What do you do when you want to have s*x?
(Laughs) It all boils down to what I have said. S*x is sacred and it’s not something you just do or something you just open your legs to do. It’s not that easy for me. I would rather do s*x toys. S*x has a lot involved. It has emotions, attachments, spirituality. S*x is supposed to be sacred. It’s supposed to be a ritual for me. It is a thing two people indulge in because anybody you sleep with, there is a connection. You are connecting with them. Then, how many people are you going to sleep with? How many people do you want to now have s*x with? It means if you are going to be delivered, you’d have a lot of bondages to break. That is even more stressful.
It means you will fast extra and pray extra and for heaven’s sake, you don’t even know who your partner has been sleeping with. So, if he now decides to keep two more s*xual partners and that partner decides to keep two more extra partners; two extra partners times two more extra partners, you know, it goes a long way. That is why s*x is sacred to me and it shouldn’t be abused. It’s not like I’ve not had s*x before or trying to be holy or something but it is just from own point of view that s*x should be more like a ritual between two people.What kind of s*x toys do you use?
Oh no…. (Laughs) Don’t be like that. Well, I have the G-Spot stimulator, the regular vibrator, the Dildo, and there is this small one called ‘Rabbit.’
When last did you have s*x?
Hahaha… I can’t remember. It has been a while since I had s*x with a human being because there are still many things to think about.
How often do you use your toys?
How often? Maybe, two times in a month. And you know that when I mean two times in a month, as a lady, you only get turned on few days before your period and few days after your period. You know, you feel very ‘very’ horny.
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»it suits you....i have dem much also.....Linda i lie???
it suits you....i have dem much also.....Linda i lie???
sex toys ke...its better to abstain from all
visit my blog
She Looks Like a Sex Toy!! Anything that rocks our boat Darling.. Thanks for been real..
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
I don't blame her o. She's right u know.
Some people Self!
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
Good 4 u. March!
Looool so funny how this days when this so called actress get interviewed it's only abt sex..cuz them no say na asawo work them dey do.loool
Unfortunately, you're even more possessed.
A lot of casting out to be done.
WhoSheHelp???? Mtcheeee
I wonder what makes this newsworthy in Nigeria.I can understand if its with the whites.Its their way!
better stop it and keep your body holy!
Am happy 4 u. Its ur life, not mine- 2015 we shuld learn 2 mind our bus. #lindagiveawayonmymind
Another cossy
End time things.
When there are able bodied men, she is using sex toys! Good for her.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
Attention seeking mad woman
#WhereIsBuhariCertificate A handsome reward awaits d finder; call No 1422015
Some of ds girls huv really gon nut
Linda!!! How many sex toys u get???
Rubbish!!!!!! When she marry sex toy can also get her pregnant this is not abstenance this is total madness.
Apple fanboy
Vry interesting. Love ur point, Bt i hate sex toys bcos of its exploitation.
@Sophia Stephen
Am very sure Linda got many,babe enjoy ur sex toy jare na ur life.
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Na small picking sense still they worry u. Madam sex toys...u r so not it ooooo. U must b a bush girl and a spoilt girl..
Don't b deceived o...u r already having sex for ur information and u r doing it with spirits. ..see ur thief eye! U better repent. ..
Na u sabi oooooo NEXT!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhhahh babe! Chhuu! Am speechless!
Na you sabi ooooooo NEXT!!!!!!!
My kind of woman, self confident
Okiie, gud 4 her. If it makes her happy & keeps her away from doing wot she thinks is wrong, den make she carry go. Linda take note!
Okiie, gud 4 her. If it makes her happy & keeps her away from doing wot she thinks is wrong, den make she carry go. Linda take note!
Okiie, gud 4 her. If it makes her happy & keeps her away from doing wot she thinks is wrong, den make she carry go. Linda take note!
Okiie, gud 4 her. If it makes her happy & keeps her away from doing wot she thinks is wrong, den make she carry go. Linda take note!
