The man of the moment, the creator and director of the hottest US TV series currently 'Empire', Lee Daniel stepped out recently at an event wearing a wig or is it a weave sef? The openly gay movie producer, attended the event in a suit and that messy wig and kind looked hot in it...
Where is the hotness please??? Linda take note!
Where is the hotness please??? Linda take note!
Hah this one is serious oo.
Please visit my blog
Mtcheew..'ARA' of de highest other.
Ooo,so the producer of one of the shows Nigerians really love is gay?! Will y'all homophobes stop watching d show? Cos if y'all don't, y'all are bloody hypocrites
Kinda looked hot kwa linda? You sef no gi kill person!
Empire is being over hyped.
I will take 'House of Cards' any day any time.
Him look like somebody wey just start 2 dey mad Lol
linda really hw is dis hot #smh 4 u he looks confused and homeless..
Linda d I hear u say "Looked hot on it..." I totally disagree wit u. Dis is day time madness wit looks far frm b a man. Dis dude need to go for check up, and serious one@dat.
No wonder he had to feature a gay character #jamal.
Gays are wonderful people tho and fun to be with unlike most heterosexuals
Linda d I hear u say "Looked hot on it..." I totally disagree wit u. Dis is day time madness wit looks far frm b a man. Dis dude need to go for check up, and serious one@dat.
UNBELIEVABLE: Look at What This Pregnant Women is Doing to her Body(SEE HERE)
Y are all this pple just gay's either transgender shit,lesbian,gay or suicide... I just tire walai
That Movie Na Die
Hmmmm, I reserve my comment
Looked hot? This man looked hot? Only a fellow gay would say that
To me he looks odd
Hot ke? Hmm, Linda how do you define "hot"?
Smtyms I don't understand u linda, aw can ds 1 luk hot, luks lyk a mad man in Nigeria. Al ds gay ppl sef
I don see dis one for lagos nah
Craaaaaaaaaaazy!!!... dee
Yeah. He looks so good in it.
This handsome dude is gay? Hummmm.......his choice sha.
What an awful sight.
Busy Fingers.
Lol..both him and his partner are both funny...
Looking like Warri bros Just
Hot? Don't think so. More like hot mess to me
..The doc
Which hot? He looks like a clown.
This is what happens when you have too much money...
Why must all successful black men in showbiz in America always adorn a female accessory? If it's not hair, it's a dress, or something. It's beyond random.
My Hot Brother is a Real Man. As real as they come..
Love you Bro.
*His mixtape is dropping 31-12-15 exclusively on LIB* save the dates.
*talk Shit and get dropped like a bad habit*
»» Laud ChicK ««
Exactly! Thats why the movie portrays gay life as cool....he thinks he's cool in that thing on his head and he's smiling like Samsong lolz. Well am glad a black is behind the scenes of Empire. It's a great work.
Exactly! Thats why the movie portrays gay life as cool....he thinks he's cool in that thing on his head and he's smiling like Samsong lolz. Well am glad a black is behind the scenes of Empire. It's a great work.
Good for him. If you don't derive satisfaction with the way God created you, you'll have to go past the coast to prove that. Good luck Miss
Nothing surprises me dese days
Nawa oooo, this world is really turning into something else, the end is really at hand be watchful and live soberly..... ........ BLACKISBEAUTIFUL
Odd and scattered looking
God help, and save him frm dis trap of d devil IJN. Dis is not ideal, and never 2b envouraged.
He and Tyler Perry could be brothers. They share a resemblance. Guess that's why you call this hot because you've got the hots for Tyler. Lol.
Lindiway, I still dey try to see where the hotness dey. Linda take note!
Linda, you and gay people ehn, na wah o
There is nothing hot in this FAGGOT appearance.
No wonder there r collection of gays in d series.....he should have won skirts and make up
Linda....if U think he's 'hot' like that. ...u so desperately need to get laid..... only a starved person will say 'baba suwe-look alike' is hawt #officialsidechic
Linda, biko what is hot here na?? Dis one na yaba left case!
Not is Jamal a gay character the dude nah gay for real life.... those lips of his ehn?!. Hmmmm...
Nothing about this is hot joor
Kudos to him!!!
Tyler Perry should take a leaf out of this man's book.
He should come out, & be proud of what he is--GAY!!!
Being gay is not as stigmatised as it previously was & obviously does not make you any less successful.
Majority of the most successful & creative men in thier fields are GAY & PROUD!!
This is not hot, this is disturbing, it'll haunt my dreams for a whioe
Ohhhhhh lord*covers face*
Homosexuality is a birth-defect of the hormones that determine male/female. LGBT should admit this instead of always trying to convince us surreptitiously that it is normal. Homosexuality is not normal. [Note that it is possible to be talented and still have a birth-defect.]
He no fit him
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