His wife of 13 years, who has three children for the CEO of Change Agent of Nigeria Network, packed out of her matrimonial home about 6 months ago after she found out about the relationship between Foluke and her husband. Kayode has since said that God set him free from '13 years of marital bondage, confusion, frustration and regrets.'
When asked why he abandoned his wife and three kids, Kayode replied:
I didn't abandon my wife and kids; they abandoned me. My wife abandoned me for Foluke to take over. In my family, it's an abomination for a woman to pack her things and leave her husband's house, if it's not the man that sent her out. What she did has confirmed she's not my destined wife. Foluke now lives with me in Omole Phase 1.
Hmmnnnn this one pass me oh #Usain bolt mode activated#
Is dat a blushpunch I see.
Stupid man,in ur place women dnt leave der husband but husband can leave der wife abi, useless idiot.why wnt she leave whn u ve put shame and disgrace to her face
Keep quiet abeg. So in your family, it is an abomination to go get back your angry wife. I won't be surprised if she left you and Foluke to save her self from HBP and pre mature
Tell Foluke that the step by step pictures and cooking of Ewa Agonyin are on this blog: www.wivestownhallconnection.com
Foluke go n find ur own man madam tojubole, he wld dump u for another woman so dnt feel comfortable there. Msheew with ur ugly stretch mark breast.
I wish her wat she wishes d oda woman. Selfish liar. U were raped koh,u were raped ni.
Dis wld never make me feel pity 4 u, 3kids,hw heartless u kan be. N 2 d mumu man,if it was u dat walked out nw,ur tradition wld nt matter. Liar oshi.
She wasn't destined 2 b ur wife. Shey we re all alive,we wld see if dis fat pork is destined 2 b ur wife too.
Bitch pls
Dis idiot is nt worthy 2 b caLled a man. God have mercy.
Dude get real! I can understand if it's not working out between you & your wife;but to abandon your kids- dats just plain stupid & irresponsible. And for the home-wrecker, well posterity will judge you. If he could abandon a woman he married for 13yrs after having 3 kids with her, then what's the guarantee that he won't do the same to you.
Stupid man
As long as there are readily available women out there,who are ever ready to move in or lure married men outta their homes,expect men to always av a reason to leave their wives.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Awon oniranu
Its not a new tin ford yorubas, its dere way of life. But d 1st wife was a fool to live her house in d 1st place. I will never leave my hs f anoda woman.
Foluke! Foluke!! Foluke!!! How many times did I call the cane that was used for the first is somewhere up they will also use it for u. What God has joined together let no man put asunder.
All this actresses and peoples husbands,u pple should fear God nau.look @ her stretched mark body.Aunty gwegwegwe.Old mama
Why do Nigerian female actress have issues and similar headlines. Hmn... Foluke should be informed that, the cain stroke that got the first wife out, is hidden up in the ceiling for her. Tho time will tell. And, asides, do you think such unions will last? Will families and friends who really want peace between the husband and her 13yrs old marriage wife be cool with them. #My2Cent
Now he just realise dat is not ur destined wife can u imagine after how many years
Actresses are husband' snatchers. By the way, is it true that tiwa savage fiancee is married wit two kids?
In Gods family it is an abomination for a man to cheat on his wife. See I'm head trying to blame the wife. Mtcheew
Like mother like daughter. I thought she is a big girl but this act shows she is cheap. Imagine no proper dowry or marriage. No class. The guy even"just moved into a rented apartment. If you must do this, then do it with a quality guy_ say someOne who has property in banana island, Dubai, Jersey,Oxford, Texas, et all.
Shame on him.
Agh. What a ridiculous excuse. According to what's written there and what seems apparent to me is that Kayode was in a relationship with his mistress which subsequently led to his wife moving out of their matrimonial home but he now turns the story around to say that the wife moved out first and hence abandoned him which led him to go astray. Hmm. Who's telling the truth? I'm sure there is more too it. :)
Time will tell
Really? That's his "reason"
Abeg close ya yellow 32! So its ya wife who committed an abomination. Just enjoy ya unholy fuckrimony and stop talking shit about the woman you have hurt. 13yrs no be beans.......ng owerri
Wat did u do to her dat she pcked out?!Abomination ko.....
