The blast occurred last night Thursday May 1st around 8.20 at Karshi Taxi Park, very close to the scene of the April 14th bomb blast. It is believed that the explosion came from a bomb-laden white Volkswagen parked at the taxi park.
The bomb went off as residents of the area were returning home. Eye witnesses said bodies of some of the victims were scattered on the ground, while some were burnt beyond recognition.
A statement released by the NSCDC and NEMA said that 10 bodies were recovered from the scene while several others were taken to different hospitals.
"While security agencies have condoned off the area of the explosion in Nyanya, Abuja, response agencies have moved injured victims to hospitals and at least 10 lifeless bodies have been deposited in the mortuary while 13 unconscious victims are receiving medical attention in different hospitals in Abuja. Other injured victims too are being attended to." the statement read in part.
Some security sources said yesterday that they believe the bomb was set to explode early this morning, just like the Nyanya blast that went off as commuters gathered at the park to take transport to their various destinations, but something went wrong and the bomb accidentally went off, killing the driver
and other innocent people who were about to board buses to leave the
Abuja City Park. Meanwhile, NEMA has called onAbuja residents to donate blood to help victims of the blast. This can't keep happening. It just can't! See more pics after the cut...
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»So linda u r leavin me alone here in naija? Pls come and take me out b4 boko haram reach my side! I'm tired of this country
Somebody pls come and take me out of this country
So much evil Α̲̅πϑ blood shed in the Land. God please have mercy!!
May God save us in Naija.
how sad, lord have mercy on us and heal our land. This tears and blood is becoming too much.
People are killed for reason and the government is keeping quiet. This terrible.
Enough of all this killings,Jonathan should pls step down, he is not capable to solve the security situation in this country.
Wow Nigeria economy must be growing but the place is a shit hole how many people are brutally killed there everyday???
People are killed for no reason and the government is keeping quiet this is terrible.
God pls help us in Nig!!!
We need to pray pls let us pray cos I believe GOD will Help us if we pray
Why are u saying if he is not capable? After reading enough of incapacities sorrounding his administration.
Thank God it wasn't today when a lot of people are going to go to work,thank God
Prince Of Peace!!
we need serious help in dis country...i think its time the govt. seeks help from other countries.sitting back,folding our arms and hoping it all goes away with time is rubbish...how many ppl hv to die before we realise?
OH MY GOD...dis is really sad...may there soul rest in peace
I really don't understand what's happening to ds country...going from one crisis to another. God ds is sickening,pls have mercy
OH MY GOD...dis is really sad...may there soul rest in peace
This country is not safe & our President & politicians are there stealing money...may dis boko haram visit then too not only d poor masses... May their soul RIP
What's all this trash am tired of this bomb blast something has to be done. God save us from this situation we need serious intervention from God
Lord have mercy! This is getting out of hand!
Thank God for me, God saved me from this blast.
GEJ should donate his blood dis time. FOOL...#sobbing#
Enough is enough abeg Ebele Jona call me ASAP we need to put an end to this...kilode!
I'm sick n fed up! This country is just jokes mehn! I remember when I used to watch all these on CNN when they were happening in the middle east n I used to be like thank God 4 Nigeria o n now we have gotten there! Dunno again o, which way 9ja?
The truth remains that Hausa people are very wicked. They are doing all this bcos they want the lost power back by all means and am sure if any other President emerge apart from a northern the killings will continue untill the power returns back to them. Please Nigerians let us not give them power again bcos they are Evil.
Y are they killing innocent Citizens na,they shld go n bomb Aso-Rock meanwhile linda where u go?
My God,what is really happening in nigeria????? What do they sucide bombers really want????
The president Johnson I mean Jonathan regime is the worse ever. Security 0.0% ,electricity 1%, good roads 2%, good water3%, Jobs provided 4% for the citizens of Nigeria who has right to everything. Politicians stat. Bank acct uncountable, housing billions, private jets millions, above the law200%, am short of what to write Linda. Help me finish it. I dey vex.
May God help us oo.
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God of heaven what is happening in Nigeria. .........wats this country turning into? We sleep not knowing what d devil and his co-huts r planning for poor innocent people..All we need now is prayers since it looks like its only God that can save us now.
