Technically we have won the war against Boko Haram - Pres. Buhari | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 24 December 2015

Technically we have won the war against Boko Haram - Pres. Buhari

President Buhari says that his government has technically won the war against Boko Haram. He said this in an interview with BBC
"I assure you we haven't failed. Adamawa state, Yobe state are free from Boko Haram. Borno state which is there base, I think they have two to three local government. Boko Haram has reverted to using IEDs Improvised Explosive Device, indoctrinating young girls from 15 years and below to go and explode it in churches, mosques, market places, motorparks.
They have now been reduced to that but articulated conventional attacks on centers of communication and population in towns and so on, they are no longer capable of doing that effectively. So I think technically we have won the war because people are going back to their neighborhoods. We have our committees on the ground liaising with Local governments. People are going back. Our major problem now is rehabilitation because over 1.5 million Internally Displaced Persons, repairing the infrastructures, schools, health centers...the number of bridges blown..that is what we are facing now. But Boko Haram as an organized fighting force, I assure you that we have dealt with them"he said

When asked what his opinion is about  Nigerians criticizing him for always blaming the last government instaed of focusing on how to make the country better, he said 

"I think they are being unfair. Boko haram was effective on 16 local government areas before in the three states. Borno Yobe and Adamawa. Yobe and Adamawa are absolutely free and there are about three local governments were Boko Harams are there and I have told you they cannot marshal forces and attack towns or military installation as they did in Maiduguri before. I don't think this is mere talking. We have moved Service Chiefs, we re-organized the military.  We have got some hardware for them and we have gotten retraining from the British, Americans and with the French. A lot of is being done"he said


Chris J said...


Entertain naija recently posted... What Tuface Idibia Was Spotted Doing During Calabar Carnival

Unknown said...

We've not won until the chibok girl are back.

Unknown said...

We've not won until the chibok girls are back.

Unknown said...

Good news.

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

But its true!!! It would have bin worse if the past admin wasn't booted out, I swear!


if I hear!......story for d gods

Unknown said...

Enter your comment...and ede nkogheri na akwukwo. Pls its guinness malt all d way

Unknown said...

abeg also win the war totally....
#sips Orijin#

OYAKS said...

Bragging rights.

Unknown said...


Tamuno Reuben said...

Big big talk! Mr President where is the December salary u promised to pay before Xmas?

Unknown said...

all this is just talk, lets wait for tmr and I truly pray there are no bomb blast...

Unknown said...

wah about physically??

Dwizz on this one!!!

Unknown said...

Technically? Hmmmmm, but in reality, the battle is still on. No clear winner yet

Unknown said...


9jaflaver said...

Amen oh

optimisticlady said...

In all fairness,biko boys attacks have been reduced.
PMB ....more still needs to be done.

Paul Maxzuel said...

We are getting there ma presy. Dont worry u can extend the deadline to next year. Victory is ours and God will be praised

Okogba said...

We want reality Mr President

Unknown said...

It is well

eunymz said...

Not obvious to the country....Mr president u are saying your mind....


Unknown said...

That is what buhari thinks.... But that is not what I think #LIBBOO

Anonymous said...

Una don c am??! E no fit answer d question, e dodge am! Y do u kip blaming GEJ for y'all failures? U brood of vipers and liars!Wayo bokohari!

Unknown said...

Utang Nigeria...
"NeVeR SaY NeVeR"

Unknown said...

Ewu echuchu!!!!! Are u not their father? Several seat biko.

tosisochukwu said...

Story 4 the gods

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Anonymous said...

that is the problem about this useless president ... you ask him something and he says another thing.fool

Unknown said...

we are watching!

Unknown said...


fresh presh said...

Mr buhari pls go and work , stop talking plenty

Cookie'sFan said...

DAT is our prayer o. Let d killing end

Unknown said...

Lets watch and see...

Ruphina said...

Huhari u too dey lie. Linda do something

Olaaliu said...


Unknown said...

Go back to sleep old man

Unknown said...

Techincally.. u av won...

but what about phsically ???


Anonymous said...

U ar a liar, fuck U nd Ur change. Even d budget is a scam, how come U said U were left with an empty treasury nd then U're budgeting for over 6trillion. #iBelieveinGEJ!

AliBaba DeKingMaker said...

1. Mechanically u haven't won the war
2. #myopinion#

Buhari said...

True i believe..let us togeda pray for our dont think am a muslim ..nope,am christian ...neither r my from d north .nope! Am an igbo. Its nt abt race or culture..its about NiGERiA ...with oneness we can make it work!

Arsenal news now said...

Are you sure Mr president

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Amen o
Can LIBers see me at all? Am I invisible?

Anonymous said...

No sir! Until the chibok girls are found, then you have won technically sir.

