1. God. I do nothing without God and without prayers. I pray all hours of the day and I can tell you once you love God, He will love you back and give you long life.
2. Water and Food: I drink a lot of water and watch what I eat. I am not a junk food eater, what one eats matters a lot.
3. Lack of Stress: I never allow anything to stress me. Whatever the problem in life must always have a solution. Why I am looking like a teenage despite being an old mum is that I destroy stress in my life.
4. My Work: I am a passionate worker. Your love and passion for your job give you long life.
5. My Style: I try to be stylish knowingly and unknowingly. Style is about beauty, taking your walks, jogging and just exercising right.
Looking like a teenager . . . hmmm she is feeling herself. She looks good no doubt but a teenager is stretching it a bit dear.
Teenager? Hmm...na true(lie) because say nature dey craze abi? She for just yarn the koko...diet, exercise, spa treatments, breast creams/plastic surgery.
lol you forgot
6.A trip to the plastic surgeon
biko talk true!
p.s I look just as good as u after kids too so no hating just saying
The woman looks GREAT...period!!
Must her secret be plastic surgery! How about it runs in her genes and she takes extra care of herself?
Stop hating and be happy for people!
Nigerians try and appreciate! The lady looks good period. Why insinuate surgery or other crap.... SMH
seriously must everything be surgery?! bad belle people...
her lace front has got to go though
I think she meant that she is as slim and trim as most teenage girls. Her face does not look as young as a teen's. At least she is slim...
she looks like a 40-something yr old woman. she looks her age. her body is good but her face look like a woman in her forties.shikena
DUH. most of the things she said are things already known to the world. so what "secrets"???
she just wanted to attract more attention to herself, abeg.
and no this is not "hating" for some of you kiss-asses out there. :P
@ alicia: do you think she just went and started giving info about herself just to get attention?na wa for you o
I doubt she did any surgery.
She and Kese Jabari no get that kind money.na hustle dem dey hustle for US.
So she was asked HER personal regime and she answered. What's wrong with that?
thank u!
why must everyone say hating abeg jor!
I just hate it when women hide their real secrets.
I saw a belle with the most perfect skin lately and I just had to go compliment her and asked what she was using
The beach said pears baby oil and I drink loads of water
nigger pls
Thunder faya ya mouth
where does she jog in lagos?? with all the kidnappings is it safe to jog outside? well i guess if u live in VGC or some other gated community it is...and looking like a teen isnt that a stretch???
I am also curious about the lace wigs i thought they were huge in Nija...i am getting the sense that ppl are really not fans..here in the US they are not popular anyway..am i right in saying ppl really don't like them??? can someone confirm?
wow so it is a sin to be beautiful!! i dont live in nigeria but you girls seem to think less of yourselves, just accept someone is finer than you doesnt mean they are better than you...Jeez lighten up (thumbs down)
@Noella she lives in the US. C'mon people be positive .....
Anon July 30, 2011 8:00 PM; people don't like telling what they are using or they lie about it!
Noella; she lives in Atlanta.
Even in London, when i see people with lace wigs, they are mostly "our people!" Loathe them.
haba!!!some people naturally have good skins o.they dnt hv 2 use anything special.my friends keep askin me wht i use on my skin and d truth is i cld use one nature essence 4 close 2 a year cos i hardly cream and i dont use facial whatevers not even clensers am more of a sport person n tomboy than a girly girl.am 29 and bliv n even.just put me inside AC constantly n thats it...lol. so pls dnt insult d ones tht tell u they hardly use anything o
Shes fine.If she says she looks like a teenager,na for her mind,we really dont have to start debating on it. But hey,What is really wrong with Lace wigs? I dont get o,is it that they are no more worn so that we would go and throw our own away or what exactly?
@Noella "here in the US" is where she lives too. Lolololololol
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