God pls help us we need u more now.was abt to leave for Abuja dis morning but d blast new gave me fever .now am sooo afraid of going to Abuja.
Linda love ,how u dey .My dear this one don tire me ,what are we going to do to stop this na?any body with good opinions should pls let the president know so that we will put an end to this.
I've been an ardent supporter of GEJ cos I dnt believ in unnecessary criticism, but at this juncture, his incompetence is sickening nd he just has to step down. I'm so afraid for my life cos very soon, this will creep into many othr states.
God help us
Na wah o... Dis is brutal for God's sake. I said it d oda day wen security men wr searchin vehicles to d extent of cusin a vry lenghty hold-up dat our security men cant hold dis ppl, dat if dey wanted to strike again, dey'd do it, and here it is. I ws thinkin dat d carpark and its environs must av bin fortified after dat first aweful occurence. Bomb blast evryday in d FCT, d hrt of Nigeria... So shameful
this is just the begining.....nigeria go survive africa go survive, her people go survive o nigeria go survive. this is a song in the 90s
They want Nigerians to donate blood? Wen will d donation stop? Wen blood don finish 4 our body I guess. To ur tents o Nigerians, una no get government oo
God pls, put an end to this we are tired of hearing abt death.
God pls help us #bright bravo#
Na wa oooo.
diz crazy boyz hv done it again... am declarin a 40 dayz & 40 nite fasting.. boko haram must stop... (mickenzy on d beat) say so via my mic
God pls help us.now am sooo afraid of going to Abuja.may d soul of d departed RIP amen
NAija ..ɪ̣̝̇s̶̲̥̅̊ no more safe..#LICIA#
Linda...this is why some of us outside wouldn't consider coming home as an option. #SOSAD#
Oooo! Lord of Host,when will all this incessant killings stop.I'm tired of waking up to see a new day with a bad news save us all
God help Nigeria.
There was a country....
This CANT JUST KEEP HAPPENING! Smh# what in God's name is all these???
Linlin, I don't care if u re not in naija, just keep bringing in the updates. OMG!!! Do we have to negotiate with this blood thirsty fanatics because of the ineptitude of our leaders?
Are you looking for a sugar muMmy or daddy please call dis line 08132333771 please be mature...
Linda it's more than 10, biko...it's a whole lot more...this your waka waka, I'm suspecting you have a serious relationship outside Nigeria. Anyways, this matter don pass be careful, what are we going to do..ewo!
this is really crazy. linda thnks for d good job. cudos
You News comes late these days, You are engulfed with your designer bags and shoes, to tell you the truth, you are very vain.. No one asked you if you are in the country or not!!! So STFU!
Who asked you???
Please let's keep praying for Nigeria. This has to STOP...
The bomb wasn't set to explode this morning. The truth is that, yesterday was an important date in Nigeria. I saw it coming that something bad will happen yesterday.. the Majority of all these bomb blast do occur on important date in Nigeria. May 29th ( Democracy day) is another important date.. Everybody needs to be inside their houses that day. Bcos another bomb blast will occur. Please post my comment save thousands of people.
SOBS*** I DNT WANA BE A NIGERIAN ANYMORE..... LORD PLS HAVE MERCY on the victims and May their souls rest in UR bosom...
We are in a one sided war in Nigeria.BH versus no one. This might as well be Afghanistan. Lord please show us mercy and heal our land.
The bomb wasn't set to explode this morning. The truth is that, yesterday was an important date in Nigeria. I saw it coming that something bad will happen yesterday.. the Majority of all these bomb blast do occur on important date in Nigeria. May 29th ( Democracy day) is another important date.. Everybody needs to be inside their houses that day. Bcos another bomb blast will occur. Please post my comment save thousands of people.
