Is she naked underneath all that? Oh Rihanna...lol
More pics when you continue...
Kim K and Miley Cyrus

Selena Gomez and LeAnn Rimes
J Lo and Heidi Klum
Eva Longoria and Nicole Kidman
Nicki Minaj
Ciara and J Hud

Jordin Sparks and Toni Braxton
Kelly Osborne and Julianna Rancic

Janelle Monae and Justin Bieber
Ricky Martins and Usher
Lady Gaga
Yeparipa, mo gbe!!! Wetin all these ladies take cover body so? lol. The guys dey okay tho.
Dis is d uglest dress av eva seen.
She has such a lovely shape,y did she choose 2 wear dis dress.
Rihanna: cheap-looking weave, tacky dress. Fail!
jordin sparks and toni braxton...looking old
justin bieber.....so cute
Ciara.......tuber legs
JLO ......dress is too casual
ciara.......kills it.
can i just say that i saw our own OMOTOLA JALADE EKEINDE on the red carpet. I watched the E Live on the red Carpet thingy and i saw her in a blue gown (i think it was blue) i was quite shocked and excited but i didn't understand what she was doing there but i was claiming her. I liked the mixture of the red hair with white but this rihanna's dress is just too much.and i don't think she's not naked underneath.
That dress was in the JPG couture show by Galliano
I like Rihanna's dress. Vintage Riri!
anonymous 11:30 lolllll ...u r so on point
Oh my Gosh, i have to comment,i just have to... Rihanna,Jlo and Ciara looking like media whores
Kim not looking bad..even though i no gbadun her lifestyle,she looks good
Heidi Klum, sorry am not your fan
Eve & Nikole. Hot and very classy i approve..
Nicki Minaj..attention seeking frog faced kid looking like a piece of useless trash
J hud.. u sure looked better wen u were a size 10
Linda pls is Toni Braxton preggy???
Kelly Osburn and Juliana Rancic looks like they are trying to scare birds away from the corn field.
Lady Gaga a.k.a lady yama yama. The guys are looking cool.
look well shes wearing Nude colored panties
Una no get eyes ni
riri has got a one piece NUDE suit under
lada gaga/niki/heidi.........attention seeking hoes
usher looks like he hasnt had a bathe since he broke up with tameka
juliana needs some flesh on her bones,her and kelly need to be fined by the fashion police
........and to think they have the effrontery to diss others
selena even tho is one of the youngest there
seems like na she get sense pass
jlo u look good girl!
what happened to toni ???
Best Dressed Women in dis list would be - Kim Kardashain, Miley Cyrus, LeAnn Rimes, Selena Gomez, Nicole Kidman, and Ciara! These ladies rocked their dresses & their curves looked amazing. I can't see a problem wrong with Ciara's look - I would put her up with Kim K for the two best dressed Divas on dis list! Jennifer Hudson looks like she is suffering "eat sum food lady!" Nicki & Rihanna look Awful honestly! I think Janelle MOnae needs to update her look & start showing her sexuality little more - d tom boy look is Old for her!
muero_ebony....ur are stupid for dissin nicki minaj...she looks beautiful...stop dissin people and get a life...idiot
all the ladies need serious prayers and advice
@anonymous 1:59...If u think Nicki looks beautiful then ur own life must be so pathetic,i wonder how you got here,did someone leave ur cage open..obo langido
Rihanna’s gown looks like scraps from another gown. Wait! I just realized what Rihanna‘s dress reminds me of: Window blinds yes window blinds and her hair needed a little styling or at least a brush. Lucky for her nobody is going to notice because the window blinds are open and people are busy looking through the open window.
ny 1 hu thot j hud looked better b4 is proberly an overweight douchebag hu feels really insecure and feels d need 2 keep holding d torch 4 dis overly missused nd played out "big is beautiful" or "we are thick and curvy" bulshitt!ppl need 2 stop deluding themselves,.,fat is fat!obese is obese nd there is nothin cute nd sexy about it,.,not 2 mention d health issues. j hud was clearly overweight b4,.,she is fit now!PERIOD!nd she looks hella gud!stop tellin ppl dey looked better overweight 2 feel good about ur fat self!
I also saw own OMOTOLA on the red carpet i was amazed but she looked really beautiful i mean more than have ever seen her on a