Photos: Nigerian lady dies from injuries sustained from beating by husband | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 18 January 2015

Photos: Nigerian lady dies from injuries sustained from beating by husband

Bisi Olabode just narrated how her friend (pictured above) died from injuries allegedly sustained from beating by her husband. Her name is Ese Egagha and married her Malaysian based husband in 2013. He has since been arrested. Read the tweets after the cut...

Her course mate during Uniport days also narrated details on twitter. See below...

 So sad!


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Anonymous said...


X'tine Neni said...

So sorry to hear what you went through.Happy to hear you survived and have the courage to share your story to encourage others...Godbless and keep

Anonymous said...

This igwe that is here spewing trash from your garbage fled mouth that is how they would beat up your mother, sisters and daughters to death imbecile! Just pray not to marry a woman like me if u lay a finger on me I would form submissive ness and lace your food with sniper (rat poison) I would watch you writh in pain till you die. You never jam some kind of women. That is exactly what a friend of mine did the next morning she started wailing and screaming that her husband is dead it was assumed he died in his sleep. Fortunately nothing like autopsy here. I pray you marry a woman who kills you, since you are trying to justify the killing of this innocent young woman. Idiot! If your wife insults you insult her back why kill?

Anonymous said...

RIP my dear.

Please ladies lets love ourselves first. Lets not lead into the fear of being single and be a strong Christian.

I read a testimony from a guy who went to TB Joshua's branch abroad. He described that he use to have powers to draw any girl he wanted and use them. Let the girls go for deliverance.

So the first thing first is that when you are attracted to a guy. Love yourself to immediately ask friend or foe before you even start meditating on how attractive this guy is.

The holy spirit has helped me expose a lot of crocodiles in my life. My dear ladies am still in shock how people can be callous.

So ladies lets support one another. And lets not give into the fear of being lonely or poor. God of Justice better answer our prayers.

I have seen ladies who coax and encourage ladies to get married to people they know not right for them. I have seen ladies insult people because they are single abusing them that they could have been married by now if they had stayed in disrespectful and lying relationship. I have equally seen ladies with hold information that could be vital for their suppose friend.

My dear ladies, people are shock when I share these information. This is because God is alive.

Be accountable for yourself and be diligent to know your neighbor. Ask about everybody is this friend or foe to the Holy Spirit. Many have given testimony as how their intended was exposed.

Don't keep people around because of favors or networking thing's. The good thing is that you will be rejecting sin and not the people. When these people realize that what they are doing isn't working. They will seek the face of God. And you see, you not only helping yourself but them as well.

Be a best friend to yourself before expecting others to be yours. Even when your eyes are clouded your neighbor will tell you watch out.

Anonymous said...

Pause a second n research on men that beat their wives and you would find out they are men with

1. Low self esteem
2. Insecurity
3. Poor upbringing(saw their fathers beat their mothers)
4. Psychological imbalance
5. Low exposure
6. Lack of fear of God Almighty.


Unknown said...

You marry problem,you no marry wahala! How could he beat the wife whom love bound them together to death? What the hell did she do to deserve this kind of punishment?

poshrose said...

Linda!!! Did u ask bisi before u copied n pasted her tweets... yo talking like she shared d story wit u. NOT NICE!!! av some respect for the dead!

Anonymous said...

God will punish you and may all the females in your generation be maltreated cruelly till their death by men they marry. What an idiot

Anonymous said...

U are just a compound fool!!!!

Unknown said...

Not all that glitters is gold. May God save us from beast in human skin

Unknown said...

My dear not all marriages are like that pray for God's guidiance. Or would u say becos someone dies of food poisoning u will not eat again?

Unknown said...

Na wa ooo....RIP

Unknown said...

In tears in my eyes & heart we all are close frnd can't still believe dis is a Reality,ho no not Ese!Ese is a loving Quiet & a charming personality,Ese would Lauf at every situation,she bears no grudges & Easy to forgive!we are friends are all in Perplexity & me my self am so so frustrated & I dnt knw why a man created by God would behave in such a demonic way,hes lost his sanity & may Karma cash up with him quick-quick hoooo!if na Nigeria we are sisters & friends go gather Beat d man till he gain him sanity!!Rip Ese Dearest#crying ;'**;;'u will b missed DEARLY!pls say NO to Domestic Violence I take baba god beg una#a unique uniport corret babe like Ese Hmmmmm Rest on!

Anonymous said...

