World What is devilish about Halloween? So yesterday actress Stella Damasus shared her Halloween costume on her instagram page...and her followers immediately started criticizing her for being a Christian and celebration Halloween, which some of them said is devilish. It is? OK!
Of course, Stella replied them. See the back and forth between the actress and her followers after the cut...
This doesn't look pleasant at first sight actually. I'm sure she knows that too. phil 4:5-7. BishopDammy#
Stella go and sleep somewhere, who get ur time again? Madam gbokobgoko.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Halloween is from a christian celebration called "all hallows eve" meaning the eve before the all saints day, there is nothing devilish about it. Adding mythical creatures to it just makes it fun.
we sha like to do copy copy...she sholdnt have replied
visit my blog
Lindaaaaa! U just said celebration Halloween.
Did you said IQ test, Dabishop007 said it all.
Which name we will call this your make up/ look? Answer Aunty stella...
I was shock seeing that pic I was like Waaaat of course is haloween is devilish Linda if u don't know,know it now.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#
What a devilish act!
She get time to de answer critics, i know say e no easy sometimes their words( critics) really hit our emotions, but we all criticize at one point or other...
Chai! Pple sha....u guyz shuld leave ma stella alone ooo...
Hahahahah naija is full of comedy and dramaaa.
Lol some fans can like to worry o
Her Halloween is cool.
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Ok o so Halloween is not devilish abi? Y then do u have to wear scary customs and look like witches and wizard. Abegi God is not the author of confusion madam candy giver Stella . Smh double standards.
Useless fools! Backward people are sooooo backward eeeh! tufia! Why are de insulting her? She too fall my hand by replying d animals......
Na she sabi. Make she try come back to Nigeria. She get plenty query to answer here.
...celebration halloween abi?
Well a renowned satanist said, "I am happy Christians allow their children to worship the devil once a year". I say no more
good fro her..that hallow of a thing is not good! period..
But replying a madman,will only make u seem a colleague.
Silence is golden,only few could afford.
Nigerians claim there are so religious and still dwell in the shadows of those foreigners they condemn as being Evil. I hate christians that criticise others and think only them exist. Jesus came for the sinners not people like you that criticise others becuz u got mouth. ******QUEENMAYA*****
Nigerians claim there are so religious and still dwell in the shadows of those foreigners they condemn as being Evil. I hate christians that criticise others and think only them exist. Jesus came for the sinners not people like you that criticise others becuz u got mouth. ******QUEENMAYA*****
Wetin concern me whether na devilish or not? Wetin dey vex me na why nigerians dey celebrate Halloween? Why?! Because I never see oyibo dey dance atilogu or celebrate new yam festival!
Stella wat good av u done oda dan snatch som1's husband, she doesn't want Daniel anymore all she wants is her son, if u can av d power 2 snatch him then u also av d power 2 convince him 2 let her av her son.
Ain't u greedy? U av ur kids,daniel and thr only child in 1 home and let doris be alone and miserable.
We-we knw y she cant
1. She doesn't want anytin dat will bring doris and daniel close
2. She won't av full custody of daniel if d child is wit doris etc
Stella u can't love a child more than his mother!
U r welcome 2 attack me cos I knw u read LIB hehehehehe
you guys are shouting rubbish for original face-paint, while some of your pastors, have more than Halloween's underneath, if you can't get the funny side of it, chill-out, Stella, you've said it all, its a choice.
Halloween is devilish! Pls people should investigate before celebrating . Giving out candy to kids is nice but behind it is devilish cos the dressing alone is gothic . She can actually give out candy any other day
Shut up Stella! U r showing love to kids. In d neighbourhood with ur weird and scary look.. hw many kids will stand b4 u to. Take any candy? U looked so horrific in dat make up plsssss
We Nigerians drop nasty comment on ppl's life forgetting the fact that those ppl are also humans and can make mistakes like any other person well me personally,i don't see anything wrong wit what Stella did, we club every weeknd is also a sin but we have turned it to normal activity pls everybody worship. GOD in ur own way and stop judging others period #didi
Stella should shut up she irritates and disgust me so much, chameleon that's what you are stella halloween.
