This video currently trending on social media shows a lady who is supposedly a student of Ebonyi State University, Isieke Campus, Abakaliki, being assaulted by her school boyfriend. A Facebook user shared the video and wrote: "Merciful God, see beating, school boyfriend ooo." - Watch the video after the cut.
And please can the idiot be rusticated from that school? This is not acceptable in any way!
What d fuck
Will day arrest him?
Cuz their is no justice in 8ja.
Godtakeover nigeria
Godtakeover LIB
Godtakeover lis
Firstly I hate guys dat beat ladies..secondly some gurls sometimes act as if dey ar blindfolded..u ought to learn ur man nd knw his temper level..u can't continue to encourage a relationship wen u knw ur guy's temper is crazy..
Thank God someone took a video. Guy will surely get expelled...
Long Live LIB
If the authority want to punish the guy they must include the batch too because both of them are just a waste like apc and terrorist Bahari.
#sad indeed
If the authority want to punish the guy they must include the bitch too because both of them are just a waste like apc and terrorist Bahari.
#sad indeed
Just imagine... Ordinary boyfriend fah!
I think she was the one at fault. But no man should lay a finger on a lady.
linda please do your best to make sure this gets to the right authorities and this animal is brought to justice... this is deeply sickening... why would a man feel superior to the point where he sees a woman as an animal he can throw punches on like a punching bag.....
My God the police should get involved. This man had no right to put his hand on this woman. I hope women in abusive relationships see this and realize nothing absolutely no one should go through this, no matter your situation. I hope and pray this woman is ok and has left this relationship.
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Can u jmagine!
This is the height of madness. He should be dealt with.
Lol look at the small monster ,I trust what I can do really. Not even in my present life has a man layer hand on me order than my dad beating .
This madness should stop pls
Aunty Linda don't judge quickly. You don't know what transpired between the two.Rustication should be between duo until they find out what really happened.
Na d girl like d beating na
...merited happiness
Everyone involved should be asked to leave the school premises. The fool beating her, the lady she begged to help her n the bastard recording the whole thing.
Stupid girl. This is the kind of aminals they move out with in the name of love or whatever is the stupid Reason. She was even begging the Boko Haram minded animal.
Must they have animals as bf hisss
Stupid girl. This is the kind of aminals they move out with in the name of love or whatever is the stupid Reason. She was even begging the Boko Haram minded animal.
*************************dax wor happens wen u put #5 price tag on ur honeypot !!!!!!!!! Babe sorry shaa ******next time no friend bobo five five naira for school **********even if u wan date school date d one wey no dey smoke weed
*************************dax wor happens wen u put #5 price tag on ur honeypot !!!!!!!!! Babe sorry shaa ******next time no friend bobo five five naira for school **********even if u wan date school date d one wey no dey smoke weed
They can punish him by making him sit in the VIPs for his papers... Expel from school like Linda, seriously?
There'a a phrase, "the elephant in the living room", which purports to describe what it's like to live with a drug addict, an alcoholic, an abuser. People outside such relationships will sometimes ask, "How could you let such a business go on for so many years? Didn't you see the elephant in the living room?" And it's so hard for anyone living in a more normal situation to understand the answer that comes closest to the truth; "I'm sorry, but it was there when I moved in. I didn't know it was an elephant; I thought it was part of the furniture." There comes an aha-moment for some folks - the lucky ones - when they suddenly recognize the difference.
I hope this girl's eyes open oh before its too late
This is really bad........
WTF... this is criminal assault and malicious battery.
@freeborn or whatever you call yourself u r such a bastard your own is always different from others i prayed a guy will brutally assault your sister like this or even more brutal than dis ,Useless boy u r had better not show ur face on this blog bcos u will be seriously death with.Idiot
The girl was enjoying the beating
Na boyfriend her parents send her to for??? Linda take note!
**********************thunder fire devil..... Na uwa Jesus nkea????? Akuko oooo
I can't imagine,how can I guy beat me,are u mad or something.
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I tire oh, if it were her parents that flog her na,the whole world Wldnt hear word. Stupid love!
I can neva do dis 2 linda
Guy's an idiot! Mike Tyson that can't get in the ring and fight men!
You're an animal. Nothing, absolutely nothing justifies beating up a woman, or anyone for that matter!
It was my university though.That Campus has already been known to be unserious in all ratification.It's rather unfortunate.How bless EBSU
It was my university though.That Campus has already been known to be unserious in all ratification.It's rather unfortunate.How bless EBSU
it shows that the guy was never raised by a queen ...... and assuming that girl is my sister and i walked in there what you think would happen ???