God is seeing everything ooo
Happy for them
Natural B
Hmmm,I hp foluke neva jazz d woman to pack commot,ppl n desperado
well this man is addicted to boobs that's why he is happy to let his family go. foluke enjoy him while it lasts and please Mr man go and check yourself for STDs. gbam...
This man brain don shake! Madam cowbell, karma is a bitch!
That's their own cup of garri o, let the games continue.
That's their own cup of garri o, let the games continue.
You write this with such spite but you celebrate Kim kardashian who is also still legally married to one man and pregnant for another. It's either hypocrisy or a complex on your part Linda
ahhh! which kin make up be this biko nu lmaooo.. uwa di egu ooo
Packing wuz not a good choice at all,really she left d house for folake to take over.But Folake seff is a wicked witch too.see Folake's old face seff know single guy wld have taken her.foolish girl
That is exactly how a man under the influence of juju speaks. Shikena!
Oh Linda pulease!!!!Your soo partial in your reporting.Why didn't you tell us Tiwa Savage's boo had a baby mama with two kids?But u write up 10 posts about other women that snatched men.You'll be giving us half and half gist.Partial you.
Foluke stay well o. The cane that flogged the first wife is still hanging there, getting dryer and waiting for you. Enjoy while it lasts. But remember that karma lurks near.
Foluke....no be curse; u will never find happiness in this man's home
The needles used on the first wife is very much in the drawers waiting patiently to be used on Foluke. Mtcheew!
This guy is crazy. So its ok for him to cheat but not ok for his wife to be upset. Anything to justify his actions. Wish them both the best but she should also expect it to happen to her
See him teeth lyk her blush
Singing.... What goes around comes around.....
This man is definitely under a spell.
Foluke e go OVER you oh, and when that happens it will be too bad.
I can't understand why some actress like to break peoples home,for crying out loud there are lots of single guys out there,leave married men alone!
is Foluke bleaching? jisoossss
Hmmm seriously. Auty foluke why nt wait till they re properly divorced nd џσΰ both re properly Married
Am surprised foluke could be involved in a mess like this.....obviously, she's got no shame!......shzy
This man need Jesus!
Chei! But there was a time his wife of 13years was the only woman driving him nuts :(
Dear Lord, may I not marry the wrong person, may I spend the rest of my life with the man ordained by you as my Husband. Amen
Mr Mumu ur own don done
Shut the fk, stupid man.
Crazy man & husband snatcher.. I used 2 like dis woman buh with this, she disgust me. Abomination ma foot. All these nigerian artist, they r try 2 imitate d white. See her bleached face.. BB
N y is dis useless husband snatcher opening her teeth?????
My wife abandoned me for Foluke to take over. In my family, it's an abomination for a woman to pack her things and leave her husband's house, if it's not the man that sent her out.
May thunder fire dat ur mouth she should wait for u to send her out abi or better still give her HIV on her marital bed. Am so sure the idiot would not even care for his kids financially. Foluke karma is a bitch. Mtchew
Eating my val cake and waiting for loyal libbers to tear dem apart as they predict doom! Hahahahahahahaha (horror laughter from michael jackson's thriller)signed:wide eyed.
Yoruba women are shameless really. It’s a shame there do it to each other. This has to stop.. home wreckers, ugly woman, shameless man. It took you 13 years to discover your wife was not right for you. Ugly man
Feb. 14 is a day of prayers against every strange girl in de life or around our partners lives.
1. Anybody tryin to hug my man seductively, catch fire.
2. Anyone planning to sit on his laps, be unseated by fire.
3. Any person, spirit or power dat wants to collect money or expensive gifts from him, somersault.
4.Any strange woman dat wants to put asunder wat God has joined together, be shattered by fire.
