A former pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG),
Bankole Solomon, last week criticized the General Overseer of the church,
Pastor E A Adeboye, for allowing politicians
into their annual RCCG Holy Ghost congress and turning it into a
political congress. If you missed it, read it
Bankole Solomon has apologized for his comments...
Thank God he has seen his wrong at last.
Tnk God he apologise for his own life sake bcos he has no right to judge any man of God bcos d bible says Judge not n u shall nt b judged. N touch nt my anointed n do my prophet no harm. Always leave men of God for judgement
"Don't say things if you're going to apologize later..."
Go n sin no more!
Go n sin no more!
Linda, there is absolutely nothing wrong in saying something and then retracting/ apologising later. Absolutely nothing..
Michael says..prince charming or prince vulture please keep quiet. You can tell he was under a lot of pressure to apologise. I watched the video of GEJ's speech and he had no right to be there and talk about his campaign. He for stand firm.e be like say then don cut him salary
Infact, he should come to camp and prostrate on the alter....ah ah! A man of God running his mouth like that. SMH
So was his previous comment an attention-seeking mission?
Go n sin no more!
Linda it's okay to apologize if: (1) you later realized you were wrong (2)Your good faith comments is causing unintended pain (3) You realized you are making a good point in the wrong way. Bottom line, there is nothing wrong in apologizing! What is wrong is caving in - apologizing when you are convinced you are right!
Why did he apologise?He did not say anything wrong there.it may be he has been recieving threat messages that is why he apologise.God is in control.
This guy is rabid!
This guy is etrnally lost...chei.....I see reason wai u stepped down as a pastor...u re very inconsistent and unreliable. May God forgive. U know what,??? don't ever bite more than u can chew...Otunba
Thank God you now know you were wrong,because there was nothing wrong with GEJ going to the church and standing up to talk
Na wa ooo,are politicians not humans?anyways it's a good thing dat he has admitted he is wrong.CHECK
I feel as if he was coerced into apologizing. I agree that politicians should not be involved in the church. Mixing politics with church is like mixing ice cream with manure.
Thank God he apologised.....Linda wats ur problem? Post ma comment naa!!!!
Really Linda????. Last time I checked you have also apologized a few times on this your blog so zip it and stop playing perfect. hissssss
Guess he was just lokking for cheap publicity .long hiss
Hahahhahahaha God has fired him!Aramide...
4 critizing d man of God, he suppose 2 regret @ last, let him go & confess b4 people @ d camp!
Exactly if he knew he was going to apologise why did he go ahead to start blabbing he is definitely a coward see d way he looks sef
What wrong did he do?SMH
Afta runnin ur mouth lik u knw everytin abi????? U get luck say God 4gives.
There was nothing wrong with his comments and I think what he said is very much in order. It just so happens that because he is a 'poor' man who is a 'nobody', he has to bow to the pressures of the 'bigger boys' and criticizing the ills and injustices of the rich and powerful and so called 'men of God'
Choi he has compromised just like labour leader...GEJ don geeh u chop(and clean mouth) *Ada Nnewi*
He is eternally lost? Because he apologised?
Thank God say man no be God o
Afta runnin ur mouth lik u knw it all abi???? U get luck say GOD dey 4giv, Rubbish. Angelic
Being the RCCG i attend, dude was pressurized into apologizing publicly.
Bt must we talk?
What a confused pastor..very funny!!
Keep displaying your worthless demeanour by saying gibberish at me, do you have to call me names to state your point? Sh... Words from a faceless and trace less anonymous like you is very inconsequential though.
God also said we shld nt turn his temple to a gathering of robbers....so he was ryt. In a way
GEJ being at d camp may bring abt a turnaround of events. Explain d death of kaduna gov and near death of enugu, taraba,cross river, kogi and imo govs. Can someone explain why in a short space of time dis december?
That man is very funny. I just want to advice people not to be shaken in faith. That man is not born again
I just hope sum1 has nut bin threatened. Notin is impossible I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ 9ja
It is complicated. This shud satisfy all the 'Judge not so that ye may not b judged' subscribers. I wish I cud comment on this.
I cud use some chats now. Smart GUYS only. * I won't mind if they cute too* lol. 281EB889
No he WASN'T wrong.... You people have become to blinded by ur obsession with the concept of Pastorship, such that u fail to actually read ur Bible..............
James 2
New International Version (NIV)
Favoritism Forbidden
My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must
not show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a
gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes
in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say,
“Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or
“Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4 have you not discriminated among
yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are
poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom
he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it
not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are
dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the
noble name of him to whom you belong?
8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor
as yourself,”[a] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin
and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10 For whoever keeps the
whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
11 For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,”[b] also said, “You
shall not murder.”[c] If you do not commit adultery but do commit
murder, you have become a lawbreaker.
