"We have been engaged with the Nigerian government in discussions on what we might do to help support their efforts to find and free these young women," State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told a daily briefing. "We will continue to have those discussions and help in any way we can."Harf did not elaborate on the kind of assistance Washington is offering, but said: "We know Boko Haram is active in the area and we have worked very closely with the Nigerian government to build their capacity to fight this threat." Continue...
Separately, a group of U.S. senators introduced a resolution condemning the abduction and urging U.S. government assistance in the rescue effort.
"The U.S. and the international community must work with the Nigerian government to ensure these girls are reunited with their families and deepen efforts to combat the growing threat posed by Boko Haram," said Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, the chairman of the Senate's African Affairs subcommittee, and one of the resolution's six sponsors.In fiscal year 2012, the United States provided over $20 million in security assistance to Nigeria, part of that to build the country's military, boost its capacity to investigate terrorist attacks and enhance the government's forensic capabilities, she said.
News source: Reuters
I hope we find them!
Thank you Jesus for sending this manner from heaven
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Nice move...
I thought the US and UK has signalled efforts to help before?? No matr the case, it's highly needed cuz it seems my dear motherland is scaredld of the Boko people. Watched CNN yrstrdy and our own uniform officers were chasing away the people doing the peaceful protest...Na real wa! God keep the gals safe. #BringBackOurGirls
I doubt if the over &20 million was all used up for security.Too many light fingered rats at the corridor of power.Now that the US have agreed to help,I hope those girls comes back home !
Blood of jeusu is going τ̅☺ work Ƒσя us no power is above his power only him can do it,it only god can do it **** Happiness*****
I dnt know hw they'l help but it's a welcome offer----C21
Atlas! A breath of fresh air!! Pls oooooo make una come, we need help,I trust d oyibo man.# bring back our girls# www.specialkings.blogspot.com
Please help us ask we Government how they use the $20M? I'm only sure B/H has outpower our so called able militries. Please nothing has been done since your government gave us the fund. We Nigerians are begging! Kindly deploy your soldier to northern part pls, let our wacky military work on in other states. Pls pls pls pls we don't need not just fund help, we want your well trained soldiers with high knowledge about War. Tech will save those girls unarmed if only they can be well Map, Trap! Make shekau first target, he need to be arrest, just him alone is 80percebt job well Done!don't forget most of his men were lured to join forcefully, if death and bitterness befall them! We will see the end of the evil sect B/H. Until then, I pray God protect all beautiful citizen of this country, except the bad extra ordinary greedy green leaders among us,they deserves to share all these horrible death of unharmed, helpless citizenz of this country!
Step one.
Its a welcomed development,we need their help Asap before this evil consumes us all.
That'd be very nice.........pls whichever way or help they can render has to be fast b4 de do sumtin drastic to dede lil gals. I hate it wen de broadcast things like dis, they'll be on alert!
Naija leaders pls collabrate with foreign aid, as USA is opting to help in finding our girls, it is a pity that our leaderS(naija) refuses to be security consciouse. They know what to do to bring an end to all these rubbish but cos of their sElfish interest they will not want to make d system to work. But I blamE d youth of these days, I mean naija ppl, heaven helps only those that wants help, our leaders have taken us for granted, our destiny is in our hands, is time for us to arise and fight.
Can you imagine?? 20 million dollars and we cannot boast of effective military personnel. Why the traffic on that road? How effective is the security checks? Ridiculous... Thanks US government, we need your intervention... *KellyCRUSH*
im so hapi dey r strivin to bring diz galz back,,, personaly, i wil also search for d boko's #cry'n
linda,, diz is ma first,, mbok post d comment,,
Them don chop the $20m since.
And where did dat money goto, pocket of few... They shud be here already, while tk permission from a man whose houx is under fire, to help him put it off...US senators has already passed a resolution. And our senators re still tinking if dey shud pass a bill to find d missing girls...shame
This comment reflect and represent the view of Linda Ikeji
Plsss US stop giving nigeria moNey coz our Govt is jus enriching derselves bikooooo...jus help us bring our girls mbok
Remember Libya, Egypt , Iraq etc Nigerian Learn! Nigeria learn! nigeria learn! Please and please thanks for your help but it is not needed..
#BringBackOurGirls. #PrayForNigeria
Let them pls come and render help #bright bravo#
Una welldone but plsssssss start d search already... time no dey!!!
No matter what dey are going 2 do,dey shud pls not include d nigerian millitary.They are traitors and cowards.
just act fast because their lives are at stake
☑ news den
GEJ, Pls say Yes...
We will gladly appreciate. #BringBackOurGirls
CoolDiva speaks!
Good to know. Hope its worth it.
I feel so sorry for the US Govt. If only they know that the $20million was not used to equip any nigerian military. The money is sitting in the private accounts of few corrupt nigerian politicians
This is the 2nd time they have said they are helping. Or they want to start when the girls must have died? Mtchewwww.. Hurry your ass up
I hope this means that progress will be made soon in retrieving these girls. No stone should be left unturned in the quest to bring them back.
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Offering $20 million would not help Nigeria or it's citizens. We are fully aware of the level of corruption Nigeria leaders partake in. Out of the $20 million, i'm sure only $1 million would have been used for security and military purposes, and the rest put in private pockets. What the UN needs to do (seeing that Nigeria is on the security council) is send in forces to regulate these problems. If the UN cannot do so because they do not want another Somalia incident to repeat itself, the the USA should help by training a special squad that would be dedicated solely for terrorist attacks in Nigeria. Also security communication and technologies in Nigeria should be updated. This is the best way, rather than sending money to the Nigerian government.