Unknown said...

#I don get alert, na Godwin and Lindiway o!# Lindiway Darling, I truly appreciate the 100k you gave to me. May the Good Lord replenish your resources 10thousands folds. Your going out and coming in is blessed, Favour shall become the order of your day. Man and Woman would honor you and call you blessed cos the Lord has lifted you higher above all your peers. You shall not die but would live to declare the Glory of God Almighty. Henceforth, you shall begin to flourish like the plant dat is planted by the river bank. It is well with you and your household. God bless you abundantly. Thank YOU! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Hehehehe... choi! No b small technically. Abeg u didn't promise that u'll end boko haram 'technically' by d end of december o!

Unknown said...

I really pity Nigeria, instead of completely fighting off Book Haram, he is here talking about technically. Whatis the sense of winning technically if practically u r losing? Better I keep my mouth shut before I insult my grandfather's mate.

Unknown said...

Technically de war hv bn won. Tactically we r still fighting. Lord hv mercy!!

Unknown said...

true to an extent

***我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ)***

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmmm ok ooo

Anonymous said...


otika said...

Nawoo,what is technically,is either the war has been won or not,and clearly it hasn't been won

Comment by a naija model

Victor Emeka Isaac said...

We've not finish winning oh... People shouldn't just feel so relaxed

Also Check Vabadon's Blog

Unknown said...

Good new

swaag said...

personally, i dont believe it o... Until we hear nomore bombings and kidnaps.... then amma believe.


Unknown said...

In your spiritual realm I guess

Auxartistic 007 said...

This guy can avoid question shaa!

Dan said...

But physically wat

Okowright Balaxy said...

Too much talk, instead of asking his boys to stop immediately he entered he allowed them to waste more lives. I just hope the essence of all this mass killings and burials is not aimed at what some quarters are suspecting, that the northerners want to produce oil by all means so killing and having mass burials will help them start oil exploration. Buhari should please free the Chibok girls, without them the Boko victory ain't concluded yet, except Chibok girls was a drama as alleged then.

Unknown said...

E don talk e own comot unna dey hear dey curse am

Anonymous said...

Julie congrats, but make sure you use this money to wash your eyes so you can see clearly and stop supporting that foolish Buhari without a vision. I wonder when you will know that with people like Buhari you will never be a leader of tomorrow. The most annoying thing is that when he's fooling himself you still shout change! Please stop that monkey attitude, I want you to be reasonable and know that Buhari is an OLODO grade one and can't do anything reasonable aside oppressing the innocent and his political enemies. True change will be delivered when Buhari dies and Osibanjo the reasonable man takes over. I am even lossing trust in that Osibanjo because this APC hypocrites have infected him, anyway I know he will go for cleansing then. Any youth shouting change has sold his destiny to the old fools! Youths better have their own party and take over the country from this ancestors we have as leaders!!!

Sir benkord said...

Technically, not factually.........politics as blind a lot of our leaders to see d truth............whatever u do Mr president we shall survive it.

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Him no answer the question,this baba ehee,anyway na old age.

Unknown said...

He is rht if u tnk he is lying as Lai Mohammed

Anonymous said...

Your Mumu ehn, no be for here oo, na distinction.

Unknown said...

Allahu Akbar

Anonymous said...

U obviously just woke from ur sleep since d past three days

Unknown said...

there is no technicality in ending boko haram. It's either 'yes, boko haram is no more' or 'no, boko haram still exists but we are trying our best to end terrorism. Mr President sorry there's no technicality especially when human lives are involved. #wewantassurance

Unknown said...

there is no technicality in ending boko haram. It's either 'yes, boko haram is no more' or 'no, boko haram still exists but we are trying our best to end terrorism. Mr President sorry there's no technicality especially when human lives are involved. #wewantassurance

Wonah said...

Nawa oh.

Unknown said...

there is no technicality in ending boko haram. It's either 'yes, boko haram is no more' or 'no, boko haram still exists but we are trying our best to end terrorism. Mr President sorry there's no technicality especially when human lives are involved. #wewantassurance

Unknown said...

Lols Baba go slow

Unknown said...

We've technically in your dreams.. . Be kidding yourself

Crystal clear said...

There is still a lot to do intelligence and hardware wise... We are talking of trained security personnels here not civilian JTF, we appreciate your efforts so far and enjoin you to intensify and continue to take the battle to BHaram......#just be just#

Unknown said...

If you say so.


Peror World said...

Am just waiting with my glass of beer for Bonario APC to comment before I say somtin

OSINANL said...

Buhari please go join your an ancestors... Am tired of ur lies

Anonymous said...

Now he is talking technicalities....

Bamdy said...

Nigeria will flourish again!

Unknown said...

