The 17 year old, who is gradually turning into a fashionista, stepped out in a denim skirt & matching crop top to go shopping in Beverly Hills yesterday Tuesday March 31. See more photos after the cut..

A day before, she wore this...

And then this...

Hot smallie. Lindaobserve
Nice one girl
She's Looking Good!! her hips tho!!
Bae this isn't news.
This girl atimes behaves like she is older than her age.
She looks great
Coolest outfit I have eva seen her in! Love this
She does look good
Stunning girl.
Nice outfit.
Good for her.
Good for her
Smashing yep she is gradually becoming a fashionista. Love d outfit.
Linda, what has become of FFK? We haven't heard from him in this few hours. Please keep an eye on him for us! Make him no run or commit sucide. Ffk, it's time to face your demons.
Where did she buy her hips and ass? I see she's competing with Tyga's ex, Blac Chyna lol
Is she (kylie Jenner) part of the Kardashian clan?
This family is over rated
Kylie looking sweet sexy and classic.
But I still prefer her model elder sis kendall.
And yeah I love those boots.
I love Kylie
Kylie is pretty, I love her....
As if I care
the denim jean skirt is channeling that look beyonce wore peviously
Fine gal, with fine shape
She dey try. Truely a kardesian
She such a pretty girl
Gradually becoming a fashionista or already one?! Damn she hot though... prettiest of them all to me!
Gimme same,and amma rock it perfectly
She looks so hottttt
She looks lovely, and cute on d outfit's. Thumbs up to her, and I wish her well.
So the election made you missed all these abi? Linda Kardashian, anyhow I still like you.
Busy Fingers.
She's soo pretty
She look good. No doubt.
Bebe La Hot!!!
Beautiful young lady. Look at her curves though. Absolutely stunning
Love her height.. wish have got a great height
Lucky girl
i love all these outfit especially the double denim...kim and rihana have rocked it before though
Eyah wish this young lady understands what's going on in the country at the moment, shed know people aren't concerned about what she's putting on! Rom 12:1-2.
this her denim outfit is exactly what queen Bey wore d last time dat her breast almost popped outta d top.
VERULE Says-headline swit gurl,lib d boot.
She look gorgeous.
1. She's ugly
2. Shouldn't she be in school?
She is a good looking girl no doubt....
At last...some entertainment after the seriousness of the elections. Lighter fare...
Wow! Ky has finally taken the foot steps of her elder Sis. She may even turn out to be more popular in future.
Lovely footwear.
She's looking superbly gorgeous. Linda take note!
Nice shoes!
She's pretty
Wow. Hawt look
Don't she own another bag? Just asking
Following Kim k
This smallie nor wan enjoy her teen yrs? I sorry for her.
Fresh nd cute
Really good
Dis gal b lyk kim... cute!
Hmn. Shez fine sha dont lemme be thinking tins :D
After election Linda is back to her kadashian family
She's very cute though...
Love her height, hot legs
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