Mercy Johnson writes on missing school girls | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 4 May 2014

Mercy Johnson writes on missing school girls

The star actress writes on the missing Chibok girls. Find her article below...
Sometimes, our realities remind us of the pain of others. My reality as a mother is that I get to see my daughter every day, while the reality of the mothers of the kidnapped 234 Chibok girls is that they don’t even know where their daughters are.
I looked at my daughter and tears came to my eyes that some mothers have the privileges of seeing their kids on a daily basis while the mothers of the kidnapped girls can only console themselves with memories. Continue...
All well-meaning Nigerians must come together and help these mothers who have been in pain for more than two weeks and make the memory a reality — the reality of seeing their children again. Let us not for once think that the evil-doers who turn the realities of these mothers to memories cannot do the same to us if they have the opportunities.

This is not a war against select group of people; it is a war against all well-meaning mothers in Nigeria as injustice to one is injustice to all. Let the mothers rise, the men who love them should stand by their right hand and the children who adore them on their left and do all we can in our spheres of influence to ensure that the children come back home safe so that the mothers can smile again.

Can you pray? Increase the tempo of your prayers. Can you fast? Add extra days to it. If what you can do is protest, please do; perhaps you are a soldier and can go to the war front please do not sit still. You are a politician or a voice that Boko Haram can listen to, please speak.

We need the girls back!!! They are innocent, they have their future ahead of them, please do not cut it short. I dare say some of them will end up being the solution we desire to restore the lost and battered glory of this nation. Please don’t kill or damage the future all in the name of militancy.

I appeal to the soldiers and other security operatives, don’t be demoralised, please fight hard, fight more and fight on. Do not let this evil people for once think that they can get away with this. If they ever get away with this, let me assure you that we won’t all be able to sleep with our eyes closed and that includes you, your wives and children. If an Emir can be killed in his palace, who is safe in his or her home? Nobody!

I appeal to the political class and those in power, do not think that any right-thinking Nigerian would allow that this matter be swept under the carpet, this isn’t one of the matters we would keep mum about. We will continue talking, praying, protesting until you make the matter your matter. If your child were one of the children that was abducted, we would probably have heard of the end of the matter. Let’s not fold our arms and let evil reign.

Nigeria shall be great, only if we do the right thing and the right thing at this moment is to bring our girls back and alive.


Unknown said...

Well said Mj though m nt a mother yet bt I fel hurt cos I v kid sis too...God'l surely intervene

beauty said...

well said my dear

vivian obey said...

Correct babe,9ice talk my dear

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! 👏👏👏👏

Ucheslim said...

*crying*#bringbackour girls that's all am going to say

Anonymous said...

Rightly said,let's all put hands together to bring our girls back. Ij

Anonymous said...

I absolutely, hundred percent agree! This has become a battle we must take in our individual hands. We all need to fight with our all, and fight relentlessly, until this injustice is dealt with and the girls are returned, otherwise, we as a nation and as parents would have failed in our duty to protect our wards. Otherwise, there`ll be no safe place within the country. Otherwise...

Anonymous said...

God bless Nigeria

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PLEASE READ!!! THE MISSING 234 CHIBOK GIRLSNOW 276.I have been pondering over this kidnap situation and something doesn't add up hence these questions. The students are said to be SSS3 students writing physics examination. QUESTIONS:1. Why are their names not yet published by the school, state government and WAEC?2. Why are their pictures not over the news media?3. How come all 235 students are in SSS3 and all came to write physics examination when the total number of students in the whole school is around 1200?4. It was announced that the Borno states government gave N1m each to Parents of the missing girls. If that’s true: QUESTION:4(a).Why was these money given to these parents?Was it as compensation for the kidnap or Compensation for their deaths?5. On Tuesday 29thApril 2014, the Senator from Borno said in the Senate that the girls had been taken out of the Country to Chad, Niger and Cameroon and married off to their adopters. QUESTIONS: How come these senators know so much? Who are their informants?6. Why is the wife of the state governor organizing women to pressure FG in Abuja after the National Security Council has ordered the armed forces to use all state resources to secure the release of the adopted Girls? 7. I just wonder how 200+ girls canbe kidnapped at once. How come we haven't seenthose girls who they said have escaped on TV? 8. Ifthe SS3 students are not up to 120 in a school of1200, how is it possible 234 girls are missing? 9.Where are the school authorities? 10. Why haven'twe seen any of them on TV. We are not fools. WHO IS FOOLING WHO? I need objective answers please. Itstime all Nigerians start asking questions than drawing conclusions. You can also SHARE ...

