Who is the best dressed to the 2016 AMVCAs? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 5 March 2016

Who is the best dressed to the 2016 AMVCAs?

Rita Dominic, Osas Ajibade, Mercy Aigbe, Mocheddah have been adjudged some of the best dressed to the 2016 AMVCAs. Above are pics of Toke Makinwa and Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi...see more pics after the cut and previous posts and tell us who you think slayed it this year...



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Olaaliu said...


Olaaliu said...


Unknown said...


michael George (the Fulani Prince) said...

None. Why is my Caro

Anonymous said...

Toke is so over dressed sef wen she wasnt even nominated for anytin

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Mehn. I no knw o. They all look DOPE but pls Rita's cloth is not outstanding abeg, I can agree about Mercy Aigbe n Mocheddah's outfit.


AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

I give it to Rita and Uti!

Unknown said...

Best dressed is Mercy

Anonymous said...

Ubifrankly and rita dominic wer the best dressed to me

Unknown said...


I giv it to d lady on blue.
Wht happened to Ini Edo looking lik someone dat has b starved.

Unknown said...

Best dressed data lady that won the best actress then Rita Dominic, mercy aigbe.Then best worst dressed Ini Edo (wedding gown) and genevieve nnaji was disappointed on genny

Unknown said...

I have never seen Toke Makinwa so different.... I like like.
What did dakora wear.... Her village people, again again.

Unknown said...

Pls I go with Rita Dominic and Lilian looking so beautiful


That vuvuzela P guy

Unknown said...

Best dressed for me are Rita Dominic and Mercy Aigbe #Muahandthumbsup#

Unknown said...

They nailed it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rita dominic

baba said...


Anonymous said...

Best dressed Mercy aigbe! Shikena

uju said...


Unknown said...

The best is rite Dominic and Carolina other yoruba bitches are bleachers expert.
Only the Gods ho there vagina go dey smell.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Caroline Danjuma,Rita Dominic, Rukky,Mercy Aigbe and Lilian Esoro looked Elegant and Perfect for the night, Ini Edo,Osas am not so pleased,Dakora Akande broke my heart,her dress doesn't fit to the Occasion at all.

Anonymous said...

Rita yor

Anonymous said...

Ubifrankly and rita dominic wer the best dressed to me

Unknown said...

Mercy Aigbe stole the show. Linda take note!

Temipearl said...

The worst dressed is Uche Jombo mehn! Cant deal

Unknown said...

Mercy and rita..love me some Caroline danjuma...Pls. Majid and his oversized suit...no be by force to wia suit sha....RMD and Ramsey representing d male folks well....

Unknown said...

Nkiru silvanus,why re u like this,can't u stop disgracing urself...na tafita abi mercury u wear?

Kayode Odusanya said...

Okay, this is my top three...

3. Gbemi Olateru Olagbegi

2. Osas

1. Rita Dominic

Do You Have Problems Lasting Long in Bed?

STERN said...

What is the name of that lady with yellow gown. . I reserved a hug in the best part of my arms for her

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

They all look beautiful

Unknown said...

All join

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

D lady in yellow, ini

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mercy Aigbe nailed it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ini Edo...na ur wedding?

Anonymous said...

D worst goes to ini edo

Anonymous said...


Ruby Owanate said...

what is Ini Edo wearing!!!!

Unknown said...

its hard to pick best dressed coz dey all slayed!!!checkout rita,mercy,omoni,toyin aimakhu,toke even lilian esoro.kai all of dem na best dressed.no winner

Anonymous said...

Ini, wat d hell r u wearing?

Anna CK said...


Danfella said...

Mercy Aigbe!!! Bt dakore looks extremely stunning tho.

Anonymous said...

Mercy Aigbe

yeyeoba said...

Mercy aigbe killed it hands down

Unknown said...


Phenomenal said...

Mercy Aigbe Gentry slayed. Na she win biko.

Unknown said...

Funke akindele gown too is not bad linda. Even stephaine. Thoug I like Genevieve,s own too its simple and gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Queen Rita Dominic, who else

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Rita Dominic is d best dress for me

Unknown said...

all of the above

They all look good in what they put on na

Most beautiful gal on linda ikeji's blog

Unknown said...