5. Anyone sending romantic message to my guy, be struck wit rheumatism.
6. Evil lips waiting to kiss my partner, be consumed by fire.
7. You strange lady dat wants to camp my partner all day, be encamped by fire.
8. Anyone planning a quickie wit my partner in de office on the 14th of Feb. be electrocuted.
Brothers nd sisters open ur mouth nd Praaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!signed:wide eyed.
Foluuukeee! Remember nemesis will catch up with you o. Ask Nike Oshinowo and other husband snatchers! I thought when the story first broke out, both of u were denying that u were dating!! Mrs Salako, have faith in God and he will fight your cause. Change agent my foot!!!!!
But the wife too should have stayed there First o,at least till he tells her himself to leave!cos such men are always looking for an excuse.
Useless man!
Na ashewo she be bcos she said in city people mag dat will not date any man bcos they re de same, abeg Ooo wetin dey happen now
Hen hen, Mr Ode u don't say? Na that breast no make u wise abi wetin? Ur wife $ mother of ur kids left cos of d same Foluke $ u thought it wise to bring in ur lover to live in ur matrimonial home. I just hope u r with ur senses ?
Some obstinate fowl he is. She proved she's not his destined wife after 13yrs of marriage?? Lol... she shouldn't have packed out, but call your wife and resolve this issue as the head of the family you are, not rant about what and what not is an abomination in ur coven...I mean family o jire..
Yoruba women should learn how to leave married men alone.
Abeg which kind Owl (owiwi) make up be that, somebody call House of TARA,!!! Okay naahh mrs Home wrecker, your time dey come too wey 1 small fine girl go take over! Rubbish (i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ plural form)
That lady shouldn't have left her home for this husband snatcher to come in,Foluke its a shame u could not fined your own man rather than snatch someone else husband,keep it in mind that some day another woman is going to send u out of there too
This is another Dr Sholeye in the making...lol..Meggy!
U ar a bloody mofo! So Danjuma that married caroline Ekanem is a yoruba man? Dangote that has left about 4-5 wives after giving birth to a daughter each is yoruba? Charlse Ahize dat has bin exchanging wives like wrapper is yoruba? Or even small Joseph Benjamin down there is yoruba? Don't let me go on. These things are individual characters & issues not tribal or religious. Pls go gum body for chair.
Plus 3 more kids from baby mamas. He has 5 kids.
And women from ur area don't? Bloody idiot. Its everywhere! Things like dis happen everywhere including ur family. Its not a tribal thing. U here all of this things because the western part of naija is where the media is, where everything is happening and u hear about it immediately. Let beam a searchlight into ur family u ll be shocked dat Linda ll av enof content for a whole year for her blog.
Only one person can say "aunty gwegwegwe"looool!
I agree!
Na d breast she take confuse d man na!!!
Hi peeps, remember to make time for God's Word daily...
visit www.thebanquethall.blogspot.com your christian blog for today's update. God bless you.
So mr abomination!u expct ur wife to stay in d houz n watch u n dat bleached pig ruin her life n dat of her kids!!!no way!!!jez enjoy it while it last!NOnsense
Foluke I'm so disappointed,I used to like u but now, I hate u with a passion.why dnt u go look for ur own husband and leave d poor woman to enjoy her home.u are such a disgrace to womanhood with dt ur ugly over size breast
Hahaha omo u de para oooo like this comment
Anon12:34 u af kill mi ooooooo
Thank you!!!
Thank you.
Siddon look na dog name, we dey wait o, we don see una types before.
Did u say up in d ceiling? Dt was decades back, d cane is now at d back of d door or under d pillow for easier access...Foluke shd remember dt Karma is a bitch
Hmmmmm na wa o, trully short of words cos i didnt expect this kind of behavior from Foluke......may God help us keep our men from all this man hunters....Good morning sir,
I concur to that.....
Toyosi God bless you...
You are silly to generalize Yoruba pple awo fia,isi ewu,so you haven't seen an ibo woman,or an Hausa woman,in a second marriage before?Have seen oyinbo's move out of their homes before,so next time use your tongue to count your teeth before being tribalistic,Linda tribalism on your blog has to be censored..