Anonymous said...

I love u mercy.... spoke well

LOU LOU said...

that's a mother's tone from you Mercy...we all need to pray and act...this country has become an unsafe place for the this generation....and even for the future ones..

Anonymous said...

Checkout See What Olamide and Ikechukwu are Up To

Checkout Banky W New Sexy Look [Photos]

LOU LOU said...

thanks Mercy...that's a mother's tone coming from you...we all need to pray and act fast for the sake of our homeland...let's remember that aside from this place...there is hardly anywhere in the world we can truly call Home

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Nice write up. You tried.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Unknown said...

It's end time babe,we need serious prayers in this country,this days men do evil and get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Linda get the letter to Mrs Obama and co.

Anonymous said...

Kekuut Hoomkwap wrote a new note: Letter To Mrs. Michelle Obama, Ms Oprah Winfrey and Mrs. Beyonce Knowles Carter.
Dear Mrs. Michelle Obama, Ms. Oprah Winfrey, Mrs. Beyoncé Knowles Carter,

I write the three of you for the positive influence you have on different people around the world. I write you because you are mothers and as one myself, I'm staring at my daughter and thinking, by a stroke of luck she was born here in the US. However, she could have been born somewhere else in the world, someplace where little girls are abducted, over two hundred of them! Little girls who are only trying to get an education and we look on doing nothing to save them.

I write you Mrs. Obama because you have two lovely daughters possibly the age of these young girls. Please close your eyes for a second and imagine Sasha being taken away simply because she was in school trying to get an education.

Ms. Winfrey, you have a school that educates and empowers young girls in South Africa, you believe so much that every little girl deserves a chance. Imagine your daughters being kidnapped? Two hundred of them...close your eyes and imagine.

Ms. Knowles, Blue Ivy was just two a few months ago, thirteen years from now, she will be the age of these girls. I'm sure you would want any mother who is ever in the position, to assist her if she ever got into trouble.

This world gets smaller every day, with the advent of technology and globalization. What will you tell your daughters about the African girls that disappeared? I'm teaching my one year old daughter how to share and how to be gentle with her cousins. One day my daughter may read about these girls. I want to be able to tell her I did what I could for them. Can you do the same?

I have seen countless of Facebook posts and have wondered how effective the posts have been. I have wondered if they'll really make a difference. Then this idea came to me, to reach out to you powerful and influential women.

When all is said and done, I know you are mothers and that you know what motherly love is. The mothers of these girls in Nigeria have done all they can to save their children. Is there anything you can do to help them? I truly believe that we women can change the world by a chain of infinite love. I do what I can for my daughter and all the children within my circle of influence and you do what you can too. Maybe, if we all do this, contribute our little quota, just maybe these girls will be home with their parents once again.

I understand there are international laws, sovereignty issues and other complex issues involved in reaching across boundaries. But I know I'm tapping into the network of women that can do something about it.

Please, please, save our daughters!

Kekuut Hoomkwap
A Concerned Mother

Anonymous said...

So friggin true and very touching.Brought fountain of tears flowing down my eyes.So painful.

bimbola said...

God bless u MJ......

Lord watch n protect our children n bring succour to der way amen

Anonymous said...

Wetin u dey yarn? That the story was made up? Are u saying u've not seen any of d ones who escaped speak on tv? O pls shut up! If ur sister or daughter were amongst these girls u won't be asking these long WAEC questions.

Anonymous said...

Wow nice speech Mercy Johnson, but why do you have a problem with the comma and punctuation?! Your speech is very touching and heartfelt nonetheless!!! I pray that these girls would be released soon, and would be reunited with their mothers and families. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world!!! #BringOurGirlsHome. God deal mercilessly with boko haram, and all the people affiliated with this terrorist organisation!!!whizman

Okoro said...

God with us..

Anonymous said...

