The house was built six years ago by Mr Akinlade but unfortunately the land he built the house on wasn't his, at least that was the court verdict when the owners of the land took Mr Akinlade to court.
A Lagos high court which had been presiding over the matter for a while now, issued an order in October asking the Akinlades to vacate the house.
Mr Akinlade unfortunately bought the land from fraudsters, and when the real owners showed up, they refused any compensations, insisting on getting their land back. They went to court and won.
And since you can't uproot a building from a land, Chinenye and her husband lost their home. They have since moved out of the house.
wahala choi, fre house
What a trash decision. The court should have ordered compensation for the land instead of having them vacate. Where were the so-called true owners of the land for all those years the Chinenye and her husband were living there. If I were them, I would pay for the house to be leveled and then hand over the land.
Wow, that's sad. Its well.
Eyaaaaa sorry..
Smart guy(s)! where was the owner of the land when he was building the house? He should have demolished the house before moving out.
A terrible loss. The owners of the land just got lucky
That's too sad. But I pray they find another home. As for the fraudsters may karma catch up with them.
Can u just imagine? all theese omo ni le in lagos can not be trusted o!
that's why it is necessary to find out about the land u intend to build on at ministry of lands and survey and also get a C of O before building. what a loss! from landlord to tenant.
Its a pity,
Must be very painful
So sad. This is a temporary setback which I'm sure they'll adjust finely to. Wish them luck.
This is sad and very painful,buying a land is usually very risky(ake heart Nonye
o ma se oooo ( Its a pity)
they should appeal against such judgment yes the quidquid solo cedit says whatever is affixed to the land belongs to the land that is the common law rule there are however exceptions to that rule secondly there is what is called title to land and possession to land you could have the title to a landed property but one could waive its right to such land if someone is in actual possession say for a period of years(although it cannot defeat the owner's title except for equity). it seems to me in this case that the court only adhered to the strict position of the law without applying equity. if at all they should vacant the premises they have to be compensated as to the market value of that property nepa v amusa.
I feel very bad for them!! I hope they have another one shaaa! God will find those people out and deal with them in his time
Eeya! I feel for them o! God will ease their pain
What a PITY
so sad...these land scammers eh..??
ThIS is very tragic and disheartening. What will happen to the house now? If i were them i will pull down the house since the original land owners refused to accept compensation. It will be unfair if they get both the land and the house.
Awww sorry for them. Very big scam. Who knows, the "real owner" could have planned it all. A perfect plan to get a free house. But karma will always have it's way.
I am sure they must have had some form of compensation. No decent judge will allow them lose eveything.
God will never forsake u people in dis trying moment.........stay strong and allow God to fight dis battle 4 u people...
So sad,we don't have good land ownership in nigeria.all lands should belong to government
mehhhn linda take ur time oh,which one concern us with thier land palava????? puhlease give us better gist abeggggg!!!!
via my pink ipad3 latest edition
This is really sad... How are we sure the owners of the land have no hand in this scam.
Hmmmmmm, 2 bad 4 dem.dis a wake up call 2 fellow nigerians,always be careful in ur dealins wid pple b4 u part wid ur had earned cash,nw d money used in purchasig d land nd buildin d houz is wastd.accept ma sympathy thou. (Clear road 4 Aba boi)
So so sorry my dear. It's a pity 2lose such a beautiful building. Though dtz nt d end of ur lives u can stl build d1 dt is 100times better dan dt 1. Bt b careful dz time wen buyin anoda land nt 2fall a victim again. I luv both of u.
That is so sad but God will bless them with something bigger n better
That is so sad.
Where was the owners of the land wen they were building the house. I dnt think the judgement was fair. And for them to refuse compensation indicate they knew what they were doing. God will punish them if they delibrately did this to this family. They shuld not think they have succeeded in robbing a man of his home because that house will be a cause to them.
