Yesterday singer Etcetera wrote an article for Punch where he talked about Nigerian female celebs and their preference for 2nd hand husbands. (If you missed it, read
here). Recently married Teebillz has responded to the article on his instagram page. He posted the pic above on the left and wrote;
Teebillz married Tiwa Savage on April 26th in Dubai.
1 – 200 of 298 Newer› Newest»So tee billz has sense like this.*surprised*
But Ecetera never called names.
No need taking it personal,or is this a case of guilty conscience.
Lol @ Ray Charles to thier own bullshit.Ecetera abeg open ur eyes ooo.
Relax, the dude did not mention your name
What is his problem? If not guilty conscience why would he reply claiming i won't reply you or is he the first second hand husband?biko goan take several back seat
He never mention your name boy,ya conscience judging u?but if your say d shoes fits u thanks for lacing it up.
Lmao! But Tee billz did he mention ur name? Guilty conscience plus truth hurts, b4 ? U no be 2nd hand? If nt 3rd hand. Abeg go and hide. Eziokwu na afu ufu na nti!
But Etcetera did not mention names nah....Teebillz wat is wrong with you?
Etcetera or what ever his name is should mind his business I see more of his comments rather than his music
Must you respond? He didn't call your name but you just accepted that he was talking to you by responding. Silence would have done it mr Tbillz
Is there any need to respond?
Nawa o. I read that article, I didnt see anywhere Etcetera mentioned Teebillz's name. Or did I miss it? Why does Teebillz feel the need to reply? Is he the only man married to a Nigerian so called celebrity? Abi, is it guilt that is getting the best of him? As long as the woman driving the second hand car has not complained, wetin come concern anybody?
Find pictures? Did you burn them? Lol.
I read the guys article and there was no where he referred to his newly wedded colleagues hubby as second hand. To my own understanding that article was a general observation and he(the writer) did not specifically point fingers at anyone, so whoever responds must be feeling guilty #myopinion
Is he sayin he has neva bn married???
I just hate this modafucka called u no fit sing......all dem contemporaries r doing well and making dough, u r there forming activist for cheap publicity. Even ur name no dey ring bell. Teebillz is a cool guy n will always be. So fuck off with beef, r u God?
Hate nigerians tryin 2 sound americana......ode!
Whether Etcetera called his name or not we know he has kids from another woman, it's just the truth, most of the female celebs marry "2nd hand" men,Hoha!
Ezenwa via Samsung c3222
I can only just laff...well etcetera made solid point...all d same I wish teebillz and tiwa all d best
Ghen ghen 1-1...Lmao
See trouble, did they call his name? Guilty con con.
Nice answer from teebliz once again HBD
Why's he being defensive? .....
Must he respond? ...
* My R1.50c comment *
I wanna take this as a sight gad. Piss of dudes.
No one knew the late Goldie was married too till her death. Hmmm
Lol...the name etcetera,or is it etc,abi na excektera or is it etsektera???the name really got me confused sha...but for real what was he thinking sef?
I guess he didn't mention names so y taking it personal.
Etcetera abi full stop or comma or whatever ur name is Tiwa just replied you on IG,ill advice u chk it out and cry your eyes out,mr low life.
Let tee-blitz act mature and enjoy is marriage or he shut the fuck up #bright bravo#
We really should learn to ignore some things no matter ho strongly we feel about dem!...especially since d guy didn't name u in d article!..enjoy ur life and forget everyone else
Ok nw this dude etcetera is nw growing big and am sure frm nw on his brand will be Well teebillz and tiwa is in love so fuck what anybody thinks.....
No doubt, dying artiste will surely follow this foot step to regain fame.....lmao.... Funny shit...
Grown ups shld act like it abeg ....
But I don't think Ecetera accused him of being second hand, he just made said his 'friends' asked if he (teebillz) was 2nd hand or original.
Oga go n sit down ,Dude didn't call ur name he was speaking in general did u av to respond??? I love the couple tbillz n tiwa but yall need to shut d fuck up n grow up.Respect other peoples opinion u don't av to respond to everything damn naija celebs.
which mosquitoe bite u... Wey come make u reply now... Learn to shut ur mouth.... Be inquisitive to hear but learn to shut ur mouth.....
