What Kikelomo told City People magazine after the cut...
Long story o...it took me almost two hours to type this...so enjoy...:-)
Kikelomo's story...
K-Solo and I met on Facebook in April 2011 and continued our friendship on Blackberry. We eventually met face to face at a show in Eko Hotel in Lagos. I am not really based in Lagos. I am always in Warri, Port Harcourt, South Africa or Cameroon. I am always traveling because of my business. But because of K-Solo I started coming to Lagos frequently after we started dating.
By August of 2011 we started having issues. He was actually scamming one girl. One Leilani Ifeoma in Houston, Texas. Apparently they have not met physically, they met on the internet and she was also into entertainment so K-Solo started scamming her, collecting money from her and promising her marriage. The day I got to know I was in his house. He left his phone and stepped out, so I picked the call and I told her I am K-Solo's wife and the lady said it wasn't possible because they were planning to get married. When I asked him about her, he said please don't mind her, and later said he was sorry. But when I continued to demand for answers, he started beating me despite the fact that I was pregnant. He carried a lamp and threw at me.
Before then, when I met him, he told me he wanted to shoot a video for his song 'Ni Igboro; and said he didn't have money for it. I gave him N515, 000 for the video shoot. I gave him another N100, 000 some weeks before the video shoot. All through this I didn't know he had a girlfriend that he had been living with for seven years. Each time I go to the studio, I see her there with a K-Solo tattoo on her arm. When I asked him who she was, he said she was his sister's daughter. I later found out that when I gave him the money for the video shoot, he used half of it to celebrate a birthday for Bimbo.
A few weeks later, the lady in the US, Ify, called his phone and I picked it up. When I told him I'd picked his call, he got angry and went outside the house to go talk with the lady. He was begging the girl and lying that I was his sister. He even asked her if she was ready to sponsor their wedding. After listening in on the conservation, I told him then and there that the relationship was over, that I wanted my N515, 000 back. Not just that, I'd spend a lot of money on him. He started begging and crying. A few days later, I travelled to South Africa.
While in South Africa, he kept calling and begging and I eventually for give him because I was pregnant and he convinced me he was a changed man. He actually told me he had gone for deliverance. That was when we decided to get married. The only money K-Solo spent on the wedding was N15, 000 for wedding invites. I took care of everything. The cloth K-Solo was wearing, my own, his pilot suits, clothes, shoes, bag his mum wore, the feeding and drinks. I did everything. I spend over N3.5 million.
On the night of the wedding, K-Solo woke me up around 3am and said now that he's my husband, when am I going to make him a signatory to my company's account, and when am I going to change all my property to his name. I got scared and first thing in the morning I called my brother and told him what happened. He advised me to move all my documents, chequebooks out of the house, which I did. Whenever I asked for money for feeding or upkeep, he would shout at me and say 'What's the meaning of that? Don't you have more money than me? What did I marry you for?
K-Solo started beating me up after the wedding and I lost the baby I was carrying when we got married on the 26th of November.
The marriage finally crashed in February 2012 when he called me and told me that Timaya just bought a Nigerian used Range Rover sport, that he wants me to buy him a brand new Range Rover worth 7.5 million and also put N10million in his account. I told him that even if I had the money, I won't do it because I expect him to talk about how to invest money in productive business and not buying Range Rover. Moreover, I gave K-Solo N2million to pay for house rent for our 4-bedroom home at Ogba Medium estate, but he only gave the agent N1million and squandered the remaining money to buy Hublot wrist watches, Blackberry phones expensive shoes and designer wears. When I pointed this out to him, he told me that he will make the marriage miserable for me. On February 14th, after a misunderstanding, K-Solo packed a few of his things and moved to his mother's house. I left our home too but was advised to go back since our marriage was still young. Because I wanted to make it work, I took my brother to K-Solo's mother's house to apologise to him and his mum. He later returned home. But immediately he returned, he asked me if I was ready to buy him the Range Rover and I told him it wasn't going to happen.
So in March we went to Shoprite and he wanted me to buy two wine glasses that cost N2, 500 each. I suggested that we should open our wedding gifts that there definitely will be wine glasses somewhere, and he just slapped me right there in Shoprite, and as he was coming close to me I ran into the car park, he ran after me, removed his belt and started beating me. People started taking pictures of us and some guys tried to drag him away, by then, my right eye started bleeding. While they were trying to calm him down, he ran away from them and went to carry a stone and threw it at me, and I just passed out. I woke up in the hospital and what he told my family was that I fell. he started begging me and crying that it was the devil's work.
After that beating, I stopped doing everything I used to do financially in our home and he became very frustrated and aggressive. But the marriage finally packed on a particular night I came back home late from going to buy fruits for the house. Immediately I entered the house, he got up and started shouting at me. He started coming close, and I tried to leave the room, but he dragged me back, locked the door and threw the key in the drawer. He started beating me, slapping me and broke a coke bottle on my forehead. I stood up and ran to the bathroom, he followed me, took the mopping stick, broke it and started hitting my stomach that the pregnancy must come out. By then I was pregnant again. I was bleeding on my forehead, and he picked up the washing machine in the bathroom and threw it at me. I was just there bleeding and lifeless, so finally some of his boys were able to break the door and they started holding him back. The guys tried to stop the bleeding on my forehead but couldn't stop the one underneath. They tried to take me to the hospital but K-Solo prevented them. So I was bleeding from 11pm to 7am the following morning, which was when they finally took me to the hospital. By the time I returned from the hospital, he had moved his things from the house. That was when I discovered that my trinkets box with gold over N2.5million was missing and this was not the first time he's stealing from me. I wrote a petition to the commissioner of police and on May 29th, the police went to pick him up. The case is with the police and I told them all I want is my trinkets back and for him to sign an undertaken that he will never touch me again and threaten to kill me. He has said he's not the owner of the pregnancy, which is fine with me. I don't want him to come close to the child and the child will not bear his name.
