Read Adaeze Yobo's powerful message to women in abusive marriages | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 7 May 2016

Read Adaeze Yobo's powerful message to women in abusive marriages

After reading the sad story of the mother of two who was killed by her husband in Lagos yesterday, Adaeze Yobo took to her IG page to share a powerful message to women in Abusive marriages...


Unknown said...

When ur right ur right

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LWKM. Laugh at Nigeria's funniest pictures here

Unknown said...

Pastor Adaeze God bless you for the message,true talk

Bonita Bislam said...

Like I always say when it comes to issues of domestic violence, these questions are pertinent;

Has he ever trapped u in a room & not let u out?
Has he ever raised a fist as if he were going to hit u?
Has he ever held u down or grabbed u to refrain u?
Has he ever shoved ,poked or grabbed u?
Has he ever threatened to hurt u?
If the answer to any of these questions is Yes,then we can stop wondering whether he'll ever be violent.He already has been.#SayNoToDomesticViolence

Anonymous said...

You 're right marriage is not by force .

Unknown said...

Thought its the same Bible that same "No divorce". Im not sure if thats in the bible, but pastors say there shd be no Divorce.Please some one correct me if im wrong

Unknown said...

God pls save our men, our women and our marriage. RIP Ronke.

Unknown said...

She's so on point. Linda take note!

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

The thing is, well-cultured women see it as their cross to carry n hope they can fix it or bear it instead of running out. They see it as a shameful thing to leave their husbands that's why they stay put. There are still thousands of women being domestically abused that are reading this post and not ready to leave the men. May God guide us aright in the process of decision making in the first place o

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

I read dat story with sadness in me. I wonder why women choose to remain in a marriage dat is abusive and some ppl will tell u dat it is not easy to leave bt wen u die in dat marriage it becomes easy to leave. This should be a lesson to every woman who is in an abusive marriage/ relationship.

Anonymous said...

She's busy advising u girls meanwhile u don't know wats going on in her home except wat she shows u. All u babes dey deer dey concur till u find urselves single at 50

alma said...

Well said, any man that raises his hand against a woman is a fool, and he doesn't deserve the Lord's mercy.

Unknown said...

There is a case for divorce. The bible says u can divorce in d case of infidelity.

Anonymous said...

i rather remain single than die of abuse in marriage. even if the woman does not die it leaves an indelible mark in the children's psyche which only God can heal

Nigerians in diaspora calls out to PMB

Anonymous said...

this notwithstanding and the state of the economy people are getting married every other weekend

ISIS and Boko Haram which is more deadly see statistics in the last few months

Mimi12 said...

Well said

Painter transforms models into beautiful artworks  
miimi's diary  

neo said...

Husbands love your wives. Wives submit to your husbands. that is what the bible said.
Husbands the bible says love your wives,as your own body.then would you hurt your own body? No I don't think so. What you don't want them to do to you,do not do Others. Anger is bad.You should learn to walk away.
Women please watch your mouth, learn how to bridle your tongue. Your husband is your head as the bible says. So do not rub shoulders with him.submit. be wise learn to know when enough is enough. Above all God should be your hold and strength. Be a praying woman.
Domestic violence doesn't just start, its prompted by something's. And when it can't be controlled, it become disastrous. Please no man or woman is worth your death. Be wise.

Anonymous said...

Adaeze. Ur wright up is not bad but mind the way u interprete the bible so you wount confuse your reader. Where you quote in the book of 1stcorinthians 7:15 is the word of the prophet talking not the word of God direct before the verse 15, the verse7:12 says "But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away". Check the first sentence "BUT TO THE REST SPEAK I AND NOT OF THE LORD" so pls let's read bible very well before interpreting it

Unknown said...

Yes she is right! Pastors don't preach it. St Paul says u can leave an un believing spouse and move on. If we tie our hair becos he says so, why can't. We leave a bad marriage wen the same person says so?

Unknown said...

God bless u... U just said my mind

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Well arent you a better adviser? implying that single ladies shld jump in with just anyone so they dont find themselves single at 50... sounds like you re out to reduce the populance of women through abusive relationships for fear of the future. If you are so interested in what happens in Adaeze's life then thats your personal palava, cos it beats me that the truth is been said and you are twisting it all up out of obvious prejudice. pity...