He nva mentioned ur name,and must u reply this? Nawa ooh
Hehhehhehheheheheh, guilty Conscience. he did nt mention names oooo
His name was not mentioned so why e de para?
Bt de dude didn't mentioned any body's name, hw cum dis couple re taking it personal??? .... BK
T billy, take several seats jor! Guilty conscience. It's because the shoe fits u that was why u deemed it fit to reply. So bcus they are no pics available now for us to see doesn't mean there was no marriage. I haven't talked or read about all this ur marriage brouhaha bcus it wasn't relevant to me. Afterall, it's not lyk Its 2baba or psquare who r worthy of the attention. Tiwa n T billy who is tagging along, u both r trying too hard. In my opinion, u did her a favour by marrying her cus already we know she's getting old. Let her hv some sense n dress n behave her age and not lyk all the lagos runs girls or a teenager. She old pass all of the girls in the music industry, she aint competing with any1 so, slow down n start giving birth b4 ur eggs expire. U r trying TOO hard to be like Beyonce. And no, this isn't hate Just telling it as it is. I could care less. I use to love tiwa but her excesses r bcoming too much.
Hian, this one knows all the bloggers o. Why so pained though? Even if you were previously married, how does that change anything? Or are you insinuating you're better than those that were married? You and your wife have a lot of time on your hands....
Oga Teebillz, d guy bin call ur name?? abi na so ur conscience dey wire u??
Did Etcetera mention names? besides this married couples have time. I dont recognize Tiwa as a celebrity.. its not by wearing bikini...trying to be like riri. With that 1950s wedding gown she wore.
Pls,this R.kelly look-alike should just shut up.there is no need to answer anybody Teebillz.itz ur life pls and stop trying to justify musnt do an elaborate weddin with papparazzi to av been na linda and co u dey gv assignment to look for ur weddin pics?hian! u sha get 2 pikins with a woman abroad?are u not a yoruba man?watz dat saying again:"a woman dat has given birth for u.........,". Oga,dat quallifies u as 2nd hand husband oooo.#likita#
Etcetera shld get a life abeg! Nobody gree marry u? U be brand new or 2nd hand urself? Ewu Boko
One word for u mr billz, gold diggerrrrrr.
Just passing
One word for u mr billz, gold diggerrrrrr
Mr man go and sit down,noise maker husband and wife,u and ur second wife Tiwa is too noisy for my liking,did he mention ur name in his article? Or u just wan show us ur ugly face.if u have a little class left in u..u would have shut the hell up.Mr Jay Z....fake life husband and second wife Tiwa .
TeeBillz, ur written English tho'. Pheeeewww.
Good for that attention seeker god bless ur marriage @T&T leave dem let dem talk
Which one be TMZ? Did TMZ carry the article abi oga Teebillz is so "drunk in love" he no dey see clear? Oho
Teebillz neva speaks.... coma or fullstop had 2 get words out of his mouth.... stupid failed artist oshi.... uv heard tiwa, questionmark or wteva u call urslf... use ur 15mins of fame wisely. Ode alainironu
I am not a fan of Etcetera but reading the article twice, he wasn't referring to tiwa & tbillz. He was just analysing a new trend that seem to have found its way into our society. Its disappointing the new wedded couples can't comprehend.
It was clear for the blind to see and the deaf to hear that he was referring to Tiwa and TeeBliz.. Just like Novia, these writers are taking issues too far lately..
which one be motherfuck again.... Bia teebillz shut ur mouth.... Truth is bitter....
Tnx bona...I said d exact same tin...
I am not a fan of Etcetera but reading the article twice, he wasn't referring to tiwa & tbillz. He was just analysing a new trend that seem to have found its way into our society. Its disappointing the new wedded couples can't comprehend.
4 once u talked like human and nt baboo. Buhahahahah!
Tnx bona...I said d exact same tin...
