Now your brother has a problem with you, which you can remember?But you have apologized to him; did he accept your plea?
Ah! the Facebook rants. Everyone knows what happened because he decided to make a mountain out of a molehill. ‘Oro ase ni gbogbo e’ (They are words spoken out of context)
Are the allegations levelled against you untrue?
I have my own story as well but ‘Omo ti owo e o ti te eeku ida ko gbodo bere iku ti o pa baba re’ (A child who is yet to take control of the sword should not seek reasons for his father’s death)
No response from him yet. I apologised because he is my elder brother and we have resolved so settle issues amicably. My elder sister advised us to bury the hatchet.
You met him at a training pitch yesterday (Thursday, May 21)…
Yes, we met and he said, ‘Omo Iya ba wo ni’ (My brother how are you). However, I didn’t play with them because I wasn’t in the mood.
And you didn’t wait for him after the training.
No, I was there till he left but he didn’t greet me as he drove off.
He is a superstar indeed?
I agree, yes he is
And you annoyed him so much that he made such revelations about you?
Hmh! I can’t explain what happened
But you know what happened to the missing 21 phones including play station games from 27 players?
(Smiles) No, 26 players excluding me. ‘Mi o kin se ole’ (I am not a thief)
Is it because you cannot steal your own phone?
‘Mi o ji mobile phone, Mo ri he ni’ (I didn’t steal any mobile phone. I fortuitously found them and picked)
How did it happen and when?
It was at the FC Metz football Academy in France and I was 14 years old then. My mates were already at the training pitch on that day, so I was running to meet up with them when I found the mobile phone on the aisle within the training complex.
So you picked it and didn’t declare that you found a mobile phone, which belongs to your teammate.
That was the mistake I made anand I regretted it thereafter. Actually I kept it on the table in my room and my roommate wanted to know who owns the phone because he didn’t have any then. I told him how I found it, and then he demanded to make use of it. What’s his name?
Kelvin. He is an American and the owner of the phone is from Asia but from an ‘Arab country’ The ‘Arab’ boy saw the phone with Kelvin and immediately reported the case to the management of the academy.
They informed my brother about it. He called me to hear my side of the story but I was later informed to pack my things out of the academy.
What about the remaining mobile phones you were accused of stealing at the academy?
‘Mo ni mio ja ole se’ (I didn’t steal). I have just explained what happened.
Your brother has released three posts on Facebook to paint a bad picture of the family?
It’s really disheartening that such a thing is happening to us right now. My wife was mocked at the market after the first post Seyi (Emmanuel Adebayor) published on Facebook. She called me to inform me about what people are saying. Immediately I logged in and read the post. I felt very sad.
What did you do thereafter?
I called him and asked him why he had to do that but he got angry with me. We had a heated argument on phone, which led to unprintable words being used freely. As a matter of fact, we quarrelled over the phone for almost two hours.
You hurled insults on your elder brother who made you and the Adebayor family famous?
Yes I did that because I felt very sad and embarrassed. Then he made a decision to inflict more insinuations against me.
He called my phone before he released the second post on Facebook. He asked me to go and read the second posts, which he wanted to release in 30 minutes.
He did in exactly thirty minutes and before I could log into my F acebook account, my friends called me to quickly go and read the second part of my ‘film’.
What film?
The post he released, the second rant against the family. It’s sad because our mother, who poured her blood on our heads, received the greatest insult of her life. A woman who suffered so that we can live a good life is now receiving such a disgraceful accusation.
You mean the witchcraft allegation?
Yes and all those nonsense things he wrote against me and our elder sister in Ghana. Well, we have decided to leave it all in God’s hand. Our mother is a not a witch neither does she practice witchcraft. How can your mother wish you bad luck? I play football as well and I know that players do suffer loss of form. He shouldn’t put the blame on anyone.
What happened to Seyi’s home in Ghana?
He has over 50 houses in Lome and currently lives in Didjole. He also has some others in Ghana. He has taken custody of everything.
Your mum is back at where she sells polythene bags, padlocks and other things at the border.
It’s really sad to see her return to a business she left a long time ago. No one would be happy to see her mum in this sort of situation. Well, I leave it all in God’s hand. He will judge every situation. ‘Ayanmo ni gbogbo nkan’ (Destiny will always prevail).
Read full interview HERE
Their cup of brukutu!
We don't give a fuck
But bros iyikwara onye oshi...
Can this people just put their family business private? People will only laugh n mock y'all, nobody cares,what rubbish
DZ family shuld go seat somwhr jare.. Sick ad tired of u carrying dir news Linda .