1 – 200 of 367 Newer› Newest»K-solo don really gboroed!!!!lol
Serious issue
So surprised! He must be a beast, a fuckin looooser!
This is so disgusting to read and has a guy i feel so embarrassed but is K.solo that broke?well there are three side to a story..
How sad!!
Please single ladies out there ,be careful of who you marry.When men show signs of aggression or possesiveness before the marriage.It is usually a case that he will be like that.I hope many people learn from it.
I pray Kikelomo finds happiness in all her future endeavours.Stay blessed.
End of part one. Watch out for part 2 of this captivating story!! Babe, you had all that money and you married that loser?? U can see what premarital sex can cause. Thank God that you came out alive. Move on with your life.
Speechless! That is so cruel.
Thankgod everyone knows celebrity marriage dont last...and if it does they always cheat on each other boiz celeb cant live without anytin on skirt..... are u kiddin me...?
No i dey joke-ode......
how can he lay his hands on a woman he acted childish,i dont blame him she was a celebrity wanna be(omo-iwo)says...So...
na by force to marry,if a guy is beating u,what re u still going back to his house to do?until kills u abi,thats when ur eye go clear
k-solo did all these!!!...some men sha....SMH, thank God the marriage is over
Whaooooo!!!!!!!! Am so so speecless right now!!!! What!!!!!!!!
na wah ooo..
This is so unfortunate.Kike you saw all the signs and you blindly ignored them.You don't have time for regrets.Pick you life back together and move on.I bet you must have learnt some lesson.
Michael says....
Nna mehn! I am a guy but what this guy did is totally unacceptable. I mean there could be two sides to the story and would really want to hear his version other than it was the devil that entered him. So Linda do your homework and get us more gist. Guys like this make it hard for people like us to meet women without being questioned on if there is a family history of domestic violence. I don't blame you girls from now on. Men can be dogs.
his name alone is "Hungry" kmt
K solo no dey shame... We can see he is yoruba sha... An igbo man wud never do dis, live off his wife and den beat her,
she made it so clear "he was in it for d funds" buh we nid hear K-solo's side of the story. I think ppl nid pre-marital counselling cos of dis high seperation n divorce rate lately. Hw short...too bad, even those ppl we luk up to
If by any chance this ΐƨ true, LIB have †̥☺ verify this well then ℓ̊ wud say K-solo probably have a Solo ambition then but b4 then ℓ̊ will advise LIB †̥☺ investigate some of ∂ allegation if Ɲ۵†̥̥ αℓℓ b4 ωε fans jump into inconclusive conclusion #CasePending
K.SOLO! What a shame
Lwkmd!I av always known k-solo 2 be like dat.nawa ooo.breeze blow,fowl yansh open.story dat touches d heart.
To d lady,ua av a promising future,business oriented,rich nd u didn't take ur time only 2 fall 4 dis good for noting under-achiever.well,u can still pick up ur life,start all over nd be happy again,dnt u eva tink of going bck 2 him.he's not good 4 u.
To ladies out dere,do thorough investigation nd research abt d one u wwanna marry,dnt jux jump cus u love him or cus he apologises wen he's wrong.u can't knw him all during courtship buh 2 som extent.
It's a pity to those that find their-selves in abusive relationships.I kinda find it difficult to even imagine some of these things happening.......The girl should just move on and thank her stars for realizing that she was married to a parasite..........
1st question Linda wats d name of dis Nollywood script u just posted??
Secondly...wat d hell kind of business does dis young woman do 2 b able 2 spend so much or is her family so rich?
3rd.."He threw d washing machine at me"?? Buhahahahahahahha. He must b incredible hulk 2 hurl it at u.
4th...WE MUST HEAR his own side of d story 2 conclude.
Dis sounds like BULL-FUCKING-SHIT 2 my ears.
Billie jean
Wonders would never end!!! all that glitters is not gold, see how they look so happy in pictures!! marriage aint the same as boyfriend-girlfriend relationship!!!! God help me ohh,when i say i choose to be a single mother ,ppl say am crazy!!
Wow if all she has said is tru, den I must say dat K-Solo or woteva his bin calld is an evil child dat wz gotten from witches, its obvious he married her money. I alwz tell young ladies dat re in2 r/ships nt to shower men wid so much money mst especially if u hav mor than d guy, bcz no mata hw hard d try d motive of datin wil alwz shift from love to money. Pls ladies wise up most guys re gold diggers, most especially Abj guys. Pls beware of dem. I rest ma case. Simja
Dis is really sad. She shd av left him, wen he started beating her.
Jesus have mercy on us.. some men are wicked. K-solo, im highly disappointed at you.
What kind of story is this them tie her leg for there?shuuooo!
This is sooo ridiculous, why should she have gotten married to him in the first place? By the way, who's K Solo pls, anyone?
what a shame.......
Wwwaaatttttt gigoloz all over the place. Shockin story. May God help us. Producer ko producer ni
HAAAAAAAAAA dis is horrible if its true he should be arrested and put in jail and she is also silly for staying so long i have been reading this blog for almost 2 years for the 1st time i am forced to pass a comment this is too bad and the truth is a lot of women endure this. so now because she has money he treats her like trash he should suffer abeg. no man should be tolerated with that kind of behaviour
Jesus have mercy on us, some men are wicked. K-solo, im highly disappointed.
This is really a sad story...but the signs were there why did she go ahead with the marrigae? Thank God she is still alive. Life goes on
Such is life. This lady's story is quite similar to my broken marriage story which lasted for just 7 months. My pregnancy was about 2months when ex husband beat me for the first time and tried to beat my baby out of my womb but he didn't succeed. He even called my child a bastard and disowned my baby.