Hmmm dis is wickedness why re BH killing innocent people? d politicians they suppose 2 attack they re not attacking them, shit pls if u no dat u love ur life relocate frm abuja welder u re Edo. Delta. Yoroba. Igbos pls. May d dead one soul rest in peace amen. Kai
Pls! Pray 4us,just lastweek Boko Haram sent a letter to d student affairs in my school,just few days later dey found bomb inside d School,d Noise is all around Town dat UnIBUJA is d next target&yet lectures are still so fuckin serious,I'm scared**God pls intervene!
oh God!!! what's all dis?I fear for my country.....may their souls rip.amen
We in Abuja are scared stiff........ a whole capital of the most populous black nation? Just because of selfish motives. This is so unfair. The whole leaders and security outfits are very very useless. The nation is wasting money keeping them. With the current bombings in abuja,will GEJ NOW DECLARE STATE OF EMERGENCY IN ABUJA NOW? Now you see that watever is good for the goose should also be good for the gender...... Instead of solving a situation head on,you whitewash it till it comes to your own doormat. GEJ is too soft for obodo naija. KAI!I LOVE THIS NAIJA SO MUCH.These sons of Ishmeal should pity the innocent people.....of Naija we are not the cause of your problems,go straight to Aso rock or any security outfit instead of innocent souls. It is only a coward that fights like you.......
Hmmm dis is wickedness why re BH killing innocent people? d politicians they suppose 2 attack they re not attacking them, shit pls if u no dat u love ur life relocate frm abuja welder u re Edo. Delta. Yoroba. Igbos pls. May d dead one soul rest in peace amen. Kai
So speechless !!!
it's only God that can SOS in this country
Them nor dey see president; governors houses put the bombs na dem they eat the money alone yet poor people dey die put. Coming to nija is not an option for me
Am scared oh
weeps! is such a pity that humans r nw behaving worse than barbarians.! These r not humans sef.they r evil.was even worse is that even the military is infiltrated no one to trust.evrione is a suspect don't knw why Notting has been done.its difficult nw knowing thr is no one to trust but this is War and shd be treated as such.bring d soldiers doin peace keeping in other countries NIGERIA needs peace keeping nw.
*Crying profusely*im so devastated. Pls lets all live our lives like its our last on earth, so that our names would be written in God's book of remembrance. And we will get to be resurrected. Amen.
Those people sponsoring boko haram activities will never know peace, the wrath of God will come upon them. They shall be exposed and be disgraced. Their generation onto the 15th one will suffer these sins they are committing. RIP to the departed ones and I wish the survivors quick recovery.
Badluck jonathan must go
Am speechless,dnt even know what to say again,May the souls of the departed rest in peace&may the injured recover quick
My God! Come to our rescue
Now it's time for revolution and nothing more. Not minding whose ox is gorred..
when will all this stop!!! Tearss:(
Oh bokoharam it shall never b well with u...*Amarachi*
Lord have mercy! This has got to stop. I'm really scared for Nigeria
These are peolpe dat actually said happy new mnth.... God help Nigeria
Linda abeg stay where u re o, dont come back 2 Nigeria again; i'ld soon come join you
GEJ pls go for another political rally and dance like the fool that you are ooh... I dunno why dey won't locate ur immediate family members so you can feel the pain Nigerian are feeling.. arrant nonsense
I swear if Nigeria isn't careful, America and the UK will turn that country into a war zone...Just like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, e.t.c.
It is written, that Nigeria will cease to exist within the next 5yrs...this shit that is happening is leading to that.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...Nigeria needs a total wipe out of its governors and ministers. Someone needs to pull a 'Jerry Rawlings' on these motherfuckers. This is what we will be seeing until one asshole goes and bombs the palms or where 'rich'and 'influential' people live. Its only a matter of time.
And i keep saying it, as long as d army and oda security agencies dont step up deir intelligence gathering, dese BH guys wld jus kip killin pple wit impunity-fucked up country Nigeria
This is sad'getting worse everyday..... Gej,God'll help u. Pls do something pls
its such a pity. God pls help us.
Tanks linda...I knew if u were around, I would ve gotten better news. Rip 2 d dead...nd sorry 2 d 1ce injured. now dey re getting closer 2 ASO VILLA.
