Dear LIB readers; A letter from me, Linda, to you...:-) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 23 July 2013

Dear LIB readers; A letter from me, Linda, to you...:-)

Sitting in my hotel room, blogging, getting ready to head back home and decided to write this letter to you guys, my blog readers. I haven't gotten personal in a here goes...:-)

People who know me very well will tell you that if there's anything that I'm very good at it's ignoring people/things. My mum will tell you that I can ignore someone so bad that they would start to doubt their own existence. She used to slap me around a lot just to get my attention when I was much younger. Half the time, she still didn't get it. I was that bad..:-)

Growing up I kept to myself a lot. I was introverted. Didn't socialize much and didn't have that many friends. I'm a totally different person now. You know what they say about age and maturity. I have friends now and I socialize more now. With the kind of job I have, I can't afford not to...:-). Please continue...

I talked about how good I was at ignoring people (I'm not so good at it it anymore) because a lot of things have been written about me that I have ignored...and people have wondered why I don't address these things on my blog. What's the point, really? How many are you going to respond to? It's never going to stop as long as I remain a blogger and I plan to be around for a very long time, so the sooner I accept that and focus on the important stuff, the better for me. Also, people will believe what they want to believe regardless of what you say...but there are those who keep an open mind and will only reach their own conclusions after hearing your own side...but then again, how many people are you going to explain to? Do you even owe anyone any explanations? At the end of the day, I know who I am and I love who I am so it doesn't really matter what a lot of people think...

But for some reason, I kinda feel like I owe you guys - LIB readers - an explanation. You guys have changed my life in ways that I can not even begin to tell you. Just four years ago, in 2009, while a CEO of a modeling and events company, I went to the ATM  to withdraw money from my account. I checked my balance and it was N800. I wanted to withdraw N500 but the minimum balance you can leave in your account then (don't know if it's same now) was N500, so the ATM didn't give me the N500 I desperately needed. I tried to withdraw N300, but found out the minimum one can withdraw from an ATM is N500. I went home feeling down, wondering when my life would turn around.

It has! Just four years later, I am a self-made millionaire. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe this is really my life and I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for changing my life. Whether you like me or long as you've opened this page...I say thank you...because without you guys, the brands who pay me a lot of money to get advert space on my blog won't do so. Thanks LIBers!!!

Now to the point of my letter. Just to clarify some things you probably have read about me:
*I don't belong to the illuminati...I'm not even sure I believe in its existence.
*I'm not a fraudster, wouldn't know how to defraud someone even if I tried.
*I'm not a blackmailer, never blackmailed anyone in my life, never will! I don't have the liver to do such, plus I was raised better than that. Don't know how anyone can stoop that low..
*I don't collect money from people to take down stories from my blog...that's like using my own hand to ruin myself. People can use it against you later, with evidence sef. Seriously, I would be foolish to do that. Any blogger would be foolish to do that. Don't do it! You either take down the story out of compassion or you don't!
*I've never dated Jim Iyke...I've only ever met him once in my life.
*I've never dated Ikechukwu the rapper, only met him a few times at events.
*I'm not dating any celebrity, don't plan to.
*I'm not a husband snatcher. I'd sooner cut my head off before I date a married man. The married man is not yet born.
*I'm not a runs girl...Jeez! Puke! Lol. That's beneath me. I've been working hard since I was 17 and only made it after I turned 30. I'm proudly self made...:-)

I don't know what else you've heard...but it's most likely not true. The only thing you can believe a little if you hear is that I'm rude. I'm not a rude person, most people will tell that I'm nice...but I can be rude. I have been rude. It depends on how you approach me. I'm great to most people I meet but a few people have seen the other side of me. Thing is; a lot of people want this and that from me. My phone never stops ringing with people making all kinds of requests...but I can't give everyone what they want. Sometimes I have to tell people off. Not verbally, it's mostly just ignoring people.

The one thing you can believe a lot about me is that I'm a gossip! Duh, I do that for a

Anyway, more stuff will be written about me and I'm cool with it. I write about people so it's only fair that others write about me. You know what they say; you get what you give! I know that. I understand it and I accept it. And I don't plan to respond to most of the talk...sometimes I will but most of the time I won't. You choose what you want to believe and what you don't. And those who are worried about my reputation, don't be! You see, when God stands by you, no one can bring you down. Plus none of the people writing are holier. Besides, it comes with being on top. So many people will try to bring you down, but you never ever give them the chance. They can try, just don't ever let them win.

The thing is, I plan to be around for a long time. I'm only 32 and I'm just starting. Blogging is just a starting point for me. I'm planning to build my own studio here in Lagos, produce TV shows and be a media mogul. That's my dream and I'm already on that path. I'm looking forward to my future!

Also I'm starting a youth empowerment program where I will not only guide and mentor young girls, but also help finance their small scale businesses. That starts in August. It's my way of giving back.

Having said all that let me give advice to all the young people reading this:
1. What people think about you is not important...because they will have an opinion and there's nothing you can do about it. But remember, it's what you think about yourself that matters the most. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're less than what you are. Never let anyone make you think low of yourself. Always think up. Remember, whatever you think about yourself, that's what you are!