The fraudsters will pay for it God is alive.if ur into any kind of scam or assist othrs to achieve it btr stop this minute cos ur curses are accumulating.the people who took him to court wr whr they when he was buiding.thieves.they waited till it was completed to hv free house.God sees
Eeyah, dats rili sad! Wat do we do abt dese fraudsters ehn! May dey neva knw peace whereva dey r
Only God can restore! Dazzling.
Eyah.can U̶̲̥̅̊ imagine?were are they since he started building the house?and now they just came out from no were ad started making problems.GOD W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̊ƪƪ make a way for a better one t̶̲̥̅̊ø̲̣̣̥ come.
This is horrible....I feel deeply sorry 4 them....wonder where they'll start frm....God purnish all dese fraudsters....
So sad...what a̶̲̥̅̊ pity. May God see them through this trying time, I dnt even want τ̲̅ȍ imagine this #smileysadface#
Now that's so sad. May God provide for them.
The courts should have made the real owners of the land pay something for the house that was built on the land. The idea that a court would arbitrarily award a land that has already being developed to the rightful owners without some sort of compensation to the victim baffles me. How are we sure the owners were not part of the scheme. Shame on the courts. And Karma will eventually catch up with the owners. Any ddecent person would have offered something to the Akinlades.
Kai! Linda aproko is ur hobby. Where there life there is hope. Caveat emptor!!!
Amen#sad too.
God punish those fraudsters! May they be homeless as well
It's very bad , pple pls always consult lawyers to make searches for title...family land is tricky cos you have to get lots of consensus...i pray if he bought in good faith..God will recompense... you will see....
Eyaa sad much I pray they get an a more beautiful house
Awhhh! This is tooo sad, tooooo too sad, they shld have allowed them buy the land!
So sad' don't worry trust my God to give u guys a much better place to call a home again!Its just a trial of ur Faith in God#it will soon pass#All d best...
Awwwwww, I feel for them.. I loved Chinenye when she won MBGN and went for Miss World, I thought she would have won if Agbani had not won the previous year... May God return back in hundred folds what they've lost.. Land issue ehn, na wa..
Chai, very sad
Eh?..wetin u type?..
Chai..so sad!!..plz try 2 get a lawyer b4 doing any land transactions..not just any kpaikpai lawyer o!..so dat he can conduct a thorough search on d land title plz
Law is indeed an ass!! Sorry dear,our Lady Justice has spoken,anything on a land belongs 2 the rightful owner of suc land! I pray God provide u with anoda befitting shelter ASAP.
They should go on appeal. The doctrine of laches and acquisance should catch up with the real owners of the land.
They should go on appeal. The doctrine of laches and acquisance should catch up with the real owners of the land.
Very sad God will provide for them.
It' happens sometimes....they will buy much better houses.
Chinenye and husband live in VI so I suppose they've moved far ahead of this. May God bless them and give them many more houses.
Kemsugar this one you are now a fan of lIB, She don jazz u too?
May almighty God provide a suitable house for them.
Linda is there a problem with your blog, this is the second time you have refused to post my comment. You should know you are driving me away from yopur blog because you are making me feel like my comment don't count. Na wa for u o
Eya...its painful so feel 4 dem
B4 u talk law,do u know the facts of dis case? Do u no if the order is coming from the supreme court?
Sorry abt dat chinchin, she use to be a very Good school mother back den at reagan. Jehovah God will strengten u n ur hubby. Chacha
Chinoyen and Kunle,dis ȋ̝̊̅§ so sad May God be wit U̶̲̥̅̊ ..SEUN
@ Jayboy,have u forgoten "quid quid plantato,solo solo sedit"which has been interpreted by 1 of the Anonymouses(whatever is attached 2 the land is part of the land). Point of correction 2 some of u guys,there is no person that passed thru the walls of Nigeria Law Sch,called 2 Nig bar,is half baked.So,always consult a lawyer b4 every transaction & not only in property matters.