Anyway thank God she survived but i feel that man will come after her wherever she is. She should be careful. I pray God protect your unborn baby. I know what you are going through, i have been there and i survived. You will survive. Bless you.
We know you are using this to drive home your silly Zainab point, but in actual fact, this is quite different. One thing I wonder @ though is, did he jazz all these ladies? What exactly is he using on them and their family? To think that her brother went with her to beg. I trust my brothers...they'll kill him after the first encounter. I'm d last born and only girl....smh. This dude is even too ugly for all these type of shakara and scam. One more reason why I don't take people I meet on fb seriously.
Na wa oh. D kain tins wey dey happen 4 dis naija ehn. Omo I fear! No artiste should patronize K-solo anymore. The nigga needs to be taught a damn good lesson
She knew him as a scam artist and yet married him??? I have nothing more to say. She knew what she was getting into. Ladies, you dont have to marry a guy because you did not have the sense to close ur legs or use protection. The guy was a scumbag before she married him and will always be a scumbag. How do you change a pig?
The greatest achievement for the lady is walking out of the relationship. K-Solo woluld have eventually killed her !!!
I am still laughing, Lmao . Where is his ego as a man , asking a lady for absolutely evrytin. Can't blame him , na d lady I blame.
OMG!!! Dis is wickedness. U made d right decision b4 he kills u...he is a devil in disguise n a gold digger. But u too,u mumu small join... All dose times dat he has been assaulting u,wat were u tinking?dat he will change? Nway,thnk God u were able to lif d marriage alive. Lord ave mercy on marriages......
I can't stop crying bitterly for the humiliation she passed through from the animal-in-human skin producer called K-solo. So heartless to the extent of beating her up in public and breaking a coke bottle on her head. Pls never go back to him even if he comes begging with Obama... God Bless you woman of substance.
hungry bastard..he will rot in hell
This is more than Absurd, K-Solo is broke ass now, looking for who will help his lifeless career, and why would he treat his wife like that?i think the girl should just take him to court and have him punished by law. shikena
Na wa oh! wonder..wonder
Let me get this story straight. She lost a pregnancy after her marriage in November and is pregnant again? She needs a thorough evaluation both mentally and physically. And this is coming from a medical Doctor. I am not saying it as a slight but as a matter of concern.
I knew it. God don judge am for wat he did to me.
bastard..he wil definitely rot in hell.
K-solo: Ole abenugongo! Obo oshi! May God punish you and everything you lay your hands upon...
What nonsense?! Why did she go into the marriage in the 1st place when she knew the guy was dubious? He spent only #15,000 for the wedding! Who does that?
I'm not a fan of wife-beaters but why would she allow a man make her loose 2 pregrancies through beating.. This is a one sided story so let's hear from the guy in Question..
K-solo: Ole Abenugongo! Obo langido oshi! Were!!!
Whatever you lay your hands upon will not prosper o...
If she has spoken d truth den I mst say dat so-called K-woteva is an evil child from d mammy water. Ladies stay clear off Gold diggers cz u wil alwz knw a gold digger even within few months of bin in2 any r/ship. Ladies pls be beware of most Abj boys cz d re gold diggers. Pls cz any1 dat marries outside lov wil def ill-treat u wen der's no satisfaction of dia selfish desires. I rest ma case cz 4 me I'll neva giv any guy ma money, xcept he has bin giving me nd den smday tins get bad if nt I'll NEVER EVER. Simja
Did i hear met on facebook? Hmmmmm from your story, you saw the hand writing on the wall, but you couldn't read it because you are desperate thank God he didn't kill you.
Pls run for ur live.cos he doesnt deserve u.
Some girls are just desperate! How do you meet a guy on Facebook and then start dating him, he cheats on you and then you go ahead sponsor a wedding and start feeding him! You saw the handwriting on the wall dearie, you just refused to read it!
Ehya...m xo xowi bou wat u said....m nt supportn any1 coz i cant judge..GOD is to judge..we av to hear frm k solo tu b4 any oda fin...i rili feel 4u babe...#sad face#
WOW! I'm too shocked! well ladies, please make sure the man u marry is already stable or else u'll end up dealing with rubbish! what a man's ego can do...! hmmmmmmm
omo na wa ooo
This kept me speechless. Kept thinking "could this be totally true?" Our laws on marriage need to be looked into. Thank God she didn't get killed. Still amazed.
ps: by stable i meant "sure of himself and has respect for himself and for you". With stability, even a poor man will treat u like a Queen!
the guy is obviously an animal bloody nobody I avnt heared his name before useless man dt has sold his glory to a woman but u can't expect so much from a man u paid his groom price marriage is not a do or die affair it shld be enjoyed not endured he showed you his true colour from the beginning but you ignored probably becos u want to get married I thank GOD that you have finally left the beast
to start with..sorry about all you went through with k-solo buh honestly i thinked you are to be blamed for this..ao could you have gotten married to a man u overheard on the phone calling yo his sister..i mean thatz so sick of you..buh what has happened is in the past now..my own advice to you is to make sure he pays all hez owing you in terms of money..and let him be..buh i wud be waiting for your husbandz side of the story..men shaaaaaaaaaa..
my God,and in all these, he did it first time,u came back and he did it again, u came back again...tufiakwa......u re a big fool babe..........thank God u re alive
SMH. oko facebook, facebook lo ma ba lo.
Ksolo nah madt boi... i wonder how he could treat a woman that way... nomatter what... even if she's a demon.. DAMN! .. i feel like shooting him right on the forehead!
If this is true, K-Solo or whatever he is..is a big FOOL...BRAINLESS, STUPID ANIMAL...