My a married woman I often look at myself and wonder...I would've been better off still single. I'm not being physically abused though but I've been emotionally abused. I've experienced cheating and betrayal at the highest level in my marriage. I've got kids which makes it very hard at this point to leave. Maybe with time I'll leave. In any case, I'm not trying to scaring you any further. Although, one can never be more careful in one's choice of a spouse cos mine seemed like a 'God fearing' man who I later discovered is even worse than the 'everyday bad boys' to speak. I have a few friends who have wonderful relationship with their spouse. So don't give up on marriage just cos a few of us got so unlucky in it. I wish you all the best.

Unknown said...

almost cried reading dis story again...
It uncalled for.

D best place after Heaven is "family setting" which is "home sweet home".

No matter wht, dis goes to d men ~ Never lay ur hands on ur woman even if she does d worse wrong on earth even if she cheat on u.

While dis goes to d women ~ mak ur home d best thereof in d world and never compare ur home to another person own. Don't invoke d animal in ur hubby instead bring out d best in him for dis shows ur virtue as a woman and ur control over ur home.

A word is enough 4d wise.

Chiichii said...

Kia but the fool who married a man that had murdered his wife just four months ago. I don't believe she didn't know what she was doing.

Anonymous said...

This has absolutely nothing to do with wether he is a 419er or not, this is domestic violence and we should stand up against it.

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace. this is what happens when you stay back in an abusive marriage or relationships

Anonymous said...

Yes this is very true. The poor girl suffered in the hands of the so called husband. It started by the husband wanting babies, took her for all sort of tests, who know what he must have done to her during those clinical visit. And the sister informed that Ese told them the guy was constantly injecting her with what we don't know all in the name of fertility. The guy knowing fully well that she was about to die allowed her to travel and requested that she returns immediately when he obviously knew she wouldn't return. God will so punish this man for this evil

Anonymous said...

I pray sm guy doesn't beat your sis to death bcos she talks back....can u listen to yrsef or better still,can u read ur comment?

Anonymous said...

di gbakwa oku!

Anonymous said...

Rip Dear.. its so sad.. there is no way the guy didnt hit her at least once before marriage, so why did she proceed with it, at the same time most girls prompt a guy to beat them, i was involved with someone once and she told me if a guy doesn't hit her then it means the guy doesn't love her, from that moment i knew there was no way we could stick together cos am totally against domestic violence..#say no to domestic violence#

Anonymous said...

It is sad people will jump to conclusion from mere lies posted on blog site by desperate bloggers to make name for themselves at the expense of other peoples pain. I am the Younger Sister to Late Ese Tracy Egagah Enearu who died yesterday in Delta State. The Bisi who started this whole story is unknown to Ese's family and never her friend we know of. My sister died of an ailment we are still trying to confirm through an autopsy and not from domestic violence as wrongly informed by the faceless Bisi.
She did not suffer any domestic violence from her husband and he was a loving husband to her late wife till her last breath. The family will release an official statement after an Autopsy has been carried out. We are force to send this comment to stop the malicious rumour that the husband was responsible for her death. The man in question just lost his loving wife and soulmate and in heavy shock and does not deserve to be made more measerable by this wicked rumour going about.
Aghogho for the Family

Anonymous said...

It is sad people will jump to conclusion from mere lies posted on blog site by desperate bloggers to make name for themselves at the expense of other peoples pain. I am the Younger Sister to Late Ese Tracy Egagah Enearu who died yesterday in Delta State. The Bisi who started this whole story is unknown to Ese's family and never her friend we know of. My sister died of an ailment we are still trying to confirm through an autopsy and not from domestic violence as wrongly informed by the faceless Bisi.
She did not suffer any domestic violence from her husband and he was a loving husband to her late wife till her last breath. The family will release an official statement after an Autopsy has been carried out. We are force to send this comment to stop the malicious rumour that the husband was responsible for her death. The man in question just lost his loving wife and soulmate and in heavy shock and does not deserve to be made more measerable by this wicked rumour going about.
Aghogho for the Family

toni said...

Idiot empty head so u dont have mouth to insult the woman back u have to beat her up.ewu beast of no nation.....belive me not every woman can be beaten o I lift weights 5TIMES a week and if a man so much as lift a finger to touch me he is finished.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you dear.

Anonymous said...