If it were ♍ƺ I'll make sure I destroy D̶̲̥̅̊ house down to the foundation,shabe its the land that belongs to them,no wahala,I'll destroy D̶̲̥̅̊ building then u can have ur land..U̶̲̥̅̊ won't leave in D̶̲̥̅̊ house i sufferd to build if ♍ƺ i can't....Simple!!!
Go for appeal
That is why it is always good to verify with the lagos state government land registry. They have records, no matter what even if you bought it a century ago.
lin lin......how is ds news, u r telln us so we say eeya abi wetin..
Amen oooooo..chaii cant imagine
No β only supreme court na privy court with due respect to u give the highest court in nig some credit.....agreed we can have silly judgements from the court of first instance but we can't have such baseless order from the SC not wen we have oputa JSC niki tobi JSC
And besides the story linda gave us said å high court in lagos so u shut up and read the facts before commenting
@ Juiceeee,your comment just goes to show how shallow n self-centred you are. Its a pity.
May u never have anyone to sympathize with u at your time of need.....then you will know how painful it is.
Remember this day and watch what you say.
Nuff Said!!!
I am sure this guy knew he was buying a problematic land.
This man believed that in Nigeria, anything is possible but now he has been proved wrong.
Similar thing happen to my sister. Somebody allegedly sold my sister's land to one man. Within a week of buying the land this man started building on it. When my sister noticed this, my sister asked this man to stop building on this land. This man did not bulge. He instead started building in a more faster way. My sisters lawyer wrote to this man several times but the man refuses to bulge. Then my sister went to court. By that time the man has finished the building. To cut long story short, after about 5yrs in court, the court awarded the land to my sister and gave this man the order to demolish the house in one month or else my sister will inherit the house but if my sister decided to demolish the house the man will have to pay for the demolition. This man then started begging my sister to settle out of court. My sister being a religious person wanted to settle out of court but her lawyer kicked against it because of what this man put my sister through. The man then packed out of the house and my sister demolish the house because of the believe that this man could have put juju in the house.
May we never build and another random person dwell in it... IJN! God will surely compensate them for this loss!
@biols, i totally agree wit ur comment. they can appeal that decision and in addition apply for a stay of execution, once they apply for a stay of execution nothing can be done in regards to the property until the final determination of the appeal. Also depending on d number ofyears he has had the property, there is d defence of laches and acquisence which can be used against d owners of d land.
Quid quid plantenr solo solo cedit. Whatever is affixed to d soil belongs to d soil. Basic law term
Linda , you be fool, always carrying only comment that praise you, Munmun girl
I feel u.ugwo akwukwo gi abughi na efu.equity did nt apply.they could hv appealed unless there s more to dis story dt linda did nt complete.i tot where there is equality in equity d law prevails
This is one big problem in this town. Why cant there be an offical records' office or better yet, a web site were details of this nature are available. That way people can inquire on their own and avoid this kind of embarrassment. This is so annoying, and the get no compensation for the house. They too are a victim of the States failure to defend their investment unless they built without approvals sha oooo, in which case na them shoot their own leg.
evil that men do lives after them.fast life, fast life. its known to God
May God replenish whatever they have lost. Still my favourite beauty queen by far.
@anonymous 8.53am...wats fast life about the fact that someone lost a house? And what has evil men do bla bla got to do with it??? If u have nothing sensible to type pls do us a favor and go back to bed.....mshewww
Moral of the story.It is cheaper to consult a lawyer to do proper land search than lose a great deal later.If the cost of a land sounds too good to be true,dont be quick to buy it.Dont get me wrong.but i believe some buyer know whats up and only keep hoping the real owners dont turn up.My first job as a newly qualified lawyer back in 2004 was land searches.There is no magic.Get a lawyer and the fact.No story later.
You are so Righ. Only comment that suits her. Yeye idiot. Delet my comment
How do we know this was NOT a plot owner between the so called land owner and the supposed fraudsters?