LI they find trouble. All of the above

Unknown said...

Sonia is the best
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

They all look take away,I can see a lot of repackaging.

Anonymous said...

ini edo y do u always get it wrong

Unknown said...

No doubt our fashion industry is improving but too bad deres someone who tends to keep on improving her fashion blunder

G-babie said...

Toke makinwa, mercy aigbe and osas ajibade did it for me.

Unknown said...

Annie Idibia tried
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

I have a Biased answer o!

Unknown said...

Omoni, there's something about her posture I don't seem to understand.. Genevieve looked so different, so dark and beautiful.. Oge Okoye & Nkiru Sylvanus, pls next time.. Don't bother coming if you can't simply catch up with the fashion trend. Goodluck everyone.

michael George (the Fulani Prince) said...


chommy said...

Ini edo no follow at all. Linda observe!

Anonymous said...

nkiru I no understand ur mbekeish pose, toke flopped this time, chimoo ini what is this Kwani!ini who ever adviced u to put this on is ur enemy. mercy, Rita, geni,uti n few others b slaying since long time. Where is my baby ebube

Unknown said...

Oh my God mercy is the best 💋 💋 💜 but ini edo my girl what happened to you today? Abi na your village people?

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Mercy and Rita nailed it. Ini Edo seems today is her wedding day, Linda u didn't tell us, even her wedding dress self na zero#Lindangwanu#

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Rita Dominic nail it. #AuntLinda

BOXY (A.K.A) common sense said...

They are all sexy and wonderful

presh said...

Mercy Aigbe is my no1... she slayed big time .
Rita and then Ik Ogbonna's wife.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ Ini Edo is wearing a wedding gown!!!!!

Ufuomaspod said...

Jeez ini edo slayed in dat Gown!choi she was d best dressed and best make up is Rita Dominic,sonia morales looks nice but she ain't anytin!toke makinwa I still don't understand y she Graces all red carpets jeeeez!Genny was straight to d point and bae well for d guys they looked Good buh wassup wit mr ibu?y will his wife let him leave d house dressed like dat?chineke that guy nids help frm a stylist!

Pharm Deborah said...

It will b difficult to choose best dressed....but my favorite outfits would b..mercyaigbe, Rita Dominic, Genevieve, yemi alade.......dats from the few I have seen thou

Unknown said...

1st Rita D, 2nd Rita D, 3d Caroline, 4th Osas, 5th Jenny, 6th mercy, dakoro tried, Ini worst wedding dress Ever, and yes, lilian ur so on Point, is that Annie I sight? Non no this is very sad who did this to u? Toke Chai! Nah Waoh for u o... what a Rotten handpit u ve Got" what an eyes Sore. Olekwou

Anonymous said...

Mercy, Rita Dominic,


Anonymous said...

Mercy aigbe and lillian esoro. Thw others follow them come

Anonymous said...

Ini edo is annoying. Cant she hire a stylist?

Unknown said...

Falz d badt guy

Anonymous said...

Mercy aigbe, rukky sandals,

Anonymous said...

No argument, Mercy slayed tonyt.

hands down most gorgeous

Unknown said...

Mercy- Osas- Mide martins- Lillian Esoro- Annie..... d worst dress goes to Ini edo, did she think d venue is an acting set, where she wanna act as bride #mtcheen#

Unknown said...

Rita Dominic (in her green dress. Not this)

2. Beverly Naya

Unknown said...

The lady that won the best actress....she looked amazing although Idk her name.
Rita and Genny looked lovely too......

Unknown said...

Oh! Dakore was my worse dressed. Babe was deessed lik a disco ball.

Anonymous said...

Iniedo can u get a P.A for fashion affair? Y d hell are u always falling ur hands. U be original mbgii wey i neva see b4. Wetin u wear? Keep disgracing ursef. Ekatte!

Chi chi said...

Gbemi, Toke, Dakore, Ini Edo and Oge failed this time am sorry.