LWKMD @ fuckrimony!
Is that her best picture why show her in bed.haba this is unfair now
@LOLO...so if a guys lives in an up market area like banana estate it's ok for any woman to move in with him... I know your type. MORON!
My dear Ms Ikeji I think the word you were looking for is MOVED OUT ... Not PACKED OUT..
Packed out means: To be filled to capacity like a stadium or theatre. You don't "pack out" of a house.
Whenever you say "I do" to a yoruba man, also have this scenario at the back of your mind. It is in their genes! That is the way they are configured.
it beats me wen somthn happen esp.in Lagos and pple re quick to say its d way Yorubas behave,d person dat married Frank Edoho na Yoruba and countless odas abi?Ibos are the worst pple in dis country,to dem every thing bores down to tribe.if u hate d yorubas so much go bak to ur village abeg.Linda if u like dnt post dis cos u neva did anywayz
Olodo oloju eja, go back to school..
Igbayi laaro....tsheww, they said he has 5 sef
And she said she was raped???beginning to doubt all her stories now. Please tribalists leave yoruba women alone o, other tribes are guilty of aduLtery as well, just that you don't know yet...
See her face with that tacky makeup eehn
To even think I used to like her mscheew
This guy is very wicked!
So, ur wife shld stay while yu humiliate her by having extra marital affairs?
God will judge yu!
This madam will not kill me wit laff o, ur comment is the most hilarious
Teesha oloyinbo!!!!u do well o!U undastand wetin she write abi u no undastand?oga brighter grammar!
mr kay so u abandoned ur family for this evil actress afta all ur wife & ha family did for u. She picked u up from d gutters in oshodi wen u were still hustlin galaxy lesson & u guys set up one of d finest sec skl in mafoluku. Bosworth. Now dt u think u ve money, u can open ur dirty mouth to say God saved from a bondage marriage afta 13 yrs & 3 kids. God is watchin u o & ur sins wud finally catch up wit u one day. Mscheeewwwww.........
Really? What if its the other way round? #to be frank.
Shit happens
Shameless fornicators,scruplous actress
well, its vry vry UNFORTUNATE!!!!
KAYODE SALAKO is so IRRESPONSIBLE!!! so even if u av problems wt ur wife, u write off ur kids??/ and for GODS sake, see who u took in as a lover!!!! ...EVEN WT AL D STRETCH MARKS!! GOD FORBID!
this kin eba for that kin soup,both foluke and the man lack morality especially foluke,even if the man is frustrated with his wife she should have waited and let them get divorce first,mtchewww,old girl used her youth to run things that are not important when shes ready to be with a man they are all taken so she cause katakata for another woman marriage,i keep saying it this so called celebs are not role models at least 97% of them.
Who should go back to school,you or moi? Good say he pepper you for body,oloshi..
Linda one dunt u wanna gists us about tiwa BF wit his many kids...u dey cover up abi? Na I no u ar always. Given us half gists..if u like no post my comment.
Most guys nw has made marriage appalling 2 decent gurlz,I went thru worst wit my hubby of 6 yrs.dat I met during his tryin times n I was more humiliated than wateva d wife went thru.I had 2 pack out 2 wen I was loosing my mind.I'm on my own nw n can still get ova him,I've foolishly allowed myself 2 fall extremely deep in luv wit him all in d name of being a vituous wman!I've met several gud well meanin guys bt I jst can't get myself 2 switch off 4rm him....
but what is going on ehh cant these actresses leave other womens proerty alone again? it seems to be the reigning thing for actresses now adays. oloju kokoro is worrying all of them they all want food is ready and not i never chop mschew.