Teebillz and Tiwa sausage.guilty conscience wilk kill una
Wahala don de oooo
Ecetera is jes a FAILED musician and yea bona he cald names cos it ws same tym tiwa's weddin ws takn place and in same location he wrote dt his stewpid Speech cos as far as I no Dts nt an article. Be dat as it may u guys pls let dis *Millenium couple be, biko, ejo tori olorun. #teamT&T
Mehn naij nigaz b lik.... CNN
abeg... Dem no call ur name... Why body dey pepper u....
I am not a fan of Etcetera but reading the article twice, he wasn't referring to tiwa & tbillz. He was just analysing a new trend that seem to have found its way into our society. Its just unfortunate the new wedded couples weren't objective.
Lolz...Bonario i think so
Hmmm I beg I wanna hear silent of dis two couples. U pple shuld nt bother dia life ooo biko. Bt y all dis celebrities too get wahala nw?
Lol ...y'all wu else got married abroad few weeks ago..smh stop supporting evil..😖😖
Mayb you ar guilty that's why you ar pained
Ewu! It's obvious he was referring to her
Shut up u fools, what celebrity had a wedding in the past week ? Does he have to call names? Tiwa has given you people the reply you need. U always force people to say what they dnt want to say. can't u Nigerians be happy with people without criticism? No wonder the country is having issues with dirty minded people like y'all
Mr Jay Z lol...fake ass did he mention ur name? Guilty conscience I guess
Asin! My tot exactly! He was only saying
Its true oooo nigeria celebs please leave de married guys alone
Of course he did. Or are people blind to see. Did any other celebrity get married in dubia last weekend? . First class , second class or third class it really does not matter. Marriage is honourable to God . How dare people classify a wife or husband as first class or second class? . It's a sad discussion by pathetic n sad low life people . Workkkkk hard to get to Tiwa stage. She didn't choose Tbillz. The chose each other. She served him as well before she got to her stage. Get facts right. Joblessness is the main cause of a poor n unstable economy. Get a life n let the happily married couple enjoy their lovely marriage and may God bless them with sweet kids
A. Case of who the cap fits..
Teebliz the respectable thing to do is ignore..if u and tiwa handles shit like this una marriage go get as e be..HML though
Oh dear..celebrity just outed himself #teebillz
Hian, yeye dey smell mr tee billz abi na teebells. Did he mention ya name? Go siddon jare! Unto linda ,biko nxt story.
TeeBillz is feeling guilty. Mr Man don't go as far as denying Ʊя 1st marriage; "Having wedding pictures of Ʊя 1st marriage does not even proof you were married, it is Ʊя 1st Court wedding documents that proof you were married".
Etcetera might be seeking for attention with his articles but he sure said the Truth in those articles!!! Take it or keep been Loyal to Tiwa!!!
So his name has to be mentioned for him to respond? Like there were the one celeb couple to go abroad to get married. So let's check who he is talking about? If he talks na problem, if he does talk people will still say he is guilty. They haven't even been married for a month and getting all this stuff from people who don't know how to mind their business. Africans need to change their mentality fast. This is not the stone age.
I just read the article by Ecetera and noticed that the guy did not actually mention dat Tiwa married a 2nd hand husband. I wonder why Teebillz is hating. (abi him be 2nd hand husband true true?)
ectera called names indirectly. unless u didnt take note
Linda post my comment oooo tee wht eva is ur name,u r a 2nd hand oooo over gulity no gree u! If u r not whyy did u reply
Whilemina, grab some sense! His name doesn't need to be mentioned! BTW Teebillz is doing well so is his father too, ask for BALOTEC from anyone in computer village!
Lmao...this sheer pain tiwa and tunji die....etcetera did not even mention names that tells me guilty conscience is a muthabinsh
Immaturity @ it's best. Dude called no names Negro! You just showed how low you are with those cheap shots..would have been best to ignore him till he DID mention your name. He cld have been referring to Mercy J's, Ini E's or many of the other recycled hussy out there
The thing is everybody has their own life to live when are we going to learn in this country. Sometimes I read comments on this blog I shake my head becos people occupation is to judge person judging people who dose not even know you guys exist they are busy planning for their future while others dey take medicine for their problem. Make we let our own be our problem. Bible said it who are we to judge others
Immaturity @ it's best. Dude called no names Negro! You just showed how low you are with those cheap shots..would have been best to ignore him till he DID mention your name. He could have been referring to Mercy J's, Ini E's or any of the other recycled husbands out there
The guy didn't call anyone's name ...
