Justice Theresa Igoche of the Makurdi High Court, on Tuesday sentenced two students, Vershima Kaachi and Akaazua Akpen, to death by firing squad for armed robbery.
The convicts were arrested on the eve of Christmas in 2007 for criminal conspiracy and armed robbery, contrary to Sections 5(b) and 1(2) of the Robbery and Firearms Act, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 1990.Politicians steal billions and get a slap on the wrist. *tears for our people* Please continue...
In his testimony, the victim of the offence, Jonathan Usenge, told the court that five armed men came to his house, attacked and robbed him of some valuable items on that day.
He stated that the robbers collected his Nokia 1600 phone valued N12,700.00, two torch lights valued N350.00 and a sum of N16,500.
He said the convicts were armed with guns and a hacksaw, and that the clothes they wore on the day of the robbery, his stolen phone and the hacksaw were recovered from them during police investigation.
The prosecution called three witnesses while the accused persons testified for themselves and also called three witnesses.
In his submission, counsel to the convicts, Mr Cletus Ujah, argued that the prosecuting counsel had not proved the allegation against his clients beyond reasonable doubt.
Ujah insisted that the victim was inconsistent in his testimony, arguing that the prosecution's evidence could not be said to be overwhelming to nail his clients.
He further argued that the prosecution failed to tender the hacksaw claimed to have been recovered from his clients before the court which, he said, amounted to withholding evidence.
But the prosecuting counsel, Mr Obande Idikwu, argued that the prosecution had made a case to warrant the conviction of the accused persons.
Idikwu submitted that from the evidence, it could be deduced that there was an agreement to commit an illegal act, which was pursued to a logical conclusion.
Delivering judgment, Igoche held that the prosecution had proved its case against the convicts and found them guilty as charged.
In an allocutus, Ujah pleaded for leniency for the accused persons, pointing out that they were each the only sons of their parents and young boys with a promising future ahead of them, noting that they had no records of previous conviction and were looking very remorseful, and urged the court to temper justice with mercy.
But the judge said the punishment prescribed for offenders under Section 1(2) of the Robbery and Firearms Act was death by either hanging or firing squad, pointing out that it was subject to the governor's discretion.
(Source: NAN)
Nigeria is in a big mess!!! its only God dt can save ds country...ds is jst a sad news n its nt ryt
Abeg that judge should get out, When will Bankole face the firing squad? Or other countless politicians? What of faoruq lawal? If the money that is being looted daily is put to good use will the rate of crime be on the rise?
Why didnt they tranfer the case to a Court of Appeal?
this country! i weep for this country.
Ibori stole billions! tax payers money, this same judicial system didnt find him guilty until the U.K Court did. still they didnt kill him, they jailed him to be released one day.Diezani is a thief in the petroleum industry yet she still blinds people with her blink blink during speeches..so many of them. Have they been killed by firing squad? Nigeria, the rich get away with crimes, top govt officials get away with robbery cases similar to what these ones did. just because they gave part of the loot to the so called judges and all those in charge of the case.
What a funny, wicked world we live in!
The law is an ass!!!
Am not condoning stealing but death by firing squad for a total value less than 100k is barbaric. God help us.
and to think that they are the only kids of their parents. whatever happened to 20YEARS in jail or wharever. am really beginning to feel sick with the judicial system and Nigerian legal system as a whole
Few weeks ago,3youngs guys came to my street,robbed and killed my neighbour(a family friend),rendered a family 'fatherless'..
Now if those boys are caught and sentenced to death,will u think it is a fair judgement? Sometimes they are not as innocent as we want to believe they are. Girls get raped by robbers on a daily basis.. Just my view though!
i fink life imprisonment wld be appropritae.
so dere is a law dt says stealers shld die by hangin or firing squard. How come our politicians wu steal in billions dnt face d law? How many politicians ve died tru dis way wen dey steal? Its a pity dt d rich make laws dt re 2 be obeyed by only d poor.d poor shal hav a say sumday.
Theft and embezzlement is quite different from armed robbery, I reckon the judge was simply following the law; its rather a shame that death by firing squad is still a punishment for armed robbery in our constitution!
That's ridiculous
Nigerian justice system! I wonder wat ds (dis)honorable judge ll do to the likes of Ibori, Odili n d always smilin oil subsidy thieves! GOD ll surely hv mercy on dt woman judge BC its nt her fault, if only those boys had Ghana must Go to give her, we won't be readin ds story.
Wonder shall never end, convicting people 4 Torch light and Nokia phone? When pple like Farouk and co are smilling all over the places. Anyway God shall judge us all on the final day.
i feel you are been overly sentimental with certain issues. A person has been found guilty of armed robbery and if the law says the person has to die by handing or firing squad, so be it. so far they are guilty, a thief dont deserve to live.
