One minute Linda is asking us to look well dt she did sth to her boobs, next minute she is concurring wt her "different is dope".. Behave yourself woman, u too old to be 2faced.
the bitch just said she doesn't encourage education then how the fuck did she graduate...?? stupid ass thot who only wants big black dicks... big ups to her for using a black emoji tho...
Yup. Dats d spirit
Who cares # Linda Ikeji d Honorary Khardashian
Who cares # Linda Ikeji d Honorary Khardashian
Hummm I think I'm practically keeping up with d kardashians on lib aside that of E! Phewww
Well done girl, I dey always feel you. Linda take note!
Once your a celebrity people and paparazzi must talk. The funny aspect is that the false informations with outwit the true and good news.
Kylie what next
Linda look alike
Nice responds from her
Personal Evangelism through Goodwill Service – Ephesians 6:5-8
This girl has always been unique from the begining
Kylie had me in mind when saying this.. Lol . being different is dope .
Different is dope, but it's not in your own case.... . Your own don too much!
Get BB 10 devices up to 50% off with this deal
Some different yes. Not this your own foolishness, talentless fake type
Linda is among them, she can't stay without Kylie for one day.
nice one tho
#sad indeed#
Jeeez! Early morning gbagaun!
Abeg Kylie go sit down make we hear word jor. Mscheeeew
Okay. for Fiction stories
Different is dope indeed. People shud learn to leave her alone....
Yes oooo I like her answer people should let her be joor
Linda dis kardashan's must giv u an award cos u reli make them popular
There's a difference between being different and being unique
But Linda you're part of the people that bully her
Uuuuuuuuurgh..who cares??
I don h.
Lolllz... I tell u!!
One minute Linda is asking us to look well dt she did sth to her boobs, next minute she is concurring wt her "different is dope"..
Behave yourself woman, u too old to be 2faced.
Go wash her butt for her then! *side eye*
Ur own too much. Go and get a seat plusss
Linda is so obsessed with d kardashians!
LIB addict
the bitch just said she doesn't encourage education then how the fuck did she graduate...?? stupid ass thot who only wants big black dicks... big ups to her for using a black emoji tho...
Nice words
Lol. The girl no even enter class @ all
Look @ Linda Ikeji too on some 'Yes, Different is dope!'
Cluelessly copying and following nonsense at your age always! Mscheeeeww!
U be forming u have "tough skin" yet refuse to post comments when it's told as it is!
So further your education, & stop running after Tyga
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