British comedian Stephen Fry, 57, marries 27 year old boyfriend | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 18 January 2015

British comedian Stephen Fry, 57, marries 27 year old boyfriend

British comedian, actor and presenter Stephen Fry, 57, announced on twitter yesterday that he has married his partner, 27 year old Elliot Spencer, 10 ten after they announced their engagement and about a year after they started dating. Elliot is a standup comedian.

Elliot Spencer's father, who at 57 is the same age as Stephen Fry, said yesterday he and his wife Melanie, 52, are 'over the moon' over their son's marriage to the QI presenter. "'We are obviously very happy. We are over the moon, that is all I want to say.'


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Anonymous said...

Whaaaaat?!!!! His parents are over the moon that not only is their son marrying a man, he's marrying an old man that is as ancient as the boy's father! Madness oh, see madnessssss!!!!

susan chukwuka said...

God please open their eyes to seee oooooo

Unknown said...

I really am short of words. And to think that the father of the boy declared he is elated beats my imagination. Was that the same process he went through to give birth to this very same boy? Vile passions. There is a vacuum in man, only God can fill.

Gloria Matthew said...

Nonsense.................if na naija na 7yrs like that oooooooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

The end of the world is about to come. With this type of incident, why will ISIS and Boko Haram not become more fierce?

Subomi said...

their lives their decision their choice

Yimiton said...

What exactly will they be doing?

Anonymous said...

I wish them well. Who gives Nigerians the right to condemn them when we could do nothing about old men marrying underage girls, with all the physical and psychological problems the girl would have? What about sugar daddies and young girls, sometimes a purely financial arrangement? Stephen Fry's partner is 27, very, very adult. I wish them a happy married life. Only the uninformed believe love only exists between a man and a woman. Nature is not exclusively straight. Nature is straight, gay, bisexual, etc. Let's get educated.

Unknown said...

it is such a shame to see that people are here bashing, the world has actually evolved and to bash other people like this is totally wrong...

why can't we Nigerians just accept that there are some people that are different to us that does not make them disgusting..

am sure that if a 57years old man married a girl that was 27years a lot of you would not find it disgusting...

such hypocritical behaviour!!!

Unknown said...

I feel that we Nigerians are such Hypocrite, who actually said that love can only exist between a man and a woman...

it is quite sad to see people bashing a happy union...

if it was the other way round people would not be as harsh more like they would be praising the man for marrying such a young girl but because it is a man that weds a man it is an abomination: such crappy thoughts, that is why Nigeria is still backwards, even the pope himself recognise gay marriage because he understands you can help who fall in love with absolutely livid with some of the comments and thoughts on here.....

happy married life Stephen Fry... love you long time

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha...Wonders will never end

Anonymous said...

Now I think I support ISIS on this one

Unknown said...

Crazy people

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