Also, the case of the ALUU 4 has been widely discussed on this forum. Though, no one deserve such jungle justice but we must realise that those boys exhibited some act of a juvenile. I still look up your page to see what your feelings are for the Mubi47, whose lives were cut short by unknown gun men without a crime. Be fair in ur write up and address issues without sentiments. Thanks
Well its Unfortuante but that's the penalty for Armed Robbery
Lindiway our Justice system replicates d type of unjust society we live in.
Our Themis (statue of justice) seems instead of being blindfolded,wears a versace eyeglass,
Instead of balanced scale,it holds a lopsided scale,
Instead of two faced sharp sword,it holds a blunt and sharp sided sword.
That explains d reason why looting in billions attracts plea bargain and jail term servedout at d Abuja National hospital, while stealing in thousands attracts firing squad,30 years imprisonment or even jungle justice.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Linda the offence they committed is not stealing. They were charged with armed robbery. Its punishment is death by firing squad. It is not about whether it was 5 naira or 5million. If the judge was convinced beyond reasonable doubt, their only option is to go on appeal. Until the law is amended nothing can be done whether "fair" or not. And politicians stealing larger sums isn't a valid defence on appeal either.
Linda, the sentence passed by the judge legally speaking was the right one to the extent of her finding that the prosecution had proven its case against the accused persons. It is immaterial whether politicians steal billions and get a slap on the wrist. The minimum sentence for armed robbery is a death penalty. Besides, counsel to the accused person should have known that allocutus has no place in capital offences....the convicts still have a leeway to appeal the conviction and sentence.
this is realy so sad. op d govt will intervene
I guess it is until you are robbed that you would feel it is not wicked. Armed robbers are callous and could care less for human life, do you know how many people they might have killed in the past? or do we wait till they do?
More so, the court is only following laid down rules of the constitution. I write this comment for you to reflect on it and no necessarily for posting.
Tears for Najjia...
Tears for Nigerian...
Disgusting! Absolutely devastating.
it is not allowed, until them politicians are killed by firing swad there is no need to judge dem.
What a common law judge. Pls file an appeal. Moreover, no one was killed in the purported accused persons act, so, why condemn these young souls without alternate form of punishment considering the fact they are first time offenders. What happened to METIGATION of punishment my Lord?
The law is the law, wat it states is what goes what we need are reforms of such barbaric laws
Na wa 4 dis country o...smh
Am sure dat man is frm ALUU.....Lips sealed
Nigerian justice system is messed up. Its our corrupt leaders that should face firing squad
You know what, I am realy fed up of all this primitive, ignorant, and wicked act from our Nigerian people. Firing squad should be for world crime, probably people like sadam Hussein,Osama , nd co.....Its a pity nd I regret to say this, I am ashamed of Nigeria......
Haba!!:..#feelin sad......can't dey just send dem 2 prison 4 yrs...nd undergo rehabilitation.....dis act justicifies..ALUU4
dat is unfair judgement.God is still watching.RIP.Krist.
Na wa.i hope the human rights people will come to their aid.this is so sad.they did something wrong but really cutting off the head won't be a solution for headache.this is too much for that offence oooooo kai
this is sick and disgusting..i cant believe dis!
Please please can someone please show me where hope is in this country cos everywhere I look it's the opposite I see,no justice,no security,no love for human life,no respect for justice,everyone takes the law into their own hands. I say all the time that Nigerians deserve the leaders they get coa truly Nigerians are not good people(I dont mean every Nigerian) but the number of good Nigerians are reducing every single day. Every single day something bad happens. Tired of this darkness
Well, I don't know whether these students were guilty of committing robbery or not but whatever the case may be, all crimes involving the use of arms MUST be labelled as capital punishment and therefore, subject to death or life imprisonment. But this law must be enforced- only then will Nigerians learn to fear and obey the law and therefore, think twice before retorting to armed robbery to finance whatever venture they have embarked on. This is why countries like Malaysia and Singapore have low levels of crimes- citizens fear the law and know that it will be strictly adhered to. Yet this is a lesson that Nigerians never seem to learn, whether in or outside Nigeria
Linda, I guess you have Neva experienced bn robbed before, that's why you keeping bringing up the issues of politicians, stealing is stealing, have u ever gone thru the agony of ppl bumping into ur home while asleep in middle of the night? Have u ever bn assaulted n raped by armed robbers? Have u ever gone thru robbers pointing gun at ur innocent little sister or parents? I am sure you havent. Whenever you do, then you can come on here to tell us exactly how it feels. If they deserve to die, then they should, even the Quran n bible condemns it, pls let the law take its cause, student, politicians, adults, man, woman, boy or girl shd be made to face the wrath of the law if they stray.
If no one was murdered and they didn't use the weapon to arm any of their victims. (which we could call attemt to murder) I believe 50years with hardworking will do and not death. I beg
There is war!
Linda are you saying armed robbers should be left to go scot-free just because politicians are looting our money?
