Like we said guys, Gulder Cub Ultimate keeps bringing in the big
names! Last weekend, we spotted Daddy Freeze wearing his Rolex Presidential
at the biggest clubbing event in the history of the “Coal City”. This is actually the same one Jay Z rapped about “The big face
rollie, I got two of those”
he is not a big boy, he is a big Daddy, hence, daddy Freeze. big ups!
Linda! I am getting really angry with u,why is dis boy always doin in ur news. He wears a watch n its now a national news. Abegi.....small pikin de worry am.
Lol Linda free Daddy freez na! He deserves to flaunt whatever rolex he's got since he didint steal it
Freeze u must have use someone's cc to buy that watch. You don chop?
Lindiway u and Freeze should chop this *K*
Want to be like him wen i grow up too . LUCIANO
And d small pikin dey worry dis linyansh too! Anuofias
He needs to shut the hell up. Who gives a flying fuck?
Linda please step up on publishing unnecessary news here.
hmmmmmm i smell sumfin ***fake*** who is freeze? having two presidential rolex how? 2 cost 70.000 dollars , mayb is own is 250 euro though ....comfam geje
hmmmmmm i smell sumfin ***fake*** who is freeze? having two presidential rolex how? 2 cost 70.000 dollars , mayb is own is 250 euro though ....comfam geje
I don tire. . Ok next
I can authoritatively say this Rolex is a fake 1
Linda what's all the fuzz about Rolex wrist watch?
It is simply a time piece. Period!
I love my Citizen solar powered watch. And it cost less than 200 pounds. Accurate time piece.:-)
Daddy Freeze of life..... I love...
Please leave daddy freeze alone! I love his swag
Freeze and JayZ wear the same watch.... Lol! Nice.
Hatred mixed wit. Alomo and poverty be ur problem.....oga freeze if I see ur hand I. Go cut am ooo cos na person life time savin u wear 4 hand sooo
Luciano wanna be like everybody when he/she grows up, Hian!!!!
I listened to Daddy Freeze yesterday! He is tha bomb
Linda I find this funny, cause it looks like he sent you this pic and what you wrote under. As for freeze do you know how many people have more expensive rolexes in naija ? Lol please respect yourself before another small boy humbles you.
This daddy is a balling daddy no doubt.... if e dey pain yu, go and chop razor and die..
Still on still i no buy that watch abeg.....
Why are you angry with Freeze? The story said he was spotted wearing the watch! Must you beef?
Opolo eyes no be koko eyes. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Linda how do u know it's the actual 1 when there's over 50 types. and what mm is dis b4 u say it's big face
Hello Linda,
Its a replica, NOT authentic!
Baba Agba.
Maybe Linda got a thing for him,Lol
Linda bfrnd
Watch makes a man...#backstage
Dis isn't news...linda wake up..
Lol...luciano. Wants to be like. Every1 when she grows up
Frankly this whole rolex affair is becoming irritating.they keep showing this stuffs like they got some complex isues.even jay-z that raps about rolexes don't send pix of it to bloggers.this is really classless.
100% fake. It has too be cos I know this man to be cheap and shameless. Where he wan see money for presidential Rolex ...all na WASH ...Pls ask him if he has built house or if he is still renting LMAO
why are u beefing freeze peeps,common he has the right to flaunt his thang,if you were in his shoes you prolly would have done more,presidential rolly is nat beans,and that one for sure iso fake mehn
Linda abeg free us with freeze watches
Linda linda linda we need news biko
That's the rose gold Rolex president! Freeze Balling
Lovely watch Daddy Freeze! I like
the problem here is that jayz is way richer and drives better cars than this guy who still drives toyota camry (spider) old model. he doesnt even own his house but lives in flat that is wrecked. so how can he buy this wrist watch. LAGOS FAKE LIFE.
Freeze, show off your earnings now. If you can show-off wristwatches and cars packed inside delapidated compound of ancient houses. Idiotic moron. Linda, you better stop these nonsense. Msheew
And who told u he didn't steal it?
Linda abeg give us news,I take God beg you!
