In a sneak peek from his upcoming interview on Oprah's Next Chapter, Usher tells Oprah he feels like kicking himself in the butt for getting married...
Usher says,
Usher says,
"I say kicking myself in the butt because I always felt like maybe we weren't ready. And maybe this wasn't the time or the way to do it. Part of that I think played into the demise of it."Oprah's Next Chapter interview with Usher airs this Sunday on OWN.
Next time listen to your mama who warned you about that woman. Mtschewwww
Her voodoo hooked him! Your mama told you but you didn't hear.
I am dating a man who's 22 years older than I am. I am deeply in love with him. His sex is so good that I can't resist. As soon as he touches me, I become soaking wet. I have never liked the idea of dating older men but he has changed that perception. He is a very experienced man. Not only sexually, but very educated, decent a well spoken.He doesn't trust me, he's a control freak! I can't leave the house without him thinking I have gone elsewhere. He has sexually linked me with every male friend that I have! It's either I had a fling with them in the past or they are intending to have a sexual relationship with me. When we fight he hits and pushes me.Recently, he's been in touch with his ex-girlfriend of 6 years. I can't tolerate that woman. She's the reason why my boyfriend has had a divorce 3 times . She's ways popping in the picture making our relationship difficult. He's always telling me he's not in touch with her, I shouldn't worry and he doesn't love her. Okay. Recently, i have started noticing some changes in his behaviour towards me.
He doesn't hold me, kiss me, give me attention, tell me he loves me and we don't do things that we use to do. He goes out all day without calling me and will later give me some excuses. This same week, i caught him on the phone talking to his ex- girlfriend of 6 years at 2am. As soon as I walked into the room, he chucked his phone away and had a very suspicious look. I cried my eyes out the whole night. In the morning he told me that he's ignored her phone calls so many times that she couldn't anymore.
He's always having aan affair with this girl even when he was married. If he can have a relationship with her while he's married, who am i for him not to cheat on me with her?could it be that they are back together? I think he's cheating on me.I know he is not the right man for me because he doesn't treat me like I deserved to be treated but I am deeply in love with this man. Do you think he loves Me? Should I walk away from this relationship?
Me too...i regret for you. That girl you married na gold digger confirm.
Imagine her wanting 25k on her credit card every month...haba!!!!! if na naija, i go jazz am ni!
American girls, una too much...coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read this
woww sounds weird* to me .any way its the star life.always regreting.
All this celebrities self. I just don't get it. Why is it always difficult for them to keep a marriage?
Sowey bruh, but I learnt so much from ur relationship. My relationship with ma EX was PSYCHOLOGICAL. She was a PSYCHO and I LOGICAL. We weren't meant to be we just happened.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.
Bad role model
like i cukd relate wif woh he feels by those words.....@iAmhairs
He is right. I feel like marriage is over rated even here in US as civilized as they are.
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I don laugh tire..
Something is wrong with this Usher. I remember when I was a kid, my parents didn't get along but they stayed together cos that's what our parents did. Anyway, we all knew and every time we asked my mum if she regretted marrying my daddy, she always said no because she can't regret a marriage that gave her her beautiful children. It was always important to her to make sure that we never felt like it was our fault or she wouldn't have wanted us.
How does he think his kids would feel like if they heard him say this about a marriage that produced them? Ode oshi!
Usher, your mummy tried to warn you, but you didn't listen. Your mum wasn't even at your wedding, that should have been a good enough sign to know Tameka was a no no. Tameka Foster WAS a woman on a mission. Need I say mission accomplished?
am sorry my guy...take heart marriage is not easy in dis time of d end
Thatz the worst thing that can happen to man, na woah he didn't even consider the feelings of his wife before saying this ....just thinking of how the lady will be on hearing this or watching her husband telling the whole world he regret getting married ... Abeg they should quit joor
Sorry SIR. The worst thing u can do in life is regret things. It has happened, it has happened. As for the single peeps, get married for the right reasons especially when you know you are ready. Marriage's not beans! If there's anything i can change in the bible is calling 'fornication with someone you love a sin'. Adults need that therapy a lot....lol (Marriage or no marriage)
At least he's telling the truth that marriage is rubbish compared to our nigerian stars writing 100 list of reasons to get married. Humans are not made to be married, its not in our nature.
