According to Maku, President Jonathan, while addressing the issue of the missing schoolgirls, said "wherever the girls are in the world, we will get them back, apprehend and punish the culprits."
"On the unfortunate kidnap of the Chibok girls, the security chiefs briefed the meeting on efforts so far made to locate and rescue the girls, and bring the perpetrators to justice. Extensive and intensive aerial surveillance by the Air Force has been carried out in all the routes leading into and out of Chibok up to the Chad and Cameroun borders. Other parts of Borno and Adamawa states are also under the searchlight. Every information relayed to security agencies has so far been investigated, including the search of all places suspected as a possible hide-away of the kidnapped girls", Maku said. Continue..

Maku said President Jonathan
understands the plight of the parents and says Nigerians are behind
"The president’s heart goes out to these our unfortunate daughters who have had to endure the trauma of abduction and separation from their loved ones. The government and people of Nigeria stand solidly by them".
On the recent
Bomb blast, he said President Jonathan commiserates with the families
that lost loved ones during the attack and has ordered that security
agencies increase surveillance and also expedite action in their
investigations so that those behind the dastard acts will be brought to book.
He also said President Jonathan has directed that all the victims in
the various federal hospitals be treated freely, saying the Federal
Government would take up all bills incurred.
On the forthcoming World Economic Summit taking place in Abuja from Wednesday May 7th to Friday May 9th, he said there was no going back. Reports has it that Federal Government offices and schools are to be closed down as from Wednesday next week to Friday so as to control human and vehicular traffic during the period of the summit.
The meeting had
in attendance Vice President Namadi Sambo, Minister of State for FCT
Jumole Akinjide, Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Interior Minister
Abba Moro as well as Trade and Investment Minister Olusegun Aganga.
Service Chiefs in attendance includes Defence Minister General Aliyu
Gusau (rtd), National Security Adviser Sambo Dasuki, Chief of Defense
Staff Air Chief Marshall Alex Badeh, Chief of Army Staff Lt General
Kenneth Minimah, Chief of Air Staff Air Marshall Ademola Amosu, Chief of
Naval Staff Vice Admiral Usman Jibrin, Inspector- General of Police
Mohammed Abubakar and Director-General of State Security Service Ita
I pity dis man northerners dey attack him bad smh
Mr president stop talkin nd act,we jst want anyword frm u we ask is action or is it too much? Sack al diz chiefs coz dey kw wea d galz r,rubbish country.
Extraordinary meeting indeed. He should act fast and stop posting us. This is getting too much.
Extraordinary meeting indeed. He should act fast and stop posting us. This is getting too much.
GEJ had called the service chiefs to service hia generator 😬😃😬😬😬😬😬
SEE The Troubles This Nudé Photo Is Causing Actress Biola Ige.....just hit my name to see
We need the president to address us live on television!!! Enough he said she said.
IM happy with the meeting BUT where in the world do you close schools and offices because you have lost control of security.....well done all the same
Sumtin has 2 b done fast
Same old stories!
Action speaks louder than voice.Nigerians are on tentahooks waiting for positive result
Very nive! Hope de do sumtin and sumtin real fast, very serious dis dis time cus we tayada all dis meetings wit no results. I feel 4 u Mr president most times. Nt easy I must say. "No doubt" in @edreamz voice!
NYC-1 Says: Walk the talk, and stop all this blablabla. Look at their portruding bellies. You seat in your office and do not know what might have befallen the girls; and you giving us sweet promises.
I pray the girls are found hale and hearty.
Terrorism is a global phenomenon,and its needs global approach,our govt shouldn't be too proud to seek for help from other countries.
#bringbackourgirls #bringbackourdaugthers
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All this unnecessary paparazzi, GEJ is completely useless. Period
Chai! Ewooooo! Our presido achaaaa isi awo by force! Asori jona!
So Mr president can't not come out to address the issue or make a public statement himself? He sent a representative? Choi this man!!! I bet he is putting up a committee to look into the matter. *i weep for my country*
Linda dear how far?
You're too much o,u no dey nigeria and yet u get updates of different gist...truly u sabi ur job
Weldone dear
Jonathan you have failed in your duties. And why haven't you made any public speech. You're just a disgrace and too dull for this nation.
Enough of all this committee meetings..... GEJ we Nigerians need action. Not minutes of your meeting. #BringBackOurGirls
enough of holding meetings. do sumtin beta
How could these fools be reveling top secret meeting to the public. I'm disapoited with GEJ. He's not wise. He has already told bk everytn to be at alert. I dey suspect this guys. My advice to the public, pls secure ur life by urself, be vigilant, avoid crowded place. God will see us tru
pls bring our girls back!
Incompetent old bigots!!!