Why is he so pained? There is no smoke without fire, na guilty consience dey worry am.
Oponu like you must call names before you knw its alabah Tiwa n Tbillz?ani ode ni iwo bonario abi kini won tin pe e gan self for you Ecetera I never knew you as this jobless ooo ehn...wats your with 2nd hand 1st hand no wise @all #youneedhelpboy!!#
Dis guy shld take sit jare.. who cald his name. . Nd he jus replied nd also said he wnt reply. . Lindodo pls look for d pictures ooo..
He never called names? But mention Dubai wedding which was obviuosly his n Tiwa, pple should repect pple's emotions. D failed muscians is just so poor of him to write dt abt female celeb cos somethings are left unsaid.
Love me some Teebliz, beginin to luv d dude plus I neva knew he was dis handsome.
Nijgerians with the cowardly attitude.yes etcetera did nt significantly mention the couple names.but from his descriptions, its only a born fool that will ignore the obvious fact that he was referring to them.foolish fools abeg make una take several seats.serves him right.
Bonario stpp talkin like u r dumb,n 4 all of u sayin he didn't mention names,etcetera sed he ws discussin wit his frnds abt a female musician who ws gettin married last weekend abroad,n he ws asked if he wasn't going,wit ds statement,isn't it obvious he ws talkin abt Tiwa? D problem wit us nigerians is bad belle,most of u come 2 linda's blog,hide behind ur fone n talk trash abt ppl who hv made somtin gr8 out of dere lives,u stay on ds blog 4rm mrnin til night jst 2 look 4 who 2 insult while commentin,bt ur lives is a wreck.u ppl shld go n ammend ur life b4 comin here 2 judge.if u even c a 4th hand husband u'l wnt 2 marry.most of u if Teeblizz has askd 4 ur hand in marriage u'l jump @it. Idle fools
D guy no mention him name which one body dey pain am? Abeg whom him wife dey refer 2? Pattluvz
someone running when no one is pursuing him hmm
y'all are hypoctites... like if it were to be you,you won't reply.. we all know he was referring to billz and tiwa in the article... get a life etcetera pls... getting someone to last with you is not easy and we are bound to make mistakes..
Painment of life.. teebillz mind your own business are you a second hand? You've successfully proven etcetera right.. be reasonable for once... Linda please post my comment
A Naija Boy that Can kiss u. For more than 10mins. Without reaching for ur bra or to unzip ur skirt... Husband material!
Abeg o! Did he mention any name? Guilty conscience. Second hand husband n wife.
Guilty conscience
Tbillz is an agbero, not civilized at all.
Your son is tiwas kid abi
D truth is bitter.Teebillz nd Tiwa pls take several back seat as my frnd sed
Action film.
Jst look @ a married man acting like a boy...must u reply, even when he didn't call names...
Lol guilty conscience. I cant remember him mentioning your name. He only said his friends asked if he was second hand. Lol
U and ur wife are extremely foolish did he call ur names? U replied and ur wife also decided to reply, shame on u two.
But criously speaking, etcetera match where dey pain am o
Lol. Hmmmmm
Chai anoda celeb drama.
He wrote an open article. That's if i remember correctly. Guy Just relax. Hehehe!!!!
All of you saying he didn't mention his name should shut the f**k up! It's obvious the stupid failed musician is referring to them. All of you are just pathetic! Gosh I can't believe some Nigerians are still so dumb and silly. You're probably envious too. See their yeye mouths "he didn't mention your name" Abeg you guys should shut up joor! Awon ode!
Linda whr is my comment? *rme
Shocked at the intelligence or lack of it exhibited by Tiwa and her hubby. Etcetera or whoever he is only allowed his mind to wonder about a trend triggered by someone asking if Tiwa was caught in the syndrome of 2nd hand hubby's. NEVER in that article did etcetera indicate/confirm Tiwa was one of those impacted by the syndrome. Jeez! Some people get educated but leave their intelligence behind. Now they make this man important as I only heard of him cos I got concerned about what my diva Tiwa was up to. She and hubby really owe this man an apology abeg!