2. You can be anything you want to be. For all the dreamers out there, here's something you need to know. The time while you're waiting for your dreams to come true is not a bad time. All you have to do is keep moving, keep believing, keep fighting, keep working hard and keep praying. You see the God we serve? He's not a foolish God. He's a marvelous God. His ways are not our ways. There's an appointed time for everything. When He's ready for you, you won't believe what hit you. When your dream takes off, you're going to be running, trying to keep up with it. Your dreams will come true because you deserve it. Just never give up! I'm a living testimony!

3. Remember, one day this life will be while you're still here, you must live the best life you can. You owe that to yourself. Feel as much love, as much joy, as much happiness as you can handle. You can have a good life. You deserve to be happy. You deserve good things. Be good to yourself and others and all good things will come to you.
All the best!!!

I will be missing in action on LIB for at least 24 hours. After 20 days here, I'm flying back home.
Catch you soon.


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ary said...

You didn't address one issue though, the fact that they say you are in love with me! Hehehehehe I only wish. Anywho, it's nice for you to take out time and thrash out some issues. Alibaba once said one twitter that the danger of ignoring some things is that after a while people start to believe it. So some times you just gotta say, 'it ain't true'. Your job is not easy, you are gonna be getting some sticks once in a while, not everybody likes their private lives on a spread, so they retaliate by spread vile rumors. It's a brave thing you did clearing the air. And thank you also, I used to think I was the only one who thought illuminati was bull! Have a nice flight back home. In Onyeka Onwenu's voice: 'onye iwe ne we ya, nya biko we gbuo ya. Kpam, kpam' hope I got that. Cheerio.

Naija Optimist said...

This is inspiring!

MOI said...

Err...But you dated Dan Foster sha o!

Unknown said...

Linda...dnt worry!!!

Unknown said...

Linda...dnt worry!!!

Anonymous said...

awww...thank u Linda. U are a great inspiration.

Anonymous said...

nice one linda

Anonymous said...

Awwwn Linda we luv u dear, dat rilli got 2 me even tho I neva believed any of dis shit! Stupid hypocrites on SDK's blog I hop u all hear nw?? Lucabracee, laura and even SDK hersef dat one ws stylishly accusing stella of blackmail awon hoeloshi Foooools...#Msposh

Anonymous said...

i love you.

Anonymous said...

you are an inspiration to a lot of women... keep doing what you do, how you do it and owe nobody any explanation.

A lot of news channels and newspapers have nothing on the amount of insight you shed on your blog.

be not afraid... only know that you are overcoming challenges.

you are a force to be reckoned with linda.

more grease to your elbow.

Unknown said...

hmmmmm linda am so proud of you gurl.. keep it up my love... muahhh

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! Have a safe flight back. I usually never leave comments but I had to today. Keep on keeping!

Anonymous said...

Am glad to know your anchor is God. That was a wonderful letter that you wrote. May God keep and bless you.

Anonymous said...

God bless xx

ifyody said...

Thanks for ur write up.some parts inspired me. I am an ardent reader! Let me use this medium to ask u to free tonto a bit not abt being a fan but looks like u re deliberatly picking on her so peeps can abuse her. Wish u safe trip.

Unknown said...

wow i was touch Linda with do respect pls keep on the good work, i dont know may be u hav listening 2 MI featuring 2face if people did not talk about you my sister you are nobody, u are smbody that's why they are talking about you. u are a real fighter don't let them beat u with gossip

Anonymous said...

Nice 1 sis*xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hello Linda. Your story just touched me, like you were really referring to me with your words of advice. I started a blog too last month but I gave it a break since I was having some personal issues not making me to cope with the blogging as well. Thanks for this. God bless you.

anitachi said...

Anyway, linda I love ur courage nd hardwork ok.kip it up sis.

Chinweike Ajinwo said...

Dear linda,
I am one of your great fans,even though i don't get to visit your blog more often i'm still very much inspired by your success story. The atm issue is so touching and it gives other young,hardworking nigerian youth hope of a brighter future. You have the right attitude to deal with people's comments and stories about you,ignoring them and remaining focused. Afterall the wise will be able to decipher which story is true and which is false,see linda na wey wan join illuminati,mtchewww. However you should just keep gossipping because that's what brings the bread,and if they gossip about you well then the score is even. Just one request please,try as much as you can to gossip the truth and dont spread unfounded rumours,anything outside that please try as much as you can to make it available for your readers no matter how dirty it is,afterall no be you send them to smoke weed or expose their boobs,or wear dress wey go fall them for stage. I must confess that i'm inspired by your success story and hope to share mine also in my areas of endeavour in the nearest future. Thumbs up. Please one more request, follow me back on twitter @ChinweikeE. Chinweike

Unknown said...

nice one ma!!!!

Clueless Girl said...

In all honesty, I didn't like you before and all my friends are aware of that but my friend sent me a link to this post and I must say, reading this has made me fall in love with you. And dare i say, you have motivated me in a way i never expected. Thank you for this post. God bless you xxx

Anonymous said...

Linda hehehe ur future is now ke, at 32 hmmmm, gen gen. But u aint doing badly just dt u need more gossip, check wendy williams! Most times ur blog is boring save for ur readers crazy cracker comments (Me like) too long a letter jor n koko is u damn care about wt people say jor if not y dis epistle!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your head is there Linda!