I just dey look Jonathan,that guy is the devil's incarnate..he doesn't have any good intention for the people cos if he does he'd resign in the face 〇ƒ all these †̥ end the countless scores 〇ƒ death ravaging the people cos 〇ƒ his inefficiency..its not a do or die affair,we elected him †̥ lead & if he cant then should leave..its high time Nigerians woke up & stop condoning these rubbish else it'l keep coming. #i rest ma case
Jonathan,Jonathan have you become so defeaned by the political ties and ambition you have and not hear the cries of blood around you. It is just and I mean just not fair to play games with human beings. This is obviously too much for you to handle,kindly be as humble as you claim and ask for external help. This has got to stop.
dis is terrible
lord pls come to our aid mother mary intecede for ur
Hmmm!!! God help us andd some idiots are saying it's not easy for him to resign if he isn't able to deal with this situation #angry# this guy is d "goodEST badluck Nigeria ever had".... Damn!!! #angry n sad#
This has to stop. We can't continue like this.
Chukwu nna, o bu gini bu ihe ndia? Wat is all dis? Y r all dese happenin in our country? Plss save us oo cos dis is too much.
All d stupid security pple re gud @ is medicine after death-make una no step up una intel gatherin....i cant just begin 2 imagine if deir initial plan had workd out-nd come 2 think of it prayer works in dis country; TB Joshua predicted dis black friday tin-nd twas twarted...God av mercy o
O GoD help us and fight this so called vampires boko haram.how I wish I could be one of those Avengers and stop all this mess.lindodo Ibeg post my comment.
Dis is barberic,if the Nigerian govt doesn't want to do anything abt ds insurgents.youths of ds country,its high tym we start a revolution.show the govt hw pissed we are sins we are no longer secured as d citizens,then let's make d insecurity get to their door steps too.let's make them live in fear of the unknown too like we are living
O GoD help us and fight this so called vampires boko haram.how I wish I could be one of those Avengers and stop all this mess.lindodo Ibeg post my comment.
What does these Idiots achieve by killing innocent pple? Does it mean they dont know were 2 see those useless Governors nd thier Good 4 noting President? Why deffencelless pple 4 christ's sake?//Franko//
Oh God
Can two work together unless they agree. Is obvious we are not ONE again in this country. GEJ the best thing you should do for us is to DIVIDE this country, for peace to reign. Let everyone go to his or her state. Enough is Enough. Biko
Lord have mercy!
Those animals are suppose to have conscience.
Lord have mercy! When will all this stop God! Plz we need ur devine intervention.
Hmmmmmhmmmmmmm wen ar we going to be free frm dis bloody attack.
Jonathan plz av mercy on us,if we offend u and ur household plz forgive us. Iyanya park is still dere, our innocent girls are still missing, dis one again and yet u kept quiet, wht av we done to deserve dis?
Almighty God, please hear us and heal our land.
CoolDiva speaks!
Pathetic! !! And yet the missing girls are yet to be found
God why? Pls.forgive us and come to our aid
Mr president, grow some balls and be a man! U suck as a president....... Maythe souls of the departed rest in peace *sobbing*
As typing am shaking Nigerians r nt safe, what do dey want 4 heaven sake what what, can sumbody ask me, are we chicken. God we need ur intervention.
It becomes more glaring day by day that our sitting president cannot guarantee the safety of lives and property!!! Jonathans Tenure has witnessed the largest number of deaths of innocent citizens.........see Bad luck!
Boko Haram cannot be faceless! ....there is no way that our intelligence units cannot have gotten some kind information as regards who the sponsors are...............
Now i wonder why our military forces have been ineffective in this fight.....and i can only conclude that our C in C is unable to handle this kind of issue..
If this was an advanced country he should have resigned by now.......but by the grace of God, ....We are kicking him out 2015.
On 2 The Next!
Blood of the lamb!!!
Its funny what dis country is turning to,God hav mercy! Really dunno wat those Army are doing there, causing serious traffic, making lives a lot Vulnerable!!! May their souls rest in peace.