Still the samething because you're still spiritually connected to the toys (masterbation).All your excuses are nonsense in the sight of God.several people stay off sex and still have a beautiful social life.tAnyway is your life sha.
Na wa o.God help us.
This babe wan cause bad market for we dudes... So we wey dey catch konji in every 30 seconds wetin we go do....???
O di kwa risky i luv her guts
Correct babe. Me too when hubby travel i use my toy i am not a "public toilet"
good for your punani.....oziri B say so
Which model day girl don't #SeunLondon
Which modern day girl don't #SeunLondon
good for your punani.....oziri B say so
Don't mind being one of her toys ...she needn't buy me..would deliver myself to her @ her residence
Hiannn hmmm wetin we know go hear for linda ikeji , vibrator is oga of masturbetion nah ( meemee ).
Y'all realize that as you read this now, she maybe somewhere legs spread, moaning and pleasuring herself! Let that sink in!
Evil Spirit
Y'all realize that as you read this now, she maybe somewhere legs spread, moaning and pleasuring herself! Let that sink in!
Y'all realize that as you read this now, she maybe somewhere legs spread, moaning and pleasuring herself! Let that sink in!
If it is not Koko then it can't feel like Koko. Lol
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Humm it is well. Deres no comment cos d Bible says judge not
Linda! Linda!! Linda!!! Hw many times I call you? Most of ur posts is smhw related to sex
I love this girl for being real, u will make heaven dear..........
I love this girl for being real, u will make heaven dear..........
I love this girl for being real, u will make heaven dear..........
Dats heer own cup off tea
Wow, hmmm ok
Linda o no kill me hehehehe na this kind thing u dey like as u don see ur second u dey happy... Buh seriously I do buy d idea of sex toys its better to have dem dan to keep so many partners n its healthier too
lmao...I dey feel jare babe...carry on
If i hear... Nne if you like use iron rod it will never satisfy you than when you do it with a male partner.. Me don't believe sex is spiritual because even those that are married now have had sex with other men and women yet there's no bond in it as long as our present day is concerned.. Just dey blow as many as you can before you hang your life inside marriage.. Jor oh
Cray cray but I love her! She's wise.
Hmmm. Orisirisi.
Jesus is Lord.
Lol don't know wat 2 say, it's so funny.
Huh???its clearly written, maybe she is a lesbian....and she is just hiding it .,masturbation also has spirituality attached to it joor.
her business
No comment to comment.
Linda tatafo, at least she is been honest. So people free the girl before Una her kill her with your comments.
Emi mimo ooo
That's all they asked? Sex? Stupid interview(er)!
No be small tin oooo
Ahhh!!no shame at all
olosho woman. hell is real
Hmmh, na wa ooh, good for her
Hmmh, na wa ooh, good for her
So now d will deliver u frm those toys, I pity u,if u lik dn't hold urself an find a nice guy so u will love an hv sex with an pray he stays till death, jst keep talking trash, anyway sorry life is a choice I forgot, so choose d toy
wow. linda have never seen someone connect sex to spirituality like her, awesome post linda of life
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This babe dey wako.
I believe she squirt a lot too. Ode, Nympho.
so toys have taken the place of a human being. Na waoo
I believe she squirt too. Ode, Nympho.
luckily for guys the only sex toy you need is vaseline plus your handset (lol) hahaha #just4laffs
Lol well said... I av d one called d squirrel *wink..√√
Even you Linda, l dey suspect you. I am very sure you have a lot of sex toys. You are one horny lady. Lol
LMAO ...very funny Interview....so sex toy has types?? Am such a learner. Lol.....well good for her
I hear that "rabbit" is the bomb. Someone wants to gimme one FOC! He sells these things....ssshhh
What kind of interview is this??????