Don't be surprised when the guy is rusticated the girl will crying for pity. I hate any ladywho behave as if a man is her Lord. What warrants such beating if she was not loving the man more than he does
Serious ish
Hmm! The true picture of the soar, sorry and sorrowful state of education in Nigeria. Students no longer read to lead. They now "boy-friend" and "girl-friend" away their sense of reasoning and judgement.
Imagine the nonsense, parents worked hard to send the idiot to school, she go do love, immediate rustication, no time for nonsense, so pissed.
If this girl was in any way related to me, that little runt had better be out of town by the time I get to Abakaliki. There is enough in this video for the Police to get involved, even if the girl decides not to press charges. Reminds me of what happened to a certain boyfriend of my sisters who tried this kind of shit. He prided himself as a thug so I took along three of my other male siblings & we paid him a visit. All that happened was we got along fine for about an hour ......until he could no longer drink the water from four bucketfuls provided. That was the only time he got smacked. This lasted the entire night. He never as much as glanced in my sister's direction thereafter.
*hic* My question....which "idiot" was filming this?
Funny enough she will still go back to him,I know couples like that !
~glo rule your world~ cos I do•
EBSU naa school???mtchhhwww.....its aabout cultism there,lame shi..i sincerely hope,something is done though...just that I know that school.
The lady that separated the fight said something at the end. She said leave am u no go hear, meaning the foolish girl doesn't want to leave the woman beater meaning she likes the beating or why else will a grown lady stay in an unhealthy relationship
Na wa oooo
*hic* My question....which "idiot" was filming this?
There should be an organisation fighting for abused women. The abuser should be battered or arrested. Oloriburuku! When such men cannot pregnate their wives in future due to curses, they will blame witches.
No matter what happened, no human being should beat someone like that. That is the simple and honest truth.
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Pls shut up,so she can't visit her bf again because she is in sch..have u ever heard of free period,maybe she doesn't have classes.a beast will always be a beast dere is no justification whatsoever
Ordinary boyfriend kwa
I am disgusted someone stood to record this while a man was hassling a woman for god knows what reason. smh, I am disappointed in the human race
For ordinary boyfriend... Tufiakwa! God no go gree
Let protect her, but wait ooo the guy dey sale mama put abi those ones na property some guys re shamelessly poor n wicked
Pls which university, dix gal need to b taught a lesson she will nvr 4gt. I think she need army men to beat her more, cos i can't imagine a boy dat ain't ur father, brother, husband . beating u lik a criminal and u still say sorry even if u stole is school fees.
Do u knw that ur reproductive system is in danger. What does the stupid boy gives u except sex. Ur parents are at home praying nd suffering 4 u to graduate, u pay dem bac by disgracing dem. U a disappointment and disgrace to humanity.
A boy dat doesn't knw de worth of a woman yet. A boy that hav not brought a bottle of coke to ur parent, on head.
He beats and humiliate u dix way, when u r nt even his wife to be. Wat wil he do wen he eventually marries u. Think .
Everything people are saying abt this video u caused it ursef.
what kind on nonsense is this? If this is my sister and she goes back I will add to the beating. Rubbish. Look at the UGLY animal that calls himself a man.
It is sad to note battering a lady is gradually becoming a way of life in our father land.i think relationship should be embarked upon when the two people that want to be involved have certified themselves matured in minds and God fearing.From.Godwin Irekhe
Nawa o.
They are both retarded.... Yes, both of them are idiots. The he-idiot who was not trained to care and protect women and the she-idiot who was not taught to know her value and worth.
Few years ago, a young Igbo boy of about 11 years beat his younger sister over a petty issue while they were playing with my sisters kids. He was big and the beating had the girl crying in pain and when he was scolded and we tried to talk to him about protecting and taking care of his sisters instead of hitting them at the slightest provocation, the other sister told us that he has the right to beat them .... Their father taught them that. That made me weak.
Well my nephew knows the whooping he would receive if he tries that.
See how he was hitting her on the back, not anywhere clothes wouldn't cover.
That girl must be sick in the head
The elephant in the room, refers to anything that requires discussion, but is being ignored, by all those concerned.
Bonnie, you really need to stop trying, you're uneducated and ill-informed, and you're becoming a nuisance.
