Wife stabs husband to death over APC,PDP presidential candidates in Lagos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 30 March 2015

Wife stabs husband to death over APC,PDP presidential candidates in Lagos

A 26 year old pregnant wife simply identified as Onyiyechi has been arrested by the Lagos state police command for stabbing her husband to death following an argument over the presidential candidates in Saturday's general election at their home in Ejigbo on Sunday March 29th.

According to a report by Vanguard, the husband was  supporting PDP while Onyiyechi supported the APC. An arguement over who would win the presidential election degenerated into a fight with the wife stabbing her husband inside their one room apartment at the 81 military zone junction in Ejigbo
A neighbor in their compound narrated what happened, He said;
"We were all outside waiting to vote when Onyiyechi rushed out, shouting for help. Out of curiosity, we all ran inside, only to discover blood all over the ground, on entering their apartment. On closer observation, we noticed that the blood was from her husband chest region. We met him on the ground. Before we could rush him to the hospital, he gave up the ghost. Perhaps, he would have survived the attack had Onyiyechi called for help early. From all indication, it was clear that she attempted to manage the situation immediately the incident occurred. It was when she discovered that the situation had overwhelmed her that she raised alarm. I do not know the name of her husband. We only know that of his wife, who we fondly call Onyiyechi. The irony of this matter is that she is not cantankerous. She has never beaten a little child, let alone to fight with any neighbor. Again on that day, we saw both of them together. They were seen sitting outside, one hour before the incident occurred. Policemen from Ejigbo later came to remove the corpse to the Isolo morgue” the anonymous neighbor said.
The police arrested the suspect while further investigation into the matter is ongoing as some other version of the story claims the couple got into a fight following a disagreement they had after Onyiyechi decided to grate Okro she was to use in preparing their meal inside their one room apartment. Her husband is reported to have instructed her to take it out but she refused which sparked a quarrel and then a fight between them.


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Davido's driver said...

Hope they jail her for life

Davido's driver said...

Even if she's the womens leader...

obinna said...

nawa o..god help us all


Eh eh, see how stupid people can b. Over election.



Unknown said...

Na wa oooo shuuu wey neither jonathan nor buhari know una father not to talk of you.jail is your home for now.

Unknown said...

Nawa oh. End times

Molola's Blog

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This gotta be a joke? Where do this retards come from? Killing ur husband becos of politicians that doesn't even know u fuvking exist? Chineke! Tufia! Ur going to jail woman!jail!

Anonymous said...

lord have mercy on her

Cynhams Cakes & Pastries, Abuja. said...

Different versions. Which should we believe now?

If its because of the election, then they are both the most stupid couple on earth.

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Anonymous said...


meenah_wakil on instagram

Unknown said...

Forces from the village @ work

Anonymous said...


meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...


meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...

APC monsters. The funny thing is that most of them are like this


Nah! I doubt if she could have stabbed him because of choice of presidential candidate.
Will wait to hear from the police after their investigations.


khemorah said...

I've been waiting for this kind of gist since. And I cannot believe that this woman is Igbo!! Why care so much? Mtchew.

Anonymous said...


meenah_wakil on instagram

Unknown said...

Poverty and its benefits at its peak

Unknown said...

you are wonderful

Unknown said...

Just imagine......what shall it profit u if u fight for just two humans n at the end get nothing from dem....

Anonymous said...


meenah_wakil on instagram

Eee said...

Those affected should take hrt

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Na wa o. God help us

S to the E said...

that doesnt makes any sense, for what na. olayinka.shomope3@gmail.com

fikayo said...

Na wa o. Catherine.orji@gmail.com

Unknown said...

ah ah...is this a joke or what???

Beauty Fables said...

I thought it was supposed to be the other way round... when did women start getting violent over electoral matters.

Unknown said...

You killed your husband because of APC or PDP that don't know if you exist hmm sad! RIP to the man!!!

Unknown said...

Many are waiting for the 200k result just like the election result

Unknown said...

You killed your husband because of APC or PDP that don't know if you exist hmm sad! RIP to the man!!!

Emerald Kesh said...

Ouch! Stupid reason to get angry!

Nekky Cynthia said...

Omg! omg! omg! Dunno why she let the devil use her so 'm sure she's full of regrets now. May the husband's soul rest in peace.

Unknown said...

