Eye witnesses said Lastma officials got to the scene like 3 minutes after the occurrence and they maintained free flow of traffic and contacted the fire service immediately. But till the bus burned out, no fire service was seen.
See video after the cut...
10k God noboddy died!
OMG...... De best part of dis is dat no one was injured, thank God for de lives saved, i only pity de driver dat owns de bus. But fire service neva showed up? Dat 1 huh?
Kai..trust Nigerians to stand and look instead of doing something to help.what if a tanker had passed at that moment?? Anyhow,thank God nobody died.Baba God,please continue to watch over your children ooo..
I no see lastma for the video
I no see LASTMA for the video o!
Thank God no life was lost
Thank God no one got stuck in there!
Thank Gid no one was hurt,it baffles me the type of dead buses dat ply Lagos routes. Dat city is so farmiliar with such news and d only place all d commutters can escape without being hurt,talk of so many rehearsals and experience.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.
It is only in my dear country that fire service responds to emergencies an hour after they are been contacted.
Hello My Sweet Linda, thank God nobody got hurt. Most of those Danfo buses are not road worthy. Just for laughs. Too funny I bet u. Www.talking9japictures.blogspot.com
Okada,cars just dey waka pass wetin concern them! Naija is a primitive country men!
Linda youtube go dey chop our moni nah! Can't watch it...buh tank God nobody was injured sha
very serious issue. officials should look into this.
Miracles happen everyday...Thank you Jehovah,Abba Father!!!
OMG thank God nobody was in the bus....... as for the fire service may God help them
the state govt shld formulate a law dat checkmates d state and quality of buses dah ply these roads.... See as d road fine, we also need good buses to compliment d beauty of these roads.... #ok, bye bye.....lolzzz
now that was really serious.i thank God it was the lives of the passenger and driver were spared.
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tanx be to jehovah dat no body died. I just pity d driver o, who knws whether it is his car or he is driving for sombody
Thank God for saving His children from this incident.
So nobody died,I'm dissapointed.....anyway I still have my broom,for a trip to borno state this night.....@papaudo(twitterhandle)
They probably arrived after the bus had finished burning, typical.
check out www.raqueldaily.blogspot.com
Thank God for saving them, its a great miracle. May His Name be praised. There is a law regarding this already but egunje will not let them function. May God protect us IJN.
Pls Madam. What's d purpose of d video? Dnt we knw what a burning vehicle looks like?
Thnk God nobody died sha.
Nope u can actually watch and no money will b deducted......Thank me now
You can actually watch and no money will b deducted....thank me now!
Dem D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ call fire service?! No b wata I D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ Æ ̴̴͡.̮Æ ̴̴̴͡ for tr?...instead of ppl to find way hlp quench d fire.dem D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ snap D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ video...even d person wey video am.
Linda you will one day give person heart attack you said Danfo Bus full of passengers catches fire. haba na..... at the same time Thank God no one was hurt am so happy for that
A great loss to the bus owner. Thank God no life was lost. Drivers always check your vehicle in the morning before jumping into work.
Thank God they were fast and smart.
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@ Patrick, what did you expect to see? Did you expect Lastma men to hold the bus while burning or to sit on the burning bus.? The report said, they were controlling traffic. Were they supposed to control traffic in front of the bus? We must learn to assess situations logically and tactfully.
we tankGod bcos his mercy stay endure praise ye the lord!!!
WEll for sure we thank God, but as it is next time, such happens, the road has to be closed temporarily and divert traffic properly cause see how the bike man is close, what if it explodes...common!
Thank God nobody died. But I wanna believe there's a reasonable explanation why the Fire Service didn't show up leaving the entire bus to be torched.
More so, some of these commercial buses are not roadworthy; they should be checked. Passengers may not be that lucky next time.
Thank God no one was hurt. But then again,its these bus drivers that road safety should stop and check for fire extinguishers and general road worthiness. But no, they wont. Sad much. The other day, i saw a big commercial bus fuming with a lot of smoke and with passengers inside! They passed the road safety guys and they werent stopped! But they were more interested in private cars. We will get there someday...
Glory **speaking intongues and waving hands in the air** thank you Jesus, thank you lord **one eye open** thank you Jesus shama
Ppl just stand watch tk photos n imagine video! Wot r we supposed to d wit video ehn. Other cars n buses must have driven past with thier fire extinguishers. Is it not dangerous enuf that is happening right on d highway. N ppl just fold their arms and stare just like they watched dana plane
HAHA@Patrick, if you are a LASTMA official will you go near that danfo?
I know before that bus caught fire it must have been giving a warning signal this last 8months.
I passed dat bus dis morning on my way to wrk (by den d fire was out). I was so glad that everybody got out of d bus soon enough.
Eeyah! We thank God o...
@Austin you started well and ended stupidly.what the fuck is that "lolz" for in your statement about a tragedy.you need Jesus
Stand and watch? Traffic shouldn't have even been let through until the fire was put out. Not only are cars and bikes passing through, they are not even using the emergency lane on the extreme right. So sad how we handle emergency or hazardous incidents.
how fast do u think the fire service would av flew considering it was early in the morning, perhaps they av not even taken their bath or breakfast self, as if u dnt know they are not patriotic, its just best to have fire service at every bus stop in lagos if you really need prompt service.....Thank God for infinite mercies, no life lost!!
STFU...Mumu boy
... Atually lastma Officialls were there and when the bus was alomost burnt, a water tanker got there and its hose was positioned to let water out to kill the fire...
That's the aftermath of these moving coffins we hav on our roads called danfos ... Nywayz, thank God there was no casualty.
Why are you calling fire service?
As the bus driver no get extinguisher now...(which by the way he is supposed to have according to the law)
Moral of the story: Efrybody get a modafackn extinguisher in your car/bus/jeep.
Conclusion: Highly unlikely people will give a shit. They will still be calling fire service...
after bus done burn finish.
Thank God they were all saved.
Old vehicles should be banned!
Hmmm Nigeria may God help us. Praise God it was not evn in 1 heavy traffic& nobody died.
Austin Uche,u made sense there now. Why lolzzzing? We need good buses to compliment the road for real.
but i tot that area shd v been cordoned off and no vehicular movement till d fire is put out, people driving and dodging arnd d bus is not safe o, Nigerians learn some safety rules AH
I giv God d glory
Na only God go save person
Thank God oooo...no lyf was lost. But bia linda dt ur last comment frny no bi small...say fire service no show up till d fire!!!!!!!!!!!lolzzzz u don 4get say na naija bi dis.
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