Anytime i see the word "pray" concerning the issue in Nigeria, I don't even bother to finish reading. Nigerians are the most prayerful group of people I have ever come across in my life, but yet what has prayer done for the country? Absolutely nothing. How long does it take God to answer prayer? When is this so called "right time". Look at the world demographics, the most religious countries are the most poverty stricken ones. They are the countries that suffer the most. Give it a thought... As for me, I have lost hope.

Editor said...


get Uniuyo post utme

Anonymous said...

The whole world is crying "Bring back the girls".....which girls I ask, The chibok school girls. Now who are the chibok girls? Then there should be a list of the girls with their faces and names for identification. The south korea ferry disaster had a manifest, the missing flight #‎MH 370 had a manifest. Then why can't we have a manifest of the chibok girls with their names and pictures for identification. They could be in my neighbours compound, if so, how do I identify them. I really think a manifest of these girls need to be advertised in the media.

Janelicious said...

Thanks MJ #bringbackourgirls

@Aniejayz said...

Am so sure dat God has even heard d cry of d innocent. Nigerians are gud pipo why drag our name 2 d mould b4 oda countries? #BringBakOurGirls protect will wok IJN Amen

Anonymous said...

just crying........

Anonymous said...

just crying........

ary said...

Everybody is speaking but the government is watching us watch them. This is a stupid situation.

Anonymous said...

Besr commrnt I have read on linda's made me think deeper...These questions must have answers. ..@ mercy good write up nby your PR team


Hmmmm...gud for her..wetn concern me

Anonymous said...

Mj ,good one from you let us pray and do what we know best that can save the children pls.chi.

Mzz_Mary said...

Sure He will
I jes feel for dose parents

Mzz_Mary said...

Sure He will
I jes feel for dose parents

Mzz_Mary said...

Dear God come to our aid

Mzz_Mary said...

Sure He will
I jes feel for dose parents

Amarachukwu. said...

They should publish their pictures.

Unknown said...

The article makes alot of sense but too much talking already nw, action is what we need abeg.... She looks amazing on that pic though....

Anonymous said...

Linda u no post my comment ,ok since you no like me ,if na bonaro u go fast post no wahala since u get people u like.

Unknown said...

Na well said go bring the gurls back? All these celebs go sidon for at d confort of their houses dey type rubbish down here. Who wan go do d fight bring back d gurls??? Bringbackourgurls evryday buh dem sidon for house...yeye people and govment. as for me, am in d search, not sum mouth makin blablabla..mtcheeww. Rubbish celebs

Anonymous said...

Let's also be wary of the questions we ask nd be objective. In truth the story seems to be a facade of some sort. However in answer to question no 8, we were told dt some of the students were registered by other schools to use the school as special venue of some sorts. Besides, bear in mind dt the way these "village schools" operate its fool hardy to even let them still exist. I cite as example our maid in d house, when brought, we were told she had finished her primary education on to 6, however if an alphabet e.g "a" was written on ds floor and as big as d whole of lagos state, she will not know what it ws bt see it as a scribble on d floor. Though aged 13 then, she had to start school from primary 2!.... Same applied to her sister who ws employed by my sister!...My point is, d level of education in these rural areas is appalling! Even the teachers do not know what they teach not to mention d students. As such, much as we will ordinarily- following standards- expect them to have records, in reality, they may not. Plus, if the parents ve now seen ds as a revenue generating means they wl out of the blues claim lost wards! In response to number 5, why ve we not apprehended the senator who knew as much?, for certainly he wl know more. On the other hand do we think out of the box nd wonder... This is a state wt running state of emergency, should dt be d case, hw come such heavy trucks were able to escape milatary presence? Plus, if d state has no other means of generating revenue and what ws allocated to them has reduced in its reserve could ds b a ploy for d gov to recuperate for rly as question 4 asked, what is the whooping 1 million for- silence, compensation, bride price or what? And to the governors wife.... Of cos beign a "mother" plus d seat she occupies, her voice has to be heard...... This is my 2 cent opinion... I may be wrong/right bt hey.... My thots!

OJAI BaBy said...

Ojai says" u r right my dear. All these questions r meant to be asked bt we all kept mute. No pics, nothing. Bt a poiny of correction, the missing gals r SS1-SS3 gals and not only SS3. That is y they r that much. Good article by Mercy

Anonymous said...