Ʈђi§ È‹̝̊̅Úª really bad. Stealing È‹̝̊̅Úª very bad Α̲̅ή∂ shud b condemned. But wen ppl r stealin billions @ d expense ☀̤̣̈̇f oda ppls life den 1 start 2 wonder wat È‹̝̊̅Úª ryt i̶̲̥̅̊n Ʈђi§ country. Where r d pension thieves τнατ stole d hardwork ☀̤̣̈̇f gud men. Our judicial system È‹̝̊̅Úª A̷̷̴̐͠ joke
If U̶̲̥̅̊ r A̷̷̴̐͠ mature Nigerian,den U̶̲̥̅̊ must visit Ʈђi§ blog
There is war!
I don't encourage armed robbery! I say everyone who carries a gun with an intention to steal is already a murderer.. Let them face the consequences of their actions. The laws of the land need to be adhered to! If they are freed it would send the wrong signals and armed robbers would think if they come to linda ikeji they would get pity. Why are u linda even posting this as news! Smh!
I say they should face the music, if the governor decided to pardon them based on good behaviour then their luck.. If they weren't caught would they be remorse. They could have killed with that gun.. Wicked criminals. Linda ure pissing me off with this message. Mshewwwwwwww!
I hope this is the same way the people that killed Tekena and his friends would be executed.. They are even lucky that it would be a quick death for them.. Bastards.
Oya see am na. Cecelia Ibru and her colleagues stole wetin calculator no fit write, na hospital she go stay(hospital wey beta pass house o). Our politricksters and legisLooters dey thief every now and then, dey award dem National Olympic Medal. 9ja don finish!
lolzzzz...... Is it my eyes dat is worrying me or did i read death by firing squad? Wow ! Dats sum fucking BS mehn.... WTF ! !
Then, the constitution needs to be reviewed. Government officials caught misusing public funds shld also face firing squad.
May GOD help nigerian youths! Vic2last.
even the guy who killled people in norway wasnt given a life sentence not to talk of firing squad.
If u've ever had a stranger break in2 ur home wit weapons and terrorize u ; u'll not question d judgement.somtin lik dt happend 2 me once,so I no its so hard.if truly dy did it,I tink dy deserve it. Just sayn mine tho'
If u've ever had a stranger break in2 ur home wit weapons and terrorize u ; u'll not question d judgement.somtin lik dt happend 2 me once,so I no its so hard.if truly dy did it,I tink dy deserve it. Just sayn mine tho'
this is wickedness. People have committed worse crimes and gotten away with it.
dis is sickening..disgusted at the judicial system of this country.
There is no justification for armed robbery bt if they want to ensure justice for every crime committed then they should start from the top. Imagine such gruesome judgement for a miniature crime. Nobody is talkin about d cabels syphonin this country's treasury into their backpockets. GOD HELP US ALL
Jungle justice! The Nigerian penal code needs to be reformed.
Utter nonsense. Is dere notin like rehabitation in dier constitution? I laugh @ wat nigeria call law/justice
If truly they were armed robbers,then I think the judge's verdict is fair enough..this will serve as a big lesson to all d upcoming robbers as well..
As unfortunate as it may sound , that is the Law and the Judge cannot under or over apply it.
The only option left for the convicts is to appeal the judgement or go to the court of public opinion, i.e. HERE, to plead their innocence.
Politicians stole money not by guns, though immoral its still not armed robbery, the huge amount stolen notwithstanding.
What problem do you have with the judgement? That it was too severe, the judge is imcompetent/ not trust worthy or you they are the only sons of their parents or armed robers do not deserve to die? If youve ever been their victim, your views might change.
Mstchew!!! Are u trying to justify dere actions???? So because they are students they should commit crimes and go free abi....abegi hu eva commits a crime shuld face d law irrespective of who u are or wat u do: shikena
Death sentence is for hardened criminals abeg. Are we in a Buhari military era that people will be losing their lives for small offences? There should be an appeal.
Mstchew!!! Are u trying to justify dere actions or wat?? So becos dey are students dey shuld commit crimes and go free abi...abegi whoever commits a crime shuld face the law irrespective of who u are or wat u do,,,,afteral dose hu do drugs out of hunger nd poverty also pay 4 it no matter dere plea...please save me d headaches abt students jor::: wat abt d ones dat go 2 skul na cum out clean""student wey dey carry gun na student??? Rubbish..lol
The first question is how old is that Robbery and Firearms act? It's probably something from the '60s. The punishment did not fit the crime. This country needs a remodeling.
So because our politicians steal with impunity, we should allow our children that we sent to study in universities, to start going around with guns, robbing, killing, kidnapping, and raping people? No. A time will come when all these sick politicians will meet their Waterloo too. So many days for the thieves but one day for the owners.
Some Undergraduate boys now are going around wearing designers shoes, designer,
's sun glasses, designer's clothes.Riding cars which their parents cannot afford. How are they getting the money? Through crime of course. Some undergraduates ladies are even full blown prostitutes.