12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives
freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who
has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
Make Una no let God punish all of una. Obviously, the man has been attacked verbally and emotionally by people like you.
He should not have appoligised because he said the truth. Ohhh, they want to kill you that is why you want swallow your spit, naija una too much. If you are sick, go to hospital and pray for God's healing, stop believing in their fake miracles, it does not exit, is all arrangeee.
Yeye man + Yeye comment = Yeyecious Idiot. This man is areal AKAMU! on his FB page he wrote on the 23rd of December "this will be my last posting for the year as I will be retreating for prayers and to seek the Lord"...but he post comments and status everyday since! See as he resemble Kolade-the RCCG pastor that murdered his wife. Abeg let him go and do mental head scan I believe his a very disturbed person.
You are free indeed.
You are free indeed.
Lololol dis cracked me up big time!
People should always think b4 they open their mouth to speak. They shd nt be talking bc they want to make sounds frm their mouth.
Just don't do it next time Man
WOW another reason to believe we live in a society where there is no freedom of speech...Na wa ooo its so sad cause even if he may have gone too far the underlying msg of his statement was and is the truth 'the church is not the place to further ur campaign' but then again I may be shot for making that statement.... I must remember to remain anonymous!!! sheeeeesh
Well the G.O would have forgiven him and God too but I will not till AMADIOHA fires his left eye for nearly dragging our common name SOLOMON to the black book, y apologize when u can run ur mouth like tap and besides that guy looks like a crook to me so who called him, not God and I my self did not so libers who did... Stupid YAHOO BOY
Epistle; sorry, no one but urself will read this.
Prince charming ur such an uncivilized fool
must u curse back? Look at your ugly face
Are u so bored that u need to advertise ur pin and beg for chats?
Prince Charming..
Its confirmed..U r a Jobless low life fucktard whose only means of expression towards life is via LIB..
who are this people always saying don't judge the men of GOd. where you there when god anointed all this men of God? A man have the right to speak up where ever he sees injustice or corruption. See you wrong in your pastor is not a sin get a grip
some people have to be told what to do, thats why all this people worship there pastors, some of them forgot about God
U must b 4rm Jehovah witness; always turning d bible "upsidedown."
Nigeria we hail thee!!! Later pple will say I dnt believe in ministries! This is d end tym peepz, hold on to what is true and only wat the bible says and nt wat our pastoricians tell u!!!!
Hahaha prince charming, u sabi grammar o,nice one!
Jesus Christ!!! We as a people definitely perish because of our lack of knowledge. What happened at the camp is VERY wrong!!!!!! One man stood up and now he is apologising under threat?
Religion truly is a powerful tool of control...
Well said
Gutless, spineless, No sack having, Lilly livered, no conviction... Way too many adjectives to throw out. And he used to be a pastor. The blind who used to lead the blind. Biaaatttchhh
Seeing dis on Bakole Solomon wall I acknowledge his decision to apologise and also appreciate him to speaking d truth.. To plpp in Africa who re so indoctrinated to religion and not proper understding who their God his..I make bold to tell u that his reason for apology is simply subject to dis.. 1. Cos Pa Adeboye his an Elder.. 2.Cos Pa Adeboye is father in the Lord to Him.. 3. Cos Pa Adeboye may hve begged God secretly for his mistake and Bankole hve to beg him too for his words cos he's answerable to God on dis issue.. LET Me tell some plpp here dat Both Me, Bankole and GEJ is equal to God cos he is not a respecter of anybody..Pa Adeboye made a mistake and on dis earth he stand a chance to b corrected.. C is only Nigeria dat we re subjected to d falsehood and blindness of Religion..D bible says that u shold obey all authorities and not to turn his house to the gathering of robbers... In South African d authorities told Pa adeboye during his conference that plpp should not in anyway come and line up in d pupit during altar call.. He obeyed.. In New York, the MAYOR told him dat dey should not tag the name HolyGhost NIGHT.. HE obeyed and changed it to Night of ........, C plpp in African most especially nigerian are still in dark... Dis is simple my plpp when a flock see that the sheperd as made a mistake he has d right to express his grief, dat is What Bankole Solomon did which is 100 percent right .. Cos of our blindness dat is while both evil and good grow hand in hand cos we cat question some things and we never seek d truth...My Jehovah is a good God.. Don't u all c that after creating u he NEVER control ur decision even towards serving him..He gives u d freedom of speech and choice..My God practice full DEMOCRACY to it optimum..JESUS said clearly dat u should give wat belongs to CESAR TO CESAR AND WHAT BELONGS TO GOD TO GOD..before Jesus and after jesus where did u c in d bible dat KING HEROD, PILATE(Roman Governor), QUEEN ELISABETH, KING OF SCOTLAND, FRANCE and so on where given mic to preach or speak in the SYNAGOGUE, not to talk of using it for campaign ground...In d house of God both d kings, Me and U re equal.. Only his ambassadors.. Pls y turn Men of God to Deem gods in Nigeria.