Toke's dress is just fugly. Love the earrings though. Dakore's fabric looks like a one that should be used to make Curtains.

Lilian Esoro's yellow dress screams Egyptian goddess, and where is my Rita the slayer. The green dress she wore was everything.

Anonymous said...

Ini Edo i weep for u. Always suffering wardrobe malfunction. Aft u go show us ur worthless shoe and bag closest. U need fashion tutorial.

Anonymous said...

Rita and Mercy thumps up.

Anonymous said...

Adesuwa did it in a girly way. Me love.

Unknown said...

But Linda you are richer than most of this ladies yet u don't hang out with them. Linda pls I wanna see u in some of did events

Unknown said...

But Linda you are richer than most of this ladies yet u don't hang out with them. Linda pls I wanna see u in some of did events

Unknown said...

Rita killed it! Tears dropped my eyes wen I saw her! D green is so on point!

Anonymous said...

Annie pls who invited u?U with Ini Edo i no know who worst pass.

Ufuomaspod said...

Choi how is ini d worst?i wonder wat u pple tink sometimes wen commentin!i saw d show and ini slayed they even said it that Rita wuld v bin best if not for ini's Gown that slayed

Unknown said...

Genevieve, annie, Rita, Sonia, and then to the worst dresses are omoni oboli and dokore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This in Edo sef, everytime she be dressing like an amateur butterfly

J davies said...

Sentiments apart...I give it all to this ladies. They all slayed it. I can't but say am in love with mercy aigbe gentry's attire though,it looks so fabulous. Thumbs up to them all

Unknown said...

D best dressed goes to mercy Aigbe Gentry and Rukky sanda.

Anonymous said...

My best dress goes to my sisterly Kate, Ini, caroline, Omoni, Belinda, Mbong, obong Ubi Franklin our beautiful wife Lillian. I love my akwa Cross I love my sister in law Linda Ikeji too but I love. Mrs Ikeji

J davies said...

Sentiments apart, all these ladies slayed it. They were all dressed gorgeously but I can't but mentioned that I am in love with mercy aigbe gentry's attired.....she really nailed it. Thumbs up to them all

Anonymous said...

Looooove Annie's dress/look. So simple, elegant and stunning. And all covered up. Nice! Next Rita then mercy

Unknown said...

Kolomentality, Ramsey and others, u r celebrating African thing all u still decked in european attire. Haa Oga O!

mystery said...

Oh Yes! She slays on.

Ubi Franklin, go on ur knees everyday and thank God....Lilian Esoro is arguably the prettiest actress....gosh, she GLOWS!!!

Beverly naya looked amazing also but the boobs....#bleh

Caroline Danjuma, what happened to the lower butt area of ur gown? Swanky wasn't available?

Congrats Lala Akindoju but I repeat, you need a burger and be fast about it...rainy season is fast approaching....before breeze will blow u away

Adesuwa Etomi, congrats and you are extremely beautiful with a banging body just that your nose is too long.

Ini Edo, I have no words for you cuz I know that you know that your outfit was extremely hideous! Abi ur room nor get mirror ni?

Olumofin brothers, thanks a lot for the verbal assault on GbemiO. Y'll probably pushed her to make some changes and yassss it's working.....she has never looked better. #GirlPower

S/O to Folarin Falana aka Falz D bad guy....i'm so damn proud of you boo. congrats.

Unknown said...

I give it to ik ogbona's wify she's hot,.rukky sanda was awesome, RMD,uti,ramson nouh u guys nailed it...and of course genny and Rita can do no wrong..(aunty linda post it)

Unknown said...

I give it to ik ogbona's wify she's hot,.rukky sanda was awesome, RMD,uti,ramson nouh u guys nailed it...and of course genny and Rita can do no wrong..(aunty linda post it)

OJAI baby said...

They all slayed it

Unknown said...

Abeg make una no vex , but Wetin Majid wear? That boy suppose frm nnewi or ekwulobia !!!