Aww so sad!! There's notin as bad as making a mistake in marriage..
But didn't his mom try to stop him from marrying tameka? Didn't he fire his mom cos of tameka? Mchewwwwwwwwww. Stupid boy
I think it's a little late to regret getting married! Of course we all regret getting married, or having kids, or, or, or. If we knew what we knew after we got married and had kids, nobody would be married and fewer kids would be born. I feel sorry for Usher, he's had a tough year. Linda I love your blog and would like you to come and see my stories at www.whatiswrongwiththispicture2012.blogspot.com. I think you'll get a real laugh. Thanks for letting me share?!!
I feel 4 usher sha. dat's wot u gt wen u allow pple pressurize u into tings u r not sure of.
Regret it oR not u must go wit it becus nobody forced u into it and d worst part of it is dat u already hav two cute boys with her... usher dnt b such a dumb asS
I think Usher was forced to marry. Maybe next time, he will be more prepared and ready to settle down.
<ANYWAYS, guys, visit my blog; www.endyedesonnews.blogspot.com for more CELEBRITY GIST. thanks
celebrities just want to kill the concept called marriage!
Uff uff my poor Usher. I couldnt agree more.
so sorry boo.i dont tink any1 gets in wit d hope of getting out except if its a contract marriage sha.but at least u have ur cute sons 4rm it.
Uff uff my poor Usher. I couldnt agree more.
How truthful
Linda, I hear Morenike Renee Popoola d kidnapped lady is back home o, so get us d full story, let's learn from it
Yeye boi
Getting married į̸s sometimes not optional. Though many ll regret why they did but then their į̸s enough reason not to get married. Can't wait to get married mehn.u get
Who force u marry...mtcheeew
Madam u better gba igi relay n run.
What of those that married that mum ordained women and are now divorced?pls it takes two to tangle jo.
I have a friend whose parent were not at their wedding 10years ago but he is still very much with his wife and two beautiful boys.
Wow! See talk
Errmm! I doubt any1 will reply to your questions cause wat u hv typed is too long for any1 to read. Rubbish!
When he always dates older women , who are far mire wiser and smarter than him. Maybe he should stick around girls his own age . Moreover how did he meet Tameka! Usher is currently with his older manager now( dating). Why feel sorry for him and however he chooses to spend his millions. Now that he has custody of his two sons, I just hope all this madness stops and the entire focus should be about the innocent kids involved ! Mschewww
Why are people so focused on "his mother didn't want him to marry her"?
Like really this is a grown ass man. Yes in this situation things didn't work out but still why would you want a man that makes decisons based on what his mama wants/thinks?
That's always the case when you refuse to prepare before you marry rather than preparing in marriage
U know wetin dey tie u down? Na d SEX!
There is something abt him and his ex(d 6yrs babe),dnt even try to come into it,dat guy is not over her.. U probably love him than he loves u and I just think u need a break!
U need a break from this time wasting relationship cause in d end even if u end up getting married to him u will get irritated at a point cause his ex will keep calling him and u will finally get a divorce
Please pray to God to help u overcome and forget this guy,dats all u need
At 'jane okeke' u nid 2 end dat rltnshp asap.tho it myt sound difficult. Wat in Gods name r u doin wif a man dat is divorced 3 times? D single guys nko? Thr sur must b sumfin wrong wif dat man if 3women can leave him. N u luv him mor by dis ur story. Wat happened to d saying dat a gal shld date a guy dat luvs her mor n not d oda way round?yea, I get he's gud, sex is great wif him n all buh we r talkin abt a lyftym tin dear. He even abuses u, and he's a possessive man 4rm wat I can read. Dear 4 u 2 move on, concentrate on his bad habits dat wld help u. U won't b finkin abt his gud sides. He's bac wif his former gf, d signs r there. so jes prepare ur mind 4 d worst & move on. Wen he sees uve started changin 2wards him, he wld want 2 beg u , don't answer him o.I kno dis is lyk a big step but just take it. All d best dear.
