Music artist Dr Pat, who sang the popular song 'Kondo' with Sheyman, yesterday dragged society girl Ruth Okoro, who was once married to Ini Edo's husband, Philip Ehiagwina, on Facebook. The fight started after Dr Pat shared a photo of his girlfriend on his Facebook page to celebrate her as it was her birthday. He later claimed Ruth (pictured right) sent him a message insulting his girl. As if he had been waiting a long time to do it, he immediately put Ruth on blast. See the rest after the cut...
This is the babe that caused the fight.
He is bin childish
~album drops 8th June~
Haba Dr Pat, chill out nah! Your own even pass the woman own. Linda take note!
Sorry about the space , my fone is faulty :(
Haba Dr Pat, chill out nah! Your own even pass the woman own. Linda take note!
Haba Dr Pat, chill out nah! Your own even pass the woman own. Linda take note!
See gobe but why is this old man acting like a bitch? Lindaobserve
Serious dragging indeed. Lol
But the babe local naa... Eziokwu na afu ufu mehn, d babe keep leg ka onye tere ude aki. Biko NNE uguru ona ebu GI? Guy pak one side u nag!
Royalhouseboy can write better than this boy. lol he cant even spell
Lolzz,congrats @ruth okoro,nt easy fucking celebs
Na wao. Wats her business biko. Weather she's ugly not pretty is nt her business
The guy that is insulting the last can hardly speak good English or rather spell correctly. Funny bcos I have never heard of either of them
Oh! She got want she requested for, and wht a shame dat she belittled hersef wit unnecessary attentions thereof.
mteww, oshi....they should park or pullover joor.
The Ruth girl was wrong, why will she insult someone's gf? is it her business? Is the guy's choice now,Well, she deserves the bashing jare.
Wahala dey
Kai,,this guy's use of English is quite bizarre
choi.. yansh opening things.... 40 & no child, she go soon enter menopause ooo
Wetin concern me for wetin no concern me.
Dere is something behind dis arguement,not jst d pics issue,dere is something hidden,u bought should solve ur differences,dan bringin it out publicly by washing your dirty linen outside#hmm#
And who tha heck is Dr pat? Spare me!,Z list celebs looking for attention
Dere is something behind dis arguement,not jst d pics issue,dere is something hidden,u bought should solve ur differences,dan bringin it out publicly by washing your dirty linen outside#hmm#
Serves her right, she for mind her business and go find a husband for herself.
Hahhahahahaha dat one na dia headache,buh dat tongue Lashin duo
That remains their business
Mtchewww....not even worth it
Monkin nor fine...........
Foolish woman, she get shame at all. Ruth my father prick is working come take ur own now.
Lol. Epic response.
But his girlfriend looks old truly.
Maybe Ruth is right afterall. But he that comes to equity must come with clean hands. But it seems Ruth's hands appears to be very dirty.
Ghen! Ghen!!
This fight is stupid and baseless
Mr Man you already ranting like a woman..
Go settle your differences
Linda this has to be fake. I know dr.pat and that is not his babe. be small blast. this one na bomb blast.
#SharingYourKolaNut hehehehe
People should just try to mind their business...that's all..
Therz no traffic when u'r on ur own lane..
Judging pple wen u ain't even any better and evn if u'r then na for ur pocket...MIND YOUR BUSINESS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!...good for her!
she is cool& pretty too.Ruth waz up? why the hate?You see he told u your life history ....Ruth...Ruth...face ur workoooo.
Hey Ruth, You have been served HOT!!!! lol
I so much like his comment abt her..pls Ruth close ur eyes in shame cos he has just said the truth
I dey vex, all girls are just the same, non of you is better then another, even Linda sef. **holding my shoe and running away**
I so much like his comment abt her..pls Ruth close ur eyes in shame cos he has just said the truth
Got what she deserve..... *Tongue out
The guy sha fall my hands with him turanchi. The Ruth sef should try and settle down nah...she's becoming an old chuks with pride
This guy is waaayyyyyyyyy too stupid!
Lol this one na real blast
The Dr pat should work on his English
Linda cogitate
Whats with Ruth sef, if person wife no fine, its his cup of tea! why taking panadol for someone else's headache. her own dey her body.