Lmao...so armed robbers are now the " victims"? They are no longer criminals? We now weep or criminals? That photo reminded me of the good od 80 s.....eleiyele Ibadan firing squad....those military men did not play. They rained bullets on convicted robbers , competitively toooo.....criminals need to understand that somehow there are consequences
And the criminals in Nigeria are rejoicing nw that they have supporters
Fuck d governor jor,dey dnt deserve to die dat way,18mnths in prison is okay @mashlessness
Linda, if robbers visited your house and terrorized you with weapons and for an hour or two, you wrote your will in your head. Would you want them walking the streets in the future? Robbery, whether the weapon is the pen, a cell phone or guns and knives, is robbery. Pen robbery is committed by folks who engage in murder to occupy public offices. They snuff out opponents, kill folks who wont vote for them, and arm jobless youth with weapons to unleash terror on voters. So our politicians are no different from these armed robbers except they have the money to make things go away (except when the British intervenes it seems). THe problem with our society is that when you are wealthy you can get away with anything. Except for rare instances like the situation where a woman had an opportunity to encounter her kidnapper in a bank in Imo state and dish out her fury, the only justice is through various forms of punishment such as capital punishment and jail time. Our jails are filled to the brim with guity and guiltless people. Where will you put the extra? I sense you are trying to make a moral argument that those who steal money from govt and end up depriving society of goods, and in so doing result in indirect deaths of people, should also receive the same punishment. Fine with that. But are you also saying that until that happens, criminals who have been tried and found guilty should not be given commensurate punishment?
This is a case of judge on drugs! Mschew,he shud go and prosecute farouk and otedola for starter! Eeeeeediota
Why didn't this same judge sentence Farouk Lawan to Death....After all he stole more than these boys.Is this how to practice Law?Answer me Lawyers
Pls tell me this is a joke abeg...
You people have started again.If judge have found them guilty why should we be debating about it know.For the judge to have sentenced them to firing squard.There must hace been evidence to have killed during their operations.What do we say to the family of the dead victims.Nigerian need a very strong law and it must be applied from the highest to the lowest level which is another issue.Bankole and Farouk are still roaming the streets with billion stolen.
Linda forget about whether politicians steal billions or not.If these guys are found guilty they should be made to face d music.As a lawyer ii know dat the punishment for armed robbery is death..So if they are really guilty,then...By d way are Ʊ saying they shld not be punished because politicians steal??Hmmm.,Linda Ʊ are getn too emotional in dis ur blog..If Ʊ like don't publish my post..
Lord have mercy on us all.
Such is life
The case can still go to court of appeal,it is a judgment of a lower court the court of appeal can give a lower sentence
Armed robbery is death sentence,they can appeal it. Its just normal judicial process.and I think its time to scrap death sentence,no death sentence has been carried out for the past 10 years in this country(and capital punishment doesn't serve as a deterent to armed robbery) if any of the politicians are caught for armed robbery..they will get the same punishment. We should hope the law makers make a law that imposes severe punishment on any leader that is convicted for forgery,corruption and money laundering.
Indeed, I weep for my country! Death by firing squad for stealing?!
How many of the big thieves in our political system have even been arrested let alone face any punishment for their theft?
Until we start doing things right in this country, there's little or nothing God Almighty can do.
You are all foolish to say goverment should leave those and come back to robbery you & me again leave them idiot boys alone to face there warant of death .l like the judgement so much
For politicians you people is talking about with efcc them god we surely catch them one by one?
They stole! It is wrong! Yea... So??? I don't think any judge has the right to sentence anybody to death,only if the victim has killed somebody.. Come to think of it.. Otedola and co. nko? The story has died down and no one is talking about it anymore,bcos they know that after a while ppl would forget and go back to living their lives! The boys were caught with ammunitions,but they didn't kill anybody,so the punishment does not fit the crime! Our Nigeria is just a messed up country!
In Benue state earlier in the year a thief was sentenced to death by hanging for stealing N29,000!
It is better there are not to b killed ,let been in prison for them to suffer for five years ,there are still children ,and still growing ,these has thought them lesson
I am not in support of killing, but linda if u see the way armed robbers operate if u are given a chance u will kill them, they eliminate innocent souls and rape sometimes virgins, sometimes get. They get them pregnant and u can imagine the truama and stigma,let's try to allow the law to take it due cost.
Dis linda hv u ever been robbed?? Everyday 4 d thief 1 day 4 d owner. Do u knw how many tyms dey hv robbed? Facing robbers is a really scary experience.. Fear. Dey shld kill dem o.. D politicians don't use guns 2 rob naija.
Anon 12pm,thnk u. Linda where is my comment?
Murderers get sentenced to death in America on rare occasions. Some countries have banned death sentence all together.
I really don't know why you people love Nigeria so much, a country that doesn't respect your right as a citizen or human being, a country that doesn't care if you live or die, a country that has never done anything for you.
I pray for you all still living in that country daily.
With the rate Nigeria is going, I may never step foot in it ever again!