Unknown said...

Smilin....exactly dear! I concur.

Unknown said...

I said this before nd am still saying it again...I swear no man will try such with me..Me Nd him will kill our self in that really don't deserve soft hand, woman wake up Nd stop wasting ur precious tears on them any little thing....nd let Me tell y'all once a man found out yuh re nt strong they will yeye you buh if yuh re strong they will behaviour theirslf... am sure killed her when she question he over one babe he is having affair wth...if not what would brought such fight of beating ur wife to death huh!...Gosh! If NA MY VILLAGE WOMAN WILL GATHER AND BEAT THE LIVING HELL oUT OF hE....NONSENSE!!!

....CYNTHIA commenting from my TOYOTA 2024

Unknown said...

What on point is she?! To all you dull skulls who believe in one side of story you see on here then you ae in doom did you know if that was true or not that it was the husband before you all jumping into conclusions meanwhile and Linda is @ d comfort of her house posting almost 90percent force news in the name of getting money. You BS ppl who is not an eyewitness saying crabs. Don't believe in what you read online do your reseach and know the truest of the story before you judge others with just photo someone is posting to u fools to make her own money. My question adaeze is Yobo same kind of man bcos you come on here quoting bible from bible point of view and are you sub missive to ur husband doing what is also asked of you in the same bible?!

Anonymous said...

I rather leave a violent man n watch my children grow wit me outside his house then die n leaving them behind wit another woman suffering them after my death. marriage no b by force.

Anonymous said...

He Lack home training, any well trained man will never rise his hand on his wife.

Anonymous said...

Separate cuz of infidelity. U can separate but not have sexual intercourse until one of you is dead. Then u can remarry if u wish. The explanation for separation is different from divorce. Be careful when u wanna quote the bible. Remember what is written about blasphemy and since against the Holy Spirit.

Anonymous said...

Shut up there we like advice. Kill urself idiot.

Anonymous said...

Sharap! Who u epp?

Unknown said...

Nice one ada


Well said

Anonymous said...

Tell them oh I tire for woman of now eating dirty from one idiot call husband

Unknown said...

God have mercy

Anonymous said...

I don't y people think divorce is not mentioned in d bible. Pls read ur one pray n want divorce,get out when necessary.

Anonymous said...

What d u mean, is it not better to be single @ 50 than to be in your grave from domestic violence. Pls think b4 u speak

Unknown said...

ÓSome people don't just get what if u 50, single and alive.and 35 and gone leaving 2 kids behind.grow up @anonymous.most women stay in abusive marriages all in the name of culture.What good has culture brought us?we keep saying westerners are too exposed meanwhile we are the ones that are ignorant on every level.

Anonymous said...

U go dey well-cultured n die for nothing abegie keep culture one side n face reality. OK d men r not well-cultured not beat their wives abi? Who culture done help


well said but I don't really blame our women in such marriages because most of them were brought up with *endure your marriage and save your name at all cost* ma sister is a victim. the marriage was ended by my dad cos he couldn't sit back nd watch his daughter sufer in the name of LOVE nd SAVING OF MARRIAGE

Anonymous said...

My prayer is that mine won't ever get to this level of evil... its really heart breaking

Unknown said...

She is right!

olawunmi said...

Hmmmmmm, Fact! Yobo thanks a lot. Thats what i always said, single mother is not a crime! It happen to my area sister about a year and half ago, immediately dis sis died, her hubby brought in another woman 2 days after. Please its not by force ooo. Most women that develop HBP today is because of men. Leave them and go on with ur life for the sake of your kids. Abi na the same mama born una?

anonymous said...

cars kills yet u drive or joins on.same with plane , even gas cookers but u go hear na God dey save us.or u handles with care but in the issues relating marriage people like linda will not advise many dump asses here not to provoke ur men or husband by infidelities or working out tins amicably with them or talking to Gracious God though I know she doesn't believe in God. she always want u out of ur marriage and remain single like her #Godfearingmendonthittheirwife

Clara Udeh said...


Airvoice's blog said...