I thought she had a thick skin... So she's human afterall... Am shocked she replied!!!
d word Halloween or Hallowe'en dates 2 about
1745 nd its of Christian origin. D word
"Halloween" means " hallowed evening" or "holy
evening". It comes from a Scottish term 4all
Hallows' Eve (the evening before All Hallows' Day). It usually involves dressing in costumes going 4rom house to house sharing gifts.. So I don't see anything wrong with that. So plz stop the critics else we blame ignorance
its appaling when i hear people insulting dis woman, calling her a husband snatcher, talking like they were all there wen it happened/it was happening. I pity Nigerians n their disgusting attitudes. Sister stella, live ur life n pay less attention to these stupid, foolish, ignorant Nigerians that wont mind thier own business, mofos.
Nigerians, Google is ur friend. Pls don't speak in ignorance confidently. Halloween has Christian origins and is derived from the words 'Hallowed eve', which is the eve of a festival for saints influenced largely by Celtic Christians. Simply do a little research before pouring out venom and ignorance online. Besides Stella Damasus doesn't owe u guys any explantion, it's her life, plsss let her breathe.
Beautiful LiLi, don't mind ur haters, some of us genuinely love you and wish u all the best in life, including ur dream man*winks*
Love ya much *kisses*
Because were being kidnapped that is the reason for you to celebrate Halloween, shameless woman
u can't celebrate Halloween but u can eat sallah meat abi,thief
Most Nigerians have never had d opportunity to travel out so they keep critising wat dey don't understand. ... kids were at my door yday night n all we did was to give dem candy. I bet if it was Halloween in Nigeria, African kids wld prefer cash lol.... hypocritical people wld follow u on social media but wld never comment on ur positive updates but wait to look 4 d one to bring u down.. ndi ara
Halloween is actually devilish. Shey yu for celebrate muslim festival because dem de share ram meat na.
Most Nigerians have never had d opportunity to travel out so they keep critising wat dey don't understand. ... kids were at my door yday night n all we did was to give dem candy. I bet if it was Halloween in Nigeria, African kids wld prefer cash lol.... hypocritical people wld follow u on social media but wld never comment on ur positive updates but wait to look 4 d one to bring u down.. ndi ara
Hahhahahhah....drama thing ...rolling eyes
Nigerians can be so gullible
Wen did Halloween become so devlish
Na wa for una o
Aunty linda To celebration?lol I guess thatz a typo...
As for Stella,how many people she go respond to?her husband sef join queue to respond.The still have LIBERS to reply as well ooo so make them never rest!!!
Nor mind stella she won don ova sabi sabi.
Two idiots talking ..husband snatcher and child abductor..shameless individuals
Hehehhehehe Stella answered dem well am now waiting for ppl dat wil call her names.... Oya bonalo n co... Wil lik to read ur comments......,
wateva blahhhhhh
she got all defensive jor. what their argument is based on is totally different from her response. she could have just explained why she thinks a christian should celebrate Halloween. they never said she is not a good person or undermined her good deeds. pffft
Asewo gboko gboko
just like celebrating new yam in yanki
Linda then you need to research what Halloween is about. Christians or Muslims shouldn't be celebrating it. Nigerians are so stupid lack of identity they will celebrate anything the White men celebrate, na copycat go kill them. That's why nigeria is ridiculed, because they stand for nothing. No originality and culture anymore.
They should let her be #bright bravo# 269beb21
Daniel must talk..silly
What Stella does with herself and her life is entirely her business. If she chooses to paint her face with the colours of the rainbow, na she sabi. But it's a shame that she's going back and forth with her followers on a subject that the answer is obvious to anyone who has bothered to use the internet for purposes other than to tweet...Stella, please you can wear the "ekpo" masquerade constume for all I care. It's your business, but please pretending not to know what halloween is about laughable. (I know more appropriate words though)...and for those attempting to enter Stella through her "rear end", Google the meaning of "mumu" in warri pidgin english...