Awwwww......i feel so sori 4 usher,let him cum n marry mi @least i wud b a wonderful wife 2him. Linda post ma comment oo
Go and get a life my dear. Doing the maths means that if the man į̸s 50, you re 28yrs. Common sense suppose tell u̶̲̥̅̊ that u̶̲̥̅̊ ll be the 4th woman out of his life. OKPO
Marriage palava......*buahahahahahahahahahah!
Na real mission accomplsh Maxi. Nw the old hag wanna clear the guys pocket in divorce court. Gold digging biatch
M sick of answering post like these when d answer to ur problem u already knw! Since u knw he doxnt treat u hw u deserve to b treated... logically u already knw u need to bounce outta d soon to b abusive relationship, §o why tell us all dis long turenchi! Abi do u tink we ll recommende a good voodoo magician hu ll perform sm love rituals for u! Seriously take control of urself, u sound smart §o be smart!
If i slap u! D cofee ll enter ur nose back! Dt comment shud b reserved fr funny posts! Dis ur "quote" only demeans wtever u write b4 it §o quit it!
MAXIMUS baby I see wat shag hag Alicia is doing to u on Laduns blog, hope ur nt offended by such
Hey you!!
Na everytime u dey drink coffee..??
Marriage entered in2 4 d right reasons can be blissful but entered wrongly can literally cut ones life short. Usher is being honest about his feelings so I respect that. As 4 all those married women blaming him 4 not listening to him mum...I hope ur mothers-in-law r amomgst ur favourite peeps bcos if most men listened to their mums, a lot of u gals will be Azonto-ing to Beyonce's ALL THE SINGLE LADIES! If a parent has legitimate concerns,dt shld be considered but if such concerns r malicious or borne out of ignorance do u really think a MAN not a BOY oh,shld succumb to such concerns? I certainly hope not. It's sad wen marriages break down esp where kids r involved but I always like looking @ d bright side. He is alive n well and age is still on his side.
Nice one...
True talk...
I just luv u. My mum n a lot of mums n sum dads here in Africa make it work cos of dia kids. Dey do wat dey hav 2 do, 2 giv us security n d assurance dat dey'll always b here 4 us. Dat has been abused I must admit n I am no supporter of staying in abisive r-ships but dis oyibo ppl can just up n leave 4 d slightest reasons, I guess its cos dey've derailed 4rm d ideals of marriage. Imagine divorcin ur husband cos u suddenly dnt feel d magic, or u've run out of chemicals or u just luvd sum1 else. Guys let's learn commitment. I dnt pray 4 a broken marriage but if I end up lyk dat I'd hav sum gud reason 4 my kids on y I walked out.
Bad tins happen, ppl get heartbroken- I did! Ppl lose luvd ones, ppl get backstabbed, betrayed, hurt, burned scorned cheated n abused by d ones dey thot had dia backs. Marriage is lyk standing naked n blindfolded b4 ur partner n tellin em, b my guide, I'll follow ur lead bcos we trust dem n dia judgement. Dats y we become more n more lyk our partners wit tym. Ppl pls get marid 4 d ryt reasons n dnt leave d one u trust more 4 d one who's more cute, more rich, or more handsome. Mix those a little wit basic trust.
Thought i was the only one wishing fornication is not a sin with your lover
Azontoing 2 beyonce's single ladies
@Laye, is this ass kissing or what? Please, go back to wherever you read whatever and comment this. Stop fueling quarell here.
Hmm,comment reserved
Hmmm...ok, he beats u, cheats on u, doesn't trust u etc and u are asking is if you should stay or leave. Ok, sit down there dey look. What is wrong with some women geez!!! Silly girl smh
A good example of love gone soured.
I assume when he was advised against it in the past, he ignored the people because he was so in love!
@Jungle, u were so spot on! Btw, lol to azonto-ing to all the single ladies....Meggy!
I respect usher a lot, he is one of my fav celeb! I just think he has made marriage mistakes and he regrets it.he should forget the opp sex for now and face his kids,women,most times are tools used to pull men down and some men don't realize that.Usher is talented,cute,more like having the whole package.and am glad he finally has primary custody of his kids.I wish him all the best.Ada
so the lastest in town now is to cry to oprah, ist rihanna now usher,who's next??? maybe linda ikeji crying about her hidden love for maybe dbanj hehehehehe
do u also regret having kids with her
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