RIP to the lady in question and condolence to her family. However I read some posts trailing from anon 2:37

Well, I guess he/she has a point. Nobody says you should kill a lady who disobeys or disrespects her husband, but women should watch their mouth. some men are really scared to go home after work because of their wives. The lady should be respectful knowing she is the weaker sex and correct the husband in love.Men, please love your wives and dont take advantage of them. Really it could be hard to "walk away" from her always, cause u may "walk into the hands of another lady out there". lets love our husbands and report any case of domestic violence.

Anonymous said...

Enough of these word trading. Another story is out that the lady didnt die of domestic violence

but,Please shun domestic violence. parents, please train your daughters to be loving and God fearing. I'm sure there are families that work.
Say NO to domestic violence

Anonymous said...

RIP Ese! Ur death came as a shock to us. I hope ur soul rest in the bosom of the lord..

egowein said...

I pity any girl having anything to do with our guys in Malaysia. .... They are all into bad businesses.
May ur soul rest in peace ese...
Only God knws what the animal in human skin did to uuuu

egowein said...

I pity any girl having anything to do with our guys in Malaysia. .... They are all into bad businesses.
May ur soul rest in peace ese...
Only God knws what the animal in human skin did to uuuu

Lord Polo said...

The way Nigerians are wired these days the girls won't learn anything from this. Yes not all yahoo or runz guys are violent but they usually lack seriousness except for there hustle. Girls wld endure getting beat n deprivations just to either save face or enjoy their husband's wealth or dick. I personally want a life sentence on that fucktard. He even did it in the wrong plac. O ma ku sewon ni. Poor girl who just wanted the joys of marriage now gone thru it. Life!!

Anonymous said...

Maduka Samson Okafor, the database manager of OSSAP MDGs, your attention is needed here o! This is what you do to women, you beat them at the slightest excuse and attempt to strangle attempt the strangling all the time. You were even smashing a lady's head against the wall-luckily she didn't die. Your nemesis will catch up with you soon...

Anonymous said...

Mr Igwe, it is sad that you were raised to kill whoever insults you. Unfortunately you are not a man but it is sad that some foolish girl will marry you and be chopping slaps. Not to worry though, God can not be mocked. You will get a wife that will deal with you.

Anonymous said...

It is sad people will jump to conclusion from mere lies posted on blog site by desperate bloggers to make name for themselves at the expense of other peoples pain. I am the Younger Sister to Late Ese Tracy Egagah Enearu who died yesterday in Delta State. The Bisi who started this whole story is unknown to Ese's family and never her friend we know of. My sister died of an ailment we are still trying to confirm through an autopsy and not from domestic violence as wrongly informed by the faceless Bisi.
She did not suffer any domestic violence from her husband and he was a loving husband to her late wife till her last breath. The family will release an official statement after an Autopsy has been carried out. We are force to send this comment to stop the malicious rumour that the husband was responsible for her death. The man in question just lost his loving wife and soulmate and in heavy shock and does not deserve to be made more measerable by this wicked rumour going about.
Aghogho for the Family

Anonymous said...

Exactly she doesn't at all, she is a complete donkey head, dis is the type of gals dat would do the same thing by getting married for material things dis juliet

Anonymous said...

Her family stay very close to me in DSC,why get married to a yahoo boy.This is ish with ladies they do not mind who they getting it with provided he brings money to the table.He would have exhibited some trace of violence in him but she will overlook that because of money . She was a beautiful lady though and a hustler too.RIP

Anonymous said...

Linda pls get your story right okay. He's not been arrested at all for anything. He's still roaming free in Malaysia. Ese you left us too soon

Anonymous said...

Who tell you say she nor get her money? Who tell you say she dey rely on he money. Wats d use of ur RIP whn you've slandered her already. Keep it

Anonymous said...

Idiot, u can't even read that's y u wrote such a rubbish comment. Anofia, all ur in laws will beat all ur sisters to death!

Anonymous said...

Hmm Linda

Anonymous said...