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Dats cool anyways.....👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 considering the xcuse.a very cogent reason one at dat
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Crazy can't imagine, even when u find d one person don't think she's gonna stop it
Nice on
Keep it up
Please preach the gospel
Good4u dear... tell em
good for her
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Story for d gods....ok heard already.....linda listen
Hmm. Girl hit d nail on d head. She said her mind joor. I love people that r open minded and don't pretend. Nice.
Ewwww, who is this house girl and why is she telling us this?
Come her April »»»hugs«««. You said it all hon, sex is spiritual, that's y am addicted to my vibrator too at least till d right guy comes along...
.....A better Nigeria I pray.....
Hmmm..........drops mic !
Hmmmm sex toy is not a good thing and stop deceiving us that you can only do it 2ice a month. Thats a big lie blc I heard it very addictive. Conji toooo bad
Come her April »»»hugs«««. You said it all hon, sex is spiritual, that's y am addicted to my vibrator too at least till d right guy comes along...
.....A better Nigeria I pray.....
Ok Seen..........
I like people that are been truthful to themselves when it comes to sexual life.
Is this info really meant for public consumption? I'd like to ask her tho, if she is not bonding with inanimate objects as opposed to humans. Lol, sex is a thing of the mind & not the body alone, which seems to be her main concern. Toys are sometimes too perfect in performing more than the natural organ, as such it can affect intimacy & expectations of a real partner. Na her life sha.
Na so!!!!!!
It doesn't make her a bad girl
All her breast don drop fnsh n she claims it's bn long she had sex wit human being...if I hear
Na wa ooooo, April no nid 2 use it. Jst cme 2 me. I will luv yu nd b loyal. *wink*
Put your. Hands together for her mtchwwwww Ewu gambia ....
So the interview was just about her sex life. Mshww
This is how real bug chicks wit brain life their life jareeee....
Say it like it is dear.....no time for fake ass peeps
Your ass will become addicted to masturbation and your desire for men will die . Go find husband . Nyanga no let una see road find better man
Hmmm some things should be kept private
It is well with her soul
Lol. She is quite an honest person
Mtcheeeeewww. Stupid. #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
I like
Hmmm her own point of view, but wait o the very very h**ny is it true??? Madly curious.
Errm, why are there so many sex related questions? The 'interviewer' na waya.
Dat is wat she feels is really good for her...no hates..but it wud av Been better wit human..nt men but man..I don't knw if u understand wat I mean
This babe lmfaooooooo. ..always talking sex...notin motivational...
Haaa oga ooo. Dat very bad my dear. Very very. Is beta for u not to even do anyone except ur married. Dat not advisable. I'm a lady as well. Den u shuld use a condom wit ur partner.
Crazy world wil leave in but these happen every day and she on point
Lolzzzzz.....true talk though
Hmmmmmmmmm. I Cnt fit shout, some people no jst dey shame
I hear!
If I hear
MR EDDY said this harmattan is sponsored by MTN. It is everywhere u go.
Is ur p***y now a playing ground for toys?
^™THAT EDO BOY.COM~wishes u happy new year.
And how's that even possible?
And how's that even possible?
Bishop dammy I dey wait 4 ur comment
Okay oh
Give your life to Christ
Am no 1, dis is bull shit, zip up, fall in luv and marry madam
This is a real babe right here men. No lies. Girls like to deceive themselves nowadays. Acting like thy're made of stone. Thats how people insulted Cynthia when she died. Liars.