Linda hasn't said it's wrong.
...........and accept our apologies too for the bashing you got here. In any case, I still think it is wrong for Oga Joe to stand at that exalted Altar and talk politics.
Lily livered man , you were not thinking when you sent the post abi ? Allowing some people to harass you to submission , olodo .wondering how you would put your foot down @ home .
Like seriously what are you trying to say
What's the point saying things you would later apologise for? As a pastor I thought you should know better with your words. Thank God for God, you would have ended up like those that momoured against Moses.
God will forgive us.
Yes oooo. Its only cowards dt does that. Bankole is a coward
Oboi, see finishing! Anom 6:28 dey don end ur career 4 lib any where u see PC nw u no go open mout again, hehehehe!
Did Linda tell u she's perfect.. Put a lid on ur mouf hole jor!
Prince Charming or whatever ur name is.must u comment on every post?do u stay with Linda?oh yeah I want to believe u subscribed to email so u get alerts on new posts...FYI,everyone is an anonymous and for d fact dat u put ur name up dere doesn't make u different either...mtschewww.my dear,go get a life+i dare u to reply me cos I knw its wat u can do.
If we ask for d forgiveness of sin,he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us frm all our unrighteousness. U guys should watch wat u say. You are nt God neither are u Pastor Adeboye nor Jonathan.
There's nofn wrong in saying somefn den apologizing. We've all done dat @one particular point/period in our lives except u have pride in u.
200 gbosa for Debby Akinola's ibon! O ga o, ur giving us migraine
@Anonymous 11:54; Lol.... If you call me ugly then I just laugh at your understanding of the word "ugly" Pls where is the curse word that I used that you are talking about? Just show me "one"
@Anonymous 1:21: Thanks for the info, but its very inconsequential to me.
@Debby Akinola; What do you mean by "Everyone is an anonymous"? Funny indeed! And then I tend to find it hard to comprehend how it is itching you or something because I comment, why do you think Linda gets more money for more hits and comments here? Do you know what a blog is for? I know this is your blog ok? Or else why would you not just post your comment and go than asking why I comment too? Ask all other commentators too ok? This is a very lovely season for me, I don't have time for hate pls, Lots of love.
All of u re fools.so jobless must u insult prince charming every one has d right to post wateva dey want.
@anon 11:52, if u can't read a chapter of the Bible without calling it an epistle, how some fake pastors no go plait dada on top ur dirty head?
@anon 6:08, gbefila.... I'm sure I am more of a RCCG member that u r. In the End, the Bible still tells us to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and not look unto ur pastors.
The church is like a hospital where all kind of sick people go for healing or help. if his going there will make a good change. then its not a problem. beside, Jesus purposely came for the lost sheep. Not for the saint. there is absolutly nothing wrong with d president visiting the congress ground
Trawle....are u for real? So what is Linda saying
She is only reporting news. So if u must comment at least make sense!!!!
My friend who made u judge...look at ur mouth like oga joe, u can't respect ur president that is here on earth, later u say u L♥√ع God.bloody psychophant.
@ 11:45, u also are an uncivilized RACA since u are accusing someone of cursing u shdnt curse back!
@ 1:21, u went to school I'm certain, S☺ don't substitute words that's retarded, u can get a life by expressing ur self on lib thru words in the dictionary. FUCKtard is not an english word,retard!
@ debby akinsola,u are the one who put ur name there what are u?partially blind? I replied u not prince charming. GUMBO
I think the man has done well...his initial point was well made i.e. that the "House of God" should be used to worship God and to bring salvation unto men. Jesus Himself symbolically chased away those who converted a place of worship into a "Den of Robbers".Even in his apology, he re-stated the target of his outburst i.e.corruption & injustice, which have enveloped the Nigerian society including so-called men of God. His apology to the church and it's leaders but not to GEJ does not in any way amount to a retraction of his earlier statement...it is an apology for embarassment the statement may have caused the church. The statement still stands.
we as God children are his anointed too,bankole solomon is an child of God. so u are kind of a hypocrite
Those of you directing your responses at Linda, did i miss something?? did she give an opinion about the apology? or are some of you just getting ahead of yourselves as usual?
better for you , because i knew it is a way devil want to destroy ur destiny.
thanks God you did, and go to Holy ghost congress forever.
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