The truth hurts!!!!! Ecetera or whatever his name is did not name any name oh! He just nibbled around it. I guess guilty conscience is taking it's toll on Mr. BALOGUN. It's quite childish of him to respond especially when his name was not mentioned. It may have been implied, but it certainly wasn't mentioned. Hahahahahaha! I can't stop laughing my fat ass off!
He did mention no name. He was just saying what he knows/believes is happening among the celebs.
I tire ooooooo... d dude generalised his speech wonder where d's ones come from.... wonder y Linda never talk abt teebiz baby mama.... 2nd hand is person way don drop... a bit no b do @bonario
Lol••y are U̶̲̥̅̊ using Panadol on another person headache now••haba••teebliz no one mention ya name N̶̲̥̅̊å abi N̶̲̥̅̊å guilty conscience?LMAO#BluntIjebuGirl#
Abeg go hide....joor,teebullz abi na teebillz
U know some of u dont read articles properly before RUSHING to comment.he already said a colleague dat recently wedded abroad and her wedding is being talked about Who is dat celebrity? Everyone knows its Abeg,stop d pretence and guy,Next time u Wanna talk,talk.or shut ur trap if u dont have d liver to mention names.mshewww....peeps be looking for trouble.we go see d one u go marry na...
No mind am! And what's bad wv wat ectera wrote? He was onli admonishing our age ovver sth dt is becomin a trend!
Na w a for u and Tiwa O̶̲̥̅̊º°˚˚°◦oo, una dey fall my hands, d guy no mention una name now, why all dis immature attitude..Mteeeeew
He did nt have to mention their name, it was obvious he was talking abt them just from d opening statement
He mentioned dia names wen he made dis statement "Some days ago I was at a friend's place and was asked by his sisters if I was traveling abroad for the wedding of a colleague that is still being talked about on blogs and on all social networking sites in nigeria and I said no I wasn't."
He made it dia biznez wen he made dis statement "Some days ago I was at a friend's place and was asked by his sisters if I was traveling abroad for the wedding of a colleague that is still being talked about on blogs and on all social networking sites in nigeria and I said no I wasn't.
Like seriously dis etc guy picked d wrong couple 2 start an article...names or no names coma oops sorry etc u better apologize bcos it's abt 2 get ugly up in here!
Awww he sounds pained buh etc no call names na. Who come b the amebos wey talk say Tbillz don marry before? Chai! Linda ngwanu! Na ur work..start digging out pics, if there are any? Lol! Asili ajokakwanu
He didn't need to mention names b4 u know he was referring to teebillz n tiwa. When he said something abt not attending a colleague's wedding outside d country u don't need a soothsayer to tell u he was talking abt dem. How many music artstes ve wedded outside d country dis year?. So to me he was talking abt dem. And if dis guy wasn't married b4 den we should let dem be, we ve so many hAters on dis blog dat just cook up lies abt innocent peeps. I will end by quoting Johann Lavatar "never speak evil of a man if u do not know it for certain and if u do know it for certain den ask urself why should I tell it". We should be guided please. Ogwugokwa ka oham na onu.
Tiwa and wife should take several seats jor! Brand new second hand husband!
Obviously a case of guilty conscience.
Etcetera never mentioned names, so I wonder why he is pained
I am a little bit confused here. Etcetera wrote an article about the a cultural trend happening more frequently not just in Nigeria but all over the world due to increased cases of marital separation and divorce. Why would Tiwa Savage and her husband Tee Billz take it so personally and begin to attack him in such an uncouth manner? Tiwa Savage reacted to a music magazine's critical review of her last album in a similar fashion. I wonder if her sensitivities are such that she cannot accept any type of criticism? Even if she thought etcetera's article was about her, why go down to that same level and begin to insult people? I understand that as a public figure, one may be subject to more scrutiny than the average person but this comes with the territory. Tiwa Savage has presented herself as intolerant and aggressive in some of her reactions, which frankly is a turn off. I will not buy any Tiwa Savage album or concert ticket because of her behaviour. And it is now a double dose of aggressiveness with her husband joining in the tirade. Someone has to step up and be the sense of reason in this union....
it was obvious Ecetera was refering to tee bliz and teewai bcos dey are the only one dat He culd be refering to as colleagues that jt wedded in dubai. we all knw dat,if he waz nt a coward,he culd have jt gone ahead to call their names.well am nt supporting anyone buh dt waz very childish of Ecetera,there is a need for him to grow up.
