Photos & video: Romantic proposal at Silverbird Galleria yesterday | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 2 May 2014

Photos & video: Romantic proposal at Silverbird Galleria yesterday

A very romantic proposal took place yesterday May 1st at the Silverbird Galleria, Lagos. The guy, Tosin, 'rented' one of the viewing rooms at the cinema where he took his girlfriend Bimbo and some of their friends to go watch 'The Other Woman'. Tosin proposed in the middle of the movie. See more photos and video of the romantic proposal after the cut...

The video courtesy Sisi Yemmie...


Unknown said...

Awww congrats to them.

Bonita Bislam said...

Luv is a beautiful thing !

Anonymous said...

Awww good of him..small time now some ugly girls will start shouting that Nigerian guys are not romantic.abeg tell me wetin be this one.nice move my man..congratulation

Two UNILAG girls fights and tears each others clothes over a boy

Hidden camera caught Doctor Abusing a female patient

What secondary school girls do with boys when they have no teacher

Caught on camera: Man trying to rape a woman

Unknown said...

How romantic!

APPLE said...

OK. Congratulation.

adufe said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww this is amazing....OMG....xtremely sweet....Allah bless u both....

Sylvonce said...

Is that the part whr am like "Awwwww" lol!
Beautiful couple. Love people esp guyz that go out of their way to make it different and unique.... #VeryRomantic.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to them #bright bravo#

Anonymous said...

awwww, dis so cute

Unknown said...

Why she no go cry? Tears of joy, I cried myself. Di di uko joor!

Anonymous said...

heeeeeey My Ebiti, we see you man, Nice one, shout out to Moyo

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alloy Chikezie said...

Really romantic

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Winnie said...

Awww...Love is a beautiful thing. Wish them many more years of romance and happiness.#lovestruckonthering

Mo Unfiltered said...

so adorable......lovely

Mo Unfiltered said...

so adorable......lovely

Unknown said...

This is so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Bene simo!!! Bella!!!

Sylvia said...

Wow! So cute! Can't wait to av my own prince charming, dat guy is cute I must say, am sure he's got a brother hmmmmmmmm, am waiting. Congrats

Bolateetoh said...

Lucky her!GOD biko do my own too oh!

Anonymous said...

Linda, please is your blog now an extension of Nollywood? How can two full blooded Nigerian adults choose to take their acting away from movie industry? Who is deceiving who? The maker of this movie, the camera man, or the guy or the babe? Whoever directed this scene choose the worst casts. The location keeps changing, from plane to airport, to Silverbird. Please guys guess the next venue?

Anonymous said...

Is dat a real diamond or a replica? Bimpe

Anonymous said...

No comment

OTORAY said...

love it.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww aunty linda i was in tears happy for them wish my man can do d same buh his so dry chai

Anonymous said...

OK..We thank God


Okay, am doing mine inside d train. When it working, probably 1st class

This comment reflect and represent the view of Linda Ikeji

Unknown said...

I wish you a lasting love.

Anonymous said...

i hope no naval ratings were around


I pray their love last more than this 5mins clip,marriage is not frying egg and indomie.


Anonymous said... sincere n real.....ilove#

bebetorshure said...

Very nice one. Congrats to them. Olorun a mojo duro o.

Unknown said...

Why do ppl now feel its such a big deal for a man to propose to marry a woman? Even to d extent of sendin it to a blogger...everybody wants to b celeb by force. Its d fault of women. Wen many girls re quick to spread their legs for just one man in d name of husband hunting/rship, a man feels its a big favor he's doin to d one he finally proposes to, else its no biggie dt a man askd my consent to pay my bride price. Mtchewwwwwwww!

julz said...

Awwwww....this is so romantically lovely. Gosh! D babe couldn't even close her mouth again. And he took their friends to make it complete. I like! #FutureHusbandTakeNoteO

souvenirworks said...

lols!!! the Ebiti's ...well done o! congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice one. I hope all this people sending pics and videos of their proposal will send us pics and videos of their break up/divorce should in case it happens? Cos i have seen so many elaborate proposals that did not lead to the altar.