IDK them....but outing her like that is rather
Choi.. C yansh opening
My kind of man! Respect! Standing up for his woman! Damnmmmmnn!
Madam Ruth Hahahahaha u don buy trouble na him make dem say person wey dey live glass house make him no throw stone cause that thing him dey hide do for inside go show face out side. The babe she dey call names fine get class pass her and dignity. Ruth Ruth just keep ur mouth kpishikpom if not na ur book we go soon see vendors dey sell for go slow
The dude hit Ruth so hard, like a sledge hammer. That's why its good to mind ur biz, and most importantly, learn to keep ur opinion to urself when no one asked for it. So Ruth darling, u asked for it.
LOL @This is d babe dat caused d fight!! b Madam Ruth go find trouble?....
Hmmmm nawa oooo
Oboy see placing choi. Lol
That vuvuzela P guy
D guy should go and learn how to spell b4 fooling himself on Facebook
na wa o. Madam mind your business na.
sheybi Ruth should av juz kukuma clicked on like and move on. See now, tales of her 'kolanut' is on LIB . toh!
No post yet? Boring I guess?
He can't spell.
I just hate it when a useless ,vagabond, idiot tries to pull her fellow girl down, either by subtle(acting friendly while manipulating her downfall), by violence, by talking down on her inorder to pull out of her relationship to take over, or marriage, career. most of them living HIGHLY fake life,doing anything for societal pressure. besides Nigerian guys any girl they see whether is just one man or two she slept the next thing you hear is the person is sleeping around dear insulting Ruth was not called for.what if she was not the person that posted the rubbish on your girls picture ?You should have done better that insulting her on social media. finally ,you said she sleeps Around ,did you meet your girlfriend a VIRGIN? just asking sha.///Linda PLEASE POST MY COMMENT FOR ONCE NOW.crying .
Ghen ghen!
Ghen ghen!
Hmmmmm...women and their wahala
She got what she asked for...
Drama! he finished Ruth
Goes to show looks aren't everything. Damn
am so loving dis ride on Dr pat.............. no mind her she no no her self.
This is just the beigning
people need to learn to mind their business. monkey no fine him mama like am. Madam Okoro mind ya business biko be it true or false I don't care all I know is you never come between husband and wife no matter what
He really needs to learn how to proof read his comments or spell correctly.Especially when your blasting a woman's business. But on another story the babe pretty lol
serves d bitch right "stupid hoe" when u decide to undermine a fellow woman like u, u get thrown in the dirt
I like a brother who stands up for his woman and this guy did it and even put this pathetic Ruth Okoro in her place. Thot
Honestly, the three of them are local champs! Looooool
Such a childish display by the singer..... He dragged himself to the girls level. I'm not impressed.
Lol ap d babe that caused d fight. She asked for it.
Your English though.
She was put on a rocket launcher and blasted off to space. But honestly dont who Ruth okoro is and i am trying to remember the Kondo song by the said Dr Pat and Sheyman...
Learn to mind ur business dahhh
Good for busy bodies.
Na you wan choose babe for man?
He knows why he's dating her so ur opinion doesn't count.
Dem two dey run each other way back or she lead Dr Pat on that year, but no show. Na only Dr Pat she nor gree give. She too deserve the blast. Why you go tell man when nor be your brother or your very very good friend say e woman dey beneath am.
this is what happens when the cup is full and overflowing.
See bashing!!!
this is what happens when the cup is full and overflowing
I sincerely weep for Ruth okoro.this is jus too much to read about a fellow WOMEN.uncle dr pat bikonu pls retract that abuse for d sake of upcoming generations.This insult is toomuch! !
Chai! Chai!Dere is god oo.u wnt help urself abi, u dnt wanna do gym, we say we got that covered, u said u cant do strict diet too.we say no problem.its different from any diet plan uve eva tried.Solution is here and u are stil sitting on a long thing. Get that trimmed look uve always wanted. And ditch the occupy til I come look. See testimonials on iG 08096510696 shapers for . face arm butt waist etc also available.tnk me later for this!!
my pop corn and kunu please................or rather pass the zobo
Serves her right....... Hw can a woman open her mouth and call her fellow woman all that!
Good one.May her soul rest in
The guy should take it easy joor, and also he need to learn how to spell and compose well.
