In this new report, Ihechukwu Njoku, a freelance journalist (who writes a lot for SCOAN) who visited the scene of the tragic incident writes about what he saw and how many people 'miraculously survived' the building collapse. Continue to see what he wrote and what some survivors told him

Article by Ihechukwu Njoku
"Thank You, Jesus”, a cry rang out from an onlooker, followed by a burst of relieved applause from the crowd of church helpers and rescue workers. They had been working non-stop since the giant building was reduced to rubble in a matter of seconds the previous day.
From a tiny hole at the far side of the wreckage, a body was being brought out. “She’s alive,” a man beside me reassured. Straining to look closer, I saw the woman, who was being stretchered toward an awaiting ambulance, waving her hands. “God of T.B. Joshua, you are wonderful,” the rescued lady exclaimed, her voice extraordinarily strong. She had been in the dark, under the rubble for over 24 hours.
"Bros,” I overheard a worker confiding in his colleague, “if not for God, no one should be brought out alive from there.” It was hard to disagree with his sentiment looking at the mangled remains of what was a six-storey building nearing completion.
"They’ve found another one,” a cry excitedly broke my musing, another cheer reverberating among onlookers. Despite the tragedy, the spirit of camaraderie was warming to behold. A small child was being brought out of the wreckage alive. “Wait,” one of the rescue team cautioned. “Her mother is still inside.” Moments later, mother and daughter were reunited.
"One thing you have to understand,” an official of Nigeria’s Emergency Management Association (NEMA) official told me on the condition of anonymity, “90% of those being rescued were eating or working the bottom floor of the building when it collapsed.” He shook his head in disbelief. “How they survived beats my imagination.”
"The situation could have turned out much worse,” another member of the rescue team named Sunday corroborated. “If not for God, we could be talking of over 100 fatalities.”
I made my way toward one of the ambulances preparing to leave, hoping to catch a glimpse of another survivor. A man in his late 40s lay there, wet with sweat, bruised and breathing heavily. The discussion I overhead was poignant. “Was I really in that building,” he faintly questioned the nurse as she held his hand. “Thank your God,” she quietly replied. “We should call your name miracle.”
I hear you Ihechukwu but all these could have been avoided if they hadn't tried to raise a 2-storey building to five. According to NEMA spokesman, the building (a guest house) was originally a two storey building and SCOAN was trying to raise it to five.During a three-hour visit to The SCOAN, I witnessed no fewer than 30 people brought out of the wreckage through the concerted efforts of the rescue teams. All were alive."
“The additional three was being constructed when it collapsed around 1p.m Friday afternoon. The church members have been very aggressive and tried attacking emergency responders." NEMA spokesperson said yesterday.

Ok good 4 them
The place looks more like Tsunami took place there. Emmanuel !!
Stupid people. God of TB no be ya God too?
because of CHRIST...the devil is a liar...he knows he is a defeated foe...thank GOD for HIS mercy..GOD wit us.
Prosecute SCOAN for flouting building codes!!!!!!!!!!!
Prosecute SCOAN for flouting building codes!!!!
Glory be to God almighty for keeping those rescued alive.
Thank God for the survivors but 17 people died abeg they should be looking for the people who built the structure. Even Ebola deaths in the whole country is not up to 17.
They should thank God. Any true man of God would have had a revelation about this
May there soul rest in peace...thank God they die in Gods house.
Its Well...IJN
Emmanuel!!!! Thank you Jesus.
Linda get your facts right there is no building inside the SCOAN is a building close to SCOAN
God be praised! With any disaster of this magnitude any survivor would be most grateful!
Emmanuel... God with us. May their souls rest in peace.
tnx to God
it is well with dem
And he had no revelation about this?…Hmmm..R.I.P to the dead.
Thank God 4 dia lives...."@God of Tb joshua! Wats dat nonsense de always say? So if he's god is a snake den ur worshipping snake. Instead of thanking God who made u, ur calling on wat or whichever god u dnt kno if he's a real one. Smh
It all works out for those who believe.
»_»_• \0/ ^FORTUNEDEXC£L@REDIFFMAIL.COM^ »_»_• \0/
It is well...
Thank God for ur mercies and protection over their lives. I want to say to those people who said why TB joshua didn't see this coming, TB joshua is not God and therefore can see everything. What has happened has happened and try to avoid a repeat of this kind situation. #Napoleon#
Thank God..linda abeg wetin u mean by ikechukwu..hapu kwa dis man..dont question him.............................#KingOfKings
It's well
There is no survivors yet. All you see on the photos are hoax... more than Fifty peoples died in that building. Please stop deceiving people .... stop this nonsense .... wise up everybody ...
Did these fool just call him "God of TB Joshua"??? Speechless
I thank God for their lives,and may the souls of the dead rest in peace.