Unknown said...

I love u linda! ....

Smily said...

well said!

oge said...

I love you linda ikeji..u encourage me alot..wish i could get close 2 u.u inspire me!!

Unknown said...

very cool, wanna be like u wen i grow up, 29 already sha!!!!

Anonymous said...

very unnecessary write up! No one can bring you down besides yourself either through your actions or Character. Stop talking about how much money you have (now) rather focus on how your Character has evolved and how it is the only thing that can keep you at the top. Good luck in your future endeavors.

Unknown said...

Love this writeup and yes you dont have to explain yourself to everybody

Go to my blog for 1st Giveaway: Clutch

Anonymous said...

Awwww*crying*am so inspired....Linda Ikeji my role model of life...God wil continue 2 b wif u

Sly said...

inspirational Linda.We all gotta to kip our heads straight.We have the right to be happy.

Sly said...

inspirational Linda.We all gotta to kip our heads straight.We have the right to be happy.

Unknown said...

Hello Linda. This is a great story, you successfully touched my heart. I started a bloh last month but since I have personal issues I had to gv it a break. Thanks for these words of advice God bless you.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I will respond when i finish reading the epistle in a week's time :)

Anonymous said...

You're appreciated ma'am

Anonymous said...

Nice write up Linda. But in all ur response u didn't mention d men u hv dated just on d ones u didn't. Methinks it's not balanced especially as ur a self acclaimed gossip. May be u think it will spoil ur husband searching market but ur wrong. It mks u come accross as a pretender.
All in all, I'm proud of u. Ur a rold model in every sense of dat word. May ur shadow neva grow less.

Anonymous said...

Aww!sobs we love you Linda!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

U r d best linda. U v always inspired me. If noboday talks abt u den u r nobody. God b wit u.

mandy said...

Nice one Lin. The Lord is with you just like 2Baba said, who God don Bless no man can cross, all the haters can't bring u down except u give them the chance.

Anonymous said...

A saying goes ds way if no 1 talks about u, dn u r nobody, so kip d good work linda God be with u. Mk

Anonymous said...

Bravo!!! Wanna be like u when I grow

confessor said...

Linda no be 2day,we all av
Heard tins about us which r not
True buh u know wat I say?
F**k wat u heard,its my life
So let me write my biography
myself cos I know me better....

Anonymous said...

Great write-up! I admire your success and appreciate the fact that you're willing to share your experiences to help other people. We need more people like you in nigeria. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Well said,wish u d best&av asafe flight *Zurielle's opinion*

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring letter Linda. I particularly like your closing remarks, thought provoking indeed. You will be the next Oprah Winfrey, the sky is the limit

Anonymous said...

I love u linda,
I did a research on feminism and I understand u. Hope to meet ya someday.Noisben

Anonymous said...

Nice write up.

Anonymous said...

wish u a safe trip

Anonymous said...

Honestly, sometimes l like you,sometimes l dont. But really, most times,I LIKE YOU. What l like most abt you is that, just like me, you are down to earth. I've only made comments twice on ur blog for stories abt people l no,this is d 1st time l wld comment bc i really wanted to.

Be sincere with your stories and when you make mistakes as you would, tender an open apology.

keep up the good work and don't let anyone stop you.

Catherine C.

Anonymous said...

Great write-up! I admire your success and appreciate the fact that you're willing to share your experiences to help other people. We need more people like you in nigeria. God bless!

Anonymous said...

this is a lovely and inspiring write up. i am so inspired by your letter. Thank you so much miss linda

yet let me me complete the last thing for you on

no 3. Remember, one day this life will be while you're still here,GIVE YOUR LIFE TO JESUS CHRIST AND CONFESS HIM AS YOUR LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOUR...I HOPE YOU HAVE DONE THAT TOO MISS LINDA? you must live the best life you can. You owe that to yourself. Feel as much love, as much joy, as much happiness as you can handle. You can have a good life. You deserve to be happy. You deserve good things. Be good to yourself and others and all good things will come to you.
All the best!!!

onstelly said...

Nice one linda, I love u

Tiffany said...

Atta girl. Journey mercies.

Anonymous said...

I love u linda..yo on point

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nyc1 as much I wana hate u,I love u more.
Bt der is sumfin u did 2 me,dt I haven't forgotten thou forgiven,asked u 2 gv me some tips on how to start up a u completely ignorned my request(tanx 2 ds letter,atleast now I knw y),but then iam still looking forward 2 it(here my email
U'v been an inspiration/role model 2 me. Now here is sm heads up,saw sumfin abt linda d blogger trying 2 blackmail the author of ODM(our daily manna)..check 2days devotional(23/7/2013) and u wld find it there . Meanwhile,I wish u all d best in all u do.*kisses*

Chiisunshine(carolips) said...

I love u girl!(Mind u Lib readers. Am not a L). Dear Linda, people ll always talk. For gud or bad. So don't mind 'em. D sky is ur limit. Ride on!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the appreciation Linda,Stay true to yourself, we will support you all the way.You and Mo Abudu are my women of 2013.