Linda u didn't spot anything,he sent u d pics. Hw can u spot wen he was on longsleeves suit covering d watch. Stop all dese ill news u bring up here plsss. If u like don't post cos u hate truth
the problem here is that jayz is way richer and drives better cars than this guy who still drives toyota camry (spider) old model. he doesnt even own his house but lives in flat that is wrecked. so how can he buy this wrist watch. LAGOS FAKE LIFE.
Linda ask if has paid his children school fees
Please you guys should stop deceiving these poor, Freeze cant afford the Rolex Jay Z owns its a totally different Rolex watch
Please you guys should stop deceiving these poor, Freeze cant afford the Rolex Jay Z owns its a totally different Rolex watch
This freezer is an agbaya! !!! move out of your mummy's house
Please get your facts right before posting any nonsense on ure blog..
How dare you compare this with Jay-z's 2013 big black face Rolly. It is unfair
This is wats wrong with the world.
Carry on bro...its ur turn man...
So freeze is now a big name? That must be a twisted figment of imagination that you are having... Take a popularity poll,you would be surprised to find out that his stardom starts in Lagos and ends in Abuja.....The rest 34 states don't knw no daddy freeze,the only freeze they knw is an English word in the dictionary...Your sarcastic hype can make a blind man to regain his vision...Fabulous watch by the way..#cheEzyjayne
Freeze buys all his roexes from polo, they are Nigeria's only authorized Rolex dealer so why beef?
Linda is he ur new man crush smh freeze enjoy ur self sha
Daddy Freeze shops for rolexes at polo now.
Daddy Freeze has a fabulous watch collection
I was at mega plaza one day when freeze came with one of his watches. The watchmaker there confirmed it's authenticity.
I love Daddy Freeze
Daddy Freezeo........... I likey
Freeze has about 30 watches nearly 15 are pure gold... Boss thangs
Freeze and his awesome watches! Nice stuff
Rolex watches turn me on especially authentic ones like this one. I can see he took the pic in a club so it can't be too clear. But it's still nice! Very very nice
Where did he see the money to buy the Rolex. Which work is he doing that he can afford to buy d degrisogono and Rolex watch. And if he truly spent his money buying them then he is not thinking about his future . all I know about him is that he is a media personality and radio presenter.
I love Freeze he is the only OAP in Lagos that can afford to wear Landed properties on his wrist. Lol
I fatally give up, I have to gree. This guy na trendsetter. Forget it. The guy too bam
I love this sexy guy. Daddy Freeze I'm still single o
Lovely watches I must say. Pole pls stop hating and pray for your own!
This guys collection seems endless. He is blessed!
Person post watch wey cost pass car, una dey vex. Is it because u can't have it? Must u hate the player. Baba freeze go on soun
I was at club ultimate that day Freeze did an awesome job! I love!
Am sure dey are still poor pple in his lineage, and he is always abt watches, get sumtin doing, a pet project to help de poor or anytin worth while, not Rolex show casing, weather we like de truth or not, competition or not, wit foreign celebrities, we can never been like de foreign celebrities, we can start getting dere small by developing de citizens of dese countries. Nah only 4 nija we de see nearly jobless celebrity affording soooo much.
Club ultimate Rocks! Give it up for daddy freeze! I loved the event!
If he has 3million naira to buy watch, trust me he won't be driving that rickety range he is driving
With his dead range him wan buy 3million watch
Jobless ally abi ALIEN smh . LUCIANO .
Nigerians! Itz his money guyz, he has to buy watever pleases him.. Daddy freeze! U rock! My best OAP!
Na ur money? Why beefing d nigga?
Illiteracy! Soo Mister u don't kno ppl have preference for tinz abi.. D man loves wristwatches not carz!
Bcos heez not working for it right? If he could hustle to get where he iz, anybody in his family should also hustle too.. Deve got hands too. Freeze is an example of Hardwork pays!
He is blessed with endless collection litlle brain. Look at what ur calling blessing goat head. ----- The Moon !
Then u will end up a poor man who brags about money he does not have. Be careful of what u wish for yourself oo!
LOL "Big faced rollie I got two of those" There are hundreds of big faced rolexes, so how have you made the assertion that it's this one he was talking about? Do you know there are rolexes that cost 5 times the amount of this one? The ones with diamonds in them? Please stop telling us about this lil dude. His watch game is not that deep.
