Life is a movie: FirstBank wants you to show your story & you could win a luxury Smartphone! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 5 November 2015

Life is a movie: FirstBank wants you to show your story & you could win a luxury Smartphone!

Everyone loves movies. Movies let us check our minds at the door and let our inner child play for a while. Well guess what? Yoa are the main character in your life and you are filming your story right now! Whatever you do; waking up to an alarm, sitting through traffic, catching up with friends on social media or networking at a conference or dinner party, your life is a movie and with each passing second and each deliberate action, you create memories that tell the most interesting of stories. 


At every milestone of your life, FirstBank says it is there with you to propel you to the next big scene; because putting you first is what they do. So right now, FirstBank is calling on everyone; kids, parents, students, workers, stay-at-home mums, traders, CEOs, makeup artists, stylists, technicians, etc, to record and send in a video of their lives right now! They want you to use the theme ‘My Life Today‘ as a guide when you record the things and moments that are important to you right now. 

If your short 1 minute “movie” is great enough, you could win an  iPhone 6 or a Samsung Edge or some of the thousands of naira worth of instant airtime they will be giving to the first 50 video entries they are tagged in on Facebook or Instagram. And on top of that, your ‘movie’ could make it to the FirstBank Brand campaign TV Commercial. How cool is that?!

To send in your entries and qualify to win, follow the simple steps below:
1.            Record a video themed ‘My Life Today‘ showing the things and moments that are important to you right now
2.            Upload your video on your Instagram page and tag @firstbanknigeria, use the hashtag- #Lifeisamovie OR Upload your video on Facebook and tag FirstbankofNigeria, use the hashtag- #Lifeisamovie.
3.            For Facebook, you can record up to 1 minute of video. But on Instagram, your video of course can’t be more than 15 seconds!
4.            Go to The FirstBank Facebook page – Firstbankofnigeria and the Instagram Page –@firstbanknigeria for daily updates.
What are you waiting for? Get recording, uploading and tagging FirstBank now!


Baddest Puta said...

Nobody got time for this. Next!

Unknown said...


Davido's driver said...

I actually got time for this.

Unknown said...

Not interested....

Unknown said...


SMURF said...


Unknown said...


Blog It With Olivia said...

OK now

#it will only get better
#it must end in praise

Anonymous said...

LOL First Bank Don Dey Mad

 Check out the TOP 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Ghana

jolayemine said...

I got time,I want to win the Samsung Galaxy edge and it sounds like fun. where will we post the video?

Anonymous said...

Worst bank in Nigeria. They should focus on building better working environment for their staff and better processes. Improve on their international cards than do this

Unknown said...

Maka smart phone ud goan display Ur life story? Make I hear! Stingy first bank
~D great anonymous!

Unknown said...

Hahahhahahah many are not interested lolz but someone must surely be and wil win.

Unknown said...

All the best to those dat actually care about dis. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

All the best to those dat actually care about dis. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Ohk nice one.


Unknown said...

Cool. Really

Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

Unknown said...

@anony no be small worst bank,dey suppose dey answ last bank sef,am one of their customers I knw what we dey suffer 4 their hand...

Unknown said...



NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Nice one

Unknown said...

Humps kind of hard.. but will do da. Shud I b tellin ma story as a movie or act it alon??

Anonymous said...

I already have an iPhone 6. Thanks! They should give cash gifts and try will see me

Unknown said...


Jasmine Joseph said...

Ok, we don hear

Jasmine Joseph said...

Ok, we don hear

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