What gets me about African men, is a lot of them spend money they don't have.. This flashy lifestyles they can't afford. God help the African man
Really annoyed as I'm writing dis cos it's wat d society has turned women to.wen we r nt married it's a crime & all sort ofthings wud be said about us .wen we marry we r supposed to endure a marriage dat is headed for destruction.gullible that we r we r quick to forgive wen he begs so as to patch things & look gud to impress pple who are also living in bondage.
She actually saw d picture but was too chicken to leave d marriage.tk God you came out good unlike Titi Arowolo that was murdered.@ this point I wud like to pass d mic but b4 dat I quote d words of d famous "linda ikeji" which states & I quote I wud rather be single dan change my last name for any piece of trash called man.(Modified version).
PS call us old,bitter etc like you do but still I wud stand my ground& nt be foolish.Kike God wud help you make the right decision
If thisw is true, I think this lady was just desperate. If a man is too lazy to take care of you, so much that you paid for your own wedding, what did she think he was going to bring to the marriage? all he bought was 15k worth of invitation cards. Imagine how cheap the card will be. Pschew.
He removed the 1st pregnancy and she didnt leave the house until he almost killed her with the 2nd pregnancy. Marriage na by force?
she should just leave the guy and take care of her self and the pregnancy, abeg.
Quel sauvage! les hommes nigerians st ainsi?!
This is so sad. I must say this lady went to far trying to save he rmarriage.
chineke God!!! God help us ooo...... Open our eyes to somethimgs befor we marry. K-solo is just a gold digger. Funny enuf, we have men like him everywia.
Omo! Dis is .......... I'm jus speechless!
WOW! Babe, na wa ooo. Sorry for all the mess he put you tru, especially the loss of your baby,but i must say you're the real dunce here. You first noticed he was scamming a lady which earned you your first beating, then you found out he spent your hard earned money on party for another girl. A girl he clams is his sister's child but has his tattoo on her arm(Who has the tattoo of their uncle on their skin even if he's their favourite??), he didn't spend jack for the wedding including his own mother's attires,and when you request for upkeep money, he asks you "What did I marry you for?"
Haaaaaabaaaaa, and you still sitdon for house with am???? I just thank God you escaped with your life oooo. May God spare you and your baby and may He send the right man your way IJN.
As for you guys wey dey treat women like this, may God visit you with the angel of death. Not to kill you oooo, mbanu, but to torment you sooo much you'd fast and pray for death. IJN Amen.
Sorry lady but u r an IDIOT!!! Form the first paragragph u shoulda walked out! All I could read was "out of desperation I married" ode! See what u went tru just to "make marriage work" u r lucky to be alive n tell ur story! K-solo ko K-fast ni
Pathetic but we still need to hear his own side of the story. Thing dey happen for this world!!! - KC
Please can you get K-Solo's side of the story for comparism! Because this story is too tragic to be true!!!
Could a marraige be so turbid? Or could the guy be so inhumane? Please get his side of the story because husband and wife matter no be wetin person dey settle with one eye ooo!!!
I was horrified throughout the entire story,this is so sick! my dear abeg run from this obnoxious child masquerading as a man!
..The pain women go through to make a relationship work.... You should have left earlier... What a terrible experience!
Na wa o...May God help us all! All I can say is that women be very careful when it comes to this marriage business. Asides one or two differences here and there, this lady's story is no different from mine..Thank God she had the sense to get out quickly too just like I did. No be by force abeg..
Jezzzzzz! Y did she stay in d house b4 diz last one? Dis guy go fit kill person ooh. Jesus Christ! Very sad story. Abeg she shuld run frm him if he Eva begs her bck ooh unless en go kill her
what kind of sick man is this? you better run for your dear life and not get drawn into sentiments, because one day he'll beat you to death and your story will be another mis-hap we'll read on linda's blog.
He's immature and an ingrate,i feel so sorry for the lady, i pray she meet someone who loves her for who she is not her money.
I dont understand why women choose to marry such men even with the hand writing clearly on the wall before the marriage. Is it that some women suspend their brains in desperation? They then begin to play the victim. Anyways, some parts of d story are funny sha. How can K-solo pick up washing machine and throw at her? That is not possible, or no be washing machine for clothes?? Threw stone at u&u passed out but he broke bottle on ur head& u did not pass out. Do u know what it means to brake bottle on ones head? U could die from the wound..i mean ur head would be smashed and swollen. Anyways, K-solo should b picked up but i think d girl has exaggeration some parts of the story.
Hmmmmm, Oga K-Solo! I hail thee O°˚˚˚, never knew u where a half baked man. How dare u treat a woman like dis & even ur own wife for dat mata? No wonder u've bin off d scene for some tym Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋o U̶̲̥̅̊'ve made battering ya wife a career choice...Too bad. Am Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋o ashamed of U̶̲̥̅̊ o she-man. Depending on a woman fr ur upkeep to d point of laying hands on her. Women plss d signs r alwayz obvious frm d start but u alwayz choose to ignore more especially wen d man seems to be in d lime lite. Marriage isnt a must nt even one dat will devalue ur worth. Tnk ǦØD̶̲̥̅̊ for ur life & all d best. Ǎ̜̣̍м sure U̶̲̥̅̊'ll find ur own man & nt dis kid.
Even though this is a tragic story, madam I must commend you for choosing to leave. We cannot control people's actions towards us but we can control how we react. I shake my head at the family that sent you back to "endure". That man is a monster.
pathetic! Run away fast, that guy is never gonna change. He is after ur money.
Remember titlayo arowolo, that banker.
Na wa ooo. But seriously,if half of this story is true, then she made the right decision. Staying in this kind of marriage is like having a death wish.
Met on Facebook in April and married before the end of the same year? Who is fooling who? Na by force to marry a yahoo-yahoo degenerate? This one wasn't even 'made', he was living a borrowed lifestyle!