How could these fools be reveling top secret meeting to the public. I'm disapoited with GEJ. He's not wise. He has already told bk everytn to be at alert. I dey suspect this guys. My advice to the public, pls secure ur life by urself, be vigilant, avoid crowded place. God will see us tru
No be meeting be problem oooo,,solution!!!
i have a feeling somethin gud wud come out of dis. lets giv dem our suport cuz am tired of hearin bad newz... (MICKENZY) on d beat say so via my M I C
The President should have opened the meeting by reliving the service Chiefs of their jobs. They are simply not up to the job. The Service Chiefs (Ihejirika & Co), who were there before these new group had a better understanding of the task and how to tackle it. They had record success until they were removed for obvious political reasons. The Northern leadership were complaining if high handed ness on the part of the Ihejirika group. So they removed them abd brought in people who don't have a handle on the job. How many more killings and kidnappings will take for GEJ to know he has the wrong people on the job. It reflects badly on him and the international community tend to feel he doesn't have a handle on the threat Boko Haram poses to the country.
Am not seeing any oyibo name,what are dey going to do there wivout whitey.They shld invite Us soliders(dey wan waste more money)
Am not seeing any oyibo name,what are dey going to do there wivout whitey.They shld invite Us soliders(dey wan waste more money)Poison ivy
God please help our country Nigeria... SMH, help us to love our neighbour as ourselves...All will be well!
Useless meeting,we a tired jo
Hope something good comes of it
Ok #bright bravo#
Guy wake up no be by meeting. U've had enuf meetings b4 yet no results. Wake up oga jona!
Too much stories,ACTION pls Mr President or u resign ur ofis o jare
Maku and Linda, Please wetin be the outcome of the Meeting? I know go school.
" that those behind the dastard acts will be brought to book." For goodness sake, we know who the perpetrators are - Boko haram. Bring them to book already!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I don't like hw bokoharamites r stressing uncle Jona
This Maku is a BAD marketer of a very very BAD PRODUCT. So what has the govt been thinking or planning since April 14 when the innocent GIRLS were KIDNAPPED. MM
This Maku is a BAD marketer of a very very BAD PRODUCT. So what has the govt been thinking or planning since April 14 when the innocent GIRLS were KIDNAPPED. MM
The solution is separation
It is well.
We hope the girls have not been married off.
De only thing I believe In this life paryer work's not only meeting meeting aways why many have gone?pls sir all we are asking u to do sometin in dis land.thank u sir
Hmmmn. All dem services chiefs fit b BH oh
Look at them,they don't even look like leaders
The kidnap of the females students has expectedly generated a great deal of furore,and has further exposed the security lapses in the country.Let us hope that the perpetrators of such dastardly act will be brought to book. Visit for captivating stories on entertainment,events,politics and sports.
read what you dont know about Actress Ronke Oshodi Oke finally Reveals Why She don't live with her husband!
May God help u GEJ.....lead u people to find the terrorist.
God purnish this useless failure of a president, his security officers, meetings, and the regular 'i, we, condemn ' whinning all the time. I pray boko haram detonate atleast one bomb in the house his second wife and two children reside in, then we'll see if this won't come to an end for real. Such a failed goverment. Rubbish!
I learnt they had small chops during the meeting! Smh
All d service chieves dey bone face, na so so smile my president nd hin vice dey smile... Do dis guys knw wats hapnin in Nigeria @all?
Gej majority of your senior security officers are from the north. You need to do something about it.
Is dat the essence of the meetin? A foto sesion with the socalld servic chiefs aftrwards??? Inalilahi wa inalilahi!!! #Soulreal23
Wow seeing this pic makes me feel for Gej, he's lost alot of weight. We might think all these happenings dont affect him but its obvious they do. Gej ur enemies want you to step down, don't, nigeria doesn't belong to the hausas alone so what's their problem? They want to be on power at all cost and control oil money that doesn't even belong to them. Let nigeria separate so everybody can keep their resources. They want an islamic country and we say no to that. The northerners have too many issues so please let us leave them to their own palava.
Tell me how would ds chief catch BH wt ds heavy body? Nd they still ve tym to snap picz, hmmm. D meeting can't make a difference.
Why does this statement sound all too familiar?
All the many many meeting Nigeria jagajaga
We shd learn to close ranks and speak with one voice in other to decimate these agents of cannot be achieved by insulting our president.
Security is a collective thing & shd be everyone's biz....if u see something,say something not blaming the president over every & anything.
Look at them, do they strike you like people that really care? especially that badluck that is always wearing funeral clothes and rayden cap. 2 weeks had to pass for irresponsible president to say anything about kidnapped girls.
Na so so talk talk una dey action when's the next security meeting?
Same old shit...they don't give a shit bout us....fuck them all
Wars with the picture snapping? Is that a priority? Clueless!
I pray this girls come home in one piece.