Abeg Freeze go Sidon make we hear word. You buy expensive wristwatch and stay in a rented apartment ? Abeg get a life. Ocho Ka o maka...... You dont do show, no endorsement , neither are you writing blogs. Where the hell can you possibly make the kind of money you claim to be spending on watches? OAP or mc birthday party for friends? Abeg get a life......Linda don't bring dis man here again or we stage a boycott on dis your blog .
Freeze is just too awesome
Daddy freeze has more haters than watches.. I love him
This nan is a major player, no wonder he doesnt wear Michael kors
Rosie Said........All these watches and competing with J zay on DJ salary..........Just thinking,EFCC may be you have work to do here.
Club ultimate....isn't the biggest event in enugu actually linda it was a totally flop(YES,I said it flop)The albino OAP guy did so bad that people sang "away" for him.The so called artist dey kald didn't perform sh**,they just sat down at the Vip arena & waved at us as if we were peasant.Stop hyping what you don't know linda.Poison Ivy
still employed by some1 who uses his money wisely.. y cant he acquire a radio license of his own and start something meaning full with his life n money.. Aliko started wisely.. pls be careful of ur utterances Naija IS NOT A SAFE PLACE..wen armed robbers start pursuing u . mayb he'll learn to kip his mouth shut.i repeat get a licence, start a radio station, invest in real estate for the sake of ur kids,build a house of ur own, start an NGO..and pls kindly get an investment banker..plssssssss frezz , for the sake of ur kids , nothing last 4ever.#bukola#
I personally don't care if he's got a 200million naira wrist-watch, my only annoyance is the way linda is publicizing it like it is d solution to all the problems we have in dis country... *smh. Classless
You're going up and down shouting about your watch collection. You knocked Michael Kors watch wearers. You have rolex and other flashy watches and rent some house in desperate need of repair. I just bought my first Michael Kors watch but just moved into my 5th house and building 6th in lekki now. It's not to brag, I'm posting as anonymous no one knows who I am. But get your priorities right! You have a family and school fees to pay for, I'm a babe and self made through the absolute grace of God and correct priorities which do not include oppression of unknown fans
ok i haven't seen anyone say this yet but freeze is wearing Replica (fake) rolexes. While these aren't the low grade imitations, these all go for about $300 whilst real rolexes cost from $7,000 to $85,000 and even more... and he knows they are fake he wash't cheated. Read on....
From his close up pictures in previous posts, i saw many irregularities and Rolex prides themselves on doing precise jobs EVERY TIME, hence the price! There is a rule, "If it has a flaw, (different from other rolexes), then it is fake."
Yes there are different models of course but you MUST compare them to the existing models on their website and match EVERY feature! if irregularities exist, then i'm sorry it is fake.
Even If your rolex was produced in 1950, on their website and in the archives, I can find the same 1950 model to compare yours to, so year of production isn't an excuse.
Now while many believe that it is possible for freeze to live under the conditions he does now,(not so great conditions and in my opinion not rich at all) and have watches this expensive, Wrist watches might be his priority and not a proper place to lay his head. While it is the case for some people, this isn't the case here with freeze.
He simply hasn't spent that money on these watches. he buys imitations/Replicas/Fakes! at a cheap price and then brags about them :)
I'm sorry for breaking this to his fans. I'm not a fan or hater of freeze but after he posted up close pictures of his rolexes, I already saw that something was wrong so I just did a little comparison and EVERY of the posted watches turned out to be fake.
Good quality replicas I must say, but all fake! and they all cost less than 5% of the real price.
It is his life and money BUT it is a problem when you say you have a $200,000 watch collection when in fact it is probably a $2,000 dollar collection. Even the $2,000 in my opinion is money that should have been spent on "real" brands and wristwatches assuming he doesn't want to spend it on a new gift for his wife or something cool for the kids.
He made a remark about michael kors watches being Razz lol... An authentic MK watch can cost $250 - $400 his "fake" rolexes cost about $300... LOL.... even if the fake costs more, a fake is a fake and that is the Razzest of all.... Good day folks!