I have little pity for our young women who shun hard-working, struggling young men and opt for 'wannabees'. This one was lucky that the demon possessed illiterate chap didn't finish her life prematurely.
What's wrong with finding a sensible young man who takes BRT to work but who will treat you properly?
Many of our young women are dense sha. Take a cue from Linda, abegi
*shocked*. This sounds like d storyline of an horror movie. Who in blazes stays in a relationship with a man crazy enuf to beat her even in public? the K-solo dude is insane, i hope they send him to a mental institute and neva let him out.
crappy story.
if this is true,you married a lunatic and your choice of partner is suspect.
I really blame dis lady, whn she has seen wht d guy was doing to some ladies why did she marry him in first place, she should just thank God dat she still alive sha.
Waoh! I so feel for dis lady. This is so pathetic.Marriage is not a do or die affair, its just so sad that we attach so much importance to marriage.
Seriously, is this for real?
hehe.wu d k solo first.
See wetin love dey do
Seriously, is this for real?
Did this actually happen?
this is serious oh ! y do some foolish babes still insist on marring these touts in d name of marring a celeb ? thank God you came out wit ur life
Dis guy na Idiot
Seriously, is this for real?
She don follow marry na.Please leave him and never go back oh! Except u wanna die.
she already saw d signs dat he was a gold digger from day one... so was she waiting for Jesus to knock on her door and be like "MY DAUGHTER, DO NOT MARRY HIM, HE IS AFTER YOUR MONEY"????? Mstcheeewwww... sum ladies jst luv torture n dey make sure dey make d bad decision even wen d truth is pokin dem in d eye....
*cant seem to close my mouth*
We cannot control people's actions towards us but we can control how we react!!! The WORST type of man to be with is an insecure man!!!
Na wa oooooooo see SUPER STORY!
Seriously, is this for real?
If this story is true, K Solo or whatever he calls himself is an idiot and gold digger,God save women from such terrible men
This is terrible! Wat kind of life are we living in?! Its not evrybody dats a human being o! Celebitchy my ass! This lady tried sef! She shud hv quit d very first tym she started seein signs! God 4bid!
omgoodness! this made me shudder plenty! no one should be this desperate to marry lest u end up marrying ur enemy. too sad!
Wow! I believe her cos i met this dude here in South Africa that was also trying to scam some other ladies in the US into marriage. It was clear that all he wanted was a mugu to help with his music career. HE even went on to send mails to celebs to accept him as their friend on FB.
Its unfortunate that so many of our male artists are exactly like this dude but they don't turn violent towards their wives. They know how to 'manage' them into dropping funds for music videos and what not.
K solo should be ashamed of himself
This is what you get when you show a man you have money and you are ready to marry him instead of him marrying you... Some of all this would have been hype like picking up the washing machine na foam.
i blame dis gal cuz violence men cant hide who dey really are...no matter wat.....he showed you his true colour before marriage but you still went for it...ur story is so sad but am happy u got out on time....some women will still stay dere patchin up wat is not..as for k-solo DOES HE LOOK RESPONSIBLE TO YOU? God wil give you ur own man.PATIENCE IS THE WORD....
Madam, I must say you are the greatest fool of the year. What if you sustained a head injury and became blind/deaf/paralysed for life or even died? Are women that desperate in this country? Despite al the spousal murders we have seen , you still stayed for this long? Beating in shoprite? And you went back home? That was when you should have secretely arranged boys to beat him to stupor and go visit him in the hospital daily........telling him "sorry darling, did you beat up one of their girlfriends?" while at the same time arranging your divorce.
Nonsense......mtschew, next story abeg!!!
Kikelomo I really feel for u!kai!the kinda tns women go thru just cos they want to stay married!just ve ur kid n take care of him!stop giving men ur money for christ's sake!a real man shld be able to work for his own cash.jst leave the marriage already!maybe d sex is amazing..cos I see no reason y u wld stay in such a crappy marriage.so pissed!!!
There are flaws in the woman's story. He said he married you for your money and you didnt wise up. He broke a coke bottle on your head and you are still alive? 25% of her story is true and the rest are all lies. I'm not taking brief for K-Solo though but most men dnt depend on women.
Is it really desperation, love, lust, foolishness or outright stupidity that makes a lady to work into this type of mess with her whole eyes wild open????????
The hand writing was clearly on the wall well before marriage, yet ??????
Anyways, i hope some one or people learn quickly from this.
K Solo is a confirmed animal. So annoying
The sttory sounded too harsh n mmean to be true but linda, abeg sniff around nah. ii trust ur oyokomita (paparazzi)
Honestly, women no longer dig for gold anymore, men have taken over.. Gold diggers they all are. Linda and all single women out there, abeg don't be desperate for marriage and most importantly, run away from all these gold-digging, two-faced sons of bitches.
hmmm I've read this story 3 times already! this shouldn't happen to any woman. look bf you leap Sistas!
Hmmm dis is really serious but i have the lady t blame. A man who never changes before marriage will never change after marriage. For to to have spoken with the lady he was scamming in US shld have made u know that dis K rubbish is a dupe now there is no way u guys will not come together as dat child will always bond both of u.I wish u well but pls let him sign the undertaken that he'll never touch or near u again.
hmm, what is the matter? Pls guys come back together, divorce is not good.
D story's like nigerian film,so men like dis dude still exist! D woman fuck up sha....she saw d signs b4 d weddng and believed d "deliverance" crap story he told her.*smh! Pls sue d bastard 4 evry possible crime under d law including attempted murder! *bbm angry smiley*
Jeeeezzzz wtf!this dude should be jailed for assaults,murder attempt & fraud with no possibility of parole btw she waited too long b4 backing out,thnk God he dint kill her!