Now I see why my husband was very angry this evening. Oh so it's because of this video he saw on fbk lolz. The guy is lucky my husband don't know him,he for know how far Hahaha
I each time i come across ur comments.. I jux stop to read... U knw y???? ur written English ix super....
And you Anonymous you are the only friend of an animal... why comment under an animals opinion LMAO
Gustavo abi na wetin be ur name ..hope you will say the same thing if its your sister. Idiot monsters walking the earth as humans. Anu ofia chukwuma ..uchu chuchu kwa gi onu there
Hmm,seen. #Lindatakenote
Haha, Chizzy Liz, thanks for the love. Blowing a kiss your way. Xxx
Professor Bonita, don't u think it's more honorable to keep mute instead of turning urself to a public clown?
N-Dee, even animals need friends, that's why I support the conservation of "wildlife" like yourself, not to the extent that I would be a vegetarian, but still, every living thing deserves to be treated with compassion, otherwise, I wouldn't be hard pressed to leave Chukwuma to suffer in ignorance.
That's why I'm harsh with monkeys like OSINANL, Chibuike Livingston and LIB's resident Babooness Uju Phil.
That's how some stupid girls lock demselves up in bondage n kal it " le boo,le dis n dt" dating animal
This guy u swear tnk ur God dis isn't my sis or relative,u will meet ur maker dt day,idiaaatt
Living stone u must comment twice abi oloshi
Abeg, the coward that lays a hand on my sister or daughter will be one dead nigger! On my mother...I swear.
Dat guy has no right beating up dat girl but u nevr can tell she might have opened her legs for another guy and d bf. Found out and went gaga still he has no right to beat her up
The girl has not seen anything yet, let her continue with him
Eva Da Diva...
There are lots of beastly animals hovering around us inform of human skin,always looking for a way to unleash the beastly attitude,women need to be careful with the kind of men they associate theirselves with all in the name of love,No woman deserve to be treated in this way irrespective of what transpired btw them.Pls LADIES BEWARE OF ANIMALS LIKE THESE!!!
funny enough i know a girl in this lagos that enjoys her boyfriend giving her this kind of beating regularly....not joking oooooo....her name is kate....she doesnt date men who dont get angry at her and beat her even when caught this particular lady might just be enjoying this beating not to have disappeared from this kind me
Maybe he saw her sex tape.....well, after this beating they will have make up sex and smile tomorrow. Una dey here dey shout....rubbish
God forbid say na my sister you dey beat like this....them go dey find me for murder
Enter your reply...thunder fire u for there...leave Ebsu alone which doesn't do d cultism thinny??
I remembered massive protest from the students of the university saying NONE of those guys were students in their university.
But did any of the bloggers and newspapers that reported it APOLOGIZE for dragging that University on the mud ? NO.
One thing is certain, these people not Ibos. They speak pidgin to each other and their ACCENT is NOT Ibo IN THE LEAST. Not even closer. So the question is DOES ANYTHING PROVE THIS VIDEO WAS REALLY TAKEN IN Ebonyi State University ? NONE !
Sorry about the assault though...but, some women prefer men who can manhandle them. Recently, I was walking back home along karimu laka street, by the millennium school opposite the late Oba of egebeda's palace. I noticed a girl kneeling behind a parked truck and a young man was standing by her. I knew something was wrong and as I walked past I inquired what was going on. the girl stood up immediately and said nothing...he is my brother...Surprise she was kneeling for her brother ii the street about 8pm. I won't cry for any girl that is beaten up by a man, she asked for it
Linda, you might think rustication from school will fix this man, but it wouldn't. He needs help himself, who taught him that it is OK to beat a woman?, his parents or his environment and who taught the woman that abuse equates to love?, her parents or the society she lives in?
Programs that empower both men and women such as Iyanla fix my life are things that should be promoted on Nigerian TV, it would serve as an awareness drive to all.
If the lady had her own money to rent a place for herself would she be in an abusive relationship? God heal her broken soul.
Linda, you might think rustication from school will fix this man, but it wouldn't. He needs help himself, who taught him that it is OK to beat a woman?, his parents or his environment and who taught the woman that abuse equates to love?, her parents or the society she lives in?
Programs that empower both men and women such as Iyanla fix my life are things that should be promoted on Nigerian TV, it would serve as an awareness drive to all.
If the lady had her own money to rent a place for herself would she be in an abusive relationship? God heal her broken soul.
This is heartbreaking
He wouldn't behave like this if he'd smoked week.
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