In america every1 is always screamin abt, its same punishment for embezzlin public as for armed robbery. Recently, in d state of indiana, som wall street thieves wrre sentenced to life imprisonment. There is no difference as far as i am concened. There is no hope for nigeria with the same demins being recyclef in govt. Things will only get worse. I feel sorry for tjose boys. If basic social amenities were in place our youths would be productive, but instead re beong killed everyday either by the govt or communites or boko haram.
it depends on d merit of each case!
Please the offence is Armed Robbery not theft. They are two different things abeg. Let's be objective.
Armed robbers get night before going for operations....meaning they are numb and merciless. Wy some of you seem to have mercy for them is rather mind boggling. No wonder they keep robbing, peddling drugs etc and then come up with lousy excuse like poverty, fathers burial just to seek yeye sympathy
I think the law is the law. I have been raped by armed robbers that only took less than 50,000 from my house. They were just two.....they were asking for 500k. If they had seen more they would take more. They threaten to kill me if I dont cooperate. So are you saying those type of people do not deserve death? Because they had the weapons and could kill.....so let law take it's toll. Pray you don't have to witness a robbery attack. It is not pleasant at all. You will always remember it.....and sometimes you become very fearful. For your info, I was just 13 when I was raped...
Bonario I think u talk too much esp for a guy and sometimes u don't reason. Armed robbery is nt same as theft or embezzlement.
Seems the justice system worked (if all the evidence was not cooked). Too many problems in this beloved place of mine. Flood, gruesome murders, extrajudicial killings n all. Hmmm
Linda sometimes u take this ur human rights thing too far. The law is the law. What do u say abt countries were d penalty for drug possession is death. And quite a no of nigerians have been sentenced for that.
Chill with your sentiments.
I think you should be studying more or research more and do not let ur sentiments get d better part of u.
And for the person that called the Judge 'common Law Judge', I wish u said that in court so that u can be held for contempt infacie curae.
And for those saying its not fair, Please wait till armed men , come to ur house and terrorise and even with only a cube of Maggi, then along the way,maybe they release a bullet that kills one of ur people? Let me knw if u'll still be saying but it ws just Maggi.
personally its impossible 4 me to feel an ounce of pity 4 an armed robber. if u have eva been robbed by 1 , u wuld knw d feeling of having ur life in d hands of anoda person , let alone a criminal wit a gun trampling on u on the floor... its a life time trauma.... lets not join issues with politicians bcos of sentiments. am glad they r gonna b killed...... means 1 less criminal to worry abt. may God hav mercy on their souls.
Let's not condemn the judge on her ruling. Armed robbery sud not be likened to stealing. It has more grievous consequences and the perpetrators carry arms not only to scare the victim but to show that they cud inflict bodily harm on them as well. The issue here is reforming the law, repealing the provisions for capital Punishment and enforcing a thorough judicial interpretation system.
i believe there is a term like tempering justice with mercy....our legal system is stupid,,since 2007 to 2012..hahhahhahahahhah,how many years?am not in support of anybody stealing but if there was no murder in the operation,then the judgement is faulty....life in prisonment is worst than death penalty.so i wonder if the judge was was blind..incase i want to commit a fallacy(appeal to pity)for God sake,the only sons of parent,student etc..mehn,life in prisonment would have been worst than death....our constitution needs a little amendment.. But if you are an arm robber and you try robbing me,i bet you will die at the scene before the police will even arrive
kai,i dont blame the judge...half of those bearing her name behave this way....she should go and change her name.theresa or what ever
Na wa o
they should be killed. Iv bn in UK collecting treatment from shock wen 21 armed robbers came to my house in Niger 5mths ago, dey even killed my neighbour's only daughter dat just graduated from havard. My neighbour's later commited suicide. kill any armed robber plsssss
so because some people got away with crime, those caught with crime should be forgiven? some of you are INDEED demented in your thought processs. half of you (if not more) have robbers amongst your relatives so i can understand why all of a sudden you are usign social media to plea on behalf of crinminals. convicted ones at that. sit their and continue to implicitly empower thieves and robbers ok. oshi
Exhibited wat sort of juvenile? U are mad! Afo sagbu kwa gi
I have never really commented on ur site before but i feel compelled to comment on this. Nigeria has a law. if u steal without arms,u face prison term but if u still with arms,it is death sentence. The last time i checked this hasn't changed. Like someone asked earlier on, Have u (Linda) ever been attacked with a gun before. better pray to not to find ursef in dat situation,u will never upload such news on ur site. Even in d US death sentence is still applicable. I think wat matters in this case is to find out if these pple really carried out the offence. If they did, then let justice take its course. My friend has lost his dad to armed robbery before. Currently, another friend's husband recently underwent surgery cos of injuries from armed robbery. Better pray not to find ursef in such a situation,u will never support armed robbery. Because our politicians are looting and stealing is no excuse for someone who commits a crime to go scot-free, instead u shud campaign for them to be caught like ibori and sent to jail. Let everybody pay for his or her crime according to the laws of the land. GOD BLESS NIGERIA.