U are not alone on this. I hv experienced d anger,jealousy, danger and wickedness in domestic violence. Almost got pushed from a 3storey building, was almost choked to death, was beaten severally nd embarrassed by this overbearing boyfriend I met in a church. I tot I cud never get away from him,he was everywhere..i told my close friends wat I was going tru, som of my neighbours knew,i alerted school security. He left me for a while.. I had nightmares for days.. (that he got me nd no one was around to help me; that I died)I lived in fear. One day on my way home after a Wed church service..just very close to where I lived..a shadow cropped up behind me..I perceived he was the one, oh my heart somersaulted that night. panic-stricken ..i took off ; running b4 he could grab me... I ran as fast as my legs could..I made it to d hostel, I banged furiously on a neighbours door..while shouting hysterically for help. His shadow appeared at d passage, he came straight at me nd started hitting me, he pushed me against d wall..I cried out in pain but suddenly something erupted within me. I fought back..of course he was stronger but I knew I had to destabilize him somehow. he kept cursing nd shouting.."u think u can get away from me " well I did get away.. help came just on time. D guys in my compound lifted him off from me, Man Ol'war handled d rest. I had exams d next day.i tried to study thereafter..i was battered. Bleeding from every visible place. Domestic violence always cost us sth..most times its physical (leaves bruises) psychological( I failed som papers that period, had nightmares, nd was emotionally drained; couldn't imagine being in any other relationship) but in all I was blessed to have walked away with my life. Note: Justin(his name). Looked really cool, didn't hv d bad boy looks. Had Charming eyes,tall,fair, wasn't rich, dressed really decent. My point?? Sometimes it's not in d looks..always find out d quality of a man's character. Pay deeper attention to tiny lil details nd clues. Fiery temper even in a mild situation..pls don't ignore. He slaps u for d 1st time, then apologised nd bought u roses..forgive him but move on. He needs help and u're not a therapist. Nobody deserves to die in d name of love, relationship or whatever. Moreover, don't keep a violent relationship to yourself. Guard urself..either u move away, or u report to police, tell close family members, then dont stop praying for him. Most times demons are responsible for such behaviour. Stop attitudes that arouse his temper.

Anonymous said...

My dear u are absolutely right @hypee3

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy!!!! When they say run from a man who beats you, it's no joke! The family you're afraid of going back to out of shame from a failed marriage will end up coming to pick up your corpse; is that a better option than ending the relationship/marriage? May she RIP.

Unknown said...

I still can't believe that ESE is no more. She is my friends elder sister, she is someone i know very well. People should stop saying she died in Malaysia, she died in Nigeria. RIP ESE! Crying

susan chukwuka said...

Hmmmmmm sad,

Anonymous said...

As a foreigner living in Nigeria, I have learned that Nigerian woman suffer the most in marriage compared to anyone in the world. Nigerian men, do not follow your father's instead set a new example for your children and the future generations. Your wife is not your punching bag, neither is she your slave. If you say you are a modern and civilised person, start acting like one. And women, be gentle with your husbands too when speaking with them. Don't bring out the worst in them. Husband's control tour anger or don't get married because you are obviously not matured enough. On a better note I'm so happy he got caught in A foreign country, he will suffer there and I pray that they hang him for taking his own wife's life.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. But no one know the truth about what about what happened between this couples. Let me share my experience. Myself and my wife were coming from the cinema around 1am on the 26th of Dec, 2014. We had a little argument in the car on our way home. suddenly my wife got angry she asked me to park the car that she want to come down i refused to park the car. suddenly she put the car on park and i was on 100km/p it was along lekki epe express way. i applied the break immediately. When the car stopped, I put the gear on drive to move the car. My wife open the door on motion and jumped out of the car. she fell and hit her head on the floor i march the break immediately. Thank God she didnt get injured. and thank God i didnt match her heard. after the whole thing.. she apologised. I was wondering. what is she has died? or she had a terrible head injure? no one was there to know what happened.. the story would have changed to domestic violence that i have killed my wife. Probably i will be in jail by now.

Gloria Matthew said...

Some men are devil in sheep clothing, what such a devilish act..............may her soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

Some men are not worth living at all.They should be sent to d zoo .

Unknown said...

@Annonimous 4:37. U are wicked o! I no dat wat igwe said is realy stupid but yours is evil.You are a fwend to husband killer OMG! I pity who wil marry u o.

Anonymous said...

its usually not easy walking away. for the ladies, they could jsut think it could get better someday"and then it all happens. another thing is dat these woman beaters can be so nice and loving when they are in the right mood, but what leads to the violence is usually not worth the troubles.

Subomi said...

fortunately I saw the story of the late lady's sister confirming this report is false. RIP Ese

Anonymous said...

Shutup u no see husband marry!

Unknown said...

there are still some good men out there sister

Anonymous said...

Your written English is legendary! Phew!! A copy of "brighter grammar" will do you some good

Anonymous said...

@lilian, it's sonia(ese's younger) that got married 5th and 7th December. Ese got married a month earlier. RIP ESE

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