That is the problem with Nigeria.Instead of taking action against the church for flouting the rules, they r being sentimental about it.Somebody should be made to pay for the 17 lives that's been lost.
Very soon, they'll come and say he prophesied it.
Hhmmmm God help, us guess d seer dint c dis cumin
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Is it just me, or isn't it obvious ds is a pr ploy?? Politics in d house of God... chai. Thank God for their lives...
This is nothing but a propaganda! I witnessed it live! This guy is just trying to redeem a battered image of the church. I have a WH Ard d area and I know how notorious the church is in raising existing floor to higher level. Even the main Church Auditorium is a disaster waiting to happen! (God forbids)! What's special abt that place? When a church keep growing, Can't they go and acquire more lands in places like Abeokuta expressway? Why the need to want to keep bn in a place where you started your church? If that guy is writing abt survivors! What abt Multitude that lost their lives? Fine there are survivors, but I want to let pple know that pple that lost their lives are far more than reported! ( fact)!. Dead bodies are still bn be removed till now. I don't like critizing a religious body, but that guy shows lack of professionalism in his writing and insulted the memories of the dead!
God is still God, May his name be glorified .
Now someone here is talking
Rubbish propaganda.
Say ye to the righteous 'it is well'. Praise be to God. #Dunno who TB Joshua's God is tho#
He only sees what God Almighty wants him to see. Be careful with your words. God be praised for everything
Were you there? How did you know? You'd better just remain quiet and keep your thoughts to yourself
Amen o
You ought to be really careful in choosing your words...2nd kings 2:14 says He struck the water with Elijah's cloak and cried out, "Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah?" Then the river divided, and Elisha went across,'
@Moses Wilhelmina,Sadly you have the surname Moses attached to you and it sucks to see that you got no idea when God appeared before Moses in exodus,He(God) referred to Himself as the God of your father--the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."You ought to be careful what you say.
God is Good
Bia....linda nd her cohorts....of u pple don't hv anything to say about the man of God who has done u no harm u pple should pls shut up bfr d wrath of God descends on u. comment
I tire o. my people perish due to lack of knowledge. What if his 'God' is not GOD? was it not same guy that said he will donate 'holy water' to Liberians.smh
Christ embassy is having divorce issues, now the synagogue - JESUS CHRIST please expose all fake christian ministries, and set your children free. Thank you JESUS
With that statement, its safe to assume that they don't worship the living God in dat church but the god of TB joshua
God will help them for it is well. by
Th whole place looks like an earthquake took place... May the souls of the dead R.I.P....
thank God for their lives o. May God comfort the families of the diseased. #####QUEENMAYA#####
Y do bad tins happen to good people ....asim ma juwo
...Cos they run dia 4 miracle and i guess they 've gotten their miracle in d way d least expected!...dunno wen sum Nigerians will ve sense #smh
The building engineers should b held accountable 4 dis nd not blame any BH boys,dis is rlly absurd
I swear. Idiotic pple
I swear. Idiotic pple
Guys wake and stop blaming anybody
I practically do not see anything wrng In saying God of tb or whateva.. if they are his followers, then let them be... I am a christian and I call the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.. or beta still, d God of pastor Adeboye.. is there anything wrng in saying this? Abeg! If his church members choose to call unto the God of TB josh, pls let them be.. only God knows d true worshipers and don't be a judge!!!! Thank u
People plz let's be careful of the words we use, this is a real man of God. I've slept in that building before for a week and it was completely stable. Plz let's not bring curses on ourselves, plz.
God is wonderful
Shut d hell up little finger! Keep worshipping osisi apiri api! Anuohia!
Which revelation again if the proper process had been followed this wouldn't have happened. Even if it was vibrations from a 'plane' that caused it, that mean structure was not sound, hardly have I heard buildings near the airport collapsing recently at least airports in Lagos I mean.
Depicting how demented some people have become all in the name of religion and worshiping of their pastors. He might as well ascribe his/her survival to TB
By God of Adeboye, we mean the God Pastor Adeboye serves because we know that he serves the Living God, the Almighty. May be that is what implies here.
By God of Adeboye, we mean the God Pastor Adeboye serves because we know that he serves the Living God, the Almighty. May be that is what implies here.
We will keep on praying,those who are trapped would be found alive.
God is God of Miracles
Whatever the situation, i thank God for the innocent lives that survived the collapse and May the departed souls rest in peace.
This is ridiculous, you die on top of unprofessionalism and they are still clapping. Quite unfortunate at the level of illitracy in Nigeria. Those that died are they not human beings? They just lost thier lives because of somebody's carelessness.
Its well with them.
Cursed is the man who toaches the annointed of the Lord - be it in speech or thought of herat. This is a time of testing for all Christaionas world over - when your brother or sister church is down - what do you speak - if you dont undrestand - keep quiet lest you land a curse on your head and your generations to come.