Plz i need D detailz of dat lawyer, it's impotant to Nigerian youthz.
In my own opinion der is no justification watsoever for stealing..
people go thru worse predicaments and com out without stealing or doing runs lik wat sum gals do.
show me a boy that came from a poor home and decided 2go stealing and I wld show u about a million dat went tru same process and didn't steal to make ends meet instead it brought out determination and d strive 2suceed in them.
U want SHORT-CUT 2mak mony,den don't complain when u caught and ur life is CUT-SHORT simple !!
They did d crime ,so they shld serve d time or pay d price(death).
The bible says"spare the rod and spoil the child"..if u spare dem I promise u that dey would stil go bak 2robbery(repenting not repentant).. #ma opinion#
Its sad because the polithievians don't even get as much as a slap on the wrist... they get people wearing asoebi to celebrate them....Our country is decaying fast and its really heart breaking...
U couldn't have said it any better. Linda if u like dnt post my comment. So wen arm robbers commit crime and are punished for their crime u com on ur blog wit sentiments. Really? So wat about absu rape? Wat hav u done about it? Or is d case dead? Hw about d lady police pepo assulted? Hw about cynthia? So wat is ur point exactly. Dat criminals go scott free or? We all condemned jungle justice nau dey hav been taken to court and are facing d law yet u are still complaining. Mchew
Tnk u. Wisest comment so far!
U pepo should help me tell linda o!! This sentiments is getting out of hand. Enough pls!!
Good question? Oya linda ansa o
So 4 dat pepo shld kip commiting crimes nd getin away wit it? Nonsense!! Use ur head to tink nd ur a**
Thank u
Some people came to rob,they were armed,I don't give a shit mehn,of they are caught then let the law take it course..they didn't know they were student when they carried arms to go rob abi?
no case here abeg!
My dear,embezlement and theft is quite different from arm roberry,mayb what u should fight for is change in d punishment for theft and embezlement..
My dear,I know a family where the husband was killed a day before christmas.. They came,took all their money,tried to rape d wife,d husband tried to fight them,they killed the husband and finally raped d wife.. They were married for just a year..
As for me,anyone that comes armed to steal ur stuff,when caught should be killed!!! Period!!!!
Nigerians are just too sentimental,you can be sure that this robbers that carry weapons around are most likely to have used it in the past or will use it in future,not defending corrupt politicians but shoul robers,murderers and rapists be allowed to go free?Abeg if your defense is simply that politicians are stealing money so they should allow everybody to steal then you people are pathetic,and for ur info,capital punishment is also practiced in the US just not in all states,over Sabin pple
Onliee in 9ja,u steal Billions of naira u are applauded,u steal thousands ur striped nude,beaten,burnt alive,faced with firing squad......*smh*
Legally speaking the judge is right, armed robbery attracts death penalty no matter the amount, but the judgement shouldn't have been delivered till the assault weapon was handed in as exhibit.
ds s jst wackshit! Sinz 2007? Most tyms i dnt even want 2 knw wat we av on d news....They shd put d guys dat raped dat young lady nd put on d net b4 a firng squad or beta stil d perp'trators of d barbaric act on em ALUU 4 victims b4 a firng squad...ds s bullshit! Nigeria s a mess...
NYC-1 says: No questions about that - the law is the law. The only problem I have with this case is that Nigeria Legal System is more interested in TREATING the SYMPTOMS, and not the DISEASE.
I support u totally. The law was clear. Why would pple have sympathy for an arm robber that have been proven guilty in the court of law anyway.
U guys should stop comparing armed robbers to corrupt politicians,they are not the same . Armed robbers dnt give you a chance. They create havoc on pple in a disturbing psychological way. Whereas why would you complain the law is clear on the consequences of being caught wheather you are a politician or armed robbery,the penalty is clear.
U a very stupid to call them innocent souls.
What is sad about it? Maybe u a an armed robber too. Ole!
Armed robbery is an offense punishable by death... so not the fault of the judge if the crime is proven by the prosecutor...
we cant sit here and decide what the punishment for an offense should be...
we should put things in perspective sometimes when we make comments... dont just open your mouth and talk rubbish because you disagree with the judge... run for house of rep, and change the laws...
hmmm! if na firing squad go end am why not organize wella enter national assembly and shoot down those bastards or rather bomb them all and face the penalty other than stealing one one naira.hit the central bank instead and cart away cash then i go hear...mscheeeww
The fact that u have been robbed or harmed in one way or d other doesn't mean u shud turn to an animal at heart..death shud only be a sentence for murderers not thieves or armed robbers..those guys were not found guilty of murder..that judge has blood on her hands either way.
Dey were armed... Everybody is overlooking dat
True, dey were armed, don't overlook dat
Tears for your self..wait till when armed robbers come for u,rape d shit outta u and go away with your belongings..when they catch them and charge them to court,pls just run straight to Linda to post them on her blog so they can be saved.. Bulshit!
