Eudoxie Yao a model from Ivory Coast claims her backside is West Africa's largest and thanks to her hefty assets, she has amassed a sizeable social media following with more than 125,000 Instagram followers. According to local media, she is raking in the cash as she is regularly contracted to sell events, photos, and promote products in addition to regular appearances on TV. There are speculations her booty is surgically enhanced but she maintains it's all natural. More photos after the cut...
Jesu... What a scary somborri! 🏃 🏃
How does she sit on the toilet and clean when she's done using it? That's only thing I'm concerned about
As if we go use am borrow money from the bank.. That thing Na load and Na only shit full there.. How will she run with this heavy duty if there's pandemonium or war. Next plzzzz😁. Plz add me on LIS @Nnenne George
Don't think so...
Big ass though!
Na wa oh. why only ur bum what of ur vagina huh?Why only west Africa huh? AND THIS ONE NA ACHIEVEMENT HUH? Only the gods knows how many dozens of silicon inside that bum.
see waiting one person carry eww freeborn wept!
#sad indeed
Is she a dwarf?
Ukwu nkaa nwere nti ~Nwa_Nsukka
Shit filled ass
ike nsi. Earn cool cash! Get your superb soccer prediction tips for Saturday & Sunday 5th & 6th November 2016 @
It's not true,but she tried,
Baba say so
Totally disgusting....hissss!.
Good for her
Her bum bum bigger than bombay
No be small thing o! Linda take note!
Her bum can bomb the whole of miaduguri..
Ukwu nwanyi Owerri...chai!!!😨😨
Oga make she come carry trophy na.......who her bum EPP..???
*************************ok nne !!!!!! Carry ur sef and ur biggest nyash go ur Local government go carry award !!!!!!!!
*************************ok nne !!!!!! Carry ur sef and ur biggest nyash go ur Local government go carry award !!!!!!!!
True she said..
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
I hope she'll enjoy d bumbum for old age... dee
Everything is going 'model'...gtfoh!
Clap 4 ursef, arthritis and rheumatism dey knock 4 ya domot.
With a massive bum bum like hers I bet every other area must be hidden under this massive something.
Celebrating disability!
Well concerned, there's more to it than meets the eye also sex with her is not comfortable which ever way
please Follow meon LIS @ Friendswith benefits...
visit for your wigs and hair
who she want contest with na
what so special about this ass, its too big to seduce any guy.
what's so special about this ass, its too big to seduce any guy.
what so special about this ass, its too big to seduce any guy.
what so special about this ass, its too big to seduce any guy.
r u dat stupid and dumb??? She goes to toilet normal and clean normal nt like u with a asshole leaking and dipping directly in2 d W/C coz u r 2 thin... Maybe if u r smart enough u wouldnt ask a retarded question empty headed fool
how do you wear your pampers after receiving dicks in your ass hole?
Please my fellow blog visitors assist a sister . I'm in need of your assistance to raise capital to start off a little business to keep me going in life and at least put a smile on my mums face. Please. No amount is small. As I will be very grateful for any help rendered to me. Thank you and God bless you all Amen. You shall never know lack amen. This is my email address
If I get on top this one, even the whole Nigeria army no go fit drag me down from there. I go form Dauda the sexy guy on top of am. Na one thing go kill a man.
Hmmmm...smilin.....abeg i no want.
you have created a seat on your back for your children, i wounder where men will start from
I'm such a perv🙈. copied her name and searched it on instagram hoping to find bikini pics but couldn't find, quite sad tho😔
Have never see such ass before.. .kai
Eeeeeewwwooooooo!! Ogbunigbwe the ballistic bum Wey dey cause confusion.
There's no room for the CAT to breath ,that's a lot of YEAST INFECTION AND STINKS.
This is uku..
Nice but not true cause I have seen, felt n penetrate a bigger ass than hers,trust me Nigerian women got natural ass bigger than hers
ha bum bum bad ooh
Oops disgusting!!!
Looks very irritating!!!
her bumbum issa miracle
her bumbum issa miracle
her bumbum issa miracle
Na nlo okwa ya?
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