Victoria, now aged 20, was yesterday sentenced to 12 years in prison at the Old Bailey for her involvement in the killing
Three other teenagers (all Nigerians) - Samson Odegbune and Christopher Omoregie, both 18, along with Obi Nwokeh, 19 - were also convicted of murder and jailed for 18 years each last week.
Pastor’s son Femi Oderinwale, 18, along with Adonis Akra, also 18, and Samuel Roberts, 19, were each given 12 years after they were convicted of manslaughter.
May God Forgive these children, n may the soul of the dead boy rest in perfect peace!.. Amen!
So called leaders of tomorrow!!!
This is really sad!wasted years!very sad!
wat is wrong with yorubas in d uk,they keep killing and committing atrocities.
up Hausas!!!
all these kids.. What is wrong with them? Or is parenting that difficult?
'wasted lives'... Y?!, Victoria.
God will help us en dis our generation.
Ti yin baaayin big time... Sorry for u kids cos ur prime has been cut shot...
Fine boy, choi! May his soul rest in peace...Amen!
Wasted dreamz n all! Buh UK seem lenient wiv their judgement. If it were d US, na twenty somefin year or even lyf imprisonment
WTF?!!! This is crazy!!!
May God help Nigerians and erase the bad Name/Morals we've been tagged with.
Imagine Teenagers,What will become of them when they are adults?
God Save Nigeria!
God Save Nigerians
Foolish children! Awon a ba ni loruko je! They shd of bin given LIFE!!! Tueh! Condemed miscreants
THE END ni opin cinema..... Their own Version of Kidulthood ends here
UP NEXT.......... Adulthood
Unfortunately, we gotta wait for 12 to 18 years as the case may be
THE END ni opin cinema..... Their own Version of Kidulthood ends here
UP NEXT.......... Adulthood
Unfortunately, we gotta wait for 12 to 18 years as the case may be
She deserves life in prison not 12yrs. Killing someone son and walking down the street like its nothing. What an evil human being. I hope she gets ganged raped in prison.
All Nigerians just wow!!..at least u see some of the rubbish they get up to in London..PRIMARILY!!
hmmmmmm...dis is very awful..wah culda led dem in2 such bad act?
You just gots to trust a pastor's child to be in the midst of these kind if mess..,pastor too busy chasing tithes and offering...no time to monitor their own useless kids
Chai! The way Nigerians abroad just leave their children to spoil is rather astonishing. Anyway I believe that criminals are born so either way they would have ended up in prison. Their parents should be thankful that it's a London prison and not kirikiri. May that boys soul rest in peace.
~ Menakaya's Baby.
wow, this is sad!!!
Hasn't she destroyed her life? What can she do after 12 years again?
Choi!wonders shall neva sieze 2 end...may God 4give dem.
These kids r aboortion material!!waste of sperm tofiakwa!!may his blood hunt dem 4 d rest of their miserabble lives#hissessssssss#
The most annoying thing is d 12 years wil b 6 yeasr cos they count day and night. Useless children.....I wish they gave u people d whole of ur lives in prison since d life u people took away wont be given back.
U re a fool! Wat of boko haram? Oh and d hausa boy that was killed in dubai by his cousins n friends, cos of a girl!!! Fucking illterates.
Yesso up hausa's we rule naija
They need to extradict her to naija to serve dat jail term - gusau or some other remotely located prison. All dey do in uk prison is playstation, computer etc dey only come out worse. If dse retards know dey will be hving a hard time in jail dey wont be so quick to comit crime
can't be sympathetic towards this story. the girl got wat she deserved. How can you kill a poor defenselessness boy for no just reason? glad she didn't even get life imprisonment
I just feel dere is something about dis story dat is fishy. Wat is de reason for chasing de boy?? As de said it was a mob action dere is usually a reason for mob actions! And dem children are black dey will paint just de black part in de UK dats de way it is.
Hauwa,abi hausa,wetin be ur name sef. A pity that ur so myopic,what sorry,have to blame it on the fact that ur hausa. These are kids that got carried away(not that I'm excusing them),but look at what ur father n brothers have done 2 my country for years!! Someone has just mentioned what ur brothers are up2 nowadays(boko haram),seems u r not aware(bush girl),cuz if u were,u shud be the last person(tribe)judging others! Those yoruba n igbo boys n girls,r learning from a master,the useless hausa's
Bastards. That was how they killed my family friend`s teenage boy in London simply out of jealousy jealousy.
Dear mr up-hausa, I wonder how tribe came into this. Ur wonderful tribe is currently a menace to the country. Small-minded fool like u
I remember this day at Victoria station (I think),these kids deserve more cos the boy (deceased) ran into the station thinking they would not be able to harm him cos there were many pple there,but they did.