Linda na me talk am !!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Top 6 cos it's kinda of dicey.
Mercy aigbe
Rita dominic
Anne idibia
Osas ighodalo
Toyin aiymakun

Top 3
Mercy aigbe

Would have picked merch for best dressed but d hair it's a nah for me.

All hail queen Rita. D colour of d dress,d make up,the hair love love love. Everything was on point.

Worst goes to ini Edo without thinking twice. What's that???i wish we could use emojiessssss

Anonymous said...

Ubi's wife...Lillian Esoro. for a pregnant woman...she's the best followed by Rita and Mercy

Unknown said...

Best dress goes to (1)osas ajibade(2)sonia ogbonna (3)rita dominic... worst dress award with no rival goes to ini edo,come on girl is 2day ur wedding nd why d front side bigger dan ur boobs.d dress looks like a hand me down from ur grandmom.u sud seriously sue ur stylist

Anonymous said...

Ubi's wife...Lillian Esoro. for a pregnant woman...she's the best followed by Rita and Mercy. Linda always tag names abeg if u wan ask this kain Q. I had to go to sdk to search for their names

Anonymous said...

Ubi's wife...Lillian Esoro. for a pregnant woman...she's the best followed by Rita and Mercy.

Anonymous said...

Ubi's wife...Lillian Esoro. for a pregnant woman...she's the best followed by Rita and Mercy.

Unknown said...

Osas agibade and the lady in yellow make my day. No substitution

Unknown said...

Dry cleaner we making a lot of money in Lagos with all these ladies that know how to dress but they do not know how to watch cloths.

Anonymous said...

MERCY AIGBE GENTRY hit a homerun. She was flawless

Unknown said...

Nice ondee

Anonymous said...

Even at Peggy ovire why does she like to dress tacky nd trashy. Like she borrowed the dress. Nit fitted nd she look stupid on that nonsense outfit.peggy ovire body reminds me of Bruce now Caitlyn. Ini Edo is just like a nigerian village black doll baby infact the blue rubber type lol

Anonymous said...

Where's Mercy Aigbe in the pictures. The last lady on pink is Mide Funmi Martins Abiodun and she nailed it. Mide Abiodun, best dressed!

Unknown said...

Mercy nailed it!

mystery said...

How naive are you omoh? Lmao. Who are the 'they'? Denola was probably setting that dress ablaze in his mind. She may not have been the worst dressed but please....that was an epic fail...not like I'm surprised tho. It's Ini Edo!!!

Anonymous said...

Taa gbafuo! Killed what?

Anonymous said...

Oh puhlease shattap. Annie looks so glam. Ini as usual, lacks the wow factor.

Anonymous said...

Appreciating African movies/Television and not African fashion.

Unknown said...

Smilin.....mercy was d best, n d worst goes to dakore n ini.

Sydo said...

My sister, I see wetin u see

Unknown said...

Any day any time n rita Dominic, ini edo hw far u miss rd? Toke pls concentrate on ur aboundance of makeup, lady in blue, u wer too much, den lady who wz compaired 2 Beyonce dat dress looked gud on u, emmmmmmm linda ikeji, for me u dnt need a dress oo just waka go jooor ooo

Anonymous said...

Toke, Omoni, Dakore, Anita Idibia, n the lady on pink. Ini Edo worst dress

Unknown said...

U funny sha,i haven't stopped laughing since i read your comment_the suit isn't fitted,it's over sized & we've gotten used to seeing guys on the red carpet with fitted/bespoke suits over the years so i get why he looks funny to both u & i but last last u harsh ooooh_hehehehehehehehehehehe..........

Unknown said...

for me Genevieve nailed it

YEYEOGE said...

Am just passing by

Unknown said...

I love Lilian so much & that mustard yellow looks glorious on her she's a beauty to behold but my best dressed has to go to Mercy she understands what the Red Carpet is for & she slayed,from her hair to the makeup,accessories,the dress everything was just right she's a slayer but please someone anyone explain to me what Ini Edo was wearing,why would she do that to herself though?she looks hideous in that gown sincerely no hate here,is it your wedding??but why_you have lost all that weight instead of u to wear something that would show up & complement your new trim figure u decided to wear that??.....