Mercy Dalu ooo!!!!!! ------- The Moon !

Anonymous said...

Well said MJ my name sake, am just a young and a single mother. 26yrs and I can feel d pain cos its not easy, imagine each day passes by without seeing ur beloved child GOD help us @mercy.

Anonymous said...

This pikin get sense sha, where on earth is Genevieve who's a mother too, instead she was celebrating her birthday whereas some of the girls may be her birthday-mate. Mercy, your Mama trained you well jare, thank you!


The Borno mothers of d missing children protesting where paid to protest abi...

Unknown said...

All these celebrities are buying attention. Abeg Anon 2.51am I like ur reasonable contribution. Pharisees did they nt club ystdy nite all these attention freakz.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This MJ is a responsible, God fearing, caring, empathy and kind hearted lady unlike Toto Dike that will be busy wrapping weed in one corner (useless being).

Debbie Chelsea said...

Well said Mercy

Anonymous said...

Best comment ever.same questions I asked myself when I heard about the kidnap.200 plus is a whole lot, we need their names and pictures pasted every where in those countries

Anonymous said...


AmeboNation said...

Let's support this movement #BringBackOur Girls... Click my name to sign a Petition

Anonymous said...

200+ student are missing bcos there was an arrangement btw waec and d Borno state govt 4 oda student in oda schools within the chibok LG all be gather in dt school,govt secondary school, to sit 4 d exam. See d report d Waec officer gave @d investigating commitee set up by d first lady.

Unknown said...

Anony copy and paste!

ACKOT said...


Anonymous said...

Well said mama Purity........

Unknown said...

MJ u said the right thing may the Lord bless u am not a mother yet but I feel the pain of those mother there child was kidnapped please bring back our daughters

Unknown said...

MJ u said the right thing may the Lord bless u am not a mother yet but I feel the pain of those mother there child was kidnapped please bring back our daughters

Anonymous said...

I laughed out my ribs. Nne, how do you expect Linda to send it to these people? Lmao!!!

Anonymous said...

@annonymous 2.51 you are absolutely correct. The whole issue is not only politically motivated but well planned in conjunction with the so called indigenous clan. What extent do we need to go to make the country ungovernable for a so called infidel.No names, no pictures, and 237 girls writing physics exams in one school in the north? How many wrote in public schools in lagos?

Unknown said...

Who she dy advice say na article? Mschewww she nor knw rd to sambisa forest? U r d nigeria u c so shuga lead d search nd others will join. Dont seat in d comfort of ur home nd dish out s**** in d name of writn an article. Mercy park well ooo i like u, nor go f*** up

Anonymous said...

Pls not being insensitive here..what are they all doing...I thot they were 136 girls earlier..why all d misinformation...before we get carried away wit d massage on our emotions...there are a lot to be considered...they shud be a published list of the girls n pics from govt. Why is d number changing just like d fuel subsidy fraud of 12billion to 20billion after a while. Why are these people creating chaos everywhere. Nice post from MJ expressing d mother in us but let us Nigerians ask for clear information so that we can tender help where necessary coz some of us may come across them without even is information

Anonymous said...

Amen oh #bring our girls back+contact 2A547FA2 for d fixing of ur hair @ an affordable price

mc b warriman said...

Pls God by Your own power may You intervene and let d girls b bright back safe n sound and let peace come to stay in nigeria,crying with same feeling with mj,d parents of d girls n other well meaning citizens of naija my country,God have your way

Anonymous said...

#BringBackOurGirls. #TakeOurPoliticians.

Anonymous said...

#BringBackOurGirls. #TakeOurPoliticians.

mc b warriman said...

Mj I feel ur pains too,God pls intervene for nigeria is going down pls have ur way,God rescue our country from d hands of those blood suckers in Jesus Name

Unknown said...

Well Said........ #BringBackOurGirls

Anonymous said...

Like dat!

Unknown said...

Well said MJ...God bless u

Anonymous said...

Yess#BRINGBACKOURGIRLS#MAy God help....this whole thing is jst too much.....

Anonymous said...

Each time i read dis issue of chibok girls,tears roll dawn my eyes for dnt know wat dey might be going through in the hands of dis perpetraitors.

Alloy Chikezie said...

So touching #bringbackourgirls

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Anonymous said...