I knw a very beautiful girl in ib 2 dat went through something like this with one guy known as otunba(lipsealed)despite her knowing so many rich well placed guys,to my surprise she stayed true to the guy despite his promiscuity and ill manners btw I heard d guy has several children by different women and hid it from her till she found out herself n the guy still lied about them and a lot more.The guy bcame rich n dumped this girl and her kids.I wish I had someone decent enough to introduce to her she's just to decent to be treated like that.bad guys everywhere very ungrateful.girls beware never judge a book by its cover.
I agree wit anon 9.33. Linda u nid 2 start censorin tribalistic comments. Its gettin outta hand. N 2 d tribalistic fellow, go n get enlightened n stop generalisin.
marriage is just game to yorubas, they can easily get in and get out, i can't even date any of their guys, so weak
Yoruba people don't have sexual respect. A married man and woman can sleep with whoever they deem fit.
She should remember how much madam Nike paid for wrecking somebody's home
l'm eye never clear yet.
This aunty Eya,u will not kill me o, u mean Foluke should learn how 2 cook Ewa so as 2 keep him with her forever as he may likely run off 2 another woman...issorait o...
Yoruba Men r lazy & pitch Dr net wit alright girls, but once dey v one small moni dey den start kipin girls around town. Worthless men I use 2 say dnt suffer 4 a Man cos its only 5% of dem appreciate.
Ehhhnnnn! Mr. Teebilly? R u for real, 5kids?!
Omg Linda pls investigate this juicy gossip and air this dirty linen.
Linda prolly won't, she's a tiwa-ass-kisser.
ºĦë•⌣•=D ђë•⌣•=D ђë•⌣•Ñ’ë!!! Dis woman eh
Foluke Daramola, God is watching u. N u silly husband, u will regret dis n bite ur fingers..
Daramola u shuld jst knw dt ur r his recent moni drop bt dnt tink u r d only1 kos he is got yunga babez he spends ur drops on. Kay wil neva chng, he hs bin into galz 4 a lng tym bt sum1 shuld tel him dt he is nw old n urg.
Stupid man,he'll definately regret this someday
Any wise woman that knows the worth of having a family should learn to be patient because girls out there are not smiling at all. a word is enough...
Why won't u type rubbish when u believe ur hubby is entitled to 4wives....mtchew
I agree wiv Bonario totally. We all have good reasons to do terrible things buh its better not to do them.
I am sooo disappointed in Foluke though I don't know her personally. I guess I placed her far above things like this and she has fallen so low.
Another bad role model and the list keeps growing. For the love of God a married man!!! With 3kids! What does she stand to gain that can be compared to the repercussion of this stupid action. Smh...
I no nid tell Foluke say the broom wey they take beat the oda wife, they kip A̶̲̥̅♏ for roof dey wait for her. She b yoruba babe, so she understands!!!Mitcheeeeeeewwww
Sad. It took this idiot 13yrs to realize that the woman he married wasn't destined to be his wife? E for just shut that his jati jati mouth. Foluke, your own dey come. E no far.
Mr kay u abandoned ur wife ? Hahahahahahahha, if u don 4get make I remember u ,u remember dat years wen u dey hustle 4 galaxy lesson 4 oshodi b4 Aunty Bukky come pick u and family up 4rm d gutter way guys dey stay, na one room oooooo ,u ,ur papa ,broda and sista,she cum put butter 4 u bread finish u come go dey carry old mama put 4 aous, after 3boys. Sir kay wait make I ask u one thing foluke and aunty Bukky who fine pass ? I don see say u b MUMU. Later u go say we are d family dats love and care. Mchtewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ..I can see u are a leaner .
It'll happen in due time
Why are u all shouting? After all Foluke too abandoned her matrimonial home. Herself and kayode are two of a kind, birds of d same feather. Useless set of people.
Why are u all shouting? After all Foluke too abandoned her matrimonial home. Herself and kayode are two of a kind, birds of d same feather. Useless set of people.
aunty bukky don't worry o God will judge him and his hungry rubbish family that you picked from the gutters.i can remember the love you have for him made you to over look every of his shortcomings and evil ways
This isn't a marriage Foluke.why r u dis desperate. U will soon meet ur doom no be curse.Useless men are many these days.
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