Will APC rescue her now mtcheww

Reina said...

Kai linda! That's not the real story o.

Beauty Fables said...

But it's well...

Unknown said...

Rubbish... No one is worth dying for

Unknown said...

She should marry the presidential candidates of her choice. Shame!

Cute G said...

What a patriotic knifer!

nobleprince said...

nawaooo... tragic

Miracle Akudo Amaefula said...

Anger,is a very destructive weapon

Unknown said...

Eya the spirit of boko haram runs in her veins.

Unknown said...

#thank God Jonathan is marring every single women if he wins, according to mama peace

AB said...

Nice one

thankgodshakes said...

Life is too short for rehearsals

Unknown said...

Dat woman must b high on weeds if not she wouldn't dare dis. D hubby, even God wil not forgive him for allowing d wife to over power him. Dis is my sincere comment on dis post.

Pls hubby beware of ur APC wives supporters. As u can see they r capable of anytin. Dis is y I keep politics away frm my family.

Unknown said...

Nawa oh. It is well

Unknown said...

Too bad... One thing is for certain, we would surely get a president but u might not get another husband

Unknown said...

The woman is a fool

Anonymous said...

Different stroke for different folks. Klindrive@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Election matter, May God see us through. Amin

Unknown said...

APC. Leaves a recipe for disaster in the heart of whom ever supports it.....

Pearl Jewels said...

Tank God oh, u all see what I have been trying to point out. It's not only men that beat and kill after all. This is proof number 1. More proofs will keep coming. Men be on guard. Watch out for wrong women oh.

Grace n Truth said...

The wife contracted the demon of violence from APC. The demon afflicts all APC followers and supporters. What a sad story. Her life as she knew it is over.

Anonymous said...

The devil is taking over the country already we can see it coming God have mercy on us

Unknown said...

This is so pathetic. Anger is very dangerous and we should learn how to manage it.

Unknown said...

Omg, this is sad,now she will go to jail cause of buhari n Gej

Anonymous said...

political fanatics...

Unknown said...

Oops! She killed her loving husband cos of some useless people who wouldn't even give dem a dime wen dey get into power... Poor woman!

Unknown said...

Oops! She killed her loving husband cos of some useless people who wouldn't even give dem a dime wen dey get into power... Poor woman!

Unknown said...

u can imagine

Unknown said...

Just becos of election,for people dat dos nt even knw if u both exist.

Nutshell said...

They never announce the winner yet & such is happening... # heinous

Unknown said...

OMG... wat has ppl turn into. Husband and wife fighting to the point of killing each other because of political opponents. I can't believe it. I am sure there marriage was politics too.

yawanow said...

Hian. Stupidity. What was she thinking. Maybe Buhari will compensate her for killing. Mtchewwwwws

Unknown said...

Nawaaab apc so desperate! Exactly wat de plan doing when de lose but dem go kill demselves while we jubilate! Rest in peace man......woman rot in jail and very sad buhari won't be there to help u. U see? Ndi iberibe! Fa enwelu uche?

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmm! Election thgs

Unknown said...

Which kind news be dis na?

Walata said...

Okro soup argument/ election argument doesn't worth a life onyinyechi u don fuck up

Anonymous said...

APC is evil

Nnamokwor Gloria said...

shame on you people.may his soul RIP

Anonymous said...

My hands ar blessed#singin# linda pls jes pick me pls..opeoluwafadayomi@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

She is a devil in recantion

Idemudia said...

All in the name of election. May his soul RIP.

Unknown said...

Election wahala. God have mercy

Anonymous said...

Dis is madness

Unknown said...


Phorlarsharde said...

OMG!!!...dat lady must b high on drugs,my goodness

debs said...

Wow..devil at work mhen

Unknown said...

Election wahala. God have mercy

Unknown said...

She ll deliver orphan and marry APC, she ll also have to explain to the unborn baby what happened to his or her father....IDIOT.

Unknown said...

On top of what?! Politicians that don't know or care of their existence?

Unknown said...

God for bid....

Anonymous said...

it is a pity... emmanuelukipeter@yahoo.com

debs said...

Wow...the devil at work mhen

Unknown said...

Wickedness in the highest order.
The people she did this for,
Am sure they don't know
She exist.
Money is the root of all evil.
I wonder how much they give her.
RIP man

Anonymous said...

it is a pity...emmmanuelukipeter@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Stupid &senseless woman.All the candidates are enjoying with their families.

