Indian police today sealed off parts off New Delhi and appealed for calm
after the death of a woman gang-raped on a bus in the city. The woman
was flown to Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore for treatment 10 days
after she was brutally attacked by six men who inserted an iron rod into
her body on December 16. In response to the attack, the Indian
government has promised to publicise photos, names and addresses of
convicted rapists following days of widespread protests.
The body of the rape victim being moved into a funeral home
he 23-year-old student's body is being
flown home after she 'passed away peacefully' in a Singapore hospital
where she had been taken for specialist treatment.
She suffered multiple organ failure and a
heart attack following the brutal assault on
December 16 which has triggered violent public protests.
Her horrific ordeal has galvanised
Indians to demand greater protection for women from sexual violence with mass demonstrations, candle-lit vigils
and street protests with placards, chants and road blocks. One policeman has died in the protests.
Gatherings of more than five people have been banned in the city centre.
A few hundred
protesters arrived this morning at the Jantar Mantar observatory, one
of the areas of the city where demonstrations are allowed, the BBC reported.
The victim's family and officials from the Indian High Commission were at her bedside when she lost her 13-day fight for life.
Culled from Daily Mail
So tragic may her soul rest in peace.
Jesus!! An IRON ROD!! Lord !! God save this dying world..RIP dear indian girl, gang rape isn't an easy thing to live with, I pray you find peace in the bosom of the incident like this happened here in naija sometime ago too, it was armed robbers and they used the metal handle of their Axes to penetrate 2 girls and one of then was pregnant sef :(
What a shame, Once had a female Indian colleague in a former Ad-agency I worked for as a copywriter, often she'll act like india is a super place compared to Nigeria... Hell NO, rape can't be so deep-cultured in Nigeria as the case appear in India!
Like raping her was not enough.
What a sinful world. Weeping!
I feel for this girl oh! Some mehn are goats much will it cost to go see a prostitute? What were they thinking sef?
Oga oh! No amount of curse will do anything, they should be made to face to law in world court so that other people will know how bad this is! Just bad bad bad bad.
India u too no try wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read dis
May her soul rest i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ peace.say NO †̥ø̲̣̣̥ violence against women A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ some men.
~BONARIO~says S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ via NOKIA3310
India love sex more than anything met them all these social network let me see ur boobs,puzzy those men should be punish.may her soul rest in peace
India is one country that is highly irresponsive about its women's right. I pray this girl's death serves a greater purpose.
Sad.may her soul RIP
May her gentle soul rest in peace Amen!!
Its quite pathetic how humiliating such an act of evil still goes on in the world today. These Men have simply demonstrated their inhumane animal character and should be severely punished by law in 100's of folds.
As for Her soul,may it find peace wherever it is now and I pray for the family.
Horrible! May God rest her soul
Those bastards should be castrated and a hot rod passed thru their anuses!.....same measures they served.f**kn perverts!
May her soul rest in peace.
The animals that did this to her should be given same treatment.
God 4giv us and save us...RIP dear sawii fr ha loss
Oh lord! I cannot feel at home in this world anymore *sobs*
OMG. Iron rod!! This world is wicked. Chei God!
Saddest story. I've been following the story and could only imagine her pain from the rape, the rod going into her and the multiple surgeries. Like a Daily mail commentator asked, how can she "die peacefully" after all that?
Hopefully, the massive protests will translate into better protection for Indian women from some beasts in men's skin.
Indians accept that the hospital in Singapore is one of the World's best for organ transplants and flew this victim there meanwhile Nigerians rush to India for organ transplants
May he soul rest in peace Amen
May her soul rest in peace. All these men do you forget you were conceived by a woman? Fyne cosmetics
May her soul rest in peace. So some animals still believe in rape.
Hey!RIP dear...God punish the Devils
Why would a human being do such a thing to another human? Some people are just animals! How sad!! The iron rod thing just gives me the shivers reading this. May her soul R.I.P
Truly sad,those rapists don't need any court hearing,straight death and nobody should even preach abt 4giveness cos perverts don't deserve to live!
Can the rapists be 'raped to death as well and an iron rod inserted into them' as well
this is sooo sad, can't even imagine the pain she went through
This is jst too bad. And hia in our country dem indians go dey form like say dem no dey shit.
Wat a cruel world. RIP
OMFG! it's in-human... What do you expect from a densely populated nation. *sigh*
Dis is so sad......
The wicked heart of man! Dat is so babarric;inserting a rod Into a human being is sad....
2ndly is dat not d India Nigerians r runnin to Dat Dey dEmselves r running to Singapore....nowondEr d high death rates of "nigerian-Indian" patients
Condolences to the family of the victim. Most horrible Death to the rapists
Wat a cruel world.....God will destroy dos pple dat did dat 2 her...wat a younglady...her spirit will nt rest untill true justice is made on dem.....stupid dogs....
As in ehn, I hear about rape cases almost every day. Wat is it with men n rape? Am tired of women bin victimised. We nid stronger laws in every country. If u rape, u die. Kpakam.! No tym for bullshit. rip dear.
May She rest in Peace
As you can see, she had to be rushed to a hospital in SINGAPORE!I wonder why Nigerians still rush to India for Medical Treatment. From the recent trend it appears every one who goes to India returns in a Coffin! Shine thy Eyes!