Emmanuel Adebayo should hand over the battle to God, his family will fight him spiritually. My man be very careful.
Your headline once again is wrong.this is what he said according to sun "Mi o ji mobile phone, Mo ri he ni’ (I didn’t steal any mobile phone. I fortuitously found them and picked)
Now tell me,isn't that stealing??
I know what i am saying, African families can be deadly ( many ) This man need God before his family will pull him down.
Emma, Forgive dem oh nna.
Ole,alokolohunkigbe ni bobo yi sha...You found 26 phone on the floor and you couldn't declare it to your team mate ?? Baraoooo
Ole,alokolohunkigbe ni bobo yi sha...You found 26 phone on the floor and you couldn't declare it to your team mate ?? Baraoooo
He ain't even ashamed MF don't wanna admit to what he did.. Omo u go suffer.. If I were adebayour shishi ain't dropping no more what kinda family is this self?
They are not the only family on the world so they should pls shut d fuck up. Dave
He did! Lindaobserve
No matter how bad ur family is u shouldn't sell them out
Dz guy is a liar abeg..
Shut up.Just shut up.I'm freaking tired of all of you and your family rants.Grow up y'all!
Its about 2get physical...
Phone keeper lol
Wait oh! I thought this dude apologized like few weeks back for his bad actions? Now his claiming he didn't steal any phone?? Hmmm
Aha! So touching dat instead of d family enjoying d wealth, and joy of d family God has blessed them wit they r going thru poverty.
I believe there is a spirit behind dis family. I call it spirit of disunity, and disaffections dat is working against d family.
Some one some where is doing dis to d family to mak them b disunited so dat they can never enjoy wht God has blessed them wit.
God pls help, and save us frm d evil forces working against our progress, and family unity.
U didn't steal 21 phones but u picked one dat doesn't blong to u. Ole ni Ole nje. Be it 21,27 or evn 1 phone. U sha stole.
Aha! So touching dat instead of d family enjoying d wealth, and joy of d family God has blessed them wit they r going thru poverty.
I believe there is a spirit behind dis family. I call it spirit of disunity, and disaffections dat is working against d family.
Some one some where is doing dis to d family to mak them b disunited so dat they can never enjoy wht God has blessed them wit.
God pls help, and save us frm d evil forces working against our progress, and family unity.
I'm tired of reading about this people jare.
Stop relying on others and get of your backside and make your own money . He stole phone ad is justifying it. Rubbish.
Sad indeed.... They. Really should try and make up
Who are we to be believe now? Anyway, what concerns a bird with a toothbrush
I'm tired of all this news.. click on me and learn how to earn online
Hmm! Funny guy, u didn't steal u picked them, as in u dropped them there. Lmao! Ur bros was right on that.
U couldn't succeed in football but u succeeded in getting a master D for yourself in 'pickiology'. Congratulations.
Whatever issue they're having, I pray they
resolve it amicably....cos there's nothing
like FAMILY.
Honestly...I feel 4dis family.I use 2compare mine wth theirs and said God forbid.wish everything can b settled and they live happily especially their mom.
Are they so bored?! This interview isn't necessary. I think they should move on already.
This interview luks fake and inaccurate..d guy is even confusing himself..i believe emmanuel adebayor's story
Story for the gods!!!I dont know but something in me tells me that this guy is lying so bad he need to say the truth and sincerely tender apology to whom is due so that his family can move on!!this drama will never helo them!!JC
What's with d yoruba he is speaking? Lol
What's with d yoruba he is speaking? Lol
This Rotimi Adebayor is a good for nothing goat!!! as old as you are you cant get a good paying job depending on your brother and stealing phones idiot
Now I believe those politician that steal our money in millions of dollars actually dint steal but found the money on d passage of the assembly annex. I need to go through that passage too to see how lucky I will be
Nooooo no matter what I didn't support him allowing his mum going back 2 her old biz. She still ur mum without her he ll not be who he is today
08106332634. Gbaby
Bt no matter wt evn if d mama na witch he stil suppose tk care of her oooo
Nawa ooo... what a family? Ewwwwwwwww
08106332634 gbaby
08106332634 gbaby
Could Adebayor be the one lying?
This family should give it a rest!
The above just points adebayo was right.
You found d phone and kept it,yet he says it isn't stealing.
Btw never knew Togolese spoke yoruba
Hmmmm it is wel with dis family. To me no matter what happens i dnt tink i can put my family dirty laundry on display. May God help us all
That's what happens when you push people too far...una neva start...rubbish
Emmanuel Adebayo,you really disgraced yourself and the entire Adebayo family.This is unbecoming of a star like you,washing your dirty linen in public.As for me,I don't know how to describe this character of yours.I feel so disappointed.Can't u realise that God wants to use u to liberate ur family from poverty.Why with a bro like u he didn't hav a phone in d academy?