When will those heartless bastards ibb and buhari and atiku stop tormenting nigeria we don't even want them 2 rule so dear lord kill them all with stroke or brain damage!! Devil sent animals
Gbam! Completely!
Pls our Dear President, u need people with experience to tackle dis issues. Pls Sir invite the Isrealis to help u in this fight
Mr. President, I know u myt av a good hrt, but bcos u don't av d liver to get sm people locked up. Or u can't protect d lives of nigerian like u sworn on oath. Av asked God to cut off my hand if I vote for you come 2015....
This comment reflect and represent the view of Linda Ikeji
Let's vote 4 u so u can act nau Dummie. Jonathan needs support n not criticism. It's obvious it's more than Jz politics nau. Nigeria needs a better security structure. This idiots don't come out plain 2 attack. It mkes it difficult for the army to comprehend them buh all I knw is dat Nigeria must overcome.
Not getting excited or carried away until I see results.
Seek 4 help and we become slaves in the hands of the west, they'll ensure we pay back.permanent enemies with terrororist.the attacks will increase Nigeria doesn't have enof skills 2 fight against terrorism.
Its only in a country like Nigeria that bad things happen n we blame the president. If Jonathan is so useless let's all travel 2 d forest wia they are nau?. Terrorists attack America they all stand by their president 2 ensure d culprits are brought to book. Nigerian should learn 2 b supportive. The soldiers out there are humans too. N SO MANY of them have lost their lives too. Nigerian need 2 support each other realize we are 1 wiv this we can withstand Boko Haram. It's obvious it's no more a political tin, Boko Haram has gone out of hand. Any body, rich or poor, east, west, south n north, civilians, soldiers, anybody!! Can b a victim.
SO PAINFUL. THE WORST EVER PRESIDENT IN NIGERIA. I HATE YOU JONATHAN. SO MUCH HATE FOR YOU. are you so stupid to think? what does it going to cost you to close the cameroun border and chad border and then soldiers parade all the parameter of borno, no matter how big borno is? you can allocate fund for wardrobe, but you cant fund the weapons needed for safety of this young girls? you must be damn stupid, when your own daughter is not among, it doesnt really concern you...
Extraordinary meeting - see re-branding. names of meetings will soon finish for their mouth. stupid president with foolish advisers and yeye security chiefs.they only went to drink beer (jona favorite) and they re here telling us rubbish. #bringbackourgirls##bringbackourgirls#GEJOUT#GETOUT#incompetentJonaOut#
Too many old stories
After their extraordinary 7hrs security smeeting, they always go out to pose for naps of pictures. The next thing is another bomb blast. They are just fooling us!
Ur father is useless! Simple
We need less talk and more action. It seems the president is already getting used to the idea of footing bills for injured bomb blast victims but in reality what we need is a book haram free nigeria.
Our SSS has to be the most incompetent in the world
If U r der U will more useless
Nice 1 friend
Abegi! Wht are u pitying?? He has so much power in his hands as the number one citizen of this country, yet he can't do anything. He's bin in meetings since these BH menace started and wht has it procured? More bomb attacks! Is it not the same meeting that the sponsors wil go update the BH pple on recent developments. Abeg he shld check his 'inner cacus'. The whole world musnt even know he is doing his "Meetings". He shld combat the issue and address the country. Us embassy are already writing to his citizens & gearing up to protect them, yet he couldn't reach out to protect his, esp in Ghana and Malaysia when they cried out for the mal treatment meted on them. He shld just do smfin to kill this insurgencies..we tired. I am
Wld Mr. President enter the forest and look for dem??..its obvious..our force is not jst technical enuf to curb d prevailin probs..
LinLin I am tired of the meetings and the talking sweet want actions-This our Johna nd Obama have one thing in common-d talk too much!!#Bring back our girls!
Linda this msg is for u and u don't even need to post it. Y do u allow this useless pple on ur blog, always asking Libers to click on their nude pics. You really need to block them, afterall u approve all comments before it becomes visible. Do something about this cos it's becoming a shameful thing.
All we hear is same old same old. We need action abeg!
Why do most Nigerians just blab?
Well, some of y'all can't even attend to a girl or a wife properly but jump on here to write rubbish. Can you handle a class of 200people as a teacher? Or 10,000 people as a Principal or VC? You probably will pluck your hair and eat them all up. #LongHiss.
Shut your mouths and use your brains better-still pray to God and stop insinuating rubbish about the President. You or even you father couldn't do better.
Pray the pepetrators get captured and dully dealt with and God should arise and scatter ALL Nigeria's enemies including their whole generations put together!
Bollocks! I know bullshit when I hear it. He feels their plight indeed. After 2 whole weeks and an easter break. This meeting is only in response to all the recent local and international outcry.
Stupid boy...its even him u r pitying after all these loss of lives and abductions aand blaming d north...ode!