It's sad that violence of this magnitude is being perpetrated against women, and even worse to see our apathy towards such violence. if this was a story on "Cossy" there'll be over a hundred comments, but no one feels strong enough to comment on this story:(
Stop the violence against women
may her soul rest in perfect peace
What a sad and painful way to die! May her soul rest in peace
I think it is hightime capital punishment is considered for rapist, and if possible adopted as a universal law
OMG! Hw could a man do dz, don't u hv feelns???
May her soul rest in peace,I hope this would be brought to justice ...saddening though.
Ƨ̷o sad
May her cute soul rest in peace.
I am tempted to call for jungle justice on those bastards. I can volunteer to go kill them myself and go to jail for it. Rest in peace, my lady
It beats my imagination that rabid libidinous dogs that calls themselves men still rape in this generation. The evil that men do shall surely catch up with them. For the lady, rest in peace sweetheart.
May her soul rest in peace...
So Sad. RIP
A rod kwa?!,God have mercy.She was just 23,i have no words at all,this is the true definition of wickedness :'(.RIP
Did you hear they used Rods on the poor girl after beating her with it. Iron Rods continuously you know.....DAMN! This dudes will have kids and pray no one does that to them oh!
Punishment for them in my opinion: Use the same irod rods on them deep deep inside their anus till they die of pain or pleasure or whatever!!!
But Indian people try sha...this type of protest cant and will NEVER occur in 9ja oh! SMH
Indians una no try oh, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read dis
The evil that men do this days surprises even the devil. We are really in the endtime where wickedness lurks in the heart of men. May God preserve us and our families from every evil. Rest in peace dear.
any small sickness in nigeria fiiiam to indian hospital .but the same indians took thier own to singapore,and i never see many nigerians who went to indian hospital and came back alive
This is so sad,my heart goes out to those she left behind!!! I really wonder what the culprits have done with their conscience,have we lost our humanity in dis world?!!! Everyday its one death or the other caused by the brutality of a fellow human being.. May God protect us and our loved ones
Rest in peace the peaceful one there aint no luv in d land
Wickedness in high places. rip. poor girl!
Na wa o.gang-rape na bad thing o,iron rod come join.God dey sha.R.I.P 2 her sha.
D lady has been cremated. Let her soul rest in peace. But 4 her killers, God will surely Judge them all
Is dat d subject of discussion terrible tins happen everyday n every where in d world
wicked world may her soul rest in peace
wicked world may her soul rest in peace
D pain... D screams...twuld av lived wif her.
She'l rest better dead than alive.
This happens to women daily, even in our country.
D reason 4 rape...I dunno. Itz sad, very sad.
Dose men will suffer, dere shall b no peace for the wicked.
Am 25,when I was 10,I was brutally raped by our neighbour,a 40 years old man,and I was unconscious for 10days and till date is still very fresh in my memory,like it happened yesterday,I pray to get over it someday...May are soul RIP.*sobs*
Am 25,when I was 10,I was brutally raped by our neighbour,a 40 years old man,and I was unconscious for 10days and till date is still very fresh in my memory,like it happened yesterday,I pray to get over it someday...May her beautiful soul RIP.*sobs*
Hmmmmm... D heart of man is so wicked,wat do guys dt rape enjoy in raping sm1,wen dey can go 2 a brothel and pay little cash nd enjoy,though is bad bt is berra dan raping dear
Can you pls shut up??? Or can you pls cut your fingers off, lest you type more crap??? Someone's suffered an incomprehensible and an unfathomably horrible death and all you can think about is the health system in India. What is the connection????
May her soul rest in peace and may those people know no peace
Sorry 2 hear that babe. May the good lord help Ʋ 4get the terrible experience. Ʋ also need 2 help yourself by trying 2 put it in d past and move. On. Much love.
Dis is †ђξ 1st time am readin ALL †ђξ comments in a particular story cos i wanted †☺ kno how much people were affected! Its good †☺ kno som of us on here, hav a level of empathy 4 oders! I find it difficult believin only one man can rape a girl in an age where sex is free & very cheap! Free on †ђξ internet esp. A brothel in ma former street charges 500 naira for an hour.y cant rabid animals in form of men mak use of such avenue instead of gang raping? I would hav prayed 4 †ђξ souls of †ђξ rapists but wen i heard dey inserted a ROD in2 a 23yrs old girl, my heard bled & bcame wrathful instead! Capital Punishment should b served †☺ dem on a plater of Rods too! Mothers please teach ur sons †☺ respect women! Its better 4 a woman not †☺ hav a son dan †☺ hav one who's a rapist! †☺ dis indian victim, I say see yu on †ђξ ressurection day! RIPP!
Ace DJ Bentley what are you talking about? What about the story of that Abia University gang-rape that was circulating last year?! Is that one not in Nigeria?
Don't mind d idiot cald Ace DJ, he has a very smal brain n reasoning ability. al he is gud at is asking y Prince Charming n Bonario r always commenting here.
I'm so sorry dearie..
i think say na only me dey experience am oh...'show me pic of puzzy' say i be prof photographer
You accept requests from unknown men and wonder why they ask for pix of puzzy. How do you know which of them is a psycho? Girls will never learn.
No words. RIP.
I'm shocked by the enormity of evil the heart of man is capable of harbouring
it will sure neva be well wit the culprits,dey will live very long sorrowful lives.amen
Over-sabi-house wife, pls let him/her be. Wot is d correlation btw d topic n ur point too.
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