I could care less about the whole thing.
why would she even respond to them in the first place
why would she even respond to them in the first place
Ignorance breeds stupidity most times.. really appalling the way people think in2014..Nigerians are somehow
hahahahahaha Anty Stella biko don't be angry Lwkmdh rodf
Halloween is of Christian origin. It mean " hallowed evening or holy evening. Christians should learn more about their religion before criticizing pple abt it
We would organise halleluytah chorus night for the kids. Hahahaa That got me laughing
Eh she live in New York and her kids goes to school there.
Eh she live in New York and her kids goes to school there
Stella the married whore.
Maybe you should go to wikipedia and see how halloween really started. Halloween is devilish
U need d IQ test asap. So u can 'said' u already took the test.
Linda that @Dabishop007 is Daniel Ademinokan, the man Stella stole from Doris Simeon, see him talkin abut IG test ohh, I think he need one himself,
Btw Stella lives in New York with Daniel and her children goes to school there maybe that explains why she celebrating Halloween
Whatever rocks her boat,,,I have so many pending issue than to start criticizing someone who wakes up one day nd which she was a masquerade,,bar man!pleaasee I need one origin#GiftedDiva#
Is a fancy dress party also a devilish celebration?
People dress up as different things for a fancy dress party, is that devilish as well?
In fact some people actually dress up as the devil for a fancy dress party.
Hope none of you have attended a fancy dress party because you would have celebrated the devil.
@joy monica arsenal, you are so mean, how can you talk to a follow human being like that, i fear ohh
Stella listen to what majority are saying, what is wrong is wrong no two ways, shame on you, go join politics like your mates, yeye woman. Halloween ko halloween ni.....instead wait and celebrate Thanksgiving ...
Stella is celebrating her self because she is evil, what do u guys expect. Somebody withut a green card is celebrating a culture that most Americans forbids, you see how empty her brain is, that is why she lacks empathy and sympathy.
Hahahaa Ola na IG test o. I don't know which one b your own are you defending her. Hallowen is devilish is excorsism of the dead.
But when them dey do ojuju calabar for Calabar and Lagos carnivals nobody talk people don come with their display of sheer ignorance saying Halloween is devilish...always making the world feel that we have too much mumus and olodos in this country.
Hello Stella, I know it's you. Candy sharer, Husband sharer. Unoriginal, fake, fake bxxch
It's so easy for peeps to judge... Abeg leave her alone and face ur own life... she is celebrating Halloween so? I bet u guys do worse things than dat. It's all about candies... so quick to cast a stone... Chai, so many jobless peeps. Linda obviously knows what she is doing...
With that picture, som ppl will surely come for her.
Are you sure you read the Wikipedia entry on Halloween rightly?
How can dressing up in costumes mean the same thing as worshiping the devil, I taya for dis kind people
@ stella urs looks horrible..
halloween is definitely need to see the way it is celebrated in the uk and the develish costumes they use, vampire,witches, satan with horns...etc... its definitely not Godly, so think about things and the consequences before you do them
@you oga or madam park wel joor...Stella did'nt steal any1 4m any1 bcos Daniel had already bin hvin probs wth doris far b4 Stella came 2 d pix so evry1 jst tke a chil pill lyk she said nd tke several seatss...
Why is she celebrating Halloween? Is it her culture?.if it's Ogun festival dey will term it devilish, where as Halloween is just a refined juju festival..promote ur own and leave oyinbo culture
All dis stupid n senseless 9ja celebrity shld go n learn 4rm gene.u hardly c her do all dis 4 Stella u b mum big 1tru,u re not a western do y re u formin...we shld b truthful 4 once plz.halloween is devilish simple...
