A man has been accused of racially abusing then physically assaulting a 19-month-old child on a flight to Atlanta last Friday.
Rickey Hundley, 60, allegedly demanded that the mother of the crying
toddler 'shut that n****r baby up' before slapping the infant in the
face on the Delta flight on February 8.
According to The Smoking Gun, Hundley has been charged with simple assault after the incident with Jessica Bennett, 33, and her son Jonah.
Jessica and Jonah |
Bennett told authorities that her son
'started to cry due to the altitude change' as the service from
Minneapolis to Atlanta prepared for landing.
Ms Bennett and her adopted child shared a seat on their way to a family funeral while Mr Hundley was in the neighboring seat.
said she was unable to stop the infant crying. A report compiled by FBI
Agent Daron Cheney alleges that Hundley turned to the mother and used
the racial slur in telling her to shut up the child.
As reported by The Smoking Gun,
Hundley then 'turned around and slapped' the toddler in the face 'with
an open hand, which caused the juvenile victim to scream even louder.'
According to the mother, the slap 'caused a scratch below [the child’s]
right eye.'
Hundley was
charged with simple assault in federal court in Atlanta this week. If
convicted the man faces a maximum of one year in prison.
The 60-year-old, who is the president of an aircraft parts manufacturer based in
Idaho, denied slapping the child or using racial language. He claims
that he did 'ask the mother to quiet the child.'
Hundley after he was booked |
Hundley said he was traveling to Atlanta to visit a
hospitalized relative, described his emotional state as 'distraught' and that he had one alcoholic drink on the aircraft.
Bennett told The Smoking Gun that she believed Hundley was intoxicated.
The mother said that he 'reeked of alcohol', was 'stumbling around
wasted' and he consumed several double vodkas during the flight.
Bennett says Hundley told her that Jonah was too big to be a 'lap baby.'
Cheney added that Bennett
received help from other passengers on the Delta flight. Todd Wooten,
who was seated 12 rows ahead, told authorities that he 'heard derogatory
language coming from the rear of the aircraft' and went to see what was
going on.
'According to Mr. Wooten,' Cheney wrote, 'he saw Joe Rickey Hundley strike' the child.
Hundley pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault in a Virginia court in
2007 after he was arrested following a quarrel with his girlfriend.
He was first charged with simple assault, carrying a concealed weapon, and public intoxication. Hundley told The Smoking Gun that the weapon he was allegedly carrying was a corkscrew.
Culled from DailyMail UK
i dont even know what to say to this story the manis just a brute!! 1 year and more in prison is what he deserves mtcheww!! i really do get tired of racists
Beautiful baby,Ugly stupid old goat!How dare he?
Life goes on#django#
Sick racist! This loony dickhead deserves more penalization that this sef.
check him he is sick
What annoys me is that when this useless,smelling white pple come into this country they r being treated as demi gods,people that are not worth even trash in their own country move around with police escort causing pandemoniun in ours,its a shame that we give this pple the right to treat us poorly.. Its a shame,only if I become president,a lot of things will change.
Haba! Slapping a child? I would have headbutted the man if I was that woman
He must be very stupud! Dz racist stories jst mk me soooo mad!
D man is an idiot. He should come nd try dat nonsense in naija. Hopeless animal.
The alleged assaulter sure looks sick.
I hope he gets sentenced for assaulting a minor of age 1; someone the alleged assaulter can call a grand-child if not great-grand child.
The alleged assaulter sure looks sick.
I hope he gets sentenced for assaulting a minor of age 1; someone the alleged assaulter can call a grand-child if not great-grand child.
What an insolence,he should be subjected to several strokes of d cane aswell.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
His hands should be cut off. Stupid Old man
Linda why u no dey post my comment now?
Linda why u no dey post my comment now?pls we want details from denrele edun
nawa o, wonders shal neva end
too bad of d papa....why would he strike at a toddler? when he knew he was once a toddler before becoming a papa...didnt he cry often when he was a child?.
that old man is insane... more news,gist,gossip here at www.gistyinka.com
Hope he gets punished for that.
The 25-Year Old Virgin: Part III
#rock gurl#
Dnt knw if as a mother I can endure seeing someone smack my baby in tht regard; would hv slapped him back but I'll try and make it luk professional(lyk professional fall in football tht cld lead to a free kick tht might result in a match winner even when nobody foul them ). Goodness gracious; a child less than 2yrs old.. He get luck n I blv if I do tht, God will forgive me.
White fool!!!
Hw can U slap a 19mnth old baby thats not ur son and want to get away with it..... f**k d law, i would have given him a black eye for slappin my little black angel!!!!! This Oyinbo people sef
Maybe someone have to beg u before u can post comments, cuz u didn't post my comment on that bey and jig post, so I wuld rather not waste my time and energy typing what u won't post...have a nice day
God help us,thought we are all one
You are stupid!
Get a life!
Linda please share this or do a feature in this
I am a doctor and reckon goldie died as a result of it.
Warm regards.