This woman is a big fool. Using bible out contest all you feminist shit. Why don't quote where it said you should summit to you and honor him as unto the Lord AL mad women, yes most of you are cause of your problems and let me tell this divorce is not permitted in you bible, don't read one part and leave the rest even in that chapter you read from say you should not depart from your husband or wife. Today you all want to leave why because you all are always looking a better deal. That's the end products of promiscuity.

Airvoice's blog said...

Not that men should kill their wife's but these day and age of feminism the worst is about to happen and there will be chaos in this cosmos. I don't if this message is published or not even the blogger has gotten my message

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous 11:47am you are a fool for contradicting the word of God. May God help so that you won't fall a victim one day. I pity you SMH.

Airvoice's blog said...

This woman is a big fool. Using bible out contest all you feminist shit. Why don't you quote where it said you should summit to your husband and honor him as unto the Lord All you mad promiscuous shit women of this generation , yes most of you are the cause of your problems and let me tell this divorce is not permitted in your bible, don't read one part and leave the rest even in that chapter you read from says you should not depart from your husband or wife. Today you all want to leave why because you all are all always looking a better deal. That's the end products of a will just kill the without a cause. No smoke without a now Mba nu!

Airvoice's blog said...

This woman is a big fool. Using bible out contest all you feminist shit. Why don't you quote where it said you should summit to your husband and honor him as unto the Lord All you mad promiscuous shit women of this generation , yes most of you are the cause of your problems and let me tell this divorce is not permitted in your bible, don't read one part and leave the rest even in that chapter you read from says you should not depart from your husband or wife. Today you all want to leave why because you all are all always looking a better deal. That's the end products of a man will just kill the wife without a cause. No smoke without a now Mba nu!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous: what's your point. Better to be alive but single at 50 than be married and dead at 25.

Olashile Canada said...

Linda use ur brain,due to ur story they avent confirmed yet if d hubby was d one that killed her until d investigation is over stop pointing at d man,half journalism is killing our society

Anonymous said...

How cynical of you. Has she advised women to leave if you are not in a perfect marriage? Has she even said hers is perfect? Its better to be single at 50 than to be dead from domestic violence at a younger age.

Unknown said...

Nice one

Unknown said...

The bible still doesn't support Divorce. And 1stcor7vs15 doesnt relate to what you're saying. Not domestic violence.

Anonymous said...

Rather single than dead mate. You don't have a point. Fulfillment is not tied up to marriage . There is a higher calling

Anonymous said...

Sense e no common. She said if you're in a violent relationship, walk out. Borrow yourself some gray matter. The one that is dead before 50 nko.

Unknown said...

Women gat alot of power though....

ogo said...

Its better they tell your child where you live not where you're buried.Divorce his ass

Anonymous said...

I think people value what the society will say more than their lifes.CRAPPY THOUGHT.RIP RONKE

Unknown said...

The devil has really eaten deep into marriages. May God save women from violent relationships.

Anonymous said...

Its is a sad story,I understand n knw first hand wat it means to b in an abusive marriage. D fear is always d welfare of d kids,its always a huddle Dats very hard to jump.expect u r truly strong not only physically but emotionally.n Dats one thing a lot of us hv especially d abused ones.

Anonymous said...

Where was it written in the bible?

Anonymous said...

@Ayus read 1stcorinthians 7:1-16 u will understand better. Adaeze just miss interprete the bible

Anonymous said...

I am bn pushed to reply to ur comment,its better to b single at 50yrs and alive than to marry @25 n died frm been battered @ 30.if only u knw wat battering does to a woman u wud not wish it for ur worse emeny.take it frm a woman whose bn there.

Yetty k said...

Preach it pastor

Unknown said...

Well said

Unknown said...

Well said Evang Adaeze #saynotodemesticviolence#

Anonymous said...

I won't be surprised if you ar ar wife beater urself o u . Generally insensitive to the plight of others, I jus pray none of u female family members go through this # common sense Is needed and we are humans. God save u from people like you

IK D DON said...

No man has d right to lay his hands on his wife, girlfriend, daughter, mother,sister,cousins sister,anything dat is opposite sex. But d fact remains dat wen u say walk away remember u r not alone in dat marriage d children r to be considered.

gentle said...

Yea yea.

gentle said...