@linda where is my comment? Biko post my comment oh
I don't know ectera or etc whatever you call him but my respect tiwa and her hubby just went down drain. Childish
Oh No...I'm a first time commenter
na Guilty conscience dey worry dem.The guy no mention any names.
@tbrainz oh pls shut up.did he mention their names?y did mercy johnson n d oda actresses dt married pple's husbands not respond 2 him?mtchewww abeg tiwa shld take several seats.she's 2 fuckin proud.
If this is not Tblizz na him brother or Tiwas cousin(lol)
1million likes.
All of you haters saying dd he call dem out! Una wear pant for eyes when una dey read the article ni? HYPOCRITES!!! If u dd sometin and and you hrd abt it somewia buh ur name wasn't metioned wouldn't you know its you abegiiiii,nigerians haters of progress! Tiwa savage and Genny can neva do no wrong in my own eyes...#Loyalfan
Ur wrong! If this gets to d court of law 4 example, etcetera will win d case, u no why? He didn't mention names so u shut the hell up!
Linda better post my comment...this is the 3rd time am commenting here.Two of u should shut up ur dirty mouth,he never mention ur name in his article or maybe u both are so dumb/too busy immitating Jay Z and bey that u can't read and understand simple English,that sagged butt of urs..Abeg shut the hell up and take sit
All bullshit #whocares!!!!Linda next plz
Teebillz sit down!!! You are a second hand husband because you already have kids! You are also an opportunist!
Tiwa's Husband is still a growin up boi! LOL
So? Even if its obvious he's talking abt tiwa, did he mention names? Get ur facts right. Etcetera is a very intelligent man!
The 3 of u are dumb fucks!!u didn't read where he was asked about not going to dubai,and 2nd hand hubby?u guys re just blinded by hatred!too bad u will only be relevant on ds blog.stay here n be begging for alms.idiots
Ur wrong! If this gets to d court of law 4 example, etcetera will win d case, u no why? He didn't mention names so u shut the hell up!
Are u minding the fools??thank God linda has given them the platform to talk nonsense n spew their hate!on a normal day,can u walk up to tiwa n say ds nonsense to her???haters abound
Etcetera or whatever his name is,had it coming!!!am so glad tiwa n tunji blasted him!as for u lib haters,tiwa will always ahead of y'all!!!stay on here n be hating like the losers u re!
Yeah u ar right. He said some1 asked him why he didn't attend d wedding of his colleague who wedded recently in abroad dat was wen he started wit second hand stupid talk,all of u who talk say he didn't mention names u na dey sit on ur brain.
Gosh people do when you read the part about wedding and Dubai who came to your mind?? Hypocrites
No mind them... they never start and they're getting their panties in a twist. They want to be celebrities who deserve only praise and adoration... una go wait tire
They say silence is always d best answer for a fool.why dont u all tak a cue from my diva mj?i remembr wen a comment was made from tonto dikeh abot female celebs marryin nd rushin bak to work bullshit nd everyone directd it to mj nd to my greatest surprise she did not comment on d subject bcos it wasnt necessary to reduce herself to a childs level.maturity matters alot!!
Well said!
My dr! Na true... she dsnt tek critcism! my love 4 her dropped wen she had a twit fight wv a dude simply cos he said she wasn't beautifull! Kai! She startd rainin insults on d dude, yhr hrt is ugly blah... na dt day I stop 2 like tiwa! mtcheeewwww... 2 tink ppl say she's humble, humble my ass... ain't seen no humility in her
omg, ecetera's article is so damn funny...lmao. Tee billz,i know you are only human but please you should have just kept quiet. omg now people might start calling you *secondhand husband* looool
Tibillz, this is a case of guilty conscience .
And so, is it enough reason he should reply,somethings are better left unsaid so u earn your respect,or is he d 1st person that such things r happening too.the best answer to a fool is silence,but him reply makes him d fool..
