Oscar, known as the “Blade Runner” for his racing prosthetics and also dubbed 'the fastest man on no-legs', has been charged with murder and is currently in police custody. He is believed to have told police he thought she was an intruder.
Police said they found a 9mm pistol at the scene and will charge the athlete to court later today.
Pistorius, who races wearing carbon fibre prosthetic blades after he was born without a fibula in both legs, was the first double amputee to run in the Olympics and reached the 400 semi-finals in London 2012.
One way or anoda woman must cos d downfall of man.Oscar na ur turn
Ihu kwa ihe love na eme?!!.........ng owerri
Am sure she was cheating and d'guy waited for d'right day to give her d'perfect gift for val.
Too bad,terrible
There was speculation in the local media that Pistorius may have mistaken her for a burglar and the shooting could have been a result of a Valentine's Day surprise gone wrong. Local media suggested that Steenkamp may have been trying to surprise her boyfriend in his home on the heavily guarded compound and had been mistaken for an intruder. But the question here now is that would you shoot an intruder four times in the head and the arm?
Talk about a bullet as a Valentines day gift.
This story is not right at all. So, after the first shot, he didn't recognise his girlfriend, and just kept shooting? He shot her at lest 3 times - head, chest and arm! Didn't she cry out? Didn't he recognise her voice or her smell when she woke him up? Na mehn, not right at all. Anyway, I pray the truth prevails.
Only God knows wat went wrong.but,itz crazy springing up such suprise on ur man,if he has a gun and he's a security freak
Actualy SA Police reported that she was shoot Twice first on the head and second shoot to the arm,all his sponsor have pulled out on him!! poor Guy all because she wanted to suprise him at 4am Nogal.
Valentine gone sour really! Police over to you and may the dead RIP.
Seven Things Not To Do on Valentine’s Day
He doesn't have a leg to stand on. 2 shots in the head?
Seriously, I've always wondered what Nigeria would be like if people had guns and were self-armed. Would it help to bring down crime or would it be total chaos?
this is really valentine gone wrong
wat a pity
My thoughts exactly!The shooting should be properly investigated cos i aint buying that story. RIP Reeva.
Those yeye games women play. Apparently she wanted to catch her man "red handed"
oh dear, if this is true, his gf may have shown up wearing a disguise :(
Ew u dumb daft or jst plain stupid. What's perfect abt it, a gal lost her life nd u talk such nonsense.
You are a fool for blaming a woman! Men or women cause their own downfall, idiot! I pity whoever gets married to a backward person like you!
Point well made! Moreover, you should only shoot someone if your life is in danger! I wonder if she was also pointing a gun at him.....he is guilty end of story.
This is a terrible story! I'm in shock! I was ruling for Oscar during the Olympics! Now his career is probably over!
I dont buy the valentine's surprise theory! Except if that 9mm pistol was semi-automatic, how do you pull the trigger 4 times without realizing the person you are shooting is your girlfriend? If it was dark, and he could not see his gal, how did he manage to stay on target with the bullets? Hmmmn.
'Blade Runner' Oscar Pistorius arrested after his girlfriend is shot dead at his home'....LINDA PLS CORRECT YOUR ENGLISH IT IS 'WAS' NOT 'IS'.
In fact... It sounds rage driven
you're a fool..so cheating is enough reason to kill someone?
Uh, 1st of all;
- How did the woman cause the downfall of the man? That's absolute nonsense talk. The man's house is filled with armed security and he still felt the need to shoot.
- Perfect gift for valentine?! Are you a FUCKING ILLITERATE! Gosh.
This is just sad, you don't shoot anyone because of your ASSUMPTIONS! May God help us all.
