Left is the wedding cake the LIB reader ordered and right is what she got. Her story below...
"I had my wedding last month and I
paid my neighbour to bake my wedding cake, and gave her a photo of what I
wanted. But I was disappointed when I saw the cake, and this was just a
day to my wedding..and up till now the woman is carrying long face for
me because I told her she didn't give me what I wanted, and told her I can't use the cake she made. As luck will have, my friends got me a better cake & my wedding went smoothly
You are very stupid! Do you know that you just made a mockery of your neighbor? That neighbor suppose give you hot slap for this!
Them try na...manage am
Lol. Mk she enjoy
lol, wot are neighbours for? d cake ain't dat bad sha
It's nt dat bad
*lib's namesake*
I think you have to be telling us the price of these cakes Linda. You can order 1million naira worth of cake and pay 100K and think they will be the same. Ask them how much they paid.....LOL
Story 4 d gods.....
He or she go manage am nah
Patronize professional umba,see the effect of cheapatico,
D difference is clear for fake can never b lik original. D cake should b returned back wit money refunded.
what is wrong with the cake? I see nothing wrong, it's exactly what you ordered!
What you get wen you give ur cake to a wrong baker.
Please this rubbish has to stop!! If you cant afford to pay the original baker for the cake in the picture you most likely stole off the internet, it's nobody's fault!!!! stop disturbing us with these your stupid pictures
Your neighbor no get conscience! Lol. Pls neighbor fear God ooo
Your neighbor no get conscience! Lol. Pls neighbor fear God ooo
Hehehe the cake looked like what was prepared with foofoo.
It looks so dirty and shapeless.
At least she bring cake.. Lol
its fair, compare to the hilarious ones we see....
Jeez!!! Just imagine.. If she didnt patronise her in d first instance she would be wearing a longer face by now.. Tnk God u cud get anoda one
can u imagine, busy body women. dey claim dey can wen dey knw dey cant. instead of apologizing to d poor woman she almost messed her day for, she is carrying face for her. how stupid!
U re d stupid one hear....must she pretend?...it is pple like u who don't make odas grow out of stupid fear of hurting her feelings.....does d cake look like s one she ordered ???? I just
Madam what do u expect? I can bet ur neighbor made the cake free, instead of u to laugh it off, be polite and get another cake u decided to be rude to " ur neighbor"
I can't fanthom why u didn't use a professional x_x
She simply told her d truth...if she isn't stupid like u, she will take to criticism and adjust
Very bad
Congrats on your wedding,the cake is not that bad,even if u didn't use the cake,just pay the baker her balance because it will do u no good carrying grudges to your new home,just let it pass pls.
Linda look alike
U r kidding right? U must be! What stupid mockery? Smh
She no try at all
Are u high or somtin,if d lady didn't do her job well,der shuld nt her?abi d neighbour is ur girlfrnd? Sweety tank God ur wedding went well,ur neighbour shuld learn bikl
The cake is d same,
U all come here and say 'dis is what I ordered and dis is what I got' u all did not tell us how much u paid patronising an apprentice... dee
People sha,they spoil d business for small time people like us.wat on earth is this?
You are the stupid one. I won't pay a dime for that ugly cake if I were her. Can't her neighbor just say sorry I can't make it this exact way.
Good g Neigbour
Stern, u sound like d posters neighbour. U are so wackd! If na me, I no go give d woman balance.see the dirty lookn cake with old skool flower.
What's the diffence
LOL, you want cheap cake they complain. You no know where professionals dey stay?! You want make you chicken lay cow for you abi?! LMAO
I agree with you. Stupid woman. Nigerians never learn that most of these pictures are highly photoshopped .
Gud for you....
No be u go meet ur neighbour. For cheap cake
Moye says so via BB Passport courtesy LIB....
But this your neighbour is wicked o.how the tin take resemble....lmao
Hiss! So its wedding cake dat wil mak ur wedding go smoothly... Fake talk and too good to b true. Cake is just suppliment. There is difference btw d cake's she tried!
Hiss! So its wedding cake dat wil mak ur wedding go smoothly... Fake talk and too good to b true. Cake is just suppliment. There is difference btw d cake's she tried!
Are u sure u speak English? Do u really understand what she said? Ignoramus....
Hiss! So its wedding cake dat wil mak ur wedding go smoothly... Fake talk and too good to b true. Cake is just suppliment. There is difference btw d cake's she tried!
@ Stern: are u sure u are not the neighbour? Your response was too harsh!