I say Praise the living Jesus who watches over His people. Even the ones who lost theirs lives in every situation w egive thakns to God above for he alone knows what is best for each omne of us.
Jesus Christ was tested by the devil many times. Jop lost everything, Abraham could not bore a child till late yet all these men were followers of Almighty God. Satan is alive with you Nigerians. You believe and worship people with qualifications, properties, aircrafts, cars, big churches but not the truth. T. B. Joshua is not just a pastor/prophet but a blessing through the outreach works he does to people n communities. If all your rich pastors were doing same, there be n boko haram and suffering people in your country. Let almighty strengthen him at this hour.
Let's practice love guys, how can u let those hurting words out of your heart when someone is crying out of pain, how can u argue about this stupid topics while some are on pain... Does it matter who T.B Joshua is worshiping? If it was your grand mother who at all is not a believer, during a funeral would u talk about her idols or u would be in pain with others as well. Practice love and dnt judge anyone, u aint better your self
James1v2 count it all joy brethren if you fall into divers temptations...this is very unfortunate.My sincere condolences to the affected familys and individuals,to SCOAN,TB Joshua and all the leadership.I bereave with you ,Its not an easy moment for you all evil befalls even the righteous.I do not expect TB Joshua to be fully knowledgeable of architectural nitigrities.The sons and daughters around him should have been more knowledgeable,careful, wise vigilant about these developments.Its also a time to answer a few questions in the Nigerian Construction system or procedures.a)Who draws out plans for such buildings b)Who approves such plans c)Are there prescribed standards for such buildings d)Are there any control measures to ensure the prescribed standards are not compromised by ANYONE e)are there building inspectors who check and approve every stage of construction f)are there no rules that disallow premature use of buildings before they are finally approved for use g)ARE extensions JUST done without prior procedure and approval h) would such rules and guidelines apply to all including the church exceptions I suppose j)would the christians comply with such high standards too.k)Could that be in line with Christ's and Paul's teaching that we obey our earthly rulers l)would any church in Nigeria just build anything without
Thank you Jesus .. May The Lord continue to bless TB JOSHUA
Touch not my anointed.May the God of Tb Joshua bless the families of those who lost their lives in this evil attack.Emmanuel!!!
God knew about this long time ago and the solution is there already. Lets praise him in every situation.
we thank God for everyting,God of tbJoshua still a life.Emmanulle
We still love you prophet T.B Joshua. Be comforted! Anything happens in this world. I'm from South Africa. I'm coming there no matter what happens. The devil is a liar.
How come he didn't see this coming?
Fake ass!!!!!
Our challenges r mearnt to take us to a new level. This is a trying time for us christians, it doesn't matter how it every situation I give God the praise, we shall over come. I love u TB Joshua no matter what comes, u r a servant of the living God.
God will not let those who planned and destroyed the life of people go unpunished in Jesus name.
May God comfort those who has lost their loved one's.
may God give strenghth to those who have lost their loved one's
@moses ur right. Shut dat little finger fool up. U want 2 teach d bible now abi? If it other churches now ur mouth go dey sharp. Oya collect additional sharraaaapppppp 4rm ur truly muaaaa
@Barf ur a bufoon. Is emmanuel d praise God ur supposed 2 be voicing? Anumpam. Brain washed fools
Sharraaaapppppp ooo ur members re all delusional. Is it nt scoan building? Ekpo
Wat God want him 2 see? @Anonymous ur d one dat need 2 be careful wif ur words cos ur talking rubbish
Dis stupid little finger again? Will soon cut off dat ur finger ur managing
Dear All
This is not to do with prophecy and do not put the blame on our father TB Joshua. Its about safety. Engineers didn't do a right job. May God strengthen families who have lost their loved ones. We love and stand with you Prophet TB Joshua. Nothing will separate you from doing the will of God. Leah Zambia.
Dear All
This is not to do with prophecy and do not put the blame on our father TB Joshua. Its about safety. Engineers didn't do a right job. May God strengthen families who have lost their loved ones. We love and stand with you Prophet TB Joshua. Nothing will separate you from doing the will of God. Leah
Dear All
This is not to do with prophecy and do not put the blame on our father TB Joshua. Its about safety. Engineers didn't do a right job. May God strengthen families who have lost their loved ones. We love and stand with you Prophet TB Joshua. Nothing will separate you from doing the will of God. Leah
Emmanuel, only God is a judge of all, if we are true Christians and people of God as we call ourselves stop judging the man of God and pray that the Almighty God will strengthen him, Scoan members, Emmanuel tv partners and we the follower of this wonderful family -ministries in Jesus name.
If God is for us who can be against us. EMMANUEL.
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