Photos: Theatrical play depicts Jesus Christ as a transgender woman | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 13 November 2015

Photos: Theatrical play depicts Jesus Christ as a transgender woman

A one-woman show called "The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven" staring a 65-year-old woman who identifies as a trans, depicts Jesus as a transgender woman. According to Huffington Post, the show toys with many other biblical parables, and a screening of a past performance will be shown on November 15 at theatre in Ireland ..

"There's a little sermon that reminds the audience that Jesus never had a single word of condemnation for transpeople," Clifford told The Huffington Post. "The show is a reminder that we have existed throughout this world and many cultures have accepted and celebrated our existence."
The show received some serious backlash when it debuted at the Glasgay! arts festival in 2009. Droves of angry Christian protesters picketed the theater, holding signs that read "God: My Son Is Not A Pervert."

Box office staffers received death threats, and a plain-clothed police officer was in attendance at the live performance to make sure Clifford didn't get attacked. "I was very upset and very traumatized," she told HuffPost. "It brought back distress from early emotional abuse that I suffered." Clifford, a practicing Christian, who was estranged from her faith for many years credits her renewed Christian devotion to a particularly LGBTI-friedly church she attends in Edinburgh. "It was very clear to me that the only way I could belong to the church was through being in the closet and living a lie," she said.


Unknown said...

Egbe eluigwe gbaa GI into pieces

Cute G said...

If God and his son has endured a lot of shamefulness, then this just by the way

Unknown said...

Pls ooo dey shldn't drag my Jesus into any rubbish stuff,u believe something. Gud 4 u but no drag my saviour into it.

Unknown said...

Dem dey craze, can dey try such with Mohammed??? Mcheeeeeeeeew! Anything dat does not conform with the Bible no be for me. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Dem dey craze, can dey try such with Mohammed??? Mcheeeeeeeeew! Anything dat does not conform with the Bible no be for me. Linda take note!

Davido's driver said...

I did not even bother reading it

Unknown said...

Dem dey craze, can dey try such with Mohammed??? Mcheeeeeeeeew! Anything dat does not conform with the Bible no be for me. Linda take note!

Davido's driver said...



These LGBT people are over pushing their luck.
They can never try same with a religion like Islam.

. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

SMURF said...

This is wrong on so many levels.

Unknown said...

Why would they do this Linda. It is completely wrong .. Jesus is lord... Double your hustle

Anonymous said...

Some people are obviously mad. You don't even have business bringing Jesus into your stupidity fools

Scarlett J. said...

Signs of end time

Unknown said...

Da Fuck.
Now every inch of me is itching to get some Killings done, starting with the supporters while saving the big fat kill 4 the last.

Unknown said...

This is blasphemy. U dare not try This mess with mohammed else U look for ur head

Unknown said...

Da Fuck.
Now every inch of me is itching to get some Killings done, starting with the supporters while saving the big fat kill 4 the last.
Where my gears 4 the serial trip at?.

Unknown said...

Thats is there drama and they are doing it for a particular audience and if they dont like it then they should go do theirs.... No need to fight for God abeg....

Unknown said...

God forgives us

Unknown said...

Jesus pls forgive me for even opening to read a paragraph of this post and even commenting, though my comment is only meant to apologies for having commented.

Unknown said...

Jesus pls forgive me for even opening to read a paragraph of this post and even commenting, though my comment is only meant to apologies for having commented.

Unknown said...


***odikwa risky nd tyt***

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Nonsense talk don't even want to read.

That vuvuzela P guy

Anonymous said...

This bastards trying to get the Lord on their side.he didn't condemn u cause u freaks are not worth condemning.if u can't learn from the example of sodom and gomorrah he used then don't worry.Fools.....christians are too calm.would they have tried this with mohammed when they know their lives and those of their kids will be at great risk at hands of the muslims. Well which christian wants to disobey God by fighting for him.the bible says the battle is the Lord's and the Lord is mighty in battle(hear that boko,isis and alqaeda bastards).....this white freaks will meet their ends soon enough................linda post my comment.I notice any comment I make about gay is swallowed by u.abi u join them dey mock bible ni?

Unknown said...

Fuckin' bullocks!!

Anonymous Personified said...

Hmmm...People be toying with their lives. God have mercy.

Anonymous said...

It's always Jesus. If they have the guys, do one about Mohammed. Psycho unbelievers have taken Jesus' gentle nature for granted.

Anonymous said...

I dey tell u

Esther Dangana said...

he or she will not end well. Mark my word. yesterday Linda refuse to post non out of three of my comments. hope you will post today. or are you choosing whose comments to post?

Soda Queen said...

Just looking for fame.

Unknown said...

This is total madness, in short, arrant nonsense. Lord have mercy!

yawanow said...

Trying so hard to be accepted.

APPLE said...

This IDIOT should have tried this with Mohammed and see what the muslims will do . Because Christians are peace loving people you insult our Lord??!! HOW DARE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Linda stop re-broadcasting this Kind of rubbish. wat do u gain?

Anonymous said...

Jesus is Lord. And He's coming soon. That's all I can say

Anonymous said...

Jesus is Lord. And He's coming soon. That's all I can say

Anonymous said...

Arrant Nonsense! Merciful Father, Kindly, forgive them for they know not what they have done.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Is for Everybody, Including the gay ones and transgenders, bisexuals and lesbians... Straight and self righteous people have no special claim to him. He is love, and he lives in everyone of us. So, all ye Cursing and abusive Christians, hold your peace.

RichyGame said...

Won fi ori oka ho imu!!!!!

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