Unknown said...

hmm dont think is PDP nd APC fight sometin more to it

Unknown said...

Many are waiting for the 200k result just like the election result

Anonymous said...

it is a pity...emmmanuelukipeter@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Imagine this stupid woman o!
Because of someone who doesn't even know you at all,
She should stay in jail forever.
No candidate is worth killing for madam.

Unknown said...

This is the highest height of stupidity, if political differences is the actual cause of the death.

Unknown said...

I am blessed

Gelobs said...

People wey una dey fight for nor knw una

Unknown said...

everything about APC is not peaceful

samni said...

Oh Lord have mercy, may his soul rest in peace. I just know this woman will be sad for the rest of her life, she killed the father of her child

Anonymous said...

Heaven knows how many lives ds election has claimed.

Unknown said...

Chai!!! Hard luck

Unknown said...

seriously..... that's too bad

Unknown said...

Wicked wife.

Unknown said...

Bihari and Jonathan dey house dey chill with dem family. Dis woman dey waste her family member.

toßßie said...

na wa o

Unknown said...

Na wa oooooo Wonder shall nvr End!!! This is serious ..

Eagle Eyes Media said...

Things poverty do to people.

Anonymous said...

Choi....na wa ooo.....shey na jazz we wan call dis one..opeoluwafadayomi@yahoo.com

Eze said...

Why would u stab ur husband just bcos if an argument, wot is this world turning....... After they will be shouting stop domestic violence against women, as if men are not abused....... The truth is that more men Ade abused daily just that its shameful to make is public......that's why we don't hear much abt domestic violence against men........they shld rape the woman with hot iron rod tru her ass.......I hope APC saves u

Eze said...

Why would u stab ur husband just bcos if an argument, wot is this world turning....... After they will be shouting stop domestic violence against women, as if men are not abused....... The truth is that more men Ade abused daily just that its shameful to make is public......that's why we don't hear much abt domestic violence against men........they shld rape the woman with hot iron rod tru her ass.......I hope APC saves u

Anonymous said...

Choi....na wa ooo.....shey na jazz we wan call dis one..opeoluwafadayomi@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Dats madness

toßßie said...

hun shit happens

Kufre Nkantion said...

This is madness pls, i have said it before, no single leader is worth dieing for... kufre

Unknown said...

Laughing. Her eye don clear now

olajide ife said...

It s well

M said...

Why are women just stabbing men these days? So many reports coming out. Or is it that social media now ensures that we get up and notice?

Unknown said...

See wat anger nd politics can cause....

toßßie said...

dis is crious

Anonymous said...

This na serious matter o.RIP.Sirslim

Nk said...

E Don happen

Unknown said...

Wonders shall never end

Anonymous said...

OK, let is see if Fashola or Buhari will now take care of her and her baby and stop her from going to jail. Foolish Ibo woman.

Anonymous said...

May His soul rest in peace.

treasures ( new dawn����) said...

Ha what is this for goodness sake.

Anonymous said...

lord have mercy. ejosephine45@yahoo.com

lami said...

This is sad.


Nawaoo! Wonders shall never end

Juliebabe said...

When i said APC fans are violent, they thought i was joking. I just wonder the yeye change they want to bring to this country when they have not finished changing their attitude.

Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not Kill!!! Rip

Paul Ofou said...

Hmmmm different versions may the late husband soul find rest Amen

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Abused against men must stop, say no to violence against men.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY

Anonymous said...

See stupid pple.. with stupid argument

Anonymous said...

Na wah oooo. tubbytracy@yahoo.com

miniero said...

Too bad

The Law said...

Violence is not a solution, it is the epitome of the problem

Unknown said...

Naa waa oh

Endydecency said...

No matter the variations of the story I am just dumbfounded. The story is just shocking as ever. I know she will say its devil's work, but why should one allow devil to take control of he/she. Terrible

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

woa, how could things like this make one kill their partners. the argument topics don't even make sense. may God keep his watch on us

Unknown said...

So he died for Nigeria in a stupid way,women are now heartless

Busola said...

Hnmmm.....may God help us.....,Oajilogba@yahoo.com

Joshua Olanrewaju said...

So sad.....what was She thinking!

Unknown said...