Hmmmmmmmmm, dis is serious o. Wen dey knw dey can't do wtout him, y r dey doing agidi? Dey v really wronged emmanuel n dey need 2 seek 4gvness 4rm God n him.
Hmmmmmmmmm, dis is serious o. Wen dey knw dey can't do wtout him, y r dey doing agidi? Dey v really wronged emmanuel n dey need 2 seek 4gvness 4rm God n him.
My friends called me to go and read the second part of the film.......Kikikikiki
Is the film titled Arelu or Yanpoyanrin?
He didn't exactly save his face. Speaking Yoruba won't help.
Emmanuel please forgive and let God judge bcoz of your mum's sake, I tell you you will regret it if you allow your mum die unhappy while you have everything please don't do more harm to her. It's doesn't matter what happened in the past. Please! Please!! Please iii I beg you IN GOD'S NAME
this is tough and had to swallow, May God guide and direct their family
Lol at "I didn't steal any mobile phone. I found them & picked"
Dis family nawa. Even the brother isn't helping matters. Their mouths leak like basket. Poor home training. He even accepted he stole 26 phones. Hmmmmmm. Something is definitely wrong with all of them. The witchcraft? Who knows?
Am sure adebayor was frustrated with his family money demand overtures,we all get to our elastic limit most times. I doff my hats for myself who has been striving hard all by myself despite having a sister who could have turned my fortune around. Indeed destiny always prevail. Lets get this fact that its only God that can make a man to remember even his mother to eat from his wealth. Thw bible said 'its even God grace that would make the rich eat from his own wealth...vexation of spirit'
Family is everything. Blood is thicker than water. Y'all should get your acts together.
That's why I love my #HotTalentedEducated&CalmBrother. No mediocre bone in him.
His Mixtape will be dropping on 31-12-15. Exclusive to LIB. A Music Masterpiece.
*Talk Shit & get dropped like a bad habit*
»» Laud ChicK ««
Cleary cant get a word he is saying...you see a phone that's not yours, picked it up and put in your drawer and still claim you are not a thief... Hiaaaaan brother biko what are you?
Lwkmd even you bonita that's always forming good girl here with your comment? You now say shut up in your comment? Hmm good to know. If you can't beat them , you join them
Dese ppl shld stop dis. It can never get better dis way
Aha! So touching dat instead of d family enjoying d wealth, and joy of d family God has blessed them wit they r going thru poverty.
I believe there is a spirit behind dis family. I call it spirit of disunity, and disaffections dat is working against d family.
Some one some where is doing dis to d family to mak them b disunited so dat they can never enjoy wht God has blessed them wit.
God pls help, and save us frm d evil forces working against our progress, and family unity.
Aha! So touching dat instead of d family enjoying d wealth, and joy of d family God has blessed them wit they r going thru poverty.
I believe there is a spirit behind dis family. I call it spirit of disunity, and disaffections dat is working against d family.
Some one some where is doing dis to d family to mak them b disunited so dat they can never enjoy wht God has blessed them wit.
God pls help, and save us frm d evil forces working against our progress, and family unity.
Why ignore the mother,forgetting her sufferings..#is indeed a cold world
Why ignore the mother,forgetting her sufferings..#is indeed a cold world
Tired of their stupid ass story already. When they bring him down they will all rest. And we shall see who they will be asking for money. Lazyass greedy fucking family
Hmmm, wot a disgrace.
Adebayo is a big disgrace to the family and entire world. Period
Dis Emmanuel sef too de zuooooo how can u do dat 2 ur mother???even if ur brother isss a thief nau I'm mouth dem go 4 hear am eeeh??sending ur mother back 2 hustle iss mean and wicked
Emmanuel adebayo is a stupid idiot the biggest fool ever, guy park well people issues wey pass ur own full, but based on say u no get sense and u dey arrogant Dats why u dey act like one. U will hv no peace until u publicly apologise to ur family goat like u. As u knw get sense at Sall
well said everyone but remember their are lessons to be learnt.this world of ours,we see the truth and we hide it .He disgraced the name of emma by stealing .just simple HE STOLE why do u pick whats not yours
Where this people learn this yoruba self....
What about duplicating hid house master keys and stealing stuff when he was away to UK..people are just laughing at u guys. Bringing family issues to social media for the world to read and laugh. Childish.
My dear help me tell them ooooo. Who cares!!!