Anonymous said...

Awww!!!!! Nice one dearie.God bless u.

Anonymous said...

Lol.......Linda is this your last will and testament??

Gob bless you too. Safe journey. You re an inspiration to many.

Unknown said...

yea linda, 9ICE WRITE UP

Anonymous said...

I am inspired! God bless you real good!! Ride on Lindodo, the sky is just a stepping stone!!!

awosam said...

Thats OK for part one. next is part two, the daily manna man.We are waiting

Anonymous said...

Awwwh....dis is so touching...Nice 1...God bleSs You dear!!!

Unknown said...

hmmmmm, nice one linda. i really respect u

Anonymous said...

Clap for yourself

jyde said...

Wow!!! Linda am so so motivated. I must say this I dnt like you, buh I love you though. If not for you I wldnt hv known so many thing, you keep me updated, that's y all I do when am less busy is refresh on ur blog, cos I know they ll be a new gist. U d bomb girl, 10x 4 d advice I know am gonna be gr8 in life. Pls when you begin your youth empowerment programe pls keep us posted, though am not a girl o and your age mate buh I noe I can benefit too.

Unknown said...

YEA OUR DEARIE LINDA. wish you safe trip back home. 9ice write up

Just Kalada! said...

LINDA! In chasing vanity, some areas that are above vanity should NOT be violated..Repent before you crash! Many have made billions and died badly too the story of jezebel in the biblical book of Kings 1&2/Chronicles. Nothing bad in blogs or blogging but have the decency to use your media powers more for good than evil. Dont tear down that which builds up! You are beautiful on the outside so take time out(24days fasting till 4pm daily) and beautify your insides before God. Shalom!

Anonymous said...

Wow am touched Linda... Nice one and may God continue to bless u

chichi said...

Well said Linda, u av touch me wit ur writing. May God bless u Amen.

adesegun said...

These words..very deep..yu are blessed!

Anonymous said...

lovely!this was inspirational. thank you. IBI

Unknown said...

I love you Linda! Keep being who you are; YOU ROCK!!!

Unknown said...

yea linda, 9ICE WRITE UP

Unknown said...

nice one linda. u are now my rose moden

Just Kalada! said...

Be Wise and not haughty..

Anonymous said...

Dis is d 2nd time am reading ur blog, U seem like a wonderfull person, keep moving forward. *thumps up*

Anonymous said...

Linda can we be friends? so u can teach me how to fish too...but I know you won't like to be my friend because am poor and u r rich man so una celebrity They do

Anonymous said...

Spot on dear...

Unknown said...

nice one linda, u are now my rose moden

Yomiprof said...

Linda you have inspired me alot and I Love you do. Your story is a motivational speech to someone out their. The day you stop dreaming, you start dying.
Plan Big, think Big because if you don't do, you will meet small people who will give you big problem.

phumielola said...

linda babe luv u and ur opinion about life.greater levels ijn,kip the gud work rolling.

Maks.... said...

O....Lindiway, you're a darling. God bless u.

Anonymous said...

you are ok!simply the best, keep it up. i envy you gurl.

Anonymous said...

I love u Lind ikeji...and i love d fact that gossiping is ur hobby and its ur job swty...carry on gal..u ROCK...haters go hug transformer..if u hate her too much..stop peepn into her blog..#tongues out#

Anonymous said...

My dear let dem is cheap! I commend ur courage and enthusiasm for what u do. I wish I cud give u a big hug and if possible a big KISS2. Am rily inspired by ur story.... Kip dreaming and living big my dear! And to all the OTASSS, make una go open una own blog naaa, and leave linda alone oooooo. Pschewwww

fumbi said...

Thumbs up Linda for this clarification! I heard about the daily manna stuff and was shocked.. Am glad u took ur time to address all issues.. People will always talk sha. For once I feel u on a personal note. Wishing you a safe trip dear

David said...

Omg! Lindiwe youre just 32?..and here i am thinking ure like 42 or something biko marry me naa...and wtf! Illuminati ke? Who came up wid that one?

Aligora said...

Linda thanks so much for this letter. I won't stop believing in my dreams and in myself. I'm inspired. May God bless you more

Anonymous said...

I admire you linda,for who you are.

Unknown said...

*In Micheal Jacksons Voice* Speechless, that's how you make me feel @Linda.

Anonymous said...

Seriously Linda, you get mouth.....and have a way with words.and its beautiful. welldone!! and yes, your pictures fine o.hope you look the same for real life sha....

Anonymous said...

uhunhun..... linda, so touching

Unknown said...

Nice one....can't remember the first time I read ur blog but the truth is,I have read it every single day from then. You've touched lives with what you do and most definitely God would reward you. Didn't know I would even say this much about you sef. take care

Anonymous said...

everything in life is about choice,no matter how hard the situation maybe,we can still choose to win,i thank GOD FOR U LINDA,by his grace too,i will achieve my dreams.GOD BLESS.

Munwa said...

Awwwww Linda, I didnt even hear all those stories you addressed in the letter. People are just bad belle, like you said, it comes with being at the top. People always try to ruin successful people. Live your live and be happy. I am a happy LIB reader. :D.

Daniel's Chronicle said...