Thank you ooh! The man technically avoided the question.
Well, I still blame GEJ.

Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

Erakpofoke Ayare said...

Amen oh its all we hope for right? It is well

BreakThrough said...

Somebody should tell this man that Nigerians are now educated and wise to be deceive. Even with bombing on Tuesday here, baba is yarning rubbish.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for this comment Cheryl. Na only you don make sense for here

Anonymous said...

Your father is the one that is a fool

Unknown said...

Naaa today???abegiiii make we hear world.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 11:41AM if not that you are a fool and goat, you would have known that he answered the question. He said "I think they are being unfair. We have destroyed boko haram totally in two states remaining 3 villages in Borno State. They asked him why he keeps blaming past admin without working or making any change. So he told them that he has made some changes by retrieving two states from boko haram. They are now only in one state. Ewu

Anonymous said...

English is a problem for you. Go and read well again and digest. He answered the question. Block head!

Anonymous said...

Technically kwa? Politicians must really think that we know nothing. Because he has seen that his December deadline is not achievable, he has twisted his mouth. Lai Muhammad keeps lying and blaming GEJ's administration instead of focusing on remedy. See as PMB dodge the question.

Anonymous said...

Ode. Is he not borrow money? If there was enough money in the treasury, would he have borrowed money?

Unknown said...

BUHARI: Technically
LAI : Largely

Using English to manipulate..

Anonymous said...

@Annonymous 11:55AM You have a senseless brain. No wonder u believe in GEJ because you have thesame brain like him. If there was enough money in the treasury, would Buhari have borrowed money? Goat like you!

Unknown said...

You're now looking for their trouble
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

Good one our able President. We pray for you in our church everyday. Boko haram will soon be a thing of the past. Those that dont believe in you will be put to shame because you will succeed in Jesus Name!

Unknown said...

He wished...

iphy said...

U very right......

Unknown said...

yes we are winning... Thanks to our able army...


Blessed Soul said...

Sometimes I wonder y Our setimetn will not allow us to think. We are winning technically is a grassroot to defeating, all we need now is prayer and Humility. PMB may God continue to strengthen U. Its one of the reason d whites call is us black Monkeys at times.. we reason out of note.

Anonymous said...

Well said Mr President,the question yu were been asked is have yu eliminated boko haram,the ans is simple NO.......but why avoid d second question and say Nigerian r nt fair.....well i am an Igbo gal na Yoruba want the change,every suffering wil come their way not us(Igbos) never....I want to say dis.......wen a preident receives illegal funds,everytin he does is to an end meanz of illegality,stop sayin yu r tryin,yu ave done nothing,Goodluck Ebele Jonathan laid the foundation wich yu and ur ministers r followin......advice dat minister of information that if he has nothin to offer Nigerians he should close mouth small......we ave noticed him enough,he speaks ill of ur administartion,president can not say one thing Minister says another

Lily said...

Please kindly shut up.

Anonymous said...

I swear na only u make sense right now...
The MF dodged the question...
people r still supporting this man like wtf...

Anonymous said...

Just look at the way he avoided Thay questions about the blame on the previous government..very sneaky n that sickens my stomach..

Unknown said...

let us be dec again.

Unknown said...

Nah true..because Shekau is dead..Lol

Unknown said...

Nah true cause Shekau as been

Anonymous said...

Okowright, u r moronic on a whole new level

Collette said...

"Technically" we haven' long as people are still dying...

Unknown said...

Glory be to God.

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Did I just read won? No be only won

Anonymous said...

My friend calm down u hvnt don anthing technicaly....

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

What of the fuel we buy at N150 in filling stations? Shebi it is also N87 technically because that is what the pump price says while fuel attendant uses his calculator to give u the real price.

Anonymous said...

OSINANL you will die before him in Jesus Name. Go mark my words.

Ilaro said...

So u believe in GEJ? That means you believe in looting? And you are supposed to be leaders of tomorrow. I weep for Nigeria. Omashe oh. Its a pity

Akinolu said...

In war or battle between two troops, is it only one side that will experience killings? Both side will definately experience deaths and casulties but it is who wins the war that is the hero. Do u think boko haram will just fold their hands to be killed by the military? Of course they will revenge or strike back. So there is no way Nigeria will not also experience deaths. You just called yourself educated and wise and you cannot use your brain to reason. What a shame. You are not yet wise. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Since u feel he hasnt done anything technically, hug transformer or tear your pant na

Arsenal said...

Many holes have been dug in English language.

OSINANL said...

Anonymous 9:50pm: You will remain an anonymous for the rest of your miserable LIFE. Suffering and smiling Idiot like you...

KING LEE said...


Unknown said...

lily you are just foolish, thank you cheryl

Unknown said...

I don't agree totally

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