Your English is so poor! "What AN insolence"?? Pls next time just say, "What insolence!" Are you trying for be like our in-house Mr dictionary and grammarian Prince Charming or what? Pls just stick to your dry jokes ok, that's what you are only good at before you make another plunder like that great one who made months ago that people rained curses and laughs on you
What details?pls let d girl rest in peace.and occupy urself with sumthin else if u re bored.tsssk
It is normal for a childeven adult to react to attitude change, why d assualt? D frustrated old man should be flogged.
Insanity @ its peak.he should be sent to a lunatic assylum after his jail term
Who dey hide my post. Ebe like say god
wan punish person! Na dier papa giv me moni 4 MB?
Old or not. A person slaps my pikin. His face must be blue by d tym I m thru. Nonsense! Just sayin...
You are such a baby....
U must be mad too? Are u linda? Or I ask u?
I'm not sure u ve a life too ode, monkey
U must be mad too? Are u linda? Or I ask u?
Sexylove,r u happy now?
Dr, ur thinking of PE becos of hx of d long distance joni she embarked on , right?? While assumin she didn't move around in craft. Pls the one and only symptom she complained of 'severe headache b4 she slumpd, does it also support ur likely diagnosis??
@Anon U̶̲̥̅̊ are nt also guilty of T̶̲̥̅Ñ’e̶̲̥̅̊ same offence? Did U̶̲̥̅̊ hear urself?.....''PLUNDER''
The correct word ÈŠ̊§ BLUNDER Mr/Mrs Sabi no book!
Why dnt U̶̲̥̅̊ remove D̶̲̥̅̊α† log ÈŠ̝̊̅ΠЧЯ blind eyes S̲̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴͡ D̶̲̥̅̊α† U̶̲̥̅̊ can see clearly....Pot calling Kettle black!
When some of us talk abt some of d racist experence we been thru,some Nigerians will assume u r complaining cos u r not making it.
Can u see this now! Not even a 19month child is immune to their racist rant.
If that womans husband was in d same flight,he would have reacted and hit d old man back,then he may have collapsed and died. Then they charge him for murder.
A lot of nigerians would have come home,but nigeria is a shit hell hole so they wud rather live with this racist shit than come back to nigeria. America is NOT. A land of milk or honey. It is a full of fake white racist idiots.
@bumble bee what you're saying may be right but it always surprises me how much Nigerians forget about the slurs we use on people from different tribes. Same thing. We are not guiltless. Just something to consider...
Ur english isn't very good either...#justsaying
Looolz and in ur effort to correct Bonario,u endedup worst.
Mr/mrs bitterleaf
Blunder not plunder
You made, not who made
Jeered/laughed at,not laughs on you.
And finally am only responsible for what I write,not what u understand. Bitch Bikozienu.loooooooooooooolz
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
He's a disater waiting to happen. White people 60yrs n bellow are mostly rascist.
Not sure if this man has had sex for a long time, seems as if he's sex starved...such might lead to depress and anxiety
Ode! U re even trying to correct the self acclaimed funny brat and at the same time trying to sound more funny while u re just making a crap of urself, u re a true definition of dummy...go take several seats \___!
Ha ha anon its blunder not plunder. The joke is on u !!!!
Nothing rascist about this. I personally find it irritating when a toddler goes off in a plane. 19 months or 12 months a mother should always know how to control her child.
About the degrading word, if you are called a nigger and you know you are not, why answer. Life's too short too waste time deliberating over a Non grata.
What a stupid rascist u are. Bcuz one white man misbehaved doesnt mean u shoud generalize.
I'm sure you were slapped severally as a child! Pele shogbo!!
My dear truth be told,we treat dem like gods cos we feel dey re better. Obasanjo changed a lot,n 4 dt I am greatful. B4 nw,oil coys had 80percent white folks n 20 Nigerians,in d name of Expertrate.
U see a white man walk in2 a shop,n d Nigerian start speaking like dem. Like if we speak normally,dey won't understand.
Its left 4 we Nigerians,2 stop dis stupidity,den dey wld see us as equals,kos if we still av 2 speak like dem,or dress like dem n act like dem,we can't beat dem.
Thank you jare! The man go know say him don jam mama tigress!
Wow, such 'dogon turanci' all cos u wan correct person! Na wa o!
The old he goat needs to be slapped sixty times... Rubbish!
I am not correcting u,bt I didn't get u sha.
His only problem was that a mixed race child had d audacity to cry around him! White,racist,evil killers!
Someone just spoke my mind! Hugs for Gozie!!!!!
Annon 2:53pm it is a BLUNDER and not plunder. U r berating Bonario for bad english, but ur english is no better! What an idiot.
I feel the penalty he mite face is just too small,his punishment should be more harsh considering a child is involved
@ Anon 2:53. What the hell did you type? Can you repeat this in English please? Lol.
" Are you trying for be like our in-house Mr dictionary" What does that even mean?? Plus it's called 'blunder' not 'plunder'. Na wa o.
I couldn't make any reasonable meaning out of the last 4 lines of your sentence.
Typical example of the pot calling the kettle black, lol. Smh.
If that was the case then every successful business man/woman who frequently travel around the world would be dead na. Doctor Ajigboloja aka fake Dr., lol.