Halloween, is devilish. Stella u look like a witch that wants to fly here. Nothing like ignorance here. Its demonic. Hiss
@ Stella its just a simple thing there is instafollow for instagram so dnwload it Den u delete does you don't want on ya list shikenna ppl are so stupid with der thinking abeg don't mind them ooo bad belle ppl
I agree tho,we shouldn't join in celebrating Halloween,tho it's about dressing up,but d main dress up are devilish spooky dresses,we shdnt act naive and take on the act of the western culture.we shdnt associate ourselves wit things like this,so many bad things happen on Halloween night that most naive people don't knw about and they unknowingly aid those really against Halloween,as a Christian it is wrong,even tho u dress lik an angel,linda u must post dis o
Has Stella checked the history of Halloween before defending what she partially knows? It's a day celebrated by pagans.
Meanwhile, you all celebrate Christmas and Easter. Right? Do you know the origin? They are all of pagan origin and totally devilish
Lol. Ignorance. Halloween is actually a christian celebration. Google it
U dont know what u re saying,becos in church of england we dont celebrate halloween,same as other churches in uk.ode oshi
Hahaaaaaaaa.. .look who's talking!!! Shine shine did you 'said' we all need to take the test?.
My dare you insult someone like this. Who gave birth to you? What a shame !!
It is well o
Lol@ Nigerians. Why do everything have to be so deep? Chillax, it is not that serious. Put on a costume and go eat some candy maybe you will feel better too. Would it make you guys feel better if she had donned an angelic costume or the three wise men costume? Lol
Gbam! Thank you sir.
Wilson, get your facts right before you start posting confusing things. Halloween is not of Christian origin,it wasn't the Christians that was celebrating Halloween then. Google is your friend, read about Halloween again and make sure you understand what you read.
Africans will forever remain backward! So Halloween is devilish? All the evil in Afrika nko? Biggest fools on the planet
1 million likes, the holier than thou attitude of the average Nigerian christian is appalling. Meanwhile the whites are better than you lot in everything.
The Bible’s answer to Halloween
The Bible does not mention Halloween. However, both the ancient origins of Halloween and its modern customs show it to be a celebration based on false beliefs about the dead and invisible spirits, or demons.—See “Halloween history and customs.”
The Bible warns: “There must never be anyone among you who . . . consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead.” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12, The Jerusalem Bible) While some view Halloween as harmless fun, the Bible indicates that the practices associated with it are not. 1 Corinthians 10:20, 21, the Bible says: “I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too.”—New International Version.
Halloween history and customs
Samhain: The origin of Halloween can be traced to this “ancient pagan festival celebrated by Celtic people over 2,000 years ago,” states The World Book Encyclopedia. “The Celts believed that the dead could walk among the living at this time. During Samhain, the living could visit with the dead.” However, the Bible clearly teaches that the dead “are conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Thus, they cannot contact the living.
Halloween costumes, candy, and trick or treat: According to the book Halloween—An American Holiday, An American History, some of the Celts wore ghoulish costumes so that wandering spirits would mistake them for one of their own and leave them alone. Others offered sweets to the spirits to appease them. In medieval Europe, The Catholic clergy adopted local pagan customs and had their adherents go from house to house wearing costumes and requesting small gifts. The Bible, on the other hand, does not permit merging false religious practices with the worship of God.—2 Corinthians 6:17.
Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, witches, and zombies: These have long been associated with the evil spirit world. (Halloween Trivia) The Bible clearly states that we should oppose wicked spirit forces, not celebrate with them.—Ephesians 6:12.
Halloween pumpkins, or jack-o’-lanterns: In medieval Britain, “supplicants moved from door to door asking for food in return for a prayer for the dead,” and they would carry “hollowed-out turnip lanterns, whose candle connoted a soul trapped in purgatory.” (Halloween—From Pagan Ritual to Party Night) Others say that the lanterns were used to ward off evil spirits. During the 1800’s in North America, pumpkins replaced turnips because they were plentiful as well as easy to hollow out and carve. The beliefs behind this custom—the immortality of the soul, purgatory, and prayers for the dead—are not based on the Bible.—Ezekiel 18:4.
Dear Anonymous, I did like u asked and there is nothing about d Devil in the Origin of Halloween, at most you can point to Pagan festivals celebrating people that have past on, cheers!