Nice one mj

DOBY DOBY said...

Seriously we need prayers in dis country

That Function Gurl said...

God help us all!!! #BringBackOurGirls

Ella said...

got this from my bbm this morning and am so worried about it and I will like us to reason along with the writer of this write- up. Hmmm pls I need your opinion. He said and I quote: "I can't sleep jst thinking over this kidnap situation and something don't add up hence these questions. The students are said to be SSS3 student writing physics examination. QUESTIONS:1. Why are their names not yet published by the school, state government and WAEC?2.Why are their pictures not over the news media?3. How come all 235 students are in SSS3 and all came to write physics examination when the total number of students in the whole school are around 1200?4. It was announced that the Borno states govt gave N1m each to parents of the missing girls. If thats true: QUESTIONS:1.Why was these money given to these parents, was it as compensation for the kidnap or compensation for their deaths? Q2: On Tuesday 29th April 2014,the senator from Borno said in the senate that the girls has been taken out of the country to Chad, Niger and Cameroon and married off to their adopters. QUESTIONS: How come these senators know so much, who are their informants? Why is the wife of the state governor organising women to pressure FG in Abuja after the National Security Council has ordered the armed forces to use all state resources to secure the release of the adopted Girls. I just wonder how 200+ girls can be kidnapped at once. How come we havent seen those girls who they said have escaped on Tv?If the SS3 student aren't up to 120 in a school of 1200,how is it possible 234 girls are missing?Where are the school authorities? We haven't seen any of them on Tv. We are not fools. WHO IS FOOLING WHO? I need objective answers pls, its time all Nigerians start asking quesions than drawing to conclusion."
,,,,,,,,,, Linda pls post dissssd

Anonymous said...

This is very very sad and I worry about what the girls are going through now. With Hiv and other diseases roaming around. The psychological trauma it will cause. God loves his little girls. Lord have mercy.

Anonymous said...

If u believe and I believe and we all work for what we believe. Almighty God with grant us grace Nigeria will be healed.

Anonymous said...

Half of ur questions will be answered by Google.

Anonymous said...

If you believe and I believe and we all work and stand for what we believe. Almighty God will grant us grace Nigeria will be healed.

Unknown said...

I absolutely agree with u..bring back our girls

Unknown said...

Deep.. And indeed true.

nella said...

O di egwu! Nigerians will wake up one morning and realise they have bEen taken on a long nasty ride.
Meanwhile, you copied someone else's thoughts on Instagram, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

is beyond just sitting down at d comfort of your home writing all dese,we need practical approach i hate it wen people just sit at thier house and write

Anonymous said...

Our Government should take this matter serious otherwise it will continue and it could be anybody,s daughter tomorrow.

Unknown said...

My dear ur questions are misery I cannot answer. But what am doing is to join mama peace to the forest to find answers to ur questions. If every body who are claiming to be more pained over the incident will use the time they are using to write long letters to move to the forest I believe these girls will be found by now. Let's stop writing and move to the forest. Is obivous our govt. And soliders have failed us can we also fail ourselves. BH can never defeat all of us. BH #give us our girls. #give us our girls

Unknown said...

Good one mercy J you hv spoken lyk a mother, I think what dz guy is sayn is mkin sense we nigeria re no longer in darnkess. Lets ask our slf a question, where re d pictures of this girls....their parent shuld release their pictures for us to see n belive dz story cos am getn cnfuse. I ask myslf same question how can 234 girls bein missn @ once & l ask again how many boko haram re in number? Cirously speaking we re no longer a kid, they shuld stop d.c.ving theirslf thinkin they were d.c.ving us. Simple sumthing release girls pic for us to knw d story is real than dyin for a thing you're nt sure of. Where re the parents of this 234 girls they shuld cum out boldly n say YES my daugther is misn n wil knw is real, if we can count 234 parants cryn for their misn daughters n d girls re up to 234 den we knw our standing, not to pay money for some woman to claims their daughter is misn. We re out of dz darkness ofcoz they knw What am talkn about. Buh God alone wil save us from dz mess

~CYNTHIA~ commenting from my TOYOTA CRICKET

Anonymous said...

Good writeup MJ..truly well said. What baffles me is the reluctancy of our Govt to take the right steps. It as if something is holding them back. God help us...