It's well all l got to say cos I knew my God is able.....rest in peace all viticms in d world n go welll. How can dz country be better why the innocent soulz re cryn for justics. Innocent blood goin for nothing. Telll mee cos there soulz re not resting @all, there death is nt frm God. they need justics, cirousx justics need to be done on dem 4 us to regain dz peace. Can anyone count how many bloods has bein wast on dz country only for dz year alone? We re just in a 4mnth just entered 5thmnth ysday. Ofcos is too much. Even if it's me l wil fight wth my last drop of blood bt God would allow it to be me just gvin exampls. Kip havin dz feeln dz country did sumtin bad dat mk God turn his back on us bt father pls havvee mercy on us. I dn't knw how painful it may be pls have mercy dn't lego of us we still need more of you especially now we need you more dan ever before pls Ababa father, #chai tearz on myy eyyez#
~CYNTHIA~ commenting from my TOYOTA CRICKET
This ppl are really making GEj's govt ungovernable α̲̅πϑ he is doing nothing about it. Isn't it hightime this country divided. What's d point to one Nigeria wn a particular tribe it making Herr inhabitable for us. This was what ojukwu fought for. God protect us all.
Those sponsoring dis bh wil neva see any gud tin 2ruot deir life tym
They attact you in the same place just to let Nigeian knw that our security man are very weak..may God help us in this country. #bringbackourgirls.
This is the worst kind of war. Enemy - Unknown. Cause of war - Unknown. Attack/Defence tactics - Unknown.
This terrorism thing is getting out of hand seriously. God help and save us all, Amen!
We dont want to know whether you are out of the country or not Linda, the only thing ure interested is money and money, I dont see any positive contribution you have made concerning what the nation is going through right now, you have been posting parties drinking and celeb watches whilst over 200 girls are kidnapped in the forest as if your celeb posts is for our relaxation, u never for once decide to stop all the celebrity people rubbish posts to concentrate and trend on issues at hand which will help guide the mindsets of those reading your blog and help them focus on the real situation of things, its keri hilson and others that had to some things, please Linda, justify the awards you have been receiving and get busy with informing and guiding our youth positively. I pray that for all of us that "jet out" of Nigeria daily, I pray that there will always be a Nigeria for you to jet back into in Jesus name Amen.
nigeria has failed me as an individual, nationalizing in ghana is the only alternative
God your mercy is all we askin for.Have MERCY!!!
May d master bomber(God Almighty) bomb ds pple outta ds land.....#sad#
Dis is Crazy.... hw r dis bastards feeling right nw taking life's. Epileptic Govt who cant stand up 2 fight 4d masses or better still reach out 2 neighboring countries dt has had one or more terrorist attacks in d past, doing a research on hw dey fought terrorism and joining forces wit dem to eradicate dis barbaric act or so kald Sect BOKO-HARAM.... Else more worse tinz r likely 2 spill b4 2015 election.
Which way Nigeria ? ☹
May their soul RIP.
Linda tel dat boi 2 leav u so,u cn face ur work. Is sad dat bombin now is sumfin we xpect evrydai,no security in nigeria nd 2015 dey wil want me 2 vote abi?satan kill dem dia. Rip 2 d dead
chai God please have mercy, abuja is no longer safe.
please let peace reign BH we beg u.
via official intercom
This is madness the government cant keep saying Boko Haram, they should do something fast before thy target major places and kill everyone in Nigeria.
This is suppose 2 b d country i pray for everyday!!! I dont recognise dis country anymore..'' Woe unto the wicked! It shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him''(isaiah 3 vs 11) i'v not given up on God though. U'all boko haram will b brought 2 judgerment someday
Anty Linda, you cry everyday for the missing girls $ u come to ur blog to give detailed info on how the govt wants to rescue the girls! Are u for or againt the rescue$cry of those girls??????? PLEASE stop giving info as regards the missing girls. This isn't needed. You can have meetings with ur other bloggers so such info could be taken away from here so the socalled bokoharam won't have added informations. Say something positive $ not informative as regrds this topic $ the govt I beg of you. Thanks for the info on the blast. Plz also minimize your outpour...#temmy#
Hope is wasted on the hopeless. I can't let myself care, all I can do is pray for Nigeria. I'm just done.
Linda why did you have to mention your journey? Doesnt feel right. God, i know the bible prophecied all of this but...... Please let it stop
Anty Linda, you cry everyday for the missing girls $ u come to ur blog to give detailed info on how the govt wants to rescue the girls! Are u for or againt the rescue$cry of those girls??????? PLEASE stop giving info as regards the missing girls. This isn't needed. You can have meetings with ur other bloggers so such info could be taken away from here so the socalled bokoharam won't have added informations. Say something positive $ not informative as regrds this topic $ the govt I beg of you. Thanks for the info on the blast. Plz also minimize your outpour...#temmy#
Serioysly Linda, it cant continue like this o. No more regard for human lives... When will all this crap stop, when????