Let me gan follow her on ig
People use sex toy to deceive themselves, fornication is fornication whether you sleep with a man, woman, goat or sex toy 'lol' they are all the same. They are all bondages to break woman! #onelovefromsnow#
And she just made my night,......let me Google all these sex toys and see how they look like....especially the one called "rabbit"
U need to visit tb joshua for proper deliverance. Lolo1
Hehehe... When objects takes the place of humans , its regarded as sexual fetishism..you can google that... Its a form of idolatory , unconsciously arrogating power to objects. When people walk in darkness they usually dont see the pitfalls ahead . Some people dont see anything wrong with stuffs like simply because they see many people associating with it and they derive pleasures from it but they are making a grave mistake.This opens a lead way to all kind of immoral demons, spirit husbands etc that destroy their lives and addiction makes it impossible to have a good and lasting relationship with the opposite sex , it also opens your urge to other sexual vices like ponography,lesbianism and all manner of weired urges while you loose control of your flesh.My dear draw close to God and pray that he heals you.
Whether done with a human being or toy, sex is sex......
U need deliverance ASAP.!
Jux sey ur a lesbian olodo
God bless u, u said it all
Onye nwere nti ya nuru
I dont think you know the difference between linda (interviewer) and april (interviewee) Mtcheew
I av heard a few tins abt dat sextoy calld d RAbbit!
But @snow dats absolutely TRUE
She has Spoken
Be it sex toys or otherwise, sex is sex stop fooling yourself. If you cant control yourself go and marry and stop using sex toys as an excuse.
You nailed.
Shalom in Nigeria, Amen.
Hmmmmm...wonders sha never end!
lol, that's all i can say.
@snowflix absolutely
True talk! I agree with her completely! That's why i have some of my own. *wink!
Continue ooo, u wan dig ur oil well....I pity d man that will come close to u afta you have enlarge ur coast.....I like it tight and juicey...
The gods are wise
you can get yours too at http://www.kaymu.com.ng/seller/seusual-satisfaction or http://www.kaymu.com.ng/seller/sensual-satisfaction or wwwwkonga.com/fantasy
WE are uploading products
Must everything be 'spiritual' in Africa???
Nawa ooo
Truthful lady, it is said that the truth shall always set you free.
Its jst plain stupid hw women nw turn dia pussies into playin ground 4 toyz.................
Its jst plain stupid hw women nw turn dia pussies into playin ground 4 toyz.................
Hw can u turn ur pussy to a playing ground 4 toyz
Hw can u turn ur pussy to a playing ground 4 toyz
This is a real persn rite here not u hypocrites dat act holy nd pretend not to do tins.. Joju muse i love u. Keep bn real.
The same people that will criticize her for using sex toys will be the same ones quietly carrying out abortion. Stupidity.
Hmmmm...ds lady is strong! well,anytin dat rocks ur boat
The foul spirit of masturbation is heavily on you!
U just said it better anon 12:10. Sin is sin weda done via a human being or object. Self pleasure is a satanic bondage, sooner or later it becomes addictive which is same as idolatry, taking the place of ur God. And I can't seem to understand how pple come boldly out on social media and say dis tins don't they sound odd to even ur own ears? Smh
May God save you frm ur self righteousness and entitled ignorance@snowflix
Nawa oooo noting man no go hear for dis life wetin God go judge don plenty ooooo Abeg Linda follow me dey see dis one bt na dis kind thing u dey like post shaaa
i comment my reserve....linda i hope u hav urs *winks*
The things some people say, though.. The world shouldn't know everything about you. This is just wrong. God deliver her please..
Visit my Fashion Blog
River Wood ( The Fashion Note Book)
Linda why don't u like posting my comments, Na wa ooo I don tire for u o
Linda why don't you like posting my comments? Na wa o I don tire for you ooo
She is real....But Madam Linda pls don't corrupt our youth with celeb...sex interview or such.
How you know say naa the rabbit be baba if you don't know about it before?
As a christian it is a sin (debauchery) but if im being real,there's nothing wrong here, i mean, wettin single ladies go do?
Na wa o
well said anon 12:10.
The blood of Jesus can purge and cleanse even leper if one is truly repentant. The best is abstinence for single ladies/guys.
sex toys is more preferable and safer to use though
good for her
Am seeing things @ lols
Na her life jawe, leave her make she live her life. Thank yo my actress. Love yeah.
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