police, they have to keep publishing gsm numbers like you'd have the have the time to remember the long numbers which may never be available when in panic and when u need it. Do I start to talk of our poorly equiped and untidy police stations. It really isn't as far fetched as we think.
Which way Nigeria? This is by far the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my life. How wicked can people be? No matter what, those guys do not deserve to die d way they did no matter their crime. Govt should not let these young men die for nth. I can't even begin to imagine what their families will be going thru. May God comfort them n may he heal our land. God bless u Linda, much love.
This video torments me......what if they were our relatives??? And i knew my mind won't rest until i comment on this case. May God grant their families the fortitude to bear their loss. GOD please help our Country-Nigeria. May we never witness things like this EVER again.
I praY dat the particular guy hitting them wt sticks like dey were animals shld b punished in d same way*cryin*.
u r doing a great job linda< pls dnt stop! justice must be done every! involved in d bois killing will be arrested no mata hw dey run
Linda, May God bless u and protect u for your kind of ministry. May the souls of those guys be in heaven. Meanwhile, the only guide the men in power need is to ask themselves "what would I do if my kid was involved?" And den enuff answers will come. In my own opinion, even if d govt does notn, u will see dat d land will wither. Just wait and see. Pls fellow LIBers, say a one minute prayer for Nigeria everyday.
When constituted authority fails, savagery becomes the order of the day. this was how it was in the days of Bakassi boys in the South East, mainly Aba and Onitsha, where humans were slaughtered at major junctions around the city in broad day light and people (including women and child) cheered (and most sickening) because the government via the police were incapable of protecting them! creating an evil consciousness of people being numb to the sanctity of human life. Chibuike Amaechi, governor of Rivers state, has to not just apprehend the killers, but ensure that justice runs its full course, as a deterrent to others! If not this devilish act is bound to happen again! So Sad indeed! Call them cultists, armed robbers, thieves, they ought to have been handed over to the police, and the community would ensure that the boys are persecuted, of course knowing how corrupt the police are! But killing them in any way and much more the way they did is evil and only releases a vicious
cycle of blood thirst! Again so sad!
Everybody involved and arrested should be killed exactly the way they killed the poor boys. i hope they have arrested that Demon who was hitting them with a big stick as if it was a snake he was killing. that one should be the first to die. and they must ensure he is being whopped with a big stick as well before putting a tire round nhis neck. JEEZ! how can people be so wicked? since its jungle justice, they had better kill em all. rubbish!
Arrest is not enough, if am a family member of any of those boys. I would make sure every freaking soul present and their families suffer tirelessly for taking someone else life into their hands. Life cut short for mere junks. Barbaric animals. As for the mothers of those boys, please make sure everyone present at the scene suffer. Makesue justice is served for boys.
Linda, God bless you!
This is one atrocity which must not go without ALL the perpertrators and conspirators paying maximally for their murderous madness!
I am counting on you and other sincerely outraged folk to help ensure that Our friends, Gov. Amaechi, Mrs Semenitari, IGP Abubakar et al don't "forget" to expedite justice in this case.
Linda, in as much as I appreciate all you've been doing to fight and promote laudable causes, but it seems you select issues to fight against or promote. cos had it you've put the same energy and talked about the case involving Deejay Tee and the innocent young man he battered and stabbed some months ago, the same way you are fighting for the arrest and punishment of those responsible for the killings of the four Uniport students (Which I condemn totally as well), I bet you, Deejay Tee would have been arrested by now and made to face the full wrath of the law for what he did. But being in the same industry as him, I guess you were afraid to step on toes. that was why you refused to get involved in the matter involving Deejay Tee and the guy he battered and stabbed...Linda, lets be objective and endeavour to do what is right, all the time! well done all the same.
Infact what to comment on this post,I dunno. The violence,the heartlessness,the braveness of someone hitting a fellow man to death. I can't even stand the sight of blood. My God!!! The images just wouldn't go away from my head. I watched the video and couldn't finish,I should never have started. Pls if you haven't watched the video,DON'T!!! I pray God accepts the souls of those young men into Heaven no matter what they did,no one human deserves to die like that,nooooo nooooooo,OMG!!! What is happening in Nigeria?? The world is coming to an end and the judegement will be worse than that of Soddom and Gomorra. Jesus have mercy!!!
@ Anderson Ezekiel Hart ,fuck off with your fake ass investigation, and all your warped waffle, the killing and taking the souls is not new to the world and certainly not you your perverse nation, what is unique is your brahrent and disgusting demonic way you watch the most mind numbing crap unfold before your eyes and you evil asses stand and watch and congugrate, sick fuckers, you beyond help, no thanks to the internet pricks like you have a platform to post your waffle,fool.calling theif is a common habit of your people,i would rather a cult than someone calling out thief knowing that the entire commuinty are vagabons and hyienas and their fate would be sealed in the spectacular way you do your evil, rotton prick , rattening on about investigating. God curse you all and your sick dark ignorant hearts.
they should make sure all those involved in the act are caught and killed too
It is now very clear that no place else is safe except in CHRIST JESUS. One can b @the wrong place @the wrong time. Before leaving the house pray...pray like never before, pray for ur loved ones too n put God first...so much evil in the world today....very sad.
Pls visit this site to know more about your relationship with our Lord Jesus.http://grovespot.blogspot.com/
They shud even arrest the whole community! Wat rubbish! Can dey create a strand of hair? Why shud they take 4 human lives??! God!! Who r dey 2 cast sticks,fire nd fuel?! Rilly irritatin rilly! Gosh! Fucked up nation!!!!
Its quite unfortunate that the true story of this situation can only be told by those boys, they were never even given a chance for questioning just judgement immediately. Even the bible said "anyone without sin should cast a stone first" if we were to be judged by God like this, the planet earth would be empty by now. Justice must prevail. http://brownsugie.blogspot.com
Medicine after death...May there Soul rest in peace.The Guy who shouted theif needs to be arrested and interviewd on Major Tv station to tell Nigerians what really happened.This is just too SAD! RIP GUYS!
Tears are pouring down my eyes as I read this comments this morning I couldn't read them yesterday cos I fell sick immediately after watching the video I threw up everything I ate butvi still find it hard to believe my fellow human being was killed painfully and burnt alive. What is this country turning into. Noo matter what they did should they be killed like this . What made me well yesterday was when I got a message from my friend seun oloketuyi that some of them have been arrested I sent a BC and I gotten responses of joy. Bur I will end this way MAY ALL THE PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE DEATH OF THIS BOYZ NOO KNOW PEACE MAY THEY SUFFER THIS KIND OF PEACEFUL DEATH.
I watched that video and I was so upset,I had to send a broadcast twice to my over 400 contacts, some goats complained and I just vexd all the more n deleted them...we cannot let this matter die...I shed a Tear for these boys even if I didn't know them... Justice must be served...Teju Tobun.
Goodwork keep this up.what I don't understand is why people make. comments anonymous. you must not be cowards to reach your goals!!!!
Keep this up.let your voice be heard for the good of your country
Now this story makes a lot of sense
and yes i did not watch the video and have no intentions to...
All this online rallying *yimu*
when it was for absu rape or a better cause we dint see this kind of response
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