And common sense says you know it's time to leave when he hits you.

Unknown said...

Am certain u grew up watching ur father beat ur mother dats y u coming here to talk thrash. Common sense is not common

Anonymous said...

You are so stupid! The biggest dumb ever.... she's still with her husband 'cause he doesn't hit her. The poor woman just gave a good piece of advise to women that are physically abuse in their marriages and here u are saying rubbish. Did u hear her say women shouldn't get married? I just pity for women like you. You see marriage as everything. You can stay in ur abusive marriage o! Good luck

gentle said...

Same marriage card. Marry an abusive hubby for society's sake so you wnt be an old spinster. Filthy thing

Anonymous said...

the thing that pains me is how different kinds of ppl come up here and be giving marriage advice even ppl of failed parenting or marriages are giving advice. My friend go and find something worth doing. Reserve your advice for yourself and mother, she needs it. u also need it cos we all know yobo it's not a matter of time his cheating on you would turn to wife battery if you dont take time.

Anonymous said...

Single at 50 is better than death at 39

Goodgold said...

Separation is not divorce, its just simple application of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Beast,just because you want your punching bag (wife) to stay and continue taking your abuse, you now put up your silly and stupid advice that we shouldn't concur. Animal like you. Anyway is either they are single at 50 or they may die at 30 like the above lady. Schwwwwwwwwww

Unknown said...

Well said. But there needs to be a support structure to help this woman actually leave the marriage.

Anonymous said...

I pity any stupid bastard dat calls himself a man or husband dat wud raise his disgusting hands on me in any marriage ......he wud b worst dan death itself I wud make sure I send him to his ancestors dat day before he does it to me...........
useless cowards called men.......#SayNoToWomenBatteryAndDomesticVoilence.

feli-eniola said...

I don't understand and will never understand why some women do this to themselves! Empower yourself before you enter into marriage and be quick to get out if it becomes abusive. A lot of men are possessed. LOVE YOURSELVES WOMEN!!!

Anonymous said...

So bcos of age you will enter an abusive marriage so the man will kill you b4 u reach 50 abi. You obviously dont mind being beaten. Pls leave others that mind to stay alive

Anonymous said...

So bcos of age you will enter an abusive marriage so the man will kill you b4 u reach 50 abi. You obviously dont mind being beaten. Pls leave others that mind to stay alive

Anonymous said...

Well said and Written Sir! Say no to Domestic violence

Unknown said...

No matter what u say, some pple wnt hear..may God help us all

Anonymous said...

It is better to be single for life than to be in an abusive marriage,any body in an abusive marriage is in hell on earth.

Unknown said...

Preach on Pastor, Godhhelp us all...

Anonymous said...

Contact: Kel's Hair & Make ups for your 100% human hair and make ups kits via BBM: 7BD422E2

Anonymous said...

So what are you saying stupid idiot koromiwe? That an abusive marriage than being unmarried? I'm sure you are a woman beater that's why you can mouth such rubbish. Any man that beats a woman is a big time coward! Go and face your fellow man to prove strength. Stupid mofo.

Nkem Owoh's Life in Pictures: A visual journey through the actor's life said...

I agree with you completely, Adaeze

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

She is right thou,may God reliever us from wicked husband.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous 11:46: there's nothing wrong in being single.How many wives or husbands u carry come this world in d 1st place? Nonsense!

Anonymous said...

Am cherish, am chocolate tall and beautiful, am looking for a sugar daddy or man friend that stays in delta state that can take care of me and my education and I will treat him well. Contact me through Please only serious one. If u know u can't,please don't email me and only if u stay in delta

Anonymous said...

Bla bla bla! Men kill women, wimen kill me too. What a funny word. Madam yobo dey talk no problem. Luv is more complex as you all think. I will leave a broke man, I will leave a woman beater I will this I will that. Like we all live a perfect life . If it's not violence it broke if it's not broke it's fuck. Humans don't truly know what they want.

Unknown said...

Well said. I agree with you, A must read for all women.

Miss Dee said...

So sad

Unknown said...

No marriage or relationship is worth your life any man that raises his hand against a woman is a beast

Unknown said...

well said .... also, Noted!
adaeze yobo alśo read at Linda ikeji's blog.