Oga Jonathan is on top of the matter pls let's support him instead of this endless crictism
They are taking Pictures .. Lolz I Cry
Only God can help us
God help u my president
STFU why are you sooo manner less. Instead of pointing out how he doesn't care, offer suggestions you moron
Very well said! He should come out to address us if he truly feels what Nigerians are going through.
The screams of the kidnapped girls.
U are very stupid if you are still talking abt religion n party. Do u really think is d best tym 2 be sentimental? Nigeria is on fire, ur president is not competent enough to stop d fire n u are here commenting rubbish.
Your are more stupid. GEJ is the best president Nigeria has gotten so far. Are you that daft to know that BH isn't just about Cameron boarders. Their sponsors are part of government and are top politicians who don't just like a southern president. It takes intelligence to fish them out and deal with them. All these insults on GEJ shows how shallow minded some Nigerian peeps are...When you become president, you can lock all the boarders and make your country an island..EWU!!!
I just hope you guys read your bible, and don't twist every thing to GEJ. All Nigeria needs is God's help n not the help of man, cos dis colloquial madness has gone out of hand.
"Gobe" They are having photo section.. Lolz .. #BRINGBACKOURGIRLS#
A force that spearheaded ECOMOG in Liberia, successfully? Talk another thing biko.
@anon 4:06 shut up we know you are working for him . How can you compare the Nigerian government to the US government , what you fail to understand is the Nigerian government have proven time without number that they don't care about the welfare of their citizens while the US government has proven time without number that they care about the welfare of their citizens . How can we support a president who doesn't support the citizens they are leading , who acts as if he is doing us a favour by saying they will take care if all hospital bills of the nyanya bomb victims that are being treated in government hospitals and his wife acts as if she is doing is a favour by providing hospital equipment . Which is what he is meant to be doing , however I don't think he should take all of the blame all if those useless ministers and security chiefs that were given money for their sector to improve security that chopped the money are also to blame , and I don't blame the soldiers I blame the leaders because they are not providing the adequate resources for the soldiers to combat Boko haram . And it is political , all if the people that are suffering from these attacks are poor people , the rich people are fine and safe but the poor are not . GEJ needs to check his staff because we all know there is a snake among them , a lot of the people mentioned above are northerners . I personally believe that because GEJ is a southerner they want to make sure the country is in total chaos , but he also needs to be tough GEJ is very weak . You guys should remember during the 2011 election time , a candidate said if he doesn't win the country will be ungovernable now see . The real question we should be asking is how on earth can Boko haram afford all of their weapons ??? Who is funding these idiots ??? I wouldn't be surprised if it was some northern politician or America .
Hmmm see ma lovely uncle, chief of Air staff. First person from d left
They all stand by their president because they see results from the previouse attempt but for us/me I haven't seeing any result either than granting amnesty that is rubbish
mr president, if you are not ready to stand your ground as the president, commander in chief of armed forces of federal republic of nigeria, and stop playing games with the life of the poor nigeria citizens because all of you politicians are not nigeria citizens, please kindly leave that office for some one who is man enough to handle we are tired of losing our loved ones, if you can not look at this heartless politician who are using the life of my fellow nigerians for sacrife and put a stop to all this you better leave, we did not vote you to only talk about oil subsidy and travel and to talk about your third term in office, we voted you to protect the life of nigerians and to give us a better living in our country we are tired of all of you politicians who are not nigerians but rule nigeria.
mr president, if you are not ready to stand your ground as the president, commander in chief of armed forces of federal republic of nigeria, and stop playing games with the life of the poor nigeria citizens because all of you politicians are not nigeria citizens, please kindly leave that office for some one who is man enough to handle we are tired of losing our loved ones, if you can not look at this heartless politician who are using the life of my fellow nigerians for sacrife and put a stop to all this you better leave, we did not vote you to only talk about oil subsidy and travel and to talk about your third term in office, we voted you to protect the life of nigerians and to give us a better living in our country we are tired of all of you politicians who are not nigerians but rule nigeria.
Truth is gradually coming out. Pls read the link
Girls were kidnapped and GEJ was perambulating until protests started taking place, then he said Give Us More Time. And that was when air surveillance began. When the girls have been rumored to have left the country. Well done , sir. Just try to know that there is a time for everything under the sun. If it were the bombing I would pity him! But not this mishandled case- wanting to wait for time to run it's course. Abeg e nor work. No meaningful rumour self???
Hmmm Jesus is the only way out nt Gej nt man plus most of u dat r commenting dat presido is d worst most of u didn't vote at all so pls just be useful and pray(praying dat our girls return safely)
useless president Jo and security chiefs, his security chiefs has use the money for security to buy houses all over the world,Nigeria is a very useless country big for notting country.Nigeria is a country where people worship those that stole their money and render their future useless.
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