Anon 2:53pm...I thk u should also STFU! Its 'blunder' and not 'plunder'.Save ur thanks!
6oyears minus the age of that baby is a long way.Whatever must have made a possible grandpa to slap a baby the age of his 1st grandson must have been serious.He should be sent to a rehab center.yeah
Chai major 4kup,they 4 don gang up beat d man wella b4 plane land sef. I'm a frequent flyer n I somtyms get airplane headaches due 2 altitude change during landing n dat shii is crazy,I don't pray 4 it 4my worst enemy. Most kids feel d pain n its normal 4dem 2 cry....even if d guy was intoxicated,he obviously is racist or he won't av cald d baby a nigga n d child is even half caste sef,so I'm sure he wuldav stabbed a pure black baby wt d corkscrew...nawa oh. God dey
Thank u very much,GBAM! U actually took words outta ma mouth. I'm a South African Chartered Accountant who practised in the City (London's Financial District) for 6 years! I witnessed this everyday @ work, on the tube, overland trains & in general social life!
Being a South African who grew up during the Apartheid regime, I just couldn't tolerate it anymore. I just packed all my belongings one day and came back home.
Geting home, I get a sickening feeling I can't describe to u, everytime I see how much we (SAns) praise the White Foreigners whilst we undermine and maltreat amaKWEREKWERE (a demeaning name for our Black African brothers and sisters)!
BTW, I'm not a politician by any chance! I'm just a highly qualified and well exposed LIBer addict!
Thanx 4 yo comment
Capetonian (Cape Town)
Anonymous 2.53pm ur sooo on point!
don't they fight in US? I trust myself,am nt a public fighter but if u try dt wit me na fight 2 die
Bons, HAPPY Belated Birthday to u wee bros! May our faithful God give u many. many, many mo blessings and witful years to come.
I didn't forget yo befday o! I tried to look for relavant threads to post yo message to, but there wasn't any. Later is better than never, abi?
I hope u get to see this message o...
Much love & all the best
Capetonian (Cape Town)
If I was in that flight, I would have beaten this old stinking idiot to stupor, the vodka he had would have cleared from his red face
i hop his pocket book is ready for the pay out. Idiot man
Mimosa, "severe headache" supports the diagnoosis.. Esp if the clot led to the rupture of a blood vessel in her brain.
If it was a white blonde baby crying,this old bigoted buffoon wud have been rubbing his wrinkled hands all over d baby ,trying to calm him down,even doing boi boi for d mum of d baby! But any mixture with black,they find repulsive.
It is ppl his age who held American down with d bondage of discrimination and racism in his younger days and he is still carrying on in his old age. Old Dying motherfucker!!
when i was a child, i reasoned like a child. and cried like a child. when i became an adult, i give away all childish trash. to nurse a baby isnt easy. ask ur moma, if u doubt that.
Honey, sue this mutha**^*** and rename his company Jonah Bennett enterprises.. Let someone try that, I'll know if you didn't cry coming out of the womb....Stan's imp.
The Pregnancy Concierge
these are the kind of people that deserve to be kidnapped and tortured in the niger delta
Thanks so much bruh,u so made my day with ur msg. Wished there's any other way I can show more gratitude.
Once again thanks for sparing a thought.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
de man deserves a maximum of 2 yrs in prison hw cn he be so heartless 2 a baby regardles of his age?he should go behind bars.
de man deserves a maximum of 2 yrs in prison hw cn he be so heartless 2 a baby regardles of his age?he should go behind bars.
When 'sabi come too much',pple end up washing there dirty linens in public.
Lmsao @anon 2:53.are u kidding me?am sure u dropped out at JS2 when u taught you knew more than ur teachers!
That old man is suffering from senial deliquency!
How can he even think of that?
Even if he tries it in Naija...you fit dey there???...you no read sey na inside plane the thing happen!!!
@ Anon 2:53. Be grateful you are anonymous otherwise you would probably never leave a comment on lindys blog ever again...ha ha ha..lmfao
Atlanta, Delta Airline?
Yep, he did say nigger.
Delta Airline encourages racism and the a-hole hunky knows it.
@ejikebiggerdick,I have been looking out for you, for sometime now,so that I can Wrap that ur big dick,round ur skinny neck.
I am so pissed seeing this idiot with 504 eyez. forgive my language. I will rather commit suicide if i dont kill dat idiot had i bn in d flight.
@7:58,ROTFLMAO,I tot I was the only one that was irritated by his user name.
@awon ti yankee,u're d reason why i can never read Linda's blog in public...some comments make u laugh out loud like an insane person.For a second there i actually thought his name's Dr Ajigboloja
Bona how u wan show gratitude again pass d one wey u don do abi u wan give am yansh?#HomoTinz
Ended up worst? LoL; Bro he ended up worse. And Mr Plunder, please leave Linda's Court Jester alone.
Foolish man. He should rot in jail.
I don't think any of you are qualified to comment since you can neither read nor write a coherent sentence in . English. The stupid white people who come to the U.S aren't the problem. They never were. Blacks have long fled to Europe to escape prejudice.
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