Why would dere not be a difference btw embezzlement and armed robbery... Have a rethink pls
True, dey were armed, don't overlook dat
That one na your business o,if u like die for another man Land,na ur business!!
Awwwwwwww,am sorry deary.. I can't imagine the trauma. Don't mind Linda,I think she is high on dry shit!
Look linda,y don't you wait till when you are robbed or raped then come here to beg that they should be released.. Bulshit!! no just vex me linda,no vex me
maybe you should stick to reporting the life and times of celebrities and forget about hard news, since you clearly do not have the stomach for it
are you for real? do you have any idea of the trauma that the victim must have gone through?
i wonder if you ever shed tears for the victims of armed robbers?
If those boys are truly guilty then they shld face it. What if they killed their victim then u people will say ok the judge did the right thing.afterall they are students so should be aware of the consequences attached to stealing.pls there is no space in our prisons.if they didn't go to there victim's house with bad intensions they wld have gone with toy guns.even with toyy guns they would have killed him if he had misbehaved mscheeeew
if they kill let them be killed, that will serve others a lesson
If ur life is a mess dnt bring it 2 Nigeria. Evry1 is now formin here. U ppl shld stop wipn cheap sentiments n emotional blackmail here. D law is clear abt d punishment. If dey v kild sm1, wl u say d same or we wil alwz wait 4 sm1 2 die den d curses will start pourn. Pls let's b rational in our tinkn!
Linda if u like dnt upload my comment
Did they kill anybody in dis robbery?
We all condemned jungle justice nau dey hav been taken to court and are facing d law yet u are still complaining. Mchew
October 13, 2012 11:52 PM
thought as much too...Nigerians and their confused minds...lools.
jungle justice in different forms be it from the streets or from the judicial system...
Diz case is totaly diffrnt 4rm aluu4, dese guyz are armed robbers. B'cos politicians are lootin our money we d masses shud now go out robbin ourselves abi. 4get hw big or small what dey stole were. Linda, I wonder wot u wud b sayin now had it ben it was u dey came to with gun, cutlass n saw.
Lily hw r u today. Thanks for always giving us d news. But honestly if these boys were to be top politicians sons or may be deg have strong connection, trust me d stupid judge would have passed a death sentence. Its a pity nigeria is cursed things go wrong every day , I really don't see hope for a better nigeria. God help us. Ashing in spanish
Isnt this funny , Armed robbery is wrong and MUST be punished, but which ones be Capital Punishment ?! Hian ! which is worse ? Stealing from two or Three people or stealing from over 160 million people which leads to death of many bcos of the things that money could have delivered on-Better Roads,Stable electricity, better health Care service, saner security, better education. Maybe its time our leaders faced the same fate ! these boys must not die, they have spent 5yrs in jail already, why kill them now ?! Civil rights people,Please do something ! Our Justice system is flawed and Jehovah God WILL right this wrong and Justifiably too, in not too long !
linda,linda,linda......... Have u ever been rapped or robbed? Till then, you wont fight for a petty theif talkless of armed robber....
Armed robbers went to a baording school and raped secondary school girls. What did they come to steal? Saoking garri abi na cabin biscuit? Sometimes after robbery they kidnap peoplen, rape them for days in their den and collect ransome for their release. Why have mercy for the merciless?
Last year in owerri armed robbers targeted a newly wed couple n raped the new bride. I know a family that their dad abandoned after three daughters and wife were raped in his presence. On their way out they told the man to go test his famolu for hiv. Armed robbers are psychos that should be eliminated
Abeg free Faoruq Lawal, he was set up, he is a lengend
Linda abeg learn to cut long story short!... Plus the court's verdict is sad especially considering their offence. However, the crime took place in makurdi and their criminal laws are under the penal code... Its the law! Full stop. And for those shouting about our leaders, theft is pretty distinct from ARMED ROBBERY no matter the value of what the stole.
Guy what's the point of this your long meaningless story?
Linda abeg learn to cut long story short!... Plus the court's verdict is sad especially considering their offence. However, the crime took place in makurdi and their criminal laws are under the penal code... Its the law! Full stop. And for those shouting about our leaders, theft is pretty distinct from ARMED ROBBERY no matter the value of what the stole.
Most likely the defence counsel will still appeal the case. What baffels me is that if the case wasn't proven beyound resonale doubt, why then should the Judge sentence them to death when they didn't even hurt or kill anyone? I believe the sentence will be reduced on appeal.
How can people who stole items worth less dan 50k be sentenced to death when so many have even master minded high profiled assasination are still walking on d streets freely...the likes of bode george stole and came back to be celebrated...Whts rubbish is dis in the nigerian legal system??? A magistrate Court for that matter...He who thinks he has no "such" sin should cast the first stone...including that "charge and bail" Judge...NBA president, pls wade into this matter!!!