Daisy said...

my best dressed is toyin aimakhu, mide martins, omoni oboli, lilian esoro even annie tried this time around. all these guys that will never step out with their wives. ramsey noah and majid.

Anonymous said...

Did iniedo wore her wedding dress to the venue?..it look more like a wedding gown to me..

Michelle said...

Thunder fire your mouth .....Ekwulobia people no dey dress anyhow . EWU GAMBIA!

Anonymous said...

Worst dress is ini edo, cheapest dressed is nkiru, as usual.

Luciana Chinda said...

I love all the dresses they are so lovely.

Anonymous said...

You will soon die

Blessed Indeed said...

I choose Sonia ogbonna & Omoni Oboli they both look divine I must say!

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

It's kinda hard o but mercy aigbe, Rita Dominic, annie idibia, lilian esoro won my heart yo

... Merited happiness

Unknown said...

Sonia ogbonna
N rita dominic best dressed female


Unknown said...

Yea,first person reasoning alike with me


Anonymous said...

Uti? He looks like a pimp... If we are going to copy d whites let's do it right. Men should wear a suit like that guy in the middle of Majid and Ramsey

Anonymous said...

Lol... I think the ladies tried.. Some of the men did too.. Others were wearing blazers like small boys or wearing yellow suits like pimps... Disgraceful

Anonymous said...

Lol... I really wish our red carpet will display of more of us instead of the white people.. What happened to making these dresses in Ankara and stuff.. You know.. Our own style.. #myopinion#

Unknown said...

Rita Dominic and Genevieve stole the show for me... Lolz, menn I can't stop laughing.you guys should please leave Ini Edo alone. Mbok

Anonymous said...

@Omoh Samuel I guess you just want to talk,how can you say Ini Edo is the best dressed?are trying to mock her?people like you don't tell your friends the truth.she looks like a bride,the makeup,dress colour doesn't go @all. My best dressed are: Rita,Mercy,Lilian,Geni,Step. I think our Actresses have step up there game in fashion because they all look just few looking dat didn't well

Unknown said...

All this women, sweeping floor at the AMVCA

Unknown said...

Majud looks like a house boy.

Unknown said...

Na made in Nigeria suit he wear.lol

ijeoma(DAVIDO'S P.A) said...

Ini edo i understand u have faith of getting married again soon but haba na..wearing wedding gown to an award is not a good something na

Lilian esoro omg u gave me life..tell ur stylist i want to have a handshake with the and ubi franklin if i hear KPIM say u make her sad or cheat on her,u will hear NWIII

Genevive gave me life..slay on mama

Rita dominic wen will u ever gros old my darling..u slayed o jare

Annie idibia u looked agenlic nice one

Mocheda i dont care what some people said about ur suit looking like a karate fighter but HEEEDDLLLLOOOOOO she was on point..

Aunty caro but how cAn u leave me here and go an get yansh blessings..do u know how long I have been squatting just to get nyash blessing and upliftment?ok lets put the jolking something aside u looked ravishing.MD take note

Toke its ok..u looked good but it didn't really bring out the toke in u..u know what I mean na.
Anyways they all looked good

Anonymous said...

Dakore.... That was a never b4 seen dress.

Pearlie said...

Lilian is so lovely and dope
Am disappointed in Gene and Dakore Ini is that the gown for your wedding day?

Unknown said...

Iyabo ojo..... Look like Avatar. Chai!!!

Unknown said...

Mercy slayed anf Rita slayed it, they never disappoint
Ini Edo will be the worst for me


Unknown said...

Is Ini wedding?

jaay 1 said...

Lillian Esoro slayed, Ik ugbonna's wife slayed too and the lady in purple... Nigerians are getting better at the Red carpet

Unknown said...

I can't say!

bimia said...

Handsdown mercy aigbe

Unknown said...

Sonia's dress is bae, Lillian am in love with ur dress. Rita, Rukysanda and Annie u rock. Genevieve try but I was expecting better. Ini edo be looking like olden days royal bride. Toke over to am. Congrats stephanie.

Unknown said...