You need to watch this movie guys - The Brotherhood..Click to download

Unknown said...

My dear MJ is obivous our govt n soilders have failed us. The question is can we fail ourselves. Stop writing n let all move to the sambisa forest to rescue these girls. Who knows Some of the BH may be ur fans n will release those girls becos of ur presence. BH #give us our girls

Unknown said...

Plzzzz if u know u are not ready to go to sambisa forest don't don't cry or feel so pained here. Join the movement, Boko Haran #give us our girls#

Unknown said...

My dear MJ is obivous our govt n soilders have failed us. The question is can we fail ourselves. Stop writing n let all move to the sambisa forest to rescue these girls. Who knows Some of the BH may be ur fans n will release those girls becos of ur presence. BH #give us our girls

Unknown said...

My dear ur questions are misery I cannot answer. But what am doing is to join mama peace to the forest to find answers to ur questions. If every body who are claiming to be more pained over the incident will use the time they are using to write long letters to move to the forest I believe these girls will be found by now. Let's stop writing and move to the forest. Is obivous our govt. And soliders have failed us can we also fail ourselves. BH can never defeat all of us. BH #give us our girls. #give us our girls

Eugenia Ekeji said...

Well said MJ. God is watching.

The Perfect Bitch said...

Must u copy and paste??rhetorical questions indeed!!pray and stop asking ques u copied from bbm and pasted

Anonymous said...

i like it

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

This caught my attention and I feel like sharing. Please read: I have been pondering over this kidnap situation and something dont add up hence these questions.The students are said to be SSS3 student writing physics examination. QUESTIONS:1. Why are their names not yet published by the school, state government and WAEC?2.Why are their pictures not over the news media?3. How come all 235 students are in SSS3 and all came to write physics examination (ARE THEY NOW SO SCIENCE ORIENTED IN BORNO STATE *pensive*) when the total number of students in the whole school are around 1200?4. It was announced that the Borno states govt gave N1m each to parents of the missing girls. If thats true.QUESTIONS:1.Why was these money given to these parents, was it as compensation for the kidnap or compensation for their deaths?2. On Tuesday 29th April 2014,the senator from Borno said in the senate that the girls has been taken out of the country to Chad, Niger and Cameroon and married off to their abductors.QUESTIONS: How come these senators know so much, who are their informants? Why is the wife of the state governor organising women to pressure FG in Abuja after the National Security Council has ordered the armed forces to use all state resources to secure the release of the adopted Girls. I just wonder how 200+ girls can be kidnapped at once. How come we havent seen those girls who they said have escaped on tv?If the Ss3 student aren't up to 120 in a school of 1200, how is it possible 234 girls are missing?Where are the school authorities? We haven't seen any of them on tv.We are not fools. WHO IS FOOLING WHO? I need objective answers pls, its time all Nigerians start asking quesions than drawing to conclusion.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 2:51 , U̶̲̥̅̊ may be right smh! If †ђε 234 girls are truly missing, our leaders knows where †ђε girs are, dey should stop †ђε pretence & release those girls to go back to their families. We knw dey are †ђε one sponsoring bh.

Anonymous said...

Can't u make your point without cursing. Where were u raised? Hope your mother is happy with your foul language. The caps u are using say a lot about u, maybe u are Boko Haram, who knows.

Olubukola Ozone said...

What a piece! Nice one thr Mercy. May God help us find those kids

Anonymous said...

Seriously though, what has Obama got to do with Nigeria? Africa has so many daydreamers.

Anonymous said...

Can u imagine dis country? By now, d names and passport photograph of dis grls wld have come out every where, so we can all see dat Nigerians don't keep data and information, very very SAD

Anonymous said...

When all is good, u the same people are dissing everyone on this blog because u r holier than everybody. Now the pawpaw has hit the fan, u want everybody, including the people u bash everyday to help u. Remember, Nigeria is not the only African country with such things, everywhere in Africa the is a struggle for one thing or another, so take a chill pill and organise yourselves.

Anonymous said...