Isn't it possible that the land owner could have paid people to impersonate him, got the money for the land, waited for the house to be built then come out to claim the land is his? He makes out with his land AND A HOUSE as well as the money that was paid for the land? I see ting oooooooooooooo
@ Anon 12. 34 and Anon 12.38 like you are the only people here that has an understanding of the situation and how the law works , we are so stupidly emotional here .
The initial owner of the land had written to them severally , but trust Nigerians with over Sabi he Must have thought he would bribe , or buy or cajole or beg his way through .
There is what is called a search , due diligence but trust us in Niger we covert irrespective of whoevers feelings . , why not get a lawyer to authenticate the land and documents instead of this mess .
Am glad that we can see that our judicial system is not rotten and not about emotions , let's applaud the system for doing the right thing for once.
From reading all the comments here one can deduce how intelligent some people are.
This man is not an illiterate.He bought a land and i am 100 percent sure he knew he had to make sure he is not buying a land that has another owner. This is very easy to do. Just consult a property lawyer. This is simple as ABC.Any honest fool knows this and i am sure this man is more intelligent than a fool. This man knows this. Its like me selling a car that did not belong to me to you. You bought the car because you think you have more money than the real owner and therefore will bribe all the judges if i go to court. This man deserves what he got. This is like rigging an election to become a governor when you know that post belonged to somebody else. But because you have money you think you can bribe yourself out of the problem.
It is a confirmed fact that the original owner of the land asked this man to stop building and confirm the authenticity of the people that sold him this land but this man refused. He was banking on bribing himself out but guess what not all judges are corrupt.
If i were the judge i will also direct that this man should also pay the legal fees of the original owner of the land. This type of scenario happen all the time in Nigeria. Some people just believe because they have too much money they can do what ever they like as long as they have money to bribe anybody. This has to STOP.
Before buying a land, consult widely before you pay. If you dont have money to pay a lawyer to do this, just take a bus to the state' ministry of land and housing to find out whether the land actually belonged to the seller.I know that Lagos has the information but i dont know about other states in Nigeria.
I guess people wont do this because of grandiose delusion of having the money and power not only to take another man's wife but another person's land.
I praise the judge for standing up for what is right. This man deserve what he got. So many real owners of properties have been victims of this type of behaviour from this man.
Ewooo!! See swear.
Anon 9.54pm are u for real? Which one is "only in Nigeria". What has govt got to do with this now? This is a private court case and u are calling govt. U really expect govt to wade into d matter? And afer, u'll b among those saying govt do nt have their priorities straight. Chineneye and hubby, God will always provide for u guys
Mama somtee and OLU or whatever u call ur selves. U guys need to get ur head checked. If he knew there were issues Would this man go ahead and build on it and even move in. Obviously this matter came up much later. U don't really have to comment on every story u know. U can even just read and move on.... Or better still don't read...
They should definitely demolish the house and give them back the land they so desire. If the couple cant live in their house, neither should them! Build your own house!!
From Olu to Anonymous nov 10 2012 8:02PM who wrote that I and mama somtee needs to have our head checked .
It is people like you and this man that is losing the house that needs to have their heads checked.
Let us assume that you bought somebody' land by mistake( as you had no brain to confirm the authenticity of the seller from ministry of land and housing b4 paying) and as you start to develop the land the real owner showed up and showed you his c of o, and also asked you to go to the ministry if you don't believe him, would you still continue to build the house?
I bet you would, because in your mind, this is Nigeria where you can do anything you like because you have loads of ill gotten wealth. Guess what, not all judges in Nigeria are corrupt as this judge that showed to all of us.
The real owner of the land showed as this man started building the house but this man ignored the real owner and now he lost not only the land but the house too.So who is supposed to have his or her head checked now?
The can't even spell "today" correctly... People always do a complete search on a property before paying. Don't be penny wise, and pound foolish. This happens all over the world. If the price sounds to good to be true, it is not true.
Very sad story, but a word is enough for the wise.
quic quid plantato solo solo cedit,eyya sorry dear.
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