Wise words from a decent girl, I love you dream, we stand by you. Never stop visiting LIB. Long Live Linda..... I need more kisses Pls..

Anonymous said...

Bla bla bla.. I get u :)

Unknown said...

Nice one....can't remember the first time I read ur blog but the truth is,I have read it every single day from then. You've touched lives with what you do and most definitely God would reward you. Didn't know I would even say this much about you sef. take care

Anonymous said...

Thats a great, really precise piece. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Love you Lindiway#Always think up. Remember, whatever you think about yourself, that's what you are! Love that line#zeze

Anonymous said...

Thanks dear i think you've really inspired a lot of people thru this write up. Just kip up your good work this is just your starting point.

Anonymous said...

Linda dear U̶̲̥̅̊ ve said it all, U̶̲̥̅̊ don't need †̥☹ respond †̥☹ everything, ♍Æ” native adage says“onye di Mma na azu ?” who È‹̝̊̅§ good behind, none

Unknown said...

Well spoken my dear. Never could have said it any better. People must surely talk o,that's what the mouth was made for. Nor mind dem jawe.

PinK said...

Awwwww!*bbm luv struck*

Anonymous said...

You are just real and I love you for that...nice one!!!

Daphne said...

Wao like criously Linda I love ds.u r just 2 much.d truth is no mata hw successful u r no1 wld remember hw many tmx u worked ur ass out just 2 my elder sista wld say no mata where n hw u make it 2 d top.pple wld always talk bout u.wat matas most is hw u ignore.we al av bin talked bout n we knw hw we dealt wit it.God bless u real big n he will

liberian gurl said... touched. The only difference between you and i is dat i am not a gossip!although,i love gist alot. I respect u Linda and all you've achieved in so little time. You are an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Jeez Linda you got me scared for the first 4 paragraph, thought it was a suicide note....Lol *justkidding* Let them talk all they want as long as you walk all you want to the bank (elenu lo le nu) and to add to what you said about God's time, I'm also a living testimony it took me 6yrs of waiting and praying and believing. Let me put it this way, God will not serve your food hot when its going to burn your tongue he makes it cool down b4 serving it and also just like the way we eat our meals God will not serve every one at the same time, some people skip break fast and take launch and dinner while some take break fast and skip launch while some skip both breakfast and launch only to take dinner but at the end of the day everybody will eat something. we should all ways remember God is not deaf nor on a vacation he listens BUT he works with time for God is time....... Linda don turn me to pastor be that

I Rest my Brain

liberian gurl said... touched. The only difference between you and i is dat i am not a gossip!although,i love gist alot. I respect u Linda and all you've achieved in so little time. You are an inspiration.

Infotainmentale said...

Love what you are doing Linda, thanks for the advice, you are my inspiration.....

Unknown said...

Nice one from Linda, I ve this soft spot for you. Just keep being you and d sky Is d beginning even for me too IJMN. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Inspiring! Honest! Real! U made me fall in love wt ur mind linda! I've always told my friends that I like listening 2pple talk,cos eachtime I listen,I feel d quality of their soul... Ur soul has quality! It really dos nt matter 2me where u hav ur masion, d latest car u drive,d finest cloth u wear if I can't feel ur soul! Gosh,I felt u gurl,I connect absolutely! I love u sweet soul,I wish u all d best in ur dreams! My name is ify!

Anonymous said...

Jeez Linda you got me scared for the first 4 paragraph, thought it was a suicide note....Lol *justkidding* Let them talk all they want as long as you walk all you want to the bank (elenu lo le nu) and to add to what you said about God's time. Let me put it this way, God will not serve your food hot when its going to burn your tongue he makes it cool down b4 serving it and also just like the way we eat our meals God will not serve every one at the same time, some people skip break fast and take launch and dinner while some take break fast and skip launch while some skip both breakfast and launch only to take dinner but at the end of the day everybody will eat something. we should all ways remember God is not deaf nor on a vacation he listens BUT he works with time for God is time....... Linda don turn me to pastor be that

I Rest my Brain

Anonymous said...

awwwww. nice one *kiss kiss*

Anonymous said...

awwwww. nice one *kiss kiss*

Unknown said...

Miss Linda,ur the best.

Work from Home

Anonymous said...

Linda you sometimes hurt others by posting wrong or inaccurate stories about them. When people tell you the truth you won't post their comments. I wonder if you personally apologize to them as you don't post an apology to a wrong or inaccurate story.

Anonymous said...

God will continue to bless u.

Woomie said...

Wow Linda i've always loved u but i love u even more this morning. Thank u for inspiring me, thank u for encouraging me, and thank u for dis blog which i love so much. god bless u aunty Linda


Unknown said...

I can't agree less....and the fact that God is involved makes it better. I'm happy your dreams are coming true. All the best dear.

Anonymous said...

wow lindinor ur words r on point.igot emotional while i read ur letter.i saw poverty while growing up.buh jus like u am a self made millionaire is d lord,s doing,anyways tanks for ur words of wisdom.i look forward to seeing u one on one.btw no forget to buy my chocolate n hamburger.kisses n hugs

Akanimo Sunday said...

