Witnesses said the fire broke after someone mistakenly threw firecracker into the building which hit some unsold fireworks kept there. At least eight other buildings in the area were affected by the fire.
Fire fighters and other rescue agencies deployed to the area have managed to calm the situation
Really shocking! I just hope this is a mistake as they say it is, someone taking a firecracker and throwing at a building filled with firecrackers sounds planned. I just hope no lives were lost, and the Authorities really have to look into the real story of why and how this happened because there is more to this.
Fire on Boxing day?Chineke chebe ndi ya!
Choi, it jus kips goin n on.. God elp us..
I have never liked this fire cracker stuff! All it does is to disturb my ears and affect my sleep, i don't allow my Kids to buy it, I don't complain when my neighbours use it because its just for a shortwhile. A neighbours son almost ignited a car some few yrs ago after throwing one under a moving carm
Mehn!!! Pple shud be careful oooo. Wit dis fire works ooo
What a colossal damage, thank God no life was lost.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Diz country don de fear person o,I been tink say Boko pipo don reach Eko na, hop say nobody die Lindy?
Who is dat person throwing fireworks into a building ridiculous
Dis is so sad if they av been told not to sell that nock outs, pple will say federal government is pushing them out of business. Ehya 2 every1 affected may God replace all dat is lost
Linda no 1 trew any fire cracker der..cos I was actually der..d fire crackers exploded by itsef,som said d heat in d storage was 2 much nd it affected d fire crackers...well,its not a scene any1 shud see,I'm actually still in a shock...only God saved my life 2day..khul
Linda, pls how do I send u news?? Pls tell me the means through which I can give u some amebo.
Lord av mercy!
Dats really sad.
Lord have mercy this is so sad.
Lord have mercy, had a near mishap on Sunday when some dry wood caught fire beside our car. Thank God that it was put out b4 spreading to other parts. I strongly suggest a ban on it's importation. I detest it but for my husband christmas isn't complete without fireworks.
God have mercy on us
Prince Charming, you aint charming at all. Do you do anything else apart from checking Linda's Blog 24/7? Biko, get a life.
I almost had an heart attack when i saw "Explosion in Lagos,Nigeria" on CNN.. I thought the Boko peeps had struck again.. A case of banger fun gone wrong.. Good news nobody died.. Also kudos to the Emergency response team for swift response
Oga Prince Charming, I luv ur new profile pic, I didn't knw dat Rihanna n chris brown made a christmas card too, why didn't linda even give us info abt dat?
2ndly, abeg how do d likes of u n dem Bonario, bloglord make comments 1st here? Although dat mumu bonario writes rubbish,atlist u write gud write ups. Wen I cum here n want to comment u see plenty comments before my own I go just tireh!
My sister-in-law was at the market before the explosion.People died in the incident but I am unsure of the number that died.A number of dead bodies were being evacuated from the site. Please let's pray for Nigeria.The Bible says " the wicked prowl on every side when vileness is exalted amongst the sons of men". Our nation needs righteous leadership and followership.Please,the end times are here. Let's examine ourselves and be sure that we are born-again and ready to meet with the Lord. Please, be not deceived,the attractions of the world,cares of this life only tend to futility and nothingness afterwards if you are destitute of salvation which is through Christ Jesus.Have a joyous New Year.
Look at this idiot. If you were not checking LIB 24/7, how would you know he is on here all d time. In that case, get a life too and a brain. Fool.
Never liked bangers! Just a matter of time before something bad happens - already!
Wow....even @ V.Island I heard the sound .Lord have mercy....I think the goverment should just place a ban on the importation of these yeye banger or na fireworks..
Sad sad sad.. We only have few days left in this 2012, may God keep us all; and May 2013 bring lot of happiness to us. Amen
Cee has spoken
Lmao @ oloyinbo! This Bonario guy won't kill us with all this big big grammar.
U pple shuld leave dis prince charmin na, u guys re always beefing d poor boy. Issorait May God help us in naija
And Tinex, I see you who leads a charmed life. Get off a brother's dick pervert.
I hate bad things happening.. So sad,, Really sorry
I was there people, God damn it was no joke mehn
I was there dis morning when it occurred .....I ran as fast as I can....to me I thought it was bomb
Naijadeltapikin... I strongly support feral government Τ̅☺ ban the sales of dis banger cos on xmas eve I culdnt sleep α̲̅πϑ with the noise of banger in ma area ÈŠ̝̊†̥ was â„“i̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ an exchange of gun short btw armed robbers α̲̅πϑ police I was S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ scared not kwning t was just banger. Please d federal govt should put an end Τ̅☺ d sales of ds banger.I just op ₪☺ lives was lost in ds market Ooº°˚˚°Âºoo
You and I both know that the fireworks story is NOT true.
How does it concern you..tell me..e consign you..ntiele..mataborot
Seriously, I tire for am
I thought boko haram don resume work! God forbid ooo!
@anon 3:15pm. ur hubby na real agbaya.
You inko? Pot calling kettle black! How do you know he is here 24/7??? Rubbish! He is free to be here as much as he likes, you should mind your own business! Do you pay his bills????
Linda....a life ws lost oh(15 yrs)...I jus watched it on TVC news
It should be banned, simpu !!!
Ever since banger exploded in my friend's hand and wounded him severely, I've never touched it.It is even banned,but trust Nigerians they must circumvent the law and bring them in. Imagine the damage. If only we can learn.My sincere sympathy to those affected.
@Anonymous 04:12; Just subscribe for a LIB notification and you would be of the know immediately a post is made here, a notification will be sent to you. If you don't know how to get that done, click on my profile and contact me.
Dumb as people
Wow d end time is near ooo, let's all gv our lives to. GOD.
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