I was just comin up d escalators,it was chaos,most of the station staff who saw the incident were in shock and were asked to go home.
Most of these kids are gang member both victim and assailants so I don't know how to react when the assailants are jailed!
Hauwa u obviously don't have sense!
How can u just type rubbish abt Yorubas.Boko Haram is a Yoruba. Sect abi?
I advice u think before u type.
Baa sense!
It's obvious more than ever now that parents need to keep a serious eye on their wards and pray for them too. This is getting too rampant. Nothing to do with any tribe,so please don't tribalize this. Even back home here, these kids are getting way out of control and parents/guardians busy chasing after money and ignoring quality times with their wards. Please! Let's wake up to our responsibilities!
@ Hauwa,9.48pm, i think you're the biggest joke of the century. you dare use your fingers to type such balderdash!!!! i guess members of the bokoharam sect are from the west and east too. process your thoughts next time before you write, anumpama. linda better post my comment oh. cos am angry.
I read she's goin to serve only 6yrs nd d boys mother is angry cos d girl no longer a minor, she shud serv her full term!! God save dis generation..
they should jail jare, she is evil, she messed our name mschew.
This boy is not innocent either..he most likely was in a gang too just in the wrong place..saw a documentary on a teenage nigerian boy that was killed right outside his school..he wasn't a hardcore member of the gang or violent but was in a gang all the same unfortunately he got cornered and killed..it starts like fun..making videos on youtube posing with guns/knives and boasting about post codes(area) but some take it very serious..and feel disrespected..dissed...and ends in murder!!..so many cases like this..blame the liberal culture that doesn't punish crime enough..violent video games and deluded reasoning that this is cool and give u street cred!!..
12yrs in UK,is half so she wiil be out in 6yrs, which the mother of the slain claim is too short. She, said the girl deserve life.
It's really sad the way teens are killing themselves, over silly things.
May the Amighty take control.
If it were whites kid dat killed d boy,every1 wil shout 'RACIST KILLING'...bt na black pikins do d killin n i no hia word connectin d killin 2 racism...Moral behind it: Let's learn 2 accept dat murder as murder either by a black man or a white man n stop seekin unnecessary sympathy 4 our race.Shoutin racism each time another race attacks my belove race makes me feel lik we r actually livin under d shadow of d white race.If d whites r capable of bein rascist so also d blacks!
@Hauwa...... Nkita lachakwa gi anya.....anumanu....Monkey
@hauwa ode buruku oshi.....nonsense boko haram....go and die!
Kin ci uwaki, shegiya irinki. Kafura! Instead of u to be ashamed of what our Hausa people are doing in the country and beyond, u are here pointing fingers. Is Abdulmultallab not a Hausa? The horrorful Boko Haram aint they from your village? Idiot! U just make people to come here and insult us with your 'attention-seeking' myopic and unreasonable comment. Next time speak for yourself and stop instigatin trouble t Hausawa( we've gat a lot already)
this is sad. a UK PM sent her son to school in Ghana because of these gangster mindset that gives kids over there a "power high". No one to say "no".Now their futures are rocky before its started. You cant give kids such liberalism. Discipline is a gift!May God intervene in this menace and crush it totally.
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Look at face like a man. Born to be a looser *Hiss*
I hope they wont extradite them to Naija after the jail term o,cos we dont've to add to our already overloaded problem here. Eni bimo oran lon pon
Haba ya da zagi
Lord have mercy! soul rest in peace.
What is wrong with these children???
too much of freedom is bad!
12years is too small!
LIFE SENTENCE should be it!
Can't imagine what the boy's parents are going through, and when they say they hate BLACKS, we shout racism! will such parents and friends have anything good to talk about Nigerians in future?
#long hiss#
Yorubas in the UK are committing a lot of crimes. Igbos in the States do crazy things. Hausas in Nigeria are the main troublemakers.
boko haram , muttalab , ibb, abacha , all the oloshi pple Nigeria has ever regretted ving !!!! .......hausa should go back to their country which is Niger republic , they are in Nigeria as a result of geographical location error and mistake of LORD LUGGARD amalgamating the south and the north 2geda bastards !!!
Hmmm....you can lie! You have gone to read d story on yahoo and you come here come dey form 'I live in Yankee or jand' like most LIB readers have been doing of late.....if you were really there, you will know that people tried to stop them and even the girl got scared after she nudged d boy to know if he was conscious.......also, she was the one who bought the murder weapon (knife)..........so next time, read extensively, and chat with pple who were ACTUALLY there before you LIE!
this is now really causing embarasement to us here in london i tell you linda. we can't walk on the street anymore
All the murderers deserve life sentences. Idiots!
...Wrong Imagery of my lovely Nigeria!
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