Linpopo,you served it crispy and nice...The part that got tears rolling down my cheeks is when you went to the ATM to take 500 naira out of 800..I reminisced on similar scenario I had experienced and I thank God for our lives...I love people that surmount hurdles that live throws at them....You are an inspiration...I'm loving you the more...Once in a while,it's good to engage your readers like this...

My very warm regards to you and all the LIB readers.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Ms Linda Ikeji

......Memory.... said...

Am consumed by this as you Just Make me start talking to myself in silence after reading your piece. Everybody still gotta hope as long as God is not dead..Second time commenting here since 2010... That was profound....

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you....and the fact that God is involved makes it better. I'm happy for you dear.

Anonymous said...

Wish you all the best...God bless
First time commenting. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love u joor.whoever u date is no mans business.luv u to d moon and back. ADAOBI.

Anonymous said...

U ar just a nice lady never mind what people says, we love u

metche said...

Linda, abeg people will always talk about for bad or good. Even they talk about a dead man talkless of a living soul like you. so pls its a normal thing for people to gossip of which u do too.

wishing you journey mercies back home. Pls buy chocolate oo

Unknown said...

I can't agree less....and the fact that God is involved makes it better. I'm happy your dreams are coming true. All the best dear.

YKiluminating on Yahoo plu$ plu$ said...

Hard work pays ... continue with what you are doing, God bless

tope said...

Sometimes you need to jist with us o, so hope u enjoyed your stay.. Don't forget to buy my brazilian hair okay! But Linda why do u always use the phrase long time girlfriend for about wed couple, some na 3months dating naa..those bikini gals sef dey tire me.. anyway I love u to beats cos you are a beautiful, strong and independent woman who don't rely on men for a living just like I am..these are the kind of ppl we need in our society.. Child not bride.. Educate a female, u educate a whole generation.. No one is perfect and we are all learning..if no one talk about u, you are as good as dead! Have a smooth trip and make sure u take some aspirin once u land.. Muah muah

fumbi said...

Sometimes you need to jist with us o, so hope u enjoyed your stay.. Don't forget to buy my brazilian hair okay! But Linda why do u always use the phrase long time girlfriend for about wed couple, some na 3months dating naa..those bikini gals sef dey tire me.. anyway I love u to beats cos you are a beautiful, strong and independent woman who don't rely on men for a living just like I am..these are the kind of ppl we need in our society.. Child not bride.. Educate a female, u educate a whole generation.. No one is perfect and we are all learning..if no one talk about u, you are as good as dead! Have a smooth trip and make sure u take some aspirin once u land.. Muah muah

Anonymous said...

Nice one Linda,you inspired me by these words you wrote. God bless you and help you actualize your dreamz. Have a safe trip back.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,
Thanks for your long letter to LIB readers, you have expressed your self and thats okay we heard you. My advice is" The essence of getting educated is not to get rich, it is to librate oneself in all ramifications of life. Now that your pathway seems long,it is time for you to press on dont slack, we your fans will do our best to make sure we stand by you. We Love you and your good work. Truth exists, only faleshood has to be invented.

Anonymous said...

Everyone look at 1 of the idiot linda was talking about.....u gonna kill ur self 1 day due to jealousy

I rest my Brain

eunice said...

well said deary, i appreciate this note with our days 2gether at Unilag, (Amina hall)..keep shinnig

Unknown said...

Nice one Linda,keep up the good work.May God continue to guide n guard your inspired!!!!

Unknown said...

Nice one Linda,keep up the good work.May God continue to guide n guard your inspired!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bekee bu agbara....

Akanimo Sunday said...

I love you Linda..

Ama Ajunwa said...

Hi Linda,

Your story is so motivating and inspirational, your philosophy about how to approach this life and issue is certainly the best and for writing this personal letter to us your fans is surely respectful. I have been a follower and a fan of your from 2008 when I first got admission into the University and I can attest(at least from afar) that your present height was attained by dint of handwork from when your blog was garnering low visits and comments to its present level now.

Lind you know what? You have inspired millions of young people to start blogging and I'm a testimony, so many people have gone ahead and altered the course of their lives for the better because of you. Having come over here in England, you can't imagine how popular you are in most Universities here and even when I tell people that I do some blogging, the next person they call is Linda Ikeji. Hope you will make out time to come give us a lecture (Nigerian students society, Unibeds) when next you come to London.

You are already a role model to millions of young girls and boys... from the way you pursue issues of the Alua 4, to the various cancer cases you help raise awareness, I was certain you would join the campaign against the new child for bride ishhh, and your work ethic? (You are always awake at nights! updating your blog)... we all admire you. Hope you will be glad to visit, follow and even give us tips for the success of our blogs as well (Don't worry we can't drag audience with you, you will always remain our 'oga at the top)

LLB Law student (Bedfordshire)
London UK

Anonymous said...

I love u linda!!!!!!

Stephen said...

I LOVE U, LINDA! I'm trained not to believe what people say but I believe u because I am gifted to know when words flow from the heart.
If u can and if it pleases u, kindly reply my e-mail. I will resend it again.

Unknown said...

Tnx dearie,i lv nd miss u so much may God guide nd protect U.Anything u lay ur hands u shall prosper ave a safe trip lv u so much.