@Me will u shut up wit dis ya useless grammar! We hv hear u abeg, mke we hear word. "She live there n her kids goes to....." instead of spending time here, try n look for ur English Project textbook n brush up.
Stella U are confused being, today U will preach 2moro is Halloween. Halloween is celebration of Witches/ Dead/ Demons & Queen of evil as my flatmate called herself if U dont know but i wont blame u many of U entertainers visit abroad No contact with white pple except U see them on d street dats all then U will start disturbing Nigerians with picture U took on d street.Attention seeking & inferiority complex will always push u to copy. I will advise U use Ur sense copy gud thnx in western world & stop polluting our youth & our culture.
Halloween is not devilish or Christainish ' I knw its a wrong word!
We should read and know the origin of halloween , do u ppl want to say dat if d so called devilish ppl start doin stuffs like dis on christmas we should abadone christmas??? U guys!
Shameless individual mtchewwwwww stupid ashewo
I think that most Nigerians dnt get their facts right before they flap their flabby lips. Contrary to what people believe, halloween is a christian tradition.
Also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve or All Saints' Eve, it is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It initiates the triduum of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers.
Typical activities include trick or treating, attending costume parties, decorating, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted house attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories and watching horror films.
In many parts of the world, the Christian religious observances of All Hallows' Eve, including attending church services and lighting candles on the graves of the dead, remain popular, although in other locations, these solemn customs are less pronounced in favor of a more commercialized and secularized celebration.
*** courtesy Wikipedia
You all are a bunch of HIPPOCRATES, How many of you travel to your villages to celebrate yam festivals,Ojude Oba, Calabar festival, Eyo day, osun day???Do you know how many fetish things happen there that you ain't aware of? For you to comment on LIB it means you have access to internet. Confirm your theories before you may sh**y comments about people. Halloween started in church and because the world has turned it to a circular festival doesn't change the essence and if my kids want candy to make their day fab i would gladly play dress up...How many of you play dress up for men that ain't even your husbands? but to play dress up for kids is a sin? May God forgive you all @ ralph thank you for letting this self righteous people know what Halloween is about.
Hey! Most things that has Christian origin turns out to be devilish today. Yes it's was not mentioned in the Bible but ancient Christian did it. Google is your friend too please read and understand too
Oh boy....una get time ooo. See vexing
My friend shot up why do you hide under the shadows of anonymous, come out and let's see how ignorant you are.. Haven't u seen people dress half naked to Christmas parties?? So if something turns out to be bad today does it mean it wasnt good b4?? Once again Google is your friend too
I use to lyk her but with dis i am her no.1 hater, if she must celebrate why didn't she celebrate as a christian not as a satanist, dis celebration is of de old religion and christ has come to eradicate things of de old region and de devil worshippers picked it up.
Stella is off her senses. She does not deserve any attention. Next news pls.
Tell them biko!
Honestly speaking,it still beats my understanding as to y Afrcans/celebrities here back at home will be celebrating another continent's culture..if it's time for 'Igue' festival now u won't see dem #Africans,trying to be Americans since 1882
Looking scary is d whole concept of Halloween u dumb duck
Halloween is neither evil nor good, it all depends on each person's reason. It has not been a practice here in our country Nigeria but then things are changing.
Stella just fooled herself! When do you need to dress up to give out candy? She just displayed her lack of intelligence! If she had given a bit of Halloween history which in itself is not demonic but actually was a hallowed celebration started by Catholics but hijacked by scottish immigrants! All this people in Nigeria just keep embarrassing themselves and later they will call her "celebrity" what has she done worth celebrating! Rubbish
Thank me later Stella and GROW UP
Best comment so far!
See what social media has done to the country, una sabi Halloween before? This has been a practice in western countries for many years now but because you guys now have access to see everything in form of exposure you now want to copy everything you see. Calm down Nigerians it shouldn't be like that!!!
Nigerians and ignorance. thats y we can never move forward......
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