Such a big shame tt u 2 even my 4yrs old niece won't behave like this #wench#
Well ecetera dint mention any name so I don't see the reason why mr balo shld bounce on him
Kai! Now I see that it is not lack of education that is our problem but the application of some intelligence to what we acquire in education. Tiwa and her wedding was the precursor to a very general gist surrounding a trend around celebs and second hand hubbies. The person who asked Etcetera the question in that house may be looking to satisfy a suspicion he or she had about the new couple but no where did Etcetera admit Tiwa was caught in the trend of celebs marrying 2nd hand hubbies. This is crazy unbelievable that this degenerated to Tiwa and hubby putting their names into blanks in that piece by Etcetera that may only be visible to them and some undiscerning minds on this blog. Guilty conscience? I don't know and I don't care as far as they are happy together but on this issue, Tiwa especially just fall my hand die!
No wonder Tiwa fought a police officer!
You're a mental case
He referred to them agreed, but he didn't insult them in any way. So what is tbillz getting aggravated about?
You need an asylum,u neva make reasonable comment.ever!
Anony 4 : 26 u are d dumb person here, all said n done,he did not mention any body's name....idiot foul
Make he b guilty conscience, d FOOL was talking abt them
Jealous pained frustrated girls get a life. Its obvious coma was talking abt them
Make he b guilty conscience, d FOOL was talking abt them
You need an asylum,u neva make reasonable comment.ever!
Lol......I can't stop laughin....Dis Nigerian celebs re going crazy...Not all views re meant to be expressed in public...And some times...Slience is th best response to some acts...All parties Re @fault..I miss home...
@tbrainz u r d one dts pathetic, u encourage dm to respond to ds? A married man nd woman? I tink dy wud earn more respect nd mk him feel foolish if dy wr matured enough to ignore.
Yeye dey smell.
T-blizz is feelin names were mentioned buh u went en claimed it all ta ur sef.....2nd klass hubby
Why is T-billz always mis-yarning?
@Tbriz or whatever u call urself, who are u to call someone a failed musician?? If he is a failed musician then how do u define urself "Mr savage", u sleeping and marrying the over hyped Tiwa (thanks to linda) is ur only ticket to fame so STFU. Diamond digger oshi !! Linda if u like eat my comment I dnt care.
Don't mind that stupid man.
Anon 4:26 tiwa is dat u or tee billz? Anyways it still doesn't make any sense cus he didn't call names! Gosh! U need to read law to understand dis.
Like the fact that teebillz got the balls to call names. .. For me it makes him more of a man than etcetera cos we all know who he (etcetera) was referring to. Like men with balls (guts). But come to think of it whose business is it on who is second or first hand. Busy body celebrity better focus on ur music and revive ur career etcetera
They should all chill and leave the guy alone, i love The Billz but I am teamfullstop abi etcetera on
He did by saying they asked him if he was going to Dubai for their wedding.
If Mercy Johnson, Mercy Aigbe and the like didnt see the need to reply...I wonder why They did
Abii, i dnt noe y dey r pissed. Truth remains he is scnd hand. I dnt noe y our celeb ladies cnt b patient for a gud guy. Guess d gud ones arent interestd in the publicity so dey hv to settle for the celeb ones to which majority of them r scnd hand. Ohh well TT take a chill pill truth sometimes is bitter and yu pple shld noe dt with bein a celebrity cmes with hidden secrets you neva wnt out known to the world no matter what yu do you cant escape it.
Did etcetera mention ur name? Why the insults. Grow up
Gbam, thank you ooo. He was jst explainin what was happenin and if they r into it. TT def hd guilty conscience for replying.
There is something not right about this guy. He reminds me of Funke Akindele's husband. U are leave under shadows. How dare you call another man unsuccessful. What have you achieved?
Even if etcetera abi Na comma referred to them in the article, they shouldn't have replied... Tiwa should act her 40 something yr old self and her hubby should act he's 20 so thing year old sef abeg.., guilty conscience . I have lost respect for Tiwa..
What have you achieved? You dare call another man a failure. Keep living under shadows. He reminds me of Funke Akindele's ex-husband.
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