I no believe al dis tins jor.so al thru ur wedding, no u self do k.solo. Make we hear him own side self.na so dem com tel us trash about a woman story from grave.kikelomo self get ha own wahala.
Mr K solo.. You are not just a man but a kid, some kids are even better than you.. men dont touch women. I'm pissed..
wow....tot dis dude made mad beats ..it seems he beats women madly also
Karma is a bitch. They both deserve it.
Biko which kind story be dis one ,eh kwa!. he started beating you b4 marriage n u knew abt all his other r/ships, yet you stayed put. Nne u gather liver o! ,all because u want to answer MRS Somebody. I hope u recover fully from this abuse n wish u find good LOVE in someone else. wish u luck!
Madam, you are not that bad looking. Why on earth would you marry a dude that was scamming a babe in yankee and also used your money to throw a party for his girlfriend? It cant be for his looks cos he looks like Shrek's distant cousin.Riddle me that please...
I blame her though. the writing was not only on the wall, it had neon lights.... and an alarm.
Good thing its over cos i have no doubt that this dude would have killed you and taken up your properties. Move on and take care of your baby, take out time to discover and love yourself. Once you do, figuring out what is acceptable from a guy won't be so hard...
Hmmnn I hope u were against dkb slapping zainab oo
Lmao! gbo gbo bigz boyz
my dear gal, if half of wat u said is true then run run run nd neva look bk.its true u saw d signs but i wont blame u. women and love. God help us. i have a very similar experience but he didnt start dis way.it started after one nd half yrs of marriage.i left twice after thorough beatings and still came bk to beg until d last one dt i almost passed out. when i say i feel u, i totally feel u. have ur baby and there is alot ahead of u.some men are just so crazy dont knw hw dy reason. i have my kids and i am so very happy.all d best. just crying bc this world can be so unfair. why are people so heartless? just why????????
Mehn how i wish i was ksolo brother-in-law, i wud have stormed the house an beaten the guy to hell, what nonsense! more-ovr sum women are daft, all these happening after he confessed his naw a changed man buh u still remain there, cant wait to hear ksolo side of the story..
I felt like I was reading my own story.... I went thru a similar experience.... Thank God I kicked him out of my house on time cause he would have ended up killing me. They are so many shameless men around. I thank God am over all the bull shit and I ve moved on to better things. My dear he is not worth it. Just hold on and see how he would end up.
Too sad
Golddigger numero uno
Golddigger numero dos
Ksolo.....talentless, scammer, adulterer, liar, thief, violent, fraud......etc....smh so sad.
OMG!!! If this story is true, K-solo has lost all the dignity, respect, admiration I had for him. Why will he treat ladies that way, its only an irresponsible man without focus that will think of scamming and squandering his wife's money and not support her. Too Bad, and i thought they were having a good marriage cos of the Music tattoo they both did on their neck. K-SOLO JUST SIGNED HIMSELF FOR FAILURE.
For him to have gone for deliverance, am sure he knows his possessed.
mba ooo....you for stay make e kill you. foolish woman. count your loses and move on. you've already spent so much money on him, what is an added N2.5m. Forget it DIVORCE him and move on. And if anyone talks you into going back to that mad man then you DESERVE to die.
Linda where is my comment???
@anonymous 11:30. some washing machines are small and handy. they can be carried around. i have one like that at home.guess that is what she is talking about. pls just leave him. hes nt good for you. you will find happiness outside him. had similar experience but ran fast and am happier today. some men sha.
I don't understand some women!! He took your money and beat you while he was wooing you and you don't expect worst behavior when he finally has you lock stock and barrel?? From now on, for yours and your future child's sake open your eyes and make informed choices.
Life is too short to be a ride or die chick!!!
Very sad story..really sorry to hear all of that. She shouldn't have married him at all but which type of washing machine did he throw at her? The types i know are big and heavy oo. Just enlighten me abeg
his is serious some said she should have left earlier six months after marriage what do you can that? that is early enuf some women are still in a tragic marriage and relationship . Kikelomo i love and really appreciate your courage to move on God will grant you save delivery and take good care of your baby and you....even if Kikelomo is lying sure not about all she wrote No woman will want to leave a loving, caring and responsible man Please note.....
Na wa such an hrtless he goat.Gold digger.. I know him,he is a thief,stole from ma friends before
well i just dey laugh... when i saw the wedding pix i knew it wasnt going to last... to me the girl looked like a town girl... shes been places, done thingz...... its so clear he was only after the money and she knew it she thot she could buy a new future for herself.. i cant wait for him to reply with his side of story.. i can bet he will saw she is a runz girl. how can u met and marry in a year... 2 years should be minimum and 2 years physical contact not fb, twitter, bbm.
Who the hell is k solo. How can a woman be so desperate. U r a disgrace to other women, u r not even ashamed to publish such a pathetic story. Serves u right.am sure u paid groom price on him sef. Rubbish.
Well, there are some washing machines that are sold for 15k that are as big as a large bucket that I used to have. Its possible that's the one she's talking about. Even my children that are of 8-10 years were able to lift that one.
Na wao... Ds kind story sef. I dnt evn knw what 2 say. Hmmmnnn... Ooh....
haaaa oh my GOOd GOD....one thing first for the ladies make sure you marry a man that is more financially ok than you and for k solo, his family members should a take him to rehabilitation center and then police force should take it from there...
All I gotta say is, unlike the previous stories of domestic abuse we've read on this blog, this lady CLEARLY saw the writing on the wall, but plunged in with OPEN EYES. Of course that's no excuse for what he did, yet, she was daftly desperate. For now, we wait to hear the K-solo dude side of the story.
Angry face. Ladies no be by force to marry. Yes people will talk but please never give in to the world's pressure.