-Miss Conflict and Resolution
Hmmmm!!! I expect a bloody all out war against BH soon. The question is: would the girls all make it out alive? Pray for the kidnapped girls. #bringbackourgirls
I pray dey lend thr helpin hand. I mean, USA has d resouces it takes to do dat, i pray dey help out
Dey shld pls come 2 our rescue oh bcos we have a failed government.
How many times are they gonna offer us help. they should shut up and help already.
I hope dere's gonna b a positive report soon....See us thru oh Lord..*speakin in tongues.
All shld just pls work together for the safe recovery of the girls and the end of boko haram in nigeria
God help them. This is gettn too much. Bad news evrydae!
All that money still no security in Nigeria. God please help Nigerians to be wise.
And where on earth did that money go ????????? These people should have learnt by now that you don't give them money , you give them the equipment
We need it..
Am sure all dat money was spent on something else. Nigeria Government is dead.
Great news. I hope they find them soon.
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Tank God,they shld pls come already
#UKWU 1 say so#
Money from d U.S. 2 naija gvt reminds me of what my ppl say; u dnt give salt 2 d tongue 2 keep.
Hope my comment is approved after visibility?
Written&signed by BILAL
btw, wer is my best female LIBER, i mean BONITA BISLAM?
I pray they dem Jehovah help ur children..
Abeg oooo we need help.
GEJ is incompetent & wasteful. That much money was given in 2012 & we r still @ this stage? He should resign before we all get killed. I know he has no honor & only cares for himself & his 2015 ambition. #GEJOUT
They should not help us they no what is happening they have in-tell on boko haram yet they wont share it they are the ones sponsoring them who are they fooling.
they were the ones that said we will break up in 2015 they are doing their best to amke it a reality Nigeria should ask the french or Israelis for help
Manner indeed, pls let's leave ppl nd their bkyard motives jor..I jes pray they dnt ask 4 something in exchange.
may GOD help nigeria.
All I just see here is that unconscious slavery mentality n reinforcement of the white supremacy by my nonchalant fellow Nigerians. WE GOT TO START DEALING WITH OUR OWN PROBLEMS, NO MATTER WHAT IT WILL COST. THESE PEOPLE DON'T DO 'SHIT' FOR NO REASON. The 20 million dollars will be paid back in due time monetary or other measures but be guranteed high interest rate either way. This will further instigate the worsening of our progression as a nation with such immense potentials.
we are so naive in this country.for every favour the USA or UK gives a 3rd world country,there is a vested interest and a strategic one that lies beneath.
Open ur eyes GEJ,this is a plot to build a defense base in Nigeria to expand their military presence.Any country that have in mind, some form of civil unrest from nowhere pops up,and then they show up like the guardian angel to help us.In return,we sign some pacts that our grandchildren will be paying for.
Abeg,lets im not dere o.....
hmmmm the most annoying part is dat those army suffering over there, they pay them only 20k every month, and that's what they use for there feeding and every order expenses over there, my brother has been there since last year June, they gave him 1week past to come and see his family and go back, even wen he came back he did have money to go back he was looking for transport money to go back, he has 3 children his family are the one spending his salary here in lagos, he's only managing the 20k been pay to them every month for the security, but now look at the kind of money this pple are calling for security, who are the pple eating and spending the money? soldier's are there suffering they are been paid penout is only God that will punish them.
Hope their help won't be futile
May God help them all
About time! Come aid our inept leaders
Thank you very much @ anon2:34... Most Nigerian don't have sense... The Americans will come n scatter this country.... they can never genuinely help any country with resources and not exploit them afterwards... They are after our oil... smh
Will d evil ones in d house allow dem 2 act? All diz naija leaders n their corrupt ways. We will jst sit n watch
And wat if they do as long as we get our girls back,dumb ass.
@ Wilheminna you are an idiot. The same mouth you use in insulting these 'garlic smelling white men' your words not mine is the same one you are using to applaud their offer of help. You see your life? You probably want a white man but he rejected your ugly smelly arse hence the hate. Ewu like you!
Thank God for help. Thank you America
U giv cheese to a rat for safekeeping? Really. Do not give Nigerian government money. Give dem Equipment branded "property of FRN" unless d will sell d equipment too. U just Enriched our Corrupt leaders by $20M.
And I'm sure they've already collected payment
U so on point Neeqilata
no smoke = no fire they must ask something in return. May be obama may demand that he becomes our presido come 2015
I mentioned it yesterday that it would be a huge embarrassment on the part of pres. GEJ if the U.S government intervenes I KNOW IT IS FOR THE BEST AND WETHANK GOD but kaii GEJ see your life, they just told you you can't handle your business
I dnt trust US. They do tins fir deir selfish interest. .. God pls help us
Thus saith PaPa last nigth vigil @ d liberation mandate aniversary,,, after 7 days d sponsors of BoKoHaRm will kick GP tank...!!!
Nsogbu di
Di NA -oche form
We can be very foolish in this country cos we hate knowledge. Where has the U.S. ever gone that turned out to be good? Is it Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya,Egypt etc? A lot of those countries were doing very great until Americans stepped into their affairs to "assist" and today,all those countries are SHIT-HOLES. We would fix our problems by ourself abeg, thanks America, but we don't need you.
God Bless Nigeria.
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