No, not the Ferrari store where they sell their cars, it's the one where they their sell cups, magazines and T-shirts..:-). The music star took a day off from his on going European music tour yesterday to go shopping at the Italian top motor and fashion brand. See more photos after the cut...
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He wouldn't go shopping where his pocket can afford but spending more than his means and tomorrow he wil b broke and start accusing his village people for b behind it. Hiss!
Lol.. Seriously
Lovely pix
Lib freak
Ferrari brand/merchandise store
Lol. Why d yabbing na? Its not even subtle sef
Everything na news this days.... Next!!!!!!
Everything na news this days.... Next!!!!!!
Seen #okBYE
#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE
Lmao..maybe he wants to use em for video shoot
Terry G
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Good for him
Shop well
Hehehe! Anything he buys, Ferrari na Ferrari! Linda take note!
Good for him
Window shopping. Terry u no reach, even tire u no fit buy. Hope u know the rest. Engr Emy
Hehehe! Anything he buys, Ferrari na Ferrari! Linda take note!
Linda, you are too funny. Are you saying he can't afford a ferrari.
Busy Fingers.
Soon we will hear he bought a Ferrari.. Gud for I'm
Soon we will hear he bought a Ferrari.. Gud for I'm
Okay, Enjoy
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Lol....thanks for the clarification Linda. Nice one bro, keep enjoying.
The Dope head be fooling himself dat he's on tour lol. Keep up wit ur lies bro while those kids dat met u in d industry are smiling 2 d bank. Mtcheeeeewwwwwwwww
See this one dey use style 4 dem to snap am abi nah wa ooooo
Terry G. show us what you bought and not a tea cup. Is that a Ferrari tea cup ???
He just went 2 take pictures.....btw thought he even went 2 buy a ferrari...
I comment my reserve.
Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha
He ain't gat no money!!!
Oh no I caught it were they sell their cars
Window shopper!!he went there to take pictures does not mean he went there to shop. Linda you and unnecessary hype!
Lmao @ your comment "not the one they sell there cars o".... I guess that's all he can afford for nao.
Terry G go dey display madness there with the way he grab that cup. TIMILEYIN BLESSING
Haba linda, that's too much
Linda you evil oh, you had to specify it was cup he was buying hahaha
Lindaaaaaaaa lol @Ferrari cups
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Just buy mug and come home
Lol. Good for him
Lmfao...linda u harsh ooo
Na wa oooo
At least he can afford a memorabilia.
Baba oo,I see u. (Linda's finest)
who dash monkey banana.The Terry G go wound if e buy Ferrari now.
Wha do u mean linda, ar u trying to tell us dat terry G the akpako master cannot afford ferrari
I think say na Farrari e go buy... I come see say na mug!
Lolllllll hahaha take it ease wit him
This shade you threw at terryG just reminded me of your prank call!!
European tour kwa. Terry G what's he going to sing there
Lmao linda!
whats the big deal na? ferrari sells Mugs to abeg. All na ferrari products...........makes you drink your tea faster. lol
Na bell Terry G go find for ferrari shop
Linda u dint need to mock him tho!! I could tell u were being scarstic
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