Helen N said...

Future husband.. . Hummmmmm

Unknown said...

The sweetest... nice couple tho already look married @ pics of their journey. May God keep and bless u 2... love u both!!!

Unknown said...

Very Romantic *tears rolling down*

Helenaupdate said...

Ds is so so romantic. Congrat dear

Naija babe said...

Ok. God bless your union.
Not a time to dilly dally. Many heart wrenching occurrences going on in my beloved country. People should beware of public places. No where is safe.

Anonymous said...

Awwww....... so sweet... Congrats to them.

CoolDiva speaks!

Deolar08 said...

Awww! So lovely!! Future husband to be, I hope ur eyes are wide open to see aw proposing Goes :)

Emjay Baba said...

awesome, congratulations

Anonymous said...

I just had to comment! This is sooooooo beautiful! May God bless the two of you and as you start preparing for the journey ahead, may God keep you together in love always, amen. And thank you Banky W for that song!

Anonymous said...

wish u guys the very best in life

Anonymous said...

more blessings guys

mummy cheche said...

Congrats to Tosin and Bimbo, it is not easy to find a wife and husband material, I wish u guys a blisful union

Anonymous said...

Very romantic and genuinely authentic, kudos!! HML in advance. MOMA.

Sparks and Tingles said...

These guys are raising the bar for those of us who intend to propose via whatsapp.... Arrrrggghhhhh!

Anonymous said...

congratulations to them. wishing them a beautiful home

Professional Job Seeker said...

Wow, that was a very nice move. The lady was visibly blown away.

If you want access to all the latest jobs in Nigeria, professional networking and lots more, click on my name

Anonymous said...

Very romantic and genuinely authentic, kudos!! HML in advance. MOMA.

JOYCHY said...

Wowwwww...Now datz what u call a *Surprise*.....
Men are really thinking outside d box<<<<<<<<SO COOL!!

But on a 2nd thought, didnt she see some of dere frnds enter d cinema & wonder y??

Anonymous said...

Love is sweet. Congrats Bimbo. This made me tear up

Bbg Eze said...

Awwwwwww! So beautiful and lovely

Anonymous said...

Nice 1

Debbie Chelsea said...


Anonymous said...

Wooooooooooooooow me loves this.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, extremely beautiful!! God bring my own now!!!!!!!!!!! I av luvd 3 consecutive times in my life given my all nd gotten only heartbreak in return, I dnt rush in, I look out for the signs to make sure am doin d ryt thing and take oda precautions bt yet each tym d same thing, am not ugly, pple always say nd I can @ least give it to myself dat @ least am Ok, am not wayward either, growing up sef I was termed churchy @ one point!!! What is it den???? I pray nd cry every now nd tired of hurting and dnt wnt anoda hurt so much dat am evn afraid of dating anyone!!!! God help me please, give me my own oh nd soon, is it too much to ask for??? Waiting on you lord!!! Congrats to u Tosin and ur boo!!!!


nice proposal, lovely decor.
For as many desire such good thing, the joy of marriage union will locate u. I and my team will be there to celebrate with u, and u will not carry the wrong bone. None shall want her mate, so says the word of God. this is your year

Anonymous said...

Love is a very beautiful thing I swear!

Anonymous said...


All dez 2 years marriage.


Unknown said...

Nice Pics... Wish them the very best in life and in their new beginning together

Diary of Dido said...

I'm literally weeping- so romantic and thoughtful of the guy!
What a lovely and loved up couple.

Victor Vames said...

Gud 4 'em

Anonymous said...

Linda, this is old considering the fact that someone else had previously done this year's back at silver bird, like some 8 years ago. still nice e shaaa.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!dat gat me tearing...sm1 pls pas me sme tissue

Anonymous said...