Golddigger numero uno
True talk women shldnt be desperate where is ur pride pls... I think upbringing matters alot
Who the hell is k solo. How can a woman be so desperate. U r a disgrace to other women, u r not even ashamed to publish such a pathetic story. Serves u right.am sure u paid groom price on him sef. Rubbish.
Thnk u jst my tots after seeing all d signs u still stay put out of desperation wen dere r a million and one sensible guyz out dere*long hiss* feel sowie for her though
and some women were okay with dbk slapping zainab.rubbish. even if she was a bitch just walk out.neva beat a woman.i can imagine one idiot slapping my daughter. i will kill you flat. are you mad. do you know what i went thru to have her.even i i didnt go thru anyth. i neva slapped her mum, i am a man so dont try dt wt my gal or anyone.
really sad in this day and age.it just shows domestic violence is real and still thriving in our community.
and i really applaud the girl for having the courage to air everything in public although i cant judge until i hear the k solo's side too having said that everything she has written smacks of desperation to marry celeb by all means.
the guy already showed his true colours yet you were willing to bring a baby into the world with him.
I witnessed the shoprite beating. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. It was horrendous. He was beating her and kicking her and the men there were still begging him to stop instead of making him stop even with the security men. When she lay there, he spat on her. Am a woman and I have never seen a man beat or disgrace his fellow man the way he disgraced and beat her up.
If this story is true, then i lack words to describe K-SOLO. jeez, u live on a woman, demand extravagant gifts, expects her to do all then beat her on top. wetin? Abeg, the girl sef get issue, marriage no be by force now o, hian!
Ladies, before u marry ur guy, make sure he can take care of u o, though some start the real beating after marriage, God go save us! for me, one baad beating is enough, especially if done wen i get belle.
why do women.....ever think they can change an insane man??? when he beats u once then twice and beats out the child u both produced, then why stay there, where its not even that u are dependent on him, he is actually feedn off you......i dnt no what to believe, u are financially dependent....why do u wanna die with k-solo??? i really dnt get it, nd do u bleed from 11pm - 7am, u didnt pass out or even die...yet u went bk to him....hmmmmmm
Who d hell is k solo? anyway u r a disgrace to woman hood. You r shameless for publishing such a pathetic story. Were u that desperate , am sure u paid groom price sef. Rubbish. Hissssssssss
Ohh c'mmon I'm igbo and find this a bit eeeekky be objective now devil no dey look tribe
Golddiger numero tres
There are so many things wrong with this story. Let me try to capture it all:-
1. You met him on FB and started communicating with him and in less than a year you married him.
2. He hit you before you got married and you still married him.
3. He continued hitting you and you still stayed with him.
4. He was clearly a man ho but you married him anyway. You believed his lies instead of listening to your heart.
5. You were the breadwinner in the relationship and spent all the money and you still felt it was a good relationship and went ahead and married him anyway.
6. He was clearly a materialistic, abusive man ho and you married him anyway.
I thank God for your life that before he threw you from the balcony or strangled you to death, you came to your senses and left him. Ladies, marriage is not a do or die affair. Take time to get to know someone before rushing down the aisle. If a man lays a finger on you, LEAVE. There’s no need to send him for deliverance, there’s no need for family intervention, there’s no need to justify it to yourself, just LEAVE. Once it starts, it doesn't stop. Real men don’t hit women!!!
It’s better to be single, happy and alive than to be married, miserable and/or six feet under. Enough said!
Well me I have NEVER heard bout dis K-solo guy so can't say much bout him, but you sisi how do you keep forgiving a guy dat hits you and treats u like filt? Like I CAN'T understand us women(puzzled) hit me once and dats it. Men DON'T change o! How else can I say this? Neways I hope u won't go back to him if he comes begging you again.
Golddiger numero quartz
Golddiger numero quatro
they are all the same,timaya was always beating my friend, constantly in the hospital becos of beating and diseases timaya gave her. i dont know why nigerian babes are so freaked about nigerian artists especially when you know the smoke weed and live a wide lifestyle. to marry isnt by force haba spending your 3.5m on wedding,oshe!!!! you have the money plenty, you are just lucky to be alive to say the story.
It's called Karma! All this ladies who sit on face book and inbox peoples husbands and boyfriends thinking internet is the place to get all this yahoo guys in Nigeria and wish the weddings to be published by Bellanaija, that's what they all get. God is watching cos only God can tell how many marriages have been dostroyed by Facebook and internet dating sites. Pick up your self and move on, Nogerian men are brutal. A lot of them. And all this star/ producers? All na scam and fake! They are as broke as a church rat! Dam! You were used.
Ohw noo!! Who are those waiting for his side of the story come and hear oo
I concur 100%, I think k solo has anger issues.. Had a lil taste one tym I sent him a msg requesting some changes on one program he produces 4 JAJ da meccadon on STV, come see as this guy reply sharp sharp, sayin I need a shrink and all.. Guess who needs the shrink?? K-solo needs help asap
Golddiger numero quatro
I never dispite the fact that K solo beats her but let's not judge since we have not from K solo,But I see some lies in Linda statement,imagine,is it possible for someone to hit your belly knowing you're pregnant.well let's hear from K.solo first before we judge.
wait ooooo wat about their so called black body and all d money and tins they use to call in their videos them mama this them mama dat may God punish k solo and make dem dey shame for wetin he just do and any time i hear them shouting dem mama dis and dem mama dat well na their mama i gho arrest....peace black body my asss
People like Linda Ikeji don add another justification for not being married at 30+.....i see u babes.
But this blog is now a confirm feminist blog....It took u 2hrs to type....#pleaseapplaudher....for ur information dis issue has no similarity wit that of dkb's o!