Genevieve can't stop being classy can she?? If u know what fashion is, you'll look at Genevieve's dress twice.

Unknown said...

Genevieve can't stop being classy can she?? If u know what fashion is, you'll look at Genevieve's dress twice!!

Anonymous said...

Mercy Aigbe best dressed

Anonymous said...

Nse Ekpe etim, d lady in yellow, toke makinwa,dakore and Kate hensaw...worst dressed...Genevieve,Oge okoye,Nkiru sylvanus and Uche Jumbo...

Unknown said...

Hahhahahahha! Omg!! 100% cracked uppp. Tnk u

Unknown said...

Oh INI why

Lizzybetsy said...

Mercy aigbe slayed em all hands down....Nobody can dispute dat

Unknown said...

Abeg wetin Ini Edo wear. She fall my hand big time.

Anonymous said...

Please, I mean no disrespect but the cut on Dakore's dress was just wrong. The sleeve looks like it should be on her shoulder not off cos of the way it's falling. Makes her boobs look sooo funny. Can't compare it to what she wore last year!

Anonymous said...

mercy aigbe...bessssssst dress,woww, then omoni oboli..3rd is lilian esoro

Anonymous said...

Ini Edo dying to be a bride!

She can't dress to save her life.

Class is self and cannot be bought!

Never gets it right. Never!

Anonymous said...

Ini Edo dying to be a bride!

She can't dress to save her life.

Class is self and cannot be bought!

Never gets it right. Never!

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

They all look good ojare, don't have any best dressed

Unknown said...

Oge Okoye

Unknown said...

my best in this order:mercy aigbe gentry, lilian franklin, iniedo,n mide martins!

Desirée Iyama said...

They both look stunning!


Miss Ferragamo said...

Ini edo never gets it right.

Anonymous said...

Ini who did this to you?oh abi today nah your weeding day?.jumbo

Unknown said...

Mercy, Rita, Genevieve, lilian and Nse are my best for the night. Worst dress is d ever Razz Ini Edo and her ojuju gown... dee

Unknown said...

Rita, Adesuwa and Mercy Aigbe

Unknown said...

Mercy and Lilian beautiful while others ok

Unknown said...

Mercy Aigbe killed it for me. Followed by Beverly Naya,Osa,Adesuwa Etomi,lilian Esoro nd Rita Dom

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Officialmrssam said...

Genevieve Rita and mercy.

Anonymous said...

Best dressed are, Mercy Aigbe, Sonia, Caroline, Rita, Genny, Mike,Nse, Annie idibia tried, Chika Ike looks good too, nd couple of others. Worst dressed: Ini, Dakore, Iyabo Ojo, Majid, Uche etc... *sigh* Gosh! I miss DiaryByEmmy.

Unknown said...

Nice.was it in edo's wedding also?

Unknown said...

Mercy slayed it seriously, followed by Rita, Omoni, Sonia, Lillian
Uti and RMD are mmuuuaahh
Ini no try at all

Unknown said...

Rita n Mercy killed the show hands down!! They all look awesome + pregnant Lilian..
Then my worst dressed is Ini Edo, biko get her a groom n chiefbridesmaid asap her makeup + hair all trashy!!!!!

Unknown said...

Enie Edo wore wedding gown lol...rubbish upon rubbish every year

Anonymous said...

Adesua Etomi is the best dressed

Anonymous said...

Adesua Etomi was the best deessed followed by Rita Dominic, Funke Akindele, Mercy Aigbe, Genevieve Nnaji, Omoni Oboli and Dakore

Anonymous said...

Sharapp. Majid slayed in that suit. Mrs Ikeji

Anonymous said...

Helen Paul and Uti dressed well too but Uti for wear dull colour suit. Bright colours are not for men. Ladies wear bright colours. But what can i say; In the entertaniment industry, people get away witb a lot of crazy outfit.

Anonymous said...

Abeg Uti suit too bright. He shouldnt have won a shouting colour. The suit was well tailored but the colour was not right. Wrong colour if u ask me.

Anonymous said...

Where is Annie here? Mrs Ikeji

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