Stern is a fool,how did she mk mockery of her neighbor,ode buruku,omo ale jati jati
Lmao what do you mean? She gave the neighbor something to do, that one did something else. How is it her problem now? If you know you can't do a job reject it instead of doing an unsatisfactory job you know you can't quite handle. I see nothing wrong in what she did so my friend... Park well!
Do you know her ability before? You have learnt a lesson in life. Look before you leap.
R u insane?
You must be blind! Do those cakes look remotely similar to you? She has the right to tell her neighbor how she feels and deny the cake. I'd have done the same. I won't take it! The neighbor deserves it...next time don't form baker.
You should know what ur neighbor can do! At least u hv seen d cake she baked for people b4 u ask her to bake for u. Probably u don't hv d money to pay a professional to bake ur wedding cake. So pls stop complaining.
Grow up
Linda, Pls Let the LIB reader tell the house how much she paid for the cake when she refused to patronize the professionals and gave her cake to her neighbor and now she is complaining. Linda take noteee
Stern, u nid to get old of ya mouth u stupid asshole. U were d same person u bullied a child with prosthesis leg. May thunder fire u!!!
She try abeg
Make ur point without insulting someone. She paid 4 d cake, so she deserve her monies worth. Neighbour or no neighour.
Take that arahia
That vuvuzela P guy
And you probably are even more stupid not to realize that the neighbor didn't do it for free...think before you talk
Omg... Is this cake or eba with sugar coating? Thank God ur friends rescued u coz this cake looks like badluck.
the struggle is real
So "Stern", d neighbour did not make a mockery of her own self and of the bride and her request already&#£@*!!!
You re an insensitive woman joor! Very stupid too!! What's d difference abeg? Is it bad? Please also try to put yourself in her shoes joor..some ppl dou...next plsss
Please try and forgive her
I hope you are joking or being sarcastic
The neighborh's cake is simply grotesque considering it was for a wedding and she had a sample picture.
she should be happy that her client was kind enough to give her feedback.
Na wa for peeps sha.... the cake be like those olden days wedding cakes.
Yeye, tell how cake go make ur weddin successful
Abi oh
How much did you pay her abeg??!! Some ppl and perfection dou... Who knows weda u even paid up to 100k and u re here running ur mouth. You 4 show us d better one ur friends brought nah.
Exactly some think it's d same price. Linda should post with price and sure your neighbor even gave you discount. And I don't see anything wrong with the cake. It's all about taste 4 me abeg
Hehehehe! I just knew dis cake comparison is back when I saw the other cake post. Linda take note!
GBAM!!! This is the smartest thing I've read here... Most of these people pay cheap prices for their cakes and expect to get perfection! Morale of the story... Cheap cake is not good!!!!
You've said it all.
The second cake na the vampire version of the first, living dead lol.
Yes I am the neighbor
Shutup fool!
I blame this LIB reader, how can you order a wedding cake from a bread maker!?
@STERN, Ure very stupid nd daft
See this yeye @BV oo.....better thing hungry u...u know pay correct money
U paid for something cheaper... U got it
Is like original Versace and fake Versace.... Dem no be same for market
Stop shouting
chia the neighborh wicked o d cake too ugly dat cake na bad luck
I think the next to be showcased is a tailor.
What was asked for....And what the end result was.
This cake is ugly as shit. But A for effort
Anon 4:26, I see you are the only smart one here and I commend your knowledge. Leave this illegitimate chumps to wallow in pain..lol
Lol she tried na!
I'm sure you paid her#Neighbour Neighbour Price and she baked you Neighbour Neighbour Cake#
Why are u ladies fighting because of cake, insulting each other, oh,o, some of u did welding without a cake, I see, ok, since the cake is rejected, I can help u to manage it, please send it through Linda to me, nothing dey waist in my community
You are blessed!
Na wa oooo! She tell you sey she dey owe balance??? Mschewww
It is pple like royal priesthood and stern that make people continue to render bad service in nigeria.someone did something wrong and she is not supposed to talk for d love of God, it wasnt a favour, it was a service and it is supposed to be done right. On her wedding day for that matter.
Were are u standing sef. Two places at a tym
Some sense down here..
Blind bat
Its still her neighbours fault cos most of these services are over priced...
Advice for d neighbour-when u get ds kind of CAKE JOB again,get in touch with a pro and add up ur own bill...
With time,u will become ur own pro...
That's how I became a BIG PRO in my own game...
U must b seriously blind..