Those at the hems of affair needs serious rethinking. We the citizenty have to take action if the government cant help us. A good example is the fuel subsidy thing when all Nigerians spoke with one voice and acted in the same spirit.
May God rest the souls of the departed.
Lord, we need ur help in this country. These can't continue to happen. #crying#
Oya start to blame it on Mr.President. That's what u people are good at.
Is nigeria moving 4ward, everyday 1 problem or. D other, d FG is sliping, it's obvious he's nt working. How can a terrorist group torment d the peace of d nations for yrs n hasn't b produced down. Am sick n tired of hearing dis @ breaking stories. All d security r doing is just eye services. I tot security has bin tight in abj since d last bomb blast, so how on earth did dis happen again. This election is gonna b a brutal one. GEJ Pls I beg u step down. U r incompetent 2 rule nigeria.since u enterd 9ja has gone 4rm fair 2 bad
This is getting too much. We do not have a responsive govt. God pls have Mercy.
Two solution to this, Jonathan resigns or Impeached...
only God can save us from all these..........
In oda words boko haram done enta abuja full time......pls d president shud do sometin abt it if nt time will come wen we'll b less dan 100 in a state
God help nigeria
Innocent souls been lost,i feel like cryin..al this have to stop!!..this people are they humans at al?.... God pls we need ur help.
Like criously ds can't keep happenin!!!!! Abj. Is becomin scary ds days. Btw linda u don dey 2 travel ds days oo,abeg mk I folo u on ur next trip lol
May their souls rest in peace
More than a tragedy...we lost more beloved ones!
God with us..
On d 14th of april, we saw d part 1 of dis bomb blast and yesterday being 1st of may we saw again part 2 of nyanya bomb blast. I pray that part 3 act scene 1 will not come to pass. Rip to dose who lost their lives yesterday, its so painful dat dis country is now turning into scripts of a movie let d govt do something fast before things get out of hand.
Shoo, person blood go finish be this nah. Lord have mercy on your people.
This is getting too much. We do not have a responsive govt. God pls have Mercy.
Again again and again wetin da happen????what is dis MR president doing plzzz may he just stap down if he dont new what 2 do jooor bad leadership
It is so unfortunate that our beloved country has turned into a war zone because of so called political bigwigs and religious fanatics.
Odikwa egwu! This guys ♓αvﻉ proven to be superstars. Pls stars the innocent citizens has boosted your fame. Pls STOP!
lord Jesus into ur hands i commit dis country
This has to stop
Nd what's our business with ur location.....#update us SHIKINNA
useless country with failed president. .
OMG! Which way Nigeria? God please help us.
Let good luck step down,or let the bomb asorock instead and bomb good luck head,cos I dn't even know wat that badluck is doing there.
Let good luck step down or better still let them bomb aso rock and bomb good luck head,cos I dn't even know what that badluck is doind their
God have mercy
Linda you need to stop all this enjoyment travels. You do know you have a day job right?! Can't be getting my news late jor. ..your not doing a good job.
This madness must stop,the govt must find a solution
God help Nigeria oooo
Daddy Freeze Arrested for Wearing Fake Rolex Wristwatch
What were the soldiers doin all through yesterday? I thought they said they were watchin nd stopin cars to check for bomb there by causin serious road trafic, abeg I don't tink they r even doin their job there, if u go to the last place were d bomb exploded u wil see police people sitin down there gistin doin ntin if they had been doin their job dis shit would nt hve occurd again, WHAt is Wrong wit security in Nigeria sLf
lord av mercy.
Father arise in fury and fight for our land,NIGERIA. The kingdom of darkness is inflicting us with evil... See dead bodies littered everywhere in the recent blast last night [1st May, 2014]. There evil will is putting us in tatters and agony as a nation. FIGTH FOR YOUR CHILDREN O' LORD! #RIP to the departed souls..
