Fa fa foul, foul! The answer is no! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 22 November 2015

Fa fa foul, foul! The answer is no!

What kind of a man wants you to change the name of a property you bought before you married him, to his name? Girl, please!


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Unknown said...

All the men here saying that the lady should change the property to the man's name are all irresponsible, un-focused, lazy unwise gold diggers, criminal-minded people and murder suspects... Are there still real men? the answer is yes! Because real men never look at the properties their wives have neither will they seek her to change her name or even bat an eyelid when they know their wife is making more than them but sill still go ahead and carry out his responsibility as a man both to his wife and kids when they come. It's only a useless man that depends on the wealth of a woman or seeks to make money from a woman. A real man will always want to do for u what he even know u can do for urself but still wants to do it just because he lives u and u are his because a woman's beauty is a reflection of the husband himself. Some men during the old days despite their parents being wealthy and all do not depend on their parents money but will even go as far as leaving their parents to go make their money on their own and struggle to stand on their own two feet. The guys here shouting 'that's why u are still single' and those abusing Linda, let me tell u, being single is not a curse and u are not doing anybody a favour by marrying them, the woman is the one doing u a whole lot of favour because it's not ur body that changes but hers, and she keeps taking care of ur lazy bone and doing the things she knows u can do for urself but which u choose to abandon for her, she takes care of ur home, the kids when the come, u and ur family members more than u take care of hers. She's the one who births the kids and still stay awake to take care of them, in calculate values in them while u are busy being busy at ur work and does so even while handling her own job too. She doesn't abandon her kids or refuse taking care of u just because she got back from work and is tired neither does she refuse u ur rights just because she's tired. So u aren't doing anybody any goddam favour by marrying them in fact u are placing ur burden on her to carry together with hers and that of the kids too because ur parents got fired of taking care of u so shut the f*k up and reason like a man that u are... Even from the bible, the responsibilities of taking care of the woman and household was placed on the man by God, women were only given responsibility of taking care of the man but being a helper and being submissive not a slave or the head( by working to acquire and the hand over to u). U that is asking a woman to change her property name to urs, why must it be ur name?? Why can't be her name but maybe ur surname? Since u have become one, why does it have to be in ur name only? ( thought u are one? But u want the sole ownership of her properties), what's ur motive? Kill her in her sleep or slip pills into her tea so she can die then u become the sole owner of all she has...? there's a big question mark on such a guy! Because he can do away with u anytime he wants. Linda pls,any man that wants to marry u and have intention of moving into ur house with u, sack him before u even begin because a real man will not do that but provide the home u both will move into not the other way round. What happens to him changing all his properties to ur name and I mean ur maiden name( Ok! Maybe ur name with his surname, either ways anyway)? Real men don't look for money from the woman and doesn't even accept help from the woman when she offers but will seek in toughing it out on their own because that's where they integrity as man and pride lies in( not that it's bad to accept help from the wife but on 'extremely' rare occasions). To those who claim to be married here and opening their useless mouth instead of shutting it and talking about not married life just because one hasn't gone into it yet, how market???

Unknown said...

U don't need marriage to teach u wisdom, men who claim to be men should 'man up' and become a man in every sense of the word and not just in name. U guys only have one track mind, 'ur job'. The woman handles more than u do and yet doesn't complain, she equally handles her job, ur job, the home and ur home!!! So those that are saying 'but the woman expects to inherit when the man leaves' should equally shut up because he'll yes! She does and is entitled to that because she dedicated a good part of her life time talking care of 'ur business '. A worker deserves pay!! Those that claim they can change theirs without even being asked, wait till u have suffered as a woman and have acquired urs so we will know if the decision will still be the same. Please people should close up their mouth if they don't know what to comment on and how to comment on social medias. U mustn't talk because a topic is thrown into the open. Not talking is better if u will open ur mouth to vomit rubbish. Nobody prays for divorce when they marry and it's not a good thing also but when a man takes up his responsibility as a man even in the face of his wife having more than he does and he allows the woman to take care of hers, and there is understanding between them, then the marriage will be sweet and last long cos that's how our parents were. But if u are married to an irresponsible man(maybe u didn't notice that he's one before marrying him), pray without ceasing so God can change him because the truth is that men don't change! But there's no impossibility with God. But if u can't pray and instead of receiving emotional damage and physical abuse too to ur body and self esteem, there's no harm in walking out. I have never seen a place in the bible where they added ' for better, for worse, or till death do u part', we humans added that. Moreover, God never said 'he that findeth a man findeth good thing', what He said is 'he that findeth a woman, findeth a good thing'. Women are blessings and so many men had doors opened for them just by marrying a wife while those who are already making money, had more doors of money opened unto them. So men stop thinking u are doing women a favour by marrying them, in fact it's a curse for the woman because she gets to carry all ur burdens( ur temperament,whinnings, mood swings e.t.c without complaining and still carries out her duty both as a mum and as a woman) and women, be wise!!!

Unknown said...


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