I have been pondering over this kidnap situation and something dont add up hence these questions.
The students are said to be SSS3 student writing physics examination. QUESTIONS:

1. Why are their names not yet published by the school, state government and WAEC?
2.Why are their pictures not over the news media?
3. How come all 235 students are in SSS3 and all came to write physics examination when the total number of students in the whole school are around 1200?
4. It was announced that the Borno states govt gave N1m each to parents of the missing girls. If thats true.


1.Why was these money given to these parents, was it as compensation for the kidnap or compensation for their deaths?
2. On Tuesday 29th April 2014,the senator from Borno said in the senate that the girls has been taken out of the country to Chad, Niger and Cameroon and married off to their adoptors.

QUESTIONS: How come these senators know so much, who are their informants? Why is the wife of the state governor organising women to pressure FG in Abuja after the National Security Council has ordered the armed forces to use all state resources to secure the release of the adopted Girls.

I just wonder how 200+ girls can be kidnapped at once. How come we havent seen those girls who they said have escaped on tv?
If the Ss3 student aren't up to 120 in a school of 1200, how is it possible 234 girls are missing?
Where are the school authorities? We haven't seen any of them on tv.

We are not fools. WHO IS FOOLING WHO? I need objective answers pls, its time all Nigerians start asking quesions than drawing to conclusion-Mercee Dion

Anonymous said...

Seriously though, what has Obama got to do with Nigeria? Africa has so many daydreamers.

Osuagwu Friday Niles said...

#bringbackourgilrs? I prefer #releaseourgirlsnow, It's our collective responsibilty.

Unknown said...

well said MJ.


Unknown said...

Thank you for dis...


Anonymous said...

well said my diva. u be correct babe

Anonymous said...

that anonymous writer wrote well.
why havent we seen pictures of the school girls or their families or the school. who is protecting who really???..its deeper than WE THINK jor

Unknown said...

wow. these re questions dat requires answers dat cud help us....... but if u ask me ,na who i can ask???????

chinenye said...

@ annoy 2:51am,honestly speaking I have really wondered about every question you not trying to be unfeeling towards other people's plight here but let's be a little realistic;if these girls were truly abducted,why haven't we seen as little as their pictures on TV or a genuine record as being students of the said school?hmm I hope these politicians aint trying to make a fool out of us and the world.Are you sure they didn't even pay the supposed school to claim their students are missing whereas they aren't? Let's all put on our thinking cap.some questions really need answers before we can actually understand what we fighting for.

Anonymous said...

Heaven father pls intervene on dis issue.

Anonymous said...

D boko haram militants re men. Dey dnt knw what it take a woman 2 hv a child. No mother can b so cruel after goin tru labour pain,sleepless 9ts & nurture a baby,stil wil hv d heart 2 do dis 2 another womans child. God plss intervene 4 us in dis country cos we re helpless or destroy dis world @ once.

Better is Better said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks MJ you are a mother we should all be praying that God will bring back the abducted girl just that government are playing with the lifes of innocent because this pure politics. Have we forgotten the way God Almighty did to Egpytian on the red sea God will fight on our behave because this is toooooo much

Anonymous said...

This lady speaks and writes very well! She's one actress who is obviously well educated and enlightened. God help us all and God restore our broken nation.

Lady kim kim said...

Nice one mercy

Anonymous said...

I do support u. Gud job MJ but we can't just sit and watch we have 2 react.

Anonymous said...

Some of us doesn't have instgram acct, copied or not...let's not deviate from d matter @hand...a frnd of mine (Soldier) said that d weapons d army get cannot compare to d weapons d boko dem u see,we really needs God intervention in dis country. Let's not fight one another here, let's fight boko haram.

Anonymous said...

Thanks MJ you are a mother we should all be praying that God will bring back the abducted girl just that government are playing with the lifes of innocent because this pure politics. Have we forgotten the way God Almighty did to Egpytian on the red sea God will fight on our behave because this is toooooo much

ZeeZee said...

True mother, her words have ouched my heart

Unknown said...

Extremely inspirational, hopefully those fools do have a heart.

Leebaby said...

You wey sabi punctuation,don't you know that 'comma' doesn't come before 'and'

Unknown said...

Well written MJ. #BringBackOurGirls.

Unknown said...

Lord please arrest these unpatriotic men bh. My heart beats so fast on this issue.

Bbg Eze said...


Anonymous said...

9ice saying bring back our girls

Anonymous said...


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