Back to ksolo issue apparently I used to know him and I have been to his studio(@ his mother's house)...madam bcos of power n influence...bcos u c him with timaya and all these artist u masef wan form artist wife abi....this is a lesson for all of u that have no fundamentals. u c a man and all that is in ur brain is to marry him,y'all better watch it.... Marry me, come and c my mother, let me meet ur parents...ohhhh he has even introduced me to him family, he told his friends I'm his gf....all those are nothing...u have to do ur home work well.But women will still be women..Linda has posted this one 2morrow now u will get another mail from one of linda's numerous female readers needing advice on issues similar to this...women u pple don't learn....women should be careful,if she hadn't been desperate this wldnt have arisen...there are so many wedding that occurred on the same day that really still waxing strong today...
Ksolo-U be fool still
dannnnngggggggg! she took all of that??? dang! that guy cray.
firstly Kiki acted dumb...which kind of love will make u marry a boifrnd that beats u?
he had a g/f which u knew and u still carried ur leg inside.
now she is still pregnant. wat if she walked away with the 1st pregnancy?its LOVE sha lol
Spot on Yo mirrored my thoughts> While i will never support assaulting a woman in watever form i blame the lady for a hurried marriage and failing to take note of subtle indicators as a man's inability to sponsor a wedding no matter how small just his suit? Honestly we need the other part of this this is an incomplete account abeg
lucky you lived to tell this story. you were in it too for your selfish celebrity-driven search for a hubby else you could tolerate all that shit.
K.solo will not go unpunished,either in this life or the next!
u guys...a washin machine is nt dat heavy...4 dat person dat sed k solo is incredible hulk...its possible dat he threw it on her...we have a washin machine at home n i know for sure that it is not as heavy as people think it is..
I can't believe i went through this Garbage. Nigerian women and their myopic views on life. You saw all the red flag that this guy is a fraud and you still went ahead and married him, he has beaten you once and you still went ahead and married him, he has cheated on you many times and you still went ahead and married, the guy has shown you that he is a low-life, vagabond, wanna-be a star loser and you still went ahead and married in him. And Nigerian men complains about our leadership. The K-Solo, local musician is an Idiot!
God will deal with K.solo tho
This is really serious but i have the lady to blame, you met him on FACEBOOK and you marry the same guy that lies for you, don't you know that 90% of Facebook guy's are idiot.A man who never changes before marriage will never change after marriage.There is no way u guys will not come together as that child will always bond both of u.I wish u well but please let him sign the undertaken that he'll never touch or near u again.
This guy has no conscience...
D truth of d mata is dat dis lady brought all dis on ha head,I dnt knw ha,nd I dnt knw K-solo personally,bt plsss dis story is obviously exaggerated,nd she is jst playin d guilty card,dis is a case of a young lady dat lived a reckless lyf as a lady,ran arnd chasin money,nd wen she realised she was getn old,she got desperate nd jumped on d ist man 2 offer ha marriage,nd d guy sensin e has d upper hand in d relationship dcyds 2 xploit dat advantage,I m nt supportin K-solo,nd I wld neva eva support ny guy dat raises his hand against a lady,bt I honestly jst fil dis lady is a liar lukin 2 spoil cause a lil damage 2 k-solo 4 wateva she may fil e has done 2ha.....wld luv it if we can get k-solo's syd of d story tho
K-Solo met Kikelomo, they began dating, she then discovered that he is a woman beater and a cheat but that's a minor concern, She married him! K-Solo then stopped going to the gym because he discovered that he has a better punching bag at home and yet the punching bag stayed married to K-Solo for 6 more months! K-Solo then wanted a Range Rover but she declined to buy him one and the loser moved to his Mama's House to live. Aren't Nigerian guys great? Even an Akata couldn't accomplish this feat. Where can a man go to get an Idiot like Kikelomo??
This is really serious but i have the lady to blame, you met him on FACEBOOK and you marry the same guy that lies for you, don't you know that 90% of Facebook guy's are idiot.A man who never changes before marriage will never change after marriage.There is no way u guys will not come together as that child will always bond both of u.I wish u well but please let him sign the undertaken that he'll never touch or near u again.
It is a Pity.What do you expert when you paid ur Brideprice yourself? He printed just the Invitation Cards according to you,that is a Sign for you to know he dont love you,that is why it is better for him to foot the bills.Even it is Abada Rapa, Cordlace ,1or2 Canopies 3Creat of Menirals 5 Cartons of Beer . he shoud do the spending Our Women this Days pay their Brideprice let him do that at list they will be a little respert am happy you left him God will see you true,look at Monalisa it is not by force Love first if their is love every other good things will come ,but if theiris no love the next thing is Death he will just call ur Family one day and tell them You are Dead is happoned to my step Aunty.it was the Daughter that told our Family that the Father was responsible for their Mothes Death so Africa Women not just Nigeria Women they should Wake up.
I seriously blame d girl in questn. But sha dat guy is a mad man and an ungrateful idiot.
WOW!!! I rarely comment on blogs but this one, I MUST COMMENT. why in Gods name did u go on wit the marriage after he beat u up before the marriage and u were pregnant. Don't you know thet people neva change except they want to and its a gradual process, a phone call shouldn't prove that. secondly, it is because you have too much money thats why you decided to spend. thirdly, WHY WOULD U MARRY SUM1 U MET ON FACEBOOK IN LESS THAN A YEAR??? you were alredi pregnant, and fourthly, are u a CHRISTIAN??? Am disappointed at the wife because she saw all the signs and still decided to go into it. We make guys what we want them to be, u made him wasteful with ur resources.
All these story na lie. cant believe it one bit till we also hear from ksolo. there should be fair hearing. smh. i cant believe a tatoo babe abdolutely. mcheeeeew. but if truely shes saying the truth, then ksolo is a monster and should be in life jail.
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