Wow! Dat was an event. It was really so romantic. Lol! Not all marriages come wit such engagement wow. Mine came with Baby am pregnant. Lol

Olubukola Ozone said...

Sounds romantic. I pray dat God to see nd help dem thru

Anonymous said...

Fake life,so d babe knw no say him bobo wan engage her? Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwww, must she cry?

Anonymous said...

So so beautiful.i love dis do much.this is the kind of news we want to b seening of hearing from relationships n marriage ohhhh enuf of sad tales.congratulations to the couple .more blessings as u prepare for marriage proper.Amen

keppy200 said...

as a sharp badding guy...big ups man

Anonymous said...

awww!! wish dem all the best <3

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwww..... I Love LOVE!!! it's good to know in the midst of all the hate going around in the country there are still some people showing love to one another.. congrats to the couple!!!

Eva said...

Cute couple....I wanna be just like u wen i grow up!

Okoro said...

Una sha don enter LIB...congrats

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is so amazing,I have tears dropping down my eyes.Love is indeed a beautiful thing.congrat

LINDA said...

Omg! Cldnt help d tears! Sooooo romantic! Hope mine wud be more romantic.. God bless them both.

Anonymous said...

wow... it nice

Anonymous said...

soooo Romantic... Mine will be the season 2

Anonymous said...

Waoh! .super nice, wishing them the very best in their journey together.

Anonymous said...

Pele oo anony, just because you are not in a serious relationship no mean say u go de beef, u mid rat poison and postinor2 to purge ur bad belle.. Yeyefowl

Anonymous said...

Lovely tales !

Anonymous said...

Keep weeping dear the Lord is ur strenght

Anonymous said...

Omg! i want this too, but i fear my boyfriend will just say lets go and met your parents without really proposing in that romantic way as every girl desires. *crying*

Anonymous said...

All these guys no dey try o! Jst raising d bar 4 no reason!! Ahan! i cant carry last! Imma propose via NTA news!

Anonymous said...

If you have tears dropping from your eyes keep the news to yourself

Anonymous said...

This cud be us but u've turned urself to a hoelosho

LEEZ said...

Aaaawwwwwwww! Beautiful!! Love a beautiful thing! Contrats to 'emm

Anonymous said...

Ewu gambia!get ready to be propsed to in a buka along makoko road

Anonymous said...

He has a brother lucky you.his brother is one of pasuma's generator boys and his name is Ashimiu so you are indeed very lucky with your destiny

Amarachukwu. said...

Awwww that's sweet.congrats to them.

Anonymous said...

Yes he is so dry because girls like you deserve just massive pricks and no mercy oloshi oloju kokoro

Unknown said...

Envy! Go get urs if u cnt stand it.....smh

Anonymous said...

A train that operates lagos-kano will do shall it be in Jesus name.amen

Anonymous said...

Bona sunmondere

Unknown said...

Owk, Linda oya, let turn up

Anonymous said...

I guess you were being fucked when u wrote the first lines then after an ugly climax you came back to your senses and finished up d comment.Oloshi nie o

Anonymous said...

Tear up ur pussy or anus or where?plz be specific dear

Anonymous said...

Tank u our sister in islam.....Jesus christ bless them both,they are xtians abeg.carry ur Allah go find d missing girls


Congrats o but (1)is the ring painful?why is she crying...(2)the guy copied dis concept from olamiju akala and hadiza okoya..not new.

Anonymous said...

Hater oshi,olloriburuku,may you not die single.

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Na now u know say Di di uko? U never talk wetin dey make you cry ooo !!!

Anonymous said...

Tank u our sister in islam.....Jesus christ bless them both,they are xtians abeg.carry ur Allah go find d missing girls

Anonymous said...

I av always liked most comments made by this bonario nnag of a dude.. Till now. ..despite the efforts made by the guy to propose to whom he wld love spending the rest of his life with. Money spent.. Plus putting it up here.. Im sure wasnt free..
Im a bit disappointed though.. bonario . But at the same time, you av the right to ur own thoughts.