Blind bat
U wanted cheap article and u got it so why making noise. Moreover the cake is not that bad. Publicity stunt.
Abeg manage am no vex, she will not se be mo
neighbor fear God o, haba
LIB addict
All these comments doe.. lolz
It's not everyone dat knows how to mix flour, sugar and egg that can "bake a cake".
You don c your neigbour hand work before you give her picture? Na u sabi
You don c your neigbour hand work before you give her picture? Na u sabi
Ur a big fool, always saying two different things, trying to impress Linda abi, idiot
This was d exact design I ordered for my wedding 3yrs ago. Cakes and cream did justice to it. My husband nd i love it
A day to her wedding! This ain't funny at all....
Ur a big fool. Buy medicated lens 4 ur eyes
Maybe the neighbor na stern babe...
U be serious mumu @royal priesthood... dee
Linda pls always ask these pple how much they paid for the beautifully nonsense. Always looking for cheap things
Even if the picture of the cake was photoshoped it doesn't make any difference a good baker will make something similar,my guess is her neighbor marketed her and she just wants to help her neighbors biz grow but she got something that looks like fufu.nija people with sentiments, she did a piss poor job,and she still wants an applaud.I think she should apologize and go for baking classes.
U'r d most stupid one here.....while must u keep the feeling of an unpleasant event that happened to u when u know how much its killing u inside.
Blind bat. Clearly ur glasses are broken
Royal priesthood are u ok? I guess u r nt married. U just dnt knw wat is like standing 2 cut b4 ur cake nd seeing something dat is so heart breaking. Anything dat is not right on ur wedding can turn ur mood upside down. I pray u witness it on ur day 2 understand beta
Nice talk anonymous. Lollllll
I dnt understand al ds bullshit of *see what I ordered nd see what I got in return* so what are we 2 do with it now?? Eat it???
I dnt blame d lady dt rejected d cake afterall she paid 4 it.
You are very dumb. Someone paid for an edible product and instead they got something masquerading as a cake, and you're blaming them for complaining? You must either be a vulcanizer, or a winch, yes I said winch...masquerading as a person.
What did you expect? Cake shops everywhere, u gave your neighbor. Serves you right
sorry about the cake issue.....one of the many dramas while preparing for a wedding!
Royal priesthood, please seek professional help, u need active drugs 4 ur madness. What's d meaning of all your various comments on dis post?
Oh God,May the source of STERN's white substance never run dry! Deranged horror movie villain!
Why didn't you asked her how much she paid her neighbour? Na there type dey find 15,000 3step wedding cake.
So without the d cake of your choice ur wedding cant hold? Atimes people do crazy things.
Well i have an official Baker @Recipe Confectionaries, whatever pic i send to her, she does somethibg even better. So if u knw onions den u knw it
Lolllz!! Nawa oooo.evryone mustn't bake nah?hian
Some people can lie...if you think it's that simple to bake a cake,why not get an oven and do it yourself?OTE...YEYE DEY SMELL FOR UR BODY.
We understand you were trying to patronise your neighbour. But you got the result for going for something cheaper.. why not go for a professionals.. Abeg make we hear something... nexxxxxt
Stern is just simply stupid
Dense anonymous
U must be an idiot stern,so she should pretend abi? Fool
D neighbour should be ashamed of herself for carrying face. Me i won't pay a dime for this cake!
That cake is a no no please...its too ugly joor
100k for only cake, haw much is the welding, u ladies dey try oo
Pls abeg why d neighbour dey carry face, even if d lady's pay was low or whatever, d neighbour wud have simply said she couldn't do d cake like dat. She should hv suggested sth she could do rather than dis disappointment haba!
My wedding cake messed up .. no friendship for this kind matter ooh..I can't accept a cake like this as a birthday cake.. talkless of wedding cake..
Use the cake for your own wedding now. Anofia !
Ur d stupid one idiot
Coco babe ur just an idiot like ur name signifies even
One is a fondant cake and the other is icing, the finishes would never be the same. You get what you pay for, I believe the client was looking for cheapness and met up with it. If you are low on funds you can get a family member or friend to bake the cakes for you and then take them to a professional decorator for decorating and assemply, this will cut your costs and give you a good product at the end. Using fresh flowers to drape the cake would also hide some of the bad areas and give it a lovely finish. Always remember you do get what you pay for!
U guys aught to know that this stern writes comments to pull people's legs, not a serious fellow.
Order your masquerade and STERN-looking cakes here @STERNcakes. Lolzzzzzzz
She gave you Nigeria version of what u ordered.
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