Work hard, get your priorities right and give YOUR FAMILY the life they deserve and if you work hard enough, with God's favour, you'd actually be able to afford the "real stuff" and live the "real life"
- Dimz
Heeeemmm, linda! ol these economic news, is not very cool 4 ur blog dis d 2nd tym am saying dis.
Attack! Attack!! Attack!!!
Freeze. Is that you?
Freeze u can stop commenting
Freeze stop deceiving yourself
Freeze I'm tired of reading ur comments
Freeze nkechi Anthony eke ebube, mecheonu gi
Freeze range rover na 2011 o! And it's not rickety one bit! The man loves watches not cars whetin be ur own iheanyi ohalate? See as u black and wowo like winch. You get car? Freeze didn't show off the watch, he was spotted wearing it. This guy is a rock star his wristwatches have become issues of national importance and your family rots in penury. Apply for some assistance trust me he might consider you! Bless you daddy freeze we love u dearly.
Whether rich or poor, there is this feeling you have when you put on something original except the haters are yet to experience that feeelings. It is better I have one original thing on, than wear 10 fake things on.
Freezes watches have become an issue of national importance. Wow
Freeze is just the baddest OAP ever liveth
Freeze wears wristwatch to event is now news! Na wa o
Can we all please take a small break from admiring freezes watches to deal with more pressing issues of national importance. A concerned reader
Lol! I love this. He seems so vain and materialistic!
Daddy freeze, if it was someone that did this you would have criticized the person. Now you are showing off. Ode
Of he has built a house is d real question.thats all his kids will ask him when dey grown and cool fm ain't no more.
Those watches can't and will not add value of self esteem which you lack and if you are clever you will understand that you are exposing your self to danger. A word is enough.
Daddy Freeze buys his rolexes from polo o! Nigeria's only authorized dealer of Rolex watches so why are you hating and writing epistle? David jobs. Please live up to your name GET A JOB
No be open eyes..which one be koko eyes and how e take affect d matter at hand!!see as u be like bouncer
Skiba,is dis u?
Last weekend??? Why is the date wrong?
Fool.Its ROLEX. He can't afford it.his 2 small A boy
All na. Wash. Shine ya eyes
Gbam gbiggy gbam!!!!!!
Tunji ode ni e. So because he's dark you should insult him for his opinion. You obviously have messed up priorities in life, hero worshiping a bloody low level OAP. Not even some star with considerable income, just someone on regular hustle like you. You should admire his intelligence. It is greater than yours because if it wasn't he won't be able to get you low intelligence people to be envious or respectful of him because of something as simple as watches
Truer words have not been spoken. The pride I'm sure someone gets from saving up to buy their Michael Kors is greater than freeze will have for his rolex when they stand beside Dangote. Who do you think Dangote will respect more? The guy who has used his money to buy something in line with his ability or once who is promoting a farce of a lifestyle he can't afford. For a job who do you think looks more trustworthy and hire-able? People it's time we start to get our priorities right
Ur Deceiving yourself? Buys what?? From where? We know d ones he picked from Polo. One of these days his yansh will soon open cus his just making a down right fool of himselfm
Na y u b edDreamz...u gree afford am =))
One word for u Freeze abi Freezer,
Be careful,this is Nigeria!
Ezenwa via Samsung c3222
Rotflamao! .......you Libers wii not kii me with laff oooo! #bb runs away#.........Hatred, plus alomo plus poverty.......thats a combo for Ultimate fukery if av ever heard of one .....
#me likes his watches.......despite all give it to freeze, he does have an exquisite collection of time pieces
On 2 The Next!
Linda but the Rolex is fake nau. He bought it 70k Naira. Hellooooo?
Nigga Pls...he stays in cheap hotels (old Kent road South east London) and ur rocking a Rolly...Kmt ur as fake as d watch on ur wrist nicca.
Linda as u big reach u no Sabi which 1 be fake and original...pls tell him to publish d certificate at least every genuine Rolly comes with 1...
Looool daddy free am,I also spotted u buying ur "rollex"-china make me look like jayz in traffic. Ajose adeogun . Pls daddy send de certificat to Linda make she show us foolish ope
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