Anonymous said...

Linda I love u more,soooooo touching,GOD bless u,i remember when i first called u,i was scared but u spoke to like a sister and after then I hv been so comfortable talking to,,love u Linda

Anonymous said...

We love u baby gurll.. :*

Anonymous said...

Linda! Am an addict......I cnt go a day without ur blog!!after reading dis, I fink ve fallen even mre in luv wit u! Dis is d 1st tym am drping a comment nd I dnt care if u dnt publish it, as lng as u read dis! :* :* :* keep it up linda! My eyes were teary! :d

Anonymous said...

linda, post all the comments to give us all a balance view. we are watching.

Essy said...

I luv u Linda! Stay blessed

Anonymous said...

So inspiring. The future is obviously bright. Twitter @Happenings2

phiona said...

Dear linda,tnx so much God bless u Wat everything u lay Ur hand u shall prosper lv nd miss u so much ave a safe trip.

Unknown said...

Thanks Linda.

phiona said...

Dear linda,tnx so much God bless u Wat everything u lay Ur hand u shall prosper lv nd miss u so much ave a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

No fool, you're not.

My dearest Lin, ur humility surpasses all understanding, everyone loves u even those who don't want to admit it, becos u're humble and down to earth. LIBers love u and me I'll keep famzing u from now till tomorrow. So wen i see u on d road and shout "DatLinda'sSister", just know it's me. Muah!!!


Unknown said...

*kisses sweetie*

Anonymous said...

Linda may God bless, keep, protect and guide you. I have never posted but got touched by your write-up. I am interested to support you ananimously/financialy in your project to empower girls/women. You are an inspiration. Bless you

Daizyyyy said...

Awwwww Lin! Dis so touching, u just lit our hope. Tnx for d kind of inspiration u r giving to young ladies like us. May God continue 2 bless u & help u actualize these dreams of urs.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE u LINDA IKEJI that's all I have to say,I pray my own dream com true..Thank you 1 love

Unknown said...

Just 4 years from N800 to millionaire wow! That's really something.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Ruth said...

i read ur blog everyday!...i must say this is inspiring...looking forward to ur mentoring program...

Unknown said...

Tnx dearie,i lv nd miss u so much may God guide nd protect U.Anything u lay ur hands u shall prosper ave a safe trip lv u so much.

Ruth said...

i read ur blog everyday!...i must say this is inspiring...looking forward to ur mentoring program...

Unknown said...

You are my role model linda!! Hope to be like you someday...m just 18 and hve begun my struggle already,hpe to be there on time!,have been soo down nd all with all the hassles and trouble but this piece jst motivated me!!wish you luck linda! One love! Oyechristy

Ruth said...

i read ur blog everyday!...i must say this is inspiring...looking forward to ur mentoring program...

Anonymous said...

See you when you land baby]
click HERE for more gist

Ruth said...

Today is my birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but something is wrong with you...
She's a blogger and blogs everyday!! What better avenue to reach out to her fans and haters like yourself? Please have several seats ogbeni \_ \_ \_

zeebaby said...

God bless u more and more,also do I.ur words r so touching.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Linda,you have said it all.I am also a living testimony and my dream will come true as well.God bless you Linda for your sweet kind words,have a safe trip and stay bless.

Anonymous said...

I think you are a great person and have worked really hard for what u have. If someone has a problem with that, they should go fuck them selves! judging and criticizing another human being without knowing what they've passed through is plane stupid! and it's those kind of people that really need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

I never heard all those things about you. If I did, I would not have believed them. I see you as a hardworking well brought up lady and that is the picture of you I want to retain. You probably did not need to write this!
Only one thing. As you said, life ends one day. Please commit your life firmly to the Lord Jesus Christ and live daily in His fear and love.

Anonymous said...

Linda Luv, u are an inspiration to we ladies. lindy dear, one tin av come to realise about humans is, they will talk, they must talk, so the best is just ignore. wen u kip thinking of what pple will say about u, u will neva move up in life. my dear sis, kip ur head up, let them kip talking while u kip making money. i luv ur blog. to me , ur blog is no.1 and babe u rep well. i pray may god 4eva mk u happy, may u marry the bone or ur bone and flesh of your flesh. may evytin u lay ur hands on surely be a success. u shall 4eva be fruitful and prosperious. happiness, gud health, lug life shall be ur portion. let deem talk, elenu lo lenu, iwofa lenu. nkan to ba wun eni body lo le fi enu won so. Thumbs u sis. stay blessed foreva, wish u safe journey back.hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hey gal so proud of u linda I ve learnt so much on ur blog n laugh so much too hw pple response differently to d same issue made me understand very much about human nature. U jus keep on keeping on, de small mind will alwz response w envy n jealousy cuz datz wat d understand perhaps cuz of d evil content of their hearts hwever it is call life the world isn't a perfect place so r d pple in it by time u r so concern n particular abt their sayings it stops your progress which is wat d want you go gal n for those talking illuminati try bin it if is so easy to say some one is a member sylvia S

Anonymous said...

Lindiwe we love and u knw it so stop craving our attention..

Anonymous said...