God have mercy
Oh God!!wat is this...innocent ppl:(this sad.may there soul rest in peace.this has to stop
God help n protect us 4rm enemies.
Oh my GOD Not again
E, God save us
Linda please I think we need to stage a riot for gej to live the seat immediately since this is what boko haram obviously wants. I mean where is there hrt have they locked it up with the devil or what. This is really too much biko. It's much. GEJ just resign already. I'm begging. What have nigeria done to deserve this? Nb I'm not in Nigeria but I'm a Nigerian. I give a dehm I care nd dis is painful
GEJ is a failure,he has failed the nation.................pretty T
What is the sense in all these bombing and violence? May God see us through these rough times.
Also, we all should be more vigilant and report any suspicious movement wherever we are. It's better to an aproko than a victim.
This is the first time that I am commenting on this BLOG!!!...
What a sad story everywhere....
Hmmmmmmmm!....this madness has to stop!!!
Why will this blast happened close to the same spot of the last one!!!
Where are all the security intelligence!!!
So much insensitivity going on!!!
This Executive arm of the Government is the worst that we ever experienced!!!
Now I know...our only solution is to split.....
Everyone to their destiny....
What a failed state....
Has dat mr.Gej or wateva condemn it,nd hop he has organisd a committe,bitch as president,linda Gudam,na u sabi if u dnt post my comment
Nigeria is at war. If the terrorists' sponsors aren't found and killed, they'll destroy the country, turning it into another Iraq or Syria. Bomb blasts every day or out and out war in Abuja and elsewhere. No quality of life for the people. This is sad.
Can two work together unless they agree. Is obvious we are not ONE again in this country. GEJ the best thing you should do for us is to DIVIDE this country, for peace to reign. Let everyone go to his or her state. Enough is Enough. Biko
The solution is not outside help or GEJ to resign, U.S have not finish solving their own terrorist problem and. If jona resign the militant will start the real bombing.The only solution is seperation. GEJ divide this country period....
Hmmmm,som ar crying while some politicians ar jubilating wit d most expensive wine,congratulating their fellow evil doer dat dev done it again.hw do dey slp @ nit?dnt dey dream of d dead chasing dem..its not a religion war,its is a political war nd hw ar we goin to fight it if we keep cursing d muslims.it started by bombing church,wen muslims came out to speak against dem,dey moved to mosque nd now its general.am sure amongst d 12 dead,8 wud be muslim.I guess GEJ can't do anytin cos he's so scared of d god fathers.may God help us all shudnt be d prayer,may agent of death(azarailu) visit all dos behinde dis nd may dey die a more painful death
The only solution is SEPARATION
The solution is not outside help or GEJ to resign, U.S have not finish solving their own terrorist problem and. If jona resign the militant will start the real bombing.The only solution is seperation. GEJ divide this country period....
Can two work together unless they agree. Is obvious we are not ONE again in this country. GEJ the best thing you should do for us is to DIVIDE this country, for peace to reign. Let everyone go to his or her state. Enough is Enough. Biko
This is what happens when the head(president) is so stubborn/Adamant n Confused, just reminds me of Nollywood epic movies where killings continues in the land until it gets to the king' household itself before they resort to outer aid #So Sad!
Diz guyz are mad wat are d government Doin to stop di madnnes
Chai, i can feel ur fustration n pain within.God de
SOS distress call....
Give me ur contact details trust u will b out of Nigeria before Dec. Lol..my dear it is well
Everyone is calling GEJ, forgetting that Buhari said he'll make Goodluck's reign ungovernable. . .The only thing left now is prayer.
May God help us in this country....RIP to the dead ones.
I think it's high time they split the country. It's all clear that we and the north don't have any thing in common. APC must u people kill to take power useless Islamist party
I don't think this children are kidnapped. I think APC Islamist party arranged for their kidnap. U can't tell me that a stranger will come into my state to come and kidnapp . A place where he does not know anybody. It's an insider that will show him the road. So please parents of d kidnapped kids should look inwards and stop disturbing us. Useless people. When they killed a whole village nobody made noise. When they were bombing churches nobody made noise. Are those people not human beings.????
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