Unknown said...

Thanks Bonito, I always say there are red flags. We just have to be careful not to ignore it.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bonita, I always say there are red flags. We just have to be careful not to ignore it.

Unknown said...

So innocent life is lost..ThankGod for his mercies because if God was a man,many of us will not be alive.For a husband to take laws and beat his wife mercilessly to death is just despicable...

Anonymous said...

It's better to be single and 50 than 25 and dead.

Unknown said...

I was once in such Abusive marriage before,i thank God I left and am doing just fine.

Anonymous said...

Really? I tink i will rather be single @50 than beaten to death @30

Unknown said...

God bless you Adaeze

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace ronke. The last time I saw u was 3yrs ago glowing I could bet your husband was taking good care of you. So painful

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace role.the last timebu saw you was 3yrs ago glowing. I could bet ur husband was taking good care of you.

Anonymous said...

Better single and alive at 50 than married and beaten to death at 30.

Anonymous said...

Lol, na true you talk.
There's no perfect family but when a man starts hitting you; RUN for your dear life cos no one; I say No One will ever take care of your kids like you would.
RIP to the lady.

Unknown said...

Everyone has a battle to fight in this perilous world. Quiet right a reasonable man will not raise his hand to beat his wife but everyone of you should know that there is battle to fight,nothing good come easy you have to fight. It is true that women brain r so easy to input any cabbage and they will just say yes. Ask miss adaeza if her husband is just the perfect man,she will tell you yes but there r things she is aduring with her husband which she will never tell she is advicinng you to leave that marriage is not by force. I hope when you decided to walk out she will share mr. Yobo with you or give you a Better husband. Think before you start saying yess yees...pray before you marry your man...go to men of God to pray for you before you say yes. if God said that's your husband,does not mean that everything will be perfect cus there r many battle to fight...

Anonymous said...

She should keep quiet please. She that yobo steadily beats naa (he beats her like mad and I'm even getting scared for her), have she left her marriage? She's still there cus of the name and money. Adaeze biko first practice what you are preaching. Okbye

Anonymous said...

Idiot liar. Stop fudging. R u guilty.

Unknown said...

Exactly..u r right. Adultery

Eva Da Diva...

Officialmrssam said...

Adaeza is one woman I alwz look up to tnx for this .....Linda next wk Saturday 14th May is my wedding at festac Lagos . wish to see u as a wedding present to ur reader.Rose Bello.

Unknown said...

Na wa o.
Luv me a SNITCH.
Still lovin me some Juicy Gossip (prolly y i TROLL LIB nonstop)
A Snitch once whispered this tale 2 me a year back when Adaeze confronted the fool about a side chick (E Pluribus Unum) she jst discovered.

Unknown said...

And you know this because you are their house help abi?? Great!

Anonymous said...

see someone that is from a failed parenting giving advice. Please reserve your advice for you and your mum. Every one knows of yobo and his flirting hobby and ofcourse how you sef dey chop beating. Why are you still in the marriage then? Joker. Please let serious single girls make their choices. You are in no better position to give advice. Ppl dey talk, u sef dey give advice. I laugh in vietnamese

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace. I wonder how gullible some people can be with the way they make comment here. We have seen woman killing her husband and we blame it on the man, now a woman is killed by her husband all I read here is woman leave your marriage. No marriage is perfect and it lies with the woman to make her home peaceful by being respectful, patient and silent when needed. If you know you lack this qualities then I say you stay out of marriage and don't come here to mislead innocent good mothers of tomorrow because no marriage will work without these qualities.

The Destination said...

it is good to know that Wizkid the boy-man had a positive impact on you Linda, i notice u have dedicated time and postings on so-called violence agnst took 'a boy' to make 'a woman' wise on the ways of the world!

Anonymous said...

God punish you and may your daughters and sons stay in an abusive marriage. Fucking bastard

Unknown said...

Need 2 learn me a Vietnamese laugh ASAP.

Anonymous said...

No darling, i know this cus im an insider. Lol he beats her steady but no, she just won't leave. Bye

Anonymous said...

Liar liar frenemy.hahaha! Preach on ada.

Anonymous said...