"I pray their love last more than this 5mins clip,marriage is not frying egg and indomie.


Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my sis,I say a very big amen to engaged too,but I also had som heart breaks b4.dat shit is not easy.I swear.

Anonymous said...

Laugh wan kill me.......abi o,all we pray 4 is a good home.diamond or brimstone.sha marry me abeg

Anonymous said...

Madam,happy crying u need drum,baff or basia?

Anonymous said...

Abeg why all of dey cry?ahahhaha,enjoy while it lasts though.don't ask me....cos God knows am engaged.

Lady kim kim said...

Awwwww....soooo lovely

Anonymous said...

Woooowww she was in ma skl Bimbo Raji Igbinedion Rich kid with different cars!miss expensive she's a nice gal doe!sooooooooo Happppppyyyyyy 4 her!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Dts so romantic.I wish dem al d best

Anonymous said...

Why are u pained?

Anonymous said...

U for add ur no or bb nos u myt jst b lucky via here...

Anonymous said...

Baba God me too I want a lover oo

Anonymous said...

U b idiot

Anonymous said...

datz lovly --teebee--

Anonymous said...

It's ur own dat is one month marriage...faggot

Anonymous said...

Dat is why u cnt grow in life,wen u keep hatin on people 4 no reason.....STFU...ewu

LD said...

I started crying without knowing! This is sooooo romantic, am green! Wish them all d best.......awwwww, so sweet. I hope to get mine someday.

Anonymous said...

Even egg and indomie dey hard some people to prepare

Anonymous said...

But must yu make a spectacle of your proposal, I thought it was a precious moment between two souls and now it's beginning to become a quest of who can outdo the other. Sincerelly wish yu All the best in your marriage love

Anonymous said...

love romantic proposals like this. ola lib can't wait again ooooooooooooooo.

ozi said...

This world is unfair o,so I was under the sun trekking yesterday and some1 was been proposed likey,God please let mine be better....amen

Unknown said...

Love ÈŠ̝̊̅§ a beautiful thing....congrats to them. May their love stand the test of time.

Anonymous said...

I know you anon 3:31 aren't you my boyfriend? Propose fast and let Linda post ours too.

Anonymous said...

Awwww so romantic-Congrats to them-May ur love nd commitment grow strong!!

Unknown said...

Teary eyes awwww soo sweet,congrats

Anonymous said...

Oh!!!!!waooo!!!thus lovely congratulations.

meme said...

Ok. I am either turning into a super mushy person or that was just tooo romantic! I was in tears. So beautiful and they seem so in love

Anonymous said...

Pls I am confused, do you naijas dress up like you are going to the premiere of a movie to regular movie theater? But that was beautiful. I wish them well

bashtuts said...

Nice one! he's not the 1st though. I have witnessed one before in 2013 at the Galleria too. Was innocently waiting for the movie to start when the proposal video started. It was really romantic. The girl was truly surprised.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:25 you are really stupid for your comment. Huge fool

Anonymous said...

Funminista you sound pained. They are tears of joy ode! Anyways where can I watchh alao akala proposal o? That would be nice to watch. Congrats to these guys sha

Anonymous said...

Money dem go use Buy beta Diamond ring na to go waste am for Silverbird. Mpshww ring like costume, N100

Anonymous said...

So lovely.....but dis guy for just gather all d silver bird money use am take buy diamond ring #myopinion#obsessed with diamonds#lol....congrats dearie

Anonymous said...

No they are not,bimbo is muslim

Joe said...

It's people like you that constitute nuisance in our society today. We all know Allah is the Arabic name for God,just like Olorun,Chineke,etc. How did she go wrong by saying God bless them both?.....and for your mind,Jesus the son of God is your God abi? I sorry for you.

Unknown said...

Wow!! congrats 2 dem. Realy nice. But i dnt seem 2 understnd y sum pple r unhappy n analyzing d proposal. Anyways, gud n beautiful things cm 2 those hu appreciate it. ;) .