It is easy for orphans or people with no family to say what ever your family does, cover them. They are the closest to you and when they turn against you, u are in deep shit. This to me is a bad family. Sheyi tried for them. They are just pests who wanna feed on him for ever. Just that at one point, he has to forgive them. This his brother just confirmed it all. Ole buruku. Such a disgrace. I blame their mother sha.
Really ds brother is a thief. Emma shud lv it in God's hands.
I tell you, d tori don tire me sef. Linda take note!
Is ur family the only celebrity family on earth???
They called this dude for an interview to ask him if the allegations are true, and he's responding with adages and idioms in yoruba. That's how you know he's guilty. He's tryna dodge answers, lol.
For the love of God, that crime was committed when the guy was 14 years, haba! Am sure many of you running your mouths have done worse during that time of your kife. Adebayor should let his family be. If the mother was a witch, will he be able to excel to this ? Something is wrong somewhere. Probably one witch somewhere doesn't want the mum to enjoy her son, that's why the misunderstanding and hatred.It happened to my friend's family until their auntie confessed.
For the love of God, that crime was committed when the guy was 14 years, haba! Am sure many of you running your mouths have done worse during that time of your kife. Adebayor should let his family be. If the mother was a witch, will he be able to excel to this ? Something is wrong somewhere. Probably one witch somewhere doesn't want the mum to enjoy her son, that's why the misunderstanding and hatred.It happened to my friend's family until their auntie confessed.
You see why the white dudes always make mockery of us... since how many years of playing football your mother was not a witch.. you played for Arsenal, Manchester City, and even the world best football club and under the world best couch.. now you've drop form which is normal in the game of football your mother is now a witch.. Africans should change and always accept challenges in life as they see it rather putting blame on somebody else for their predicament... love your family and respect them in everything not painting them black for the world to see, by so doing is you're self you're spoiling. Is also a lesson for us to learn too. When you find something that's not yours report to an authority than keeping it for your self.
'On the world ni' in d planet ni...😂
Hoho, really
Hoho, really
Hoho, really
We don't expect you to call yourself a thief.
Yoruba pipo. They are the same everywhere. They can thief!!! I don't don't dry my clothes outside anymore. Some yoruba dudes just relocated to our estate.
Anonymous 10:59 you are really right with that. He should take care of his mum now that he can to avoid a lifetime regret.
This boy na real thief
Rotimi i beg i believe seyi. This ur reply get as e be i beg. Poor Emma
Waoh, this guy-Rotimi, is a joke! Not sound serious at all. What an imbecile and moron he is. According to u,"He has over 50 houses in Lome and currently lives in Didjole. He also has some others in Ghana. He has taken custody of everything". So this was why u all wanted him to give u a house each? Lazy people. A proverb said, "if u give me a fish, u only feed me for a day but if u teach me how to fish, u feed me forever". Your brother wanted to feed u forever so that u too can have more than 50 houses and live wherever u wanted in any part of d world, that was why he has sent u to academy. Was the academy for free or was it meant for a poor and common family from Africa? u should thank ur star for this golden opportunity and yet u blew away this special priviledge by embarrassing and shamed urself, ur brother, ur family and even ur country by stealing peoples' phones and ur foolishly saying here that u're not a thief. Who're u then? A phone keeper? U found mobile phones on the aisle within the training complex, and u're so lucky that u found up to 21 phones, was it a phone dumping site? Mr. LuckyMan. U're such an ingrate idiot. However, u seemed to be happy with this ur interview perhaps u do not know its gravity and the damages u're doing to ur future career, unless u don't want to become somebody successful in ur life, this ur interview will come out to hunt u later in life in case u don't know. U think u're written to urself as against the whole world. U better make a genuine, honest and sincere apology to ur brother and reconcile ur family. And I'll advice Adebayo to let ur family know that u have prepared ur WILLS, just in case if that's what they are after. If u haven't done so, u better do. I might have sound wild here but if u can not trust ur own family for ur safety whoelse do u want to trust? May the lord save us from enemy within. I hope and pray ur family realise the damages and disaster they're doing or about to do to themselves and mend thier way.
Lolz...anyways...I just think who ever was asking all dem questions...already had his mind made up...
Didn't u read the part where he said his both parents were from Osun state, Nigeria?
I hope they resolve ds issue for sanity sake. All ds family drama tire me joor.