Hate is so real, you left the topic to talk about adaeze? Na your type dey choose weed takers that will be beating you everyday ;)

Anonymous said...

Liar! U and I both know Joe has never touched Ada. U and I also know who u are and you and I also know u tried 2 start dis rumour in d past. Get help and stop dying out of jealousy.c

Unknown said...

adeaze,why don't you fu**ing leave yobo,cux I swear he's fu**ing cheating on you.women nowadays don't tend to play their roles in marriage nd wanna leave at any opportunity, especially you successful onez playing the advisory role,why dont u teach by example, u can't because yobo is wealthy,unlike tiwa dah abandoned billz bcux she's well to do.I don't blame women of dix generation dey wanna turn everything to dere favour.

By d way Linda plz upgrade ur comment session so pple can comment inside comments just like Facebook, everything is just scattered u don't knw who's replying who

Anonymous said...

I agree wit u,but a lot of us do not knw dis, bfo getting into marriage,I for one did not knw dat empowerment is liberty in disguise.things like dis shud be taught in marriage counseling if ever they wud agree.good point@feli-eniola

Anonymous said...

First if all simon pls no name calling drive home ur point.
Secondly from wat u hv said u sound like someone who justifies beating a woman bcos she has done something u persive to b wrong,d bible did say my people perish for lack of knowledge. U knw wat I wish for?for u to hv a front row seat in experiencing wat a battered woman is dealing wit den am sure u will change ur opinion.
Thirdly pls d fact dat a woman wants to live an abusive marriage is not bcos she want to hv freedom to frolic, its bcos she want freedom to LIVE AGAIN.
Fourtly let me correct an opinion u have dat u implied dat if u honor ur husband as ur lord n master he won't beat or treat you badly hahahaha,u enter d wrong bus pls come down.Go do ur research with a neutral mind.wedai u worship him o or cut it heart out n put on a golden plate for him,it doesn't change anything instead he sees u as a soft target,saying to himself,dis one easy to handle once I give am one dirty slap she go fear fear.
Lastly candid advice if u r into wife beating pls stop it bfo its too late.may God help us all.

Anonymous said...

All the comment against Mrs Yobo s advise are from wicked men who are using their wives as punching bags. I no go work again. All you are trying to preach is to allow you continue the punching. Thief thief and lie lie

Anonymous said...

You that is always talking about Ada s mum, pls remove your vail of anonymous and tell us what this woman has done to you.Cos I've noticed your comment whenever anything about Mrs Yobo comes up.Or is this only jealousy. You go die o

Anonymous said...

George Okotie you ll never change but be careful cos it may boomerang.You try to beat a woman, Something happens and you cut your fingers off.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous killers who forgot that it can be their girl child tomorrow. Women run run run !period

mama Nicole said...

Some people have peanut sized brain. So it's better to be dead at 30 than single and complete at 50.I have a happy marriage,I can walk on nails for my hubby and he loves me back. Yes we have issues some times and everyone will be carrying face upandan, but we make up. No violence no third party. With all my love for hubby, I will pick race the day he raises his hands on papa wet born me no kill me Na one man like dat go kill me. Who will take care of my kids when am dead and he is in jail. Gbakwanu Ndi ofulu Nwoke, gholu Ewu nkiti........ Mama Nicole.

Anonymous said...

Lmao!! No bi small joe has never touched Ada. Obviously, you all are being deceived by her cover up but I know one day it will be exposed cus she'd get tired of covering up. And no, you don't know who I am neither do I know who you are. No, I didn't try to start any rumor in the past. I'm someone just concerned about her safety. P.S I won't honor anyone with a response anymore. Biko if you really love her like you are claiming to, then advice her to leave before she ends up like Ronke too. A word is enough for the wise and this has nothing to do with jealousy. #lastreply #byeeee

Glorious sun said...

Kaiii,u guys r lying jor.Yobo doesnt look like a wife beater,r u guys praying to start beating adaeze

Anonymous said...

You that is always talking about Ada s mum, pls remove your vail of anonymous and tell us what this woman has done to you.Cos I've noticed your comment whenever anything about Mrs Yobo comes up.Or is this only jealousy. You go die o

olivia said...

Bonita, well said. Women take note

Unknown said...

True talk

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