Diary of Dido said...

Anon, you're a monkey o. Lol.

Osinachi IBIAM-URO said...

God please where are this kind of men?

Unknown said...

big congrats

Diary of Dido said...

Una get bad mouth for this blog sha.
No go find husband at anon the church goer. Mumu.

oge said...

Cool tho, buh if d gurl was sharp as I was, it won't feel like a surprise.

Diary of Dido said...

Anon, you're a monkey o. Lol.

Unknown said...

Do u ve any problem wit dat?u re jst jealous dat all i see in ur statement.Tel ur boyfrnd if at all u ve 2 do same.

Anonymous said...

U re very stupid 4 dis ur comment wen insecurity 1 finish u broke ass wu tell u say na money be romance 9ja men re not romantic rich or poor so my dry doesn't min lack of money cuz am sure my man is not broke as u re Dick Head

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful. I wish them a fruitful and happy married life.

Anonymous said...

awww, Tosin i am proud of you. Representing Aston Uni

Zara said...

Lmaooo @ anon 4:25 pm

Zara said...

Lmmapp @anon 4:25

Zara said...

Lmmaoo @ anon. 4:25

Zara said...

Lmaooo @anon 4:25

Anonymous said...

Where can I see the hadiza and olamiju alao akala proposal pls.

ada said...

awwwwwwww...its so beautiful.

thunk said...

was this really how lamiju proposed to hadiza okoya? is it online anywhere? i wanna see the look on her face

I Love African Music said...

Awwwn...its xo cute.. i can't believe i was in tears..... I wish dem a blissful married life....

Anonymous said...

Lolzzzzzz Kai! My 9ja get mouth. No be small "Carry ur Allah go find d missing girls"

Anonymous said...

Awwwww!!!...nicest thing i've seen in recent times. Already covered in goose pimples. May God bless their union.

Unknown said...

Go n die hater! We all eat rice but d taste ain't d same... wetin ur Oga do? I am sure u bought ur ring ursef, Dts even if u have a man...

Anonymous said...

Cool. An American did it some years ago, but his version doesn't have the whole "story-telling". Congrats!!! Shes's beautiful.

Sex and Relationships said...

Who are those guys that think that Nigerian men are not Romantic?

Anonymous said...

*waterworks. .....sniffs......awwww congrats guyz!

Anonymous said...

Never seen my sister so surprised all my life...happy 4 d both of them!

Anonymous said...

To the lady asking God for a husband, My sister in the Lord there was just a testimony in winner chapel (living faith church) a woman got connected to her miracle husband. God is doing it. I will like to invite you to attend a service at winners chapel I know God will do it for you there are so many testimonies of miracle husbands. I really encourage you to attend. God bless you and fulfill your heart desires as you serve him faithfully.

Amaka said...

Lmaoooo lwtmb no be small "carry ur Allah go find d missing girls" kai u have made my day. Looooool

Unknown said...

If you are a lady and you hate on this ...your life is as useless as a thrash can! Y in God's name would anyone hate on this ?? This is a good thing and we all should be happy about it, at least in this time of terror and absolute petrifying period, ppl still find happiness. And you are there hating. Low lives! Thanks to all who congratulated these guys, i felicitate with them too.


rejoice said...

This is soooooo soooo romantic. I wish them a Happy Married Life

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:25 i support you jare!!!! "Carry ur alla go find the missing girls" #goodone!!!!

ZeeZee said...

awww she seems so sweet and she was genuinly surprised, they are a cute couple, congrats to them

Anonymous said...

Its crazy when pple just open the gutter they call a mouth to say rubbish. Even if it was copied, d good part is dat he did it for love. Love is a beautiful tin plzzzz and i love the concept. I bless ur union joor. Anyone with diarea of d mouth shld treat with flagyl rada dan dropping useless comment.

kems said...


Unknown said...

this is so sweet, amazing move.... wow! congrats dear!

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