Whats wrong with everybody? Africans have a nature that is rebelious of there own progress. Some of you who have or will soon experience what it is like to have and nuture a child are encouraging the footballer to sick God to fight a family he was born into and from it grew into a star? Some of you dropping comments are as devilish and diabolic even if you mention God's name. Ofcourse it is not surprising that an Adebayor who mocked arsenal after he moved to mancity can humiliate is own family. He is deluded and demented if you ask me, blaming his family for his drop of form rather than working on himself. If his mother is truely a witch, remember that a witch cant watch you grow from an infant up to an adult of a football star before she starts to carry out the intention to destroy you, if she is truely a witch of a mother. Where I come from, If you mother is a witch, you still loook her in the face, kiss her and say to her, I don't care, I love you. Mr. Adebayor! Think about how far God has brought you in your career and don't insult His decision to put you in that family. While your so-called witch mother was alive in 2008, God made it possible for you to receive the African best footballer title, even if from professional analysis, some others were qualified for it. Everything you have archieved, God made it possible not so that you can look up to Him and blame Him for bringing you into the world through the poor innocent woman, but to be grateful and be a blessing to others. You had your season in football and you shined, if you are dropping, it is not because you are dropping, it is because you THINK you are dropping in form. You have a polluted and vicious mental posture that needs pourging! Think of all the great footballers in history that didnt drop form and be wise.
Whats wrong with everybody? Africans have a nature that is rebelious of there own progress. Some of you who have or will soon experience what it is like to have and nuture a child are encouraging the footballer to sick God to fight a family he was born into and from it grew into a star? Some of you dropping comments are as devilish and diabolic even if you mention God's name. Ofcourse it is not surprising that an Adebayor who mocked arsenal after he moved to mancity can humiliate is own family. He is deluded and demented if you ask me, blaming his family for his drop of form rather than working on himself. If his mother is truely a witch, remember that a witch cant watch you grow from an infant up to an adult of a football star before she starts to carry out the intention to destroy you, if she is truely a witch of a mother. Where I come from, If you mother is a witch, you still loook her in the face, kiss her and say to her, I don't care, I love you. Mr. Adebayor! Think about how far God has brought you in your career and don't insult His decision to put you in that family. While your so-called witch mother was alive in 2008, God made it possible for you to receive the African best footballer title, even if from professional analysis, some others were qualified for it. Everything you have archieved, God made it possible not so that you can look up to Him and blame Him for bringing you into the world through the poor innocent woman, but to be grateful and be a blessing to others. You had your season in football and you shined, if you are dropping, it is not because you are dropping, it is because you THINK you are dropping in form. You have a polluted and vicious mental posture that needs pourging! Think of all the great footballers in history that didnt drop form and be wise.
Whats wrong with everybody? Africans have a nature that is rebelious of there own progress. Some of you who have or will soon experience what it is like to have and nuture a child are encouraging the footballer to sick God to fight a family he was born into and from it grew into a star? Some of you dropping comments are as devilish and diabolic even if you mention God's name. Ofcourse it is not surprising that an Adebayor who mocked arsenal after he moved to mancity can humiliate is own family. He is deluded and demented if you ask me, blaming his family for his drop of form rather than working on himself. If his mother is truely a witch, remember that a witch cant watch you grow from an infant up to an adult of a football star before she starts to carry out the intention to destroy you, if she is truely a witch of a mother. Where I come from, If you mother is a witch, you still loook her in the face, kiss her and say to her, I don't care, I love you. Mr. Adebayor! Think about how far God has brought you in your career and don't insult His decision to put you in that family. While your so-called witch mother was alive in 2008, God made it possible for you to receive the African best footballer title, even if from professional analysis, some others were qualified for it. Everything you have archieved, God made it possible not so that you can look up to Him and blame Him for bringing you into the world through the poor innocent woman, but to be grateful and be a blessing to others. You had your season in football and you shined, if you are dropping, it is not because you are dropping, it is because you THINK you are dropping in form. You have a polluted and vicious mental posture that needs pourging! Think of all the great footballers in history that didnt drop form and be wise.
Trash! Put mouth, dey go use u settle. Blood is thicker than water. Soon dey will realise deir mistakes.
So he just picked 21 phones but he didnt steal them.
It's unfortunate that Emmanuel Adebayor is behaving like a kid here. So he can't manage his family well, that is why he has lost it in football. Very he will be looking for shirt in Iwuanyanwu FC.
I agree with someone here, Emmanuel should take this matter to God immediately because Nigeria families don't take these things lightly.
They will pull him down if he don't back himself up with God's protection, Nigerians don't know Mother, Father, Sister or brother when it comes to Money, Disgrace and Power. They want their stand in society by all means.
God help Emmanuel Adebayo.
Nigerians have bad blood, is a good thing some Nigerians are getting married to whites.
abeg linda park this people well for one side we r tired jorrrr of their storyif them like make dem open their yanch finish for the whole world to see, they no get sense at all including adebayor sef i dey think now......
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