He loves that woman. They better never break up else he'll be talking about her shared kolanut too. Lol.
please who be Ruth okoro i know a lot of Nigeria's celebrities but i don't know her.
someone pls explain
@femi we don notice you. congrats
Abi oo watin make we do??
This ruth of a lady deserves every bit of this insult...Damn shes so rude, fake and arrogant..i dont know how we became friends on facebook, one day she posted her bbpin and i added her(my mistake)...she just dey my list ooo not that we day she used a dp of all this quotes then i took the dp and used it too na so this fool attack me saying i stole her pic..i was even trying to be polite that i was sorry and all and that its just a pic and its not that serious. she just kept on insulting me (as if the dint steal it from sm1's dp too) i couldnt tk the insult anymore wen she mentioned my mother so i fired back and deleted the old fake fool.
if you are reading this Ruth i no you will remember the incident, you will continue to receive disgrace in your life if you dont humble think u fine? #yimu ..ugly atutupoyo , oponu , arindin..i cant stand your fake bitchy ugly ass. im out ..bye!
This ruth of a lady deserves every bit of this insult...Damn shes so rude, fake and arrogant..i dont know how we became friends on facebook, one day she posted her bbpin and i added her(my mistake)...she just dey my list ooo not that we day she used a dp of all this quotes then i took the dp and used it too na so this fool attack me saying i stole her pic..i was even trying to be polite that i was sorry and all and that its just a pic and its not that serious. she just kept on insulting me (as if the dint steal it from sm1's dp too) i couldnt tk the insult anymore wen she mentioned my mother so i fired back and deleted the old fake fool.
if you are reading this Ruth i no you will remember the incident, you will continue to receive disgrace in your life if you dont humble think u fine? #yimu ..ugly atutupoyo , oponu , arindin..i cant stand your fake bitchy ugly ass. im out ..bye!
Very obvious you are sick. You pick on everybody. if its not willy moses, onyx, aboki and now royal. You need help asap or are you frustrated nobody gives a damn about you or give you attention? How old are you even? Gosh
@Davido driver, lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz. U got me laughing to mysef. Pls stop d space dear so dat we can apr8 d beauty of LIB. God bless u.
by replying her he's given her a claim to fame. she's obviously a celebrity wannabe and as of now, the many thousand LIB readers now know who she is. NEXT!
Oh! She got want she requested for, and wht a shame dat she belittled hersef wit unnecessary attentions thereof.
Bloody liar u r. Fone faulty my ass. Lolzzzzzz.
My friend grow up, and stop b childish.
God bless u as u tak dis correction.
Ka! Look@d way d guy disgraced her chapter by chapter on social media. She should pls cover her head in shame if she has any dignity or worth.
Dis is wht u get when u don't mind ur business mostly going abt insulting people dat r worth than u.
Am so ashame of her. Hiss!
It's Liar please and not lier. which kind school you go sef. Msheew.
Yup! That lady IS old looking. But that's non of Ruth's beeswax!
Is d mondo master not also local? Ruth okoro, ever heard of "if d shoes fit, feel free to lace up
Davido's will be a driver for the rest of your life...fool
Not interested biko
I really wanna see your own bae
The babe dey ok na. Maybe she just wan find wahala
Ruth was wrong to call his girl ugly but cursing a woman that she is childless or on menopause is out of line....He should grow up and be a mature man
There cup of tea,.Next pls
My Year Of Linda's 100k
I sidon dey look
I'm fairly certain It's his woman who put Ruth on blast. This doesn't seem like something a man would do. LOL. K
Lwkmd he really dragged d woman o, choi!
Ini edo's ex husband
Lolzzzzzzz. D part dat got me laughing was when he said "she went abt sharing her loanuts". So hilarious. See falling of hands on social media.
suit u rite
@royalprincehood wetin concern u na. Go sleep jor
Wish he was truly a driver dat wld av bin beta na. Pls tak d advice of RPH e go pay bc d space is realy beginning to get on mi last nerve
minding your business is a full time job.....@ ruthokoro please stay employed!
The guy is so childish. As for that ugly old woman he calls his girlfriend, i will advise her to find a better man because a man who is so childish to this extent will mess her up when the relationship becomes bitter.
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