From nothing to something!
I can relate to it...
There were times I couldn't afford anything, not even a bus fare. Friends were buying clothes for me but using it as a way to mock me during their times together when I am not there. 19years old that can't afford small change. They called me nobody, that I have no future. I prayeddd and fasted. Cried on the alter to God to come to my rescue. he finally did, I got a job. Not just any job, a very good job. He lifted me up. Money started coming in but none of my socalled friends knew about my new job. They started seeing the difference in me and went around the whole school saying I am now a runs girl and I sleep with married men for money. U know what?? I don't care what they say! They still say it till now! I fucken made it! Look at me now! I have millions of Nairaa in my account when I used to have nothing! I am just 24! As I type now I am in tears because nobody knew what I went through. I was called a failure and a nobody. Who the hell are they?? They ruined my self-esteem. I went to bed everyday crying and most time I wished that my enemy died. Look at me now! I am not stopping, I would continue making it!

That Invisible Gehl said...

Ohhh Linda this is the best speech ever.. and you don't know how much u just inspired me...saying u only just made it after u turned 30 has made me promised myself not to give up on my dreams cos I'm only just 24, thanks so much for this and keep doing what you're doing plus it will give me so much pleasure if u keep ignoring whatever people say about you and focus on what's more important that's just the right thing to do. God bless your hustle honey... May God grant u all of ur heart desires...

Anonymous said...

From nothing to something!
I can relate to it...
There were times I couldn't afford anything, not even a bus fare. Friends were buying clothes for me but using it as a way to mock me during their times together when I am not there. 19years old that can't afford small change. They called me nobody, that I have no future. I prayeddd and fasted. Cried on the alter to God to come to my rescue. he finally did, I got a job. Not just any job, a very good job. He lifted me up. Money started coming in but none of my socalled friends knew about my new job. They started seeing the difference in me and went around the whole school saying I am now a runs girl and I sleep with married men for money. U know what?? I don't care what they say! They still say it till now! I fucken made it! Look at me now! I have millions of Nairaa in my account when I used to have nothing! I am just 24! As I type now I am in tears because nobody knew what I went through. I was called a failure and a nobody. Who the hell are they?? They ruined my self-esteem. I went to bed everyday crying and most time I wished that my enemy died. Look at me now! I am not stopping, I would continue making it!

Anonymous said...

I used to like you but stopped when you practically hung up the phone on my Boss and I (snobbish tinz). For someone with a humble background, i was quite disappointed. Can't say I'm your fan but I visit your blog which is a good thing.
More greases to your elbow.

Glo said...

Linda, God will bless you. I want to be like you.I love you!

Anonymous said...

Oya Linda I'm pissed!! E haf do na, all ds comments? BTW goan sleep nne and do and come bk

Anonymous said...

Its quite amazing how life is. people tend to judge others based on the form over the content. Linda,you now get to see how ignoring could be so bad. we are all learning and i pray you learn not to ignore people for real. all the best dear


You're a fantastic and frontline Nigerian blogger.You've inspired many young Nigerians to go into blogging business.You only need to stay focused and may God bless your dreams in life.

Dare Lasisi.UK.

Glo said...

@Ruth congrats! We share the same month.

Anonymous said...

Linda am so proud of you, , just keep it up , you are d best thanks for the advice

Anonymous said...

thanks aunty

Glo said...

@ Ruth congrats. We share the same month and day. Today is also my birthday.

kismet kiddies ENTZ said...

Best of luck lindodo

Anonymous said...

yes Linda, nice post and all.
it's easy for us to attribute our good fortunes to God, but what really matters most after all that appreciation is to be part of the the advancement of his kingdom..
all that wealth and thanks means nothing to him if you are not using it to win souls into his kingdom. remember the great commission.
each day i wake up, i pray for God to bless me and at the same time i ask that when these things start to flow in that the grace to use it for the advancement of his kingdom will be out poured.
like you wrote, God is not a foolish God, when he blessed you, he knows why, but then He is still a God that gives us "choice".
I pray he gives u the strength to start ur tv shows and d rest thereby giving back to the society But when are going to give back to God by helping to ensure that souls don't keep perishing.

you can post this or not but the important part is that you read it and think about it.

~the Lady after God's heart~

Anonymous said...

Dont cry baby! AT LEAST YOU PEDDLE RUMOURS ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE. What goes on LIB to LI. Just kiddding but i like you business sense sha.

Anonymous said...

Been reading your blog with interest in the last 6 months and only now do I feel the urge to comment.
Why do you suddenly feel self righteous? Why post a letter to your fans eliciting sympathy and support for personal information about you? Let them make up their minds about the story (and you) if and when it hits the fan!That way you can judge how well you are thought of. This information (true or false) could only have been written by a blogger (like you) or worse still made available to a blogger (like you) to post. A blogger must accept in totality the risks and hazards associated with the nature of this 'gossip' industry and refrain from defending and promoting ones own moral perfection. You have started a good thing (for yourself), and it will continue to reward you. You don't owe anyone any favours. Keep blogging and inspiring others.

Anonymous said...

Yes o Linda hz gvn evry1 a Rzn 2gist us d story of ur lives #yawns! We don hear..

Anonymous said...

Thanks linda for your advice, you are so special to most people keep it up cheers

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