U r vry correct dear, after d first shot she certainly must hav cried out, screamd if u say. And d dude stil went ahead to shoot her severally on d head??? Its a fact dat head shots are d hardest, so he must hav gotten vry close to her to pump her head full of lead. This dude murdered his girlfriend, maybe bcos of a misunderstanding... Vry cruel legless prick
boy, Y now? u used to be a gud boy...u are turning to bad and changing...pls stop using those pills and get back to the stadium where yu will just relax.....c wot u hv done to ursef...mtcheeeeeew
Exactly, head shot, dead shot.. Can b achieved at vry close range by amatures... This stinks premeditated conscious 'I knw am abt to kill her' murder
Why? What went wrong. I really admire that guy. So sad.
To an extent this should also b a warning to us girls that want to form *suprise* if the reports are true. Cause some wat to catch their men off guard. As for surprises times have changed the world that we knew yrs bk no longer exists really sad :(
Investigation is needed .dars nt the truth on here
Kai Valentine's day! Na wa o dis day does more harm than gud o! Haba!thats sad...shot in d head, chest and arms *not buying d buglary story @all jare* mtschw!
Hahaha now that is a pun! Good one. Most people say 'no pun intended' when there isn't any.
The story doesn't sound right. Sad for her...smh.
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Can't comment until I hear FULL story because it seems something does not seem right here.
OMG! I love Oscar this is just so sad and heart breaking, hmmm na wa oh God help him and RIP Reeva may God Grant her family peace cos it will not be easy to forgive this.......Sassy Stardust
So sorry for the lady! Who know what went wrong ?
U r a fool
Go ahead, insult his disability will you.I don't see anyone calling u a brainless retard thou
@ question #2: most likely anarchy and chaos.its bad enuf as it is imo.
Night vision goggles and he is 90% deaf in both ears.*shrugs* both plausible excuses.
this man is heartles how wish he experience the same no value for life how i wish it was his daughter how will he feel no value for life that cannot be replace and he is representing a country wow
He's currently been detained by the SA police as investigations revealed it wasn't a case of mistaken identity. He has been charged for murder & wld be going to court 2mao....I smell jail around him!
He inspired a lot of people;the handicapped mostly...blade runner not 'history' anymore but 'a story' just like Mike Tyson
He problably thought it was a tall black man trying to rob his house. This south Africa were talking about.
More like they had a serious row. The Girlfriend probably found out he was on drugs and threatened to expose him. I don't buy the intruder excuse at all! Besides South African Police confirmed that there were already reports of domestic Violence at that Address before this current incident occurred.
Am not surprised,most disabled pple ar always tempremental bcos of there condition.He shot not in self defence bc d poor girl is not armed. Oscar committed MURDER & shld face d music.Simple.
What has happened cant b changed bt shud serve as a lesson 2 all(those who use firearms,or 'e dem @ home,also those who cud bcom victims)..Heroes fall daily..also we shud endeavour 2 control our temperaments..its a crazy world any thing can happen any day,any time..All d best folks
A couple of months ago, Reeva Steenkamp claimed Oscar threatened to break both of her legs during an argument but she never pressed charges on him.
During an interview last year, he stated that "sometimes success goes into your head" and he boasted that he had had a lot of gfs but they never stayed cos he was a difficult person to live with. Those were his own words. Now this gorgeous girl with an awesome future is gone. She was on the covers of FHM, a successful model, a Law undergraduate and a very friendly girl. May her soul RIP....Amen!
Devil works in Many ways oo
You are a capital mumu, what do u mean by dat??? God have mercy on u.
No way......that valentine gone wrong story is absolute nonsense! how on earth can someone shoot an intruder 3 to 4 times at three different area? Was she pointing a gun at him? Habah! Linda abeg update on court rulings?
May her soul rest in peace
Anyone who says dat she deserved what she got because she cheated must be seriously ignorant,retarded and backward in his think. Maybe the person should start receiving all the punishments for his sins
U can call d guy legless all u want, all he has done it called snapped. A young man falls helplessly in love wit a beautiful model, d problem is she dares not try to leave. There are consequences. He is a scorp. They love hard and hate hard no inbetweens. Dominates, manipulates, etc. Dey are deadly. Its always best to stay away from Dem. I have learnt my own lesson. She didn't leave to tell her tale.
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