Human beings dey oh!

Goodnews ICT Solution said...

Very unfortunately

Unknown said...

wow, this is serious, could this be a sign of what would happen after the result is announce, God help nigeria,,,,,

Unknown said...

Smh local idiots

Anonymous said...

Goodness God she must be sick. Because of election na wa oh lepluvme@gmail.com

Unknown said...

This kind storry still dey exist? Humans though pff


william said...

The woman is Heartless and wicked..

So-Nature Ifeanyi said...

This news looks fake. What's the name of her husband and did the police confirm the incident?

Oge Nsimah said...

What a hell...couple fighting for politican. Chaii .now she is going to roit in jail.

nonisblog said...

Things people do for parties

agada lawrence said...

Awww,very sad story... poor woman

Anonymous said...

NaWa for some people oooo. Therealahmed91@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Too bad

Anonymous said...

Na wah, see wetin politics don cause. blissful_debbie@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Nawa oo.. Highest level of illiteracy ...

Unknown said...

Not surprised she's APC..

Unknown said...

Na wa oooo

Unknown said...

election death victim...rip

LIVING REAL. said...

Kill ur husband over ppl who do not know u actually excited? No wonder my late mother say people are no more human beings they are now human beast.

Babe said...

Election victims......and "their"lives goes on

Anonymous said...

I wonder why some people jst dey vary stupid to dey fight for person wey no know u na waooooo linda observe Therealahmed@gmail.com


Just imagine this,something that could've been so avoided...now her husband won't even be here to see the next president...I pray she pays heavily for her crime#Sad

Jide Lagos said...

Of all violence you'd expect during election who would have thought domestic. Oh well

Joy Monique A said...

Weytin person no go hear

Unknown said...

Just a little.misunderstanding and now one person is gone.....too bad

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....

Unknown said...

na wa ooooooo......may God help us cos dis pple allow satan enter dere house.tocyn22@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Na wa o, people are heartless o. Man no stab, na woman stab. Oya na Goodluck and buhari should come and settle the case.

Anonymous said...

Buhari will b so proud of her, in fact he will make her his second wife. lol

Unknown said...

RIP to d lost soul... It is well

Unknown said...

What will she tell her child? She's not worth to be a mother.

Anonymous said...

Buhari will b so proud of her, in fact he will make her his second wife. lol

Anonymous said...

Buhari will b so proud of her, in fact he will make her his second wife. lol

summerwine said...

People please don't shed your blood for politics or any politician it's not worth it

Unknown said...

May his soul rest in peace emmyobi324@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I wonder why some people jst dey stupid to dey fight for people wey no even know U na waoooo linda observe Therealahmed91@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I wonder why some people jst dey stupid to dey fight for people wey no even know U na waoooo linda observe Therealahmed91@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I wonder why some people jst dey stupid to dey fight for people wey no even know U na waoooo linda observe Therealahmed91@gmail.com

C. A. Omerenna said...

nawaooo God have mercy

sylva said...

Iz a pity.....poor man may his soul rest in in perfect peace Amen!

Unknown said...

What a stupit woman is that infact she a fool

Anonymous said...

see wetin election dey cause and the people concern are having a nice time with their family.

Denky Awesome said...

Oh no!
No matter the cause of the arguments, it's not just enough to take a life.
May his soul RIP!

Unknown said...

Na wa ooo

Anonymous said...

Too bad may his soul rip

Adalud said...

Na wah oo! Chai!

Livvsreamblog said...

See me see gobe in davido voice

ADRIAN said...


Unknown said...

One tools loss, Linda pls next track

3sha3sha12 said...

Winner. patazyom@yahoo.co.uk

abigail said...

Nawa oooooo cus of APC nd PDP its nt jst ryt!

Anonymous said...

Chinekeeeeee! I'm still wondering why some people would make themselves available for the devil. Now she has made herself a widow within a twinkling of an eye!

smj said...

Now that her husband is dead,her eye will open

Anonymous said...

This picture's what exactly?

Anonymous said...

na wa o,bcos of APC and PDP.her husband is dead is dead nw nd she would probably go to jail nd maybe die ova pple who won't even recognise her after dey win....RIP dear husband....obimary16@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

stupid pple with stupid argument.. na wa oo

Anonymous said...

stupid pple with stupid argument.. na wa oo

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