Armed Robbery is bad, even if they just stole 5 niara. my issue is the unfairness of the Nigerian legal system. i believe if the minimum punishment for armed robbery is death, the minimum punishment for embezzlement should also be death after all it is the corruption in Nigeria that leads to unemployment and insecurity
When they rob public treasury with arms! The issue is not d amount of money or items stolen, it's d mode of stealing. Once any item is stolen by an armed thief, weda na with knife sef, dat's armed robbery and it carries a death sentence. It's not d judge's fault, she is bound by d law. Btw it shld be by hanging bcos we r in a civilian regime. Firing squad is during military regime.
All of you commenting here are just wasting your breath. Since d beginin of tym, injustice to d lower class has always bin d order of d day. We wil continue in dis situatn til THY KINGDOM COME. So save your breath y'all, nd focus on pleasin GOD. Period
There is a big difference between armed robbery and stealing simpliciter or embezzlement. The reason y the punishment for the former is harsh is becos armed robbers kill or rape in the process of their activities, that is y they say it is armed. Do we know ow many pple hav been made fatherless by them ? Do we know ow many girls hav lost their virginity to common robbers,! Do u know d psychological trauma of being raped by unknown gunmen who take turns to rape innocent people especially in a country lik naijavwhere there is o therapy for rape
Am not saying robbery simpliciter or embezzlement is good, the difference in dese two is the number of lives involved! When people steal, or embezzle they can get the money back tombe candid but when u kill for moni can u bring back life? Can u ever erase the science of rape in a victims memory? No.
If the prosecution has proved their case beyond reasonable doubt, the judge has to follow d law. The only thing I think is that severe punishments shld be included for embezzlement of public funds in the c.code or constitution. But def not firing squad, if smb in political office embezzlers and commits murder also dese are 2 separate offences and he shld be charged for both if found guilty.
This is my humble submission
Nigeria's let's face the fat's, our govement still dose not permit enybody to handle gun to disturbe pple on the street is very bad, is a bad experience, enyway must of u have not xperince it before dat why, let them face the punishment according to the rule of law!
Linda, is there anyway we canhelp this boys? no matter their crime or offence, dey dont desevge to die by hanging.JUST a suggestion. pls bloggers dont kill me.
abeg make this world do come end so that everybody go rest.... 9ja dong tire me self.
Thou shall not kill. so if u kill anybody u are on ur own
So many people dieing in this damn country when politicians are busy embezzling fund
The Yorubas will say ''Ilu ti o si ofin , ko si ese'' means if there is no laws there won't be offenses. These two men as unfortunate as it may be should face the full force of the law. We need to see it this way, someone who stole with the pen though the amount is large is not an Armed Robber. If arraigned before the law he will get what the law stipulates. The case before the judge was for armed robbery and judged accordingly. Until the punishment for ''Pen Robbery'' is enforced then there will always be those that will laugh at us as they get away with it. If those armed robbers have found on their victim more goodies they will have taken it and this may not be their first operations do you know what they have done on others? May they seek forgiveness before their time is up.
I think is the amount they stole that annoyed the judge, how could they have descended so low of stolen just money less than 100k, why pple were stealing billions of naira. Assuming the money they stole is up to millions and above, they would have adjourning their case till eternity.
Armed robbery of course should be punished regardless of what our politicians are doing.
However each armed robbery attack should be viewed as a separate attack. After all we hear of robbers that take pity on children and dash them from stolen loot; at the same time you hear of robbers forcing a father to disvirgin his pre-teen daughter. How can these men receive the same sentence. I think judges should not lump all robbers together, rather examine each case as it comes.
It is so. Simple, the Law is the Law, and it should be seen and respected as such. Whilst I do not support all our politicians looting the commonwealth of its citizenry and getting away with a slap on the wrist, until we as the populace force the hands of our elected officials to pass a law punishing looting of the commonwealth of the citizenry as a capital ofence, there is nothing much we can do about it. Trust me, if you have been unfortunate enough to be molested by armed robbers you would never have an ounce of pity for them, I believe the punishment fits the crime,and what we should be looking at is how to make looting of the treasury a capital of offense instead of arguing on their behalf. Remember the adage, where there is no law, there is no crime
I think this should serve as deterrent to others. I feel for them though but ...
it is important for us to understand that there are degrees if crimes and each of them are clearly defined based on basic elements upon which each crime is composed. Stealing is different from armed robbery and the value of the amount is immaterial to the nature of conviction by the court. It is the nature of act used to obtain, that actually matters. If we think the punishment for armed robbery is too harsh, we can mobilize the citizens and ask the government for amendments of the related laws. Even an armed robbery of five naira can result in a death sentence if the case is proved against the accused. Its the Law for now
Thats Nigerian law, But in uk and usa its different.. When you become a third time offender for such case you are killed responsibly. Just by an Injection.. But come to think of it if an arm robber has once visited you home rape your mother and shoot u on the leg I don't think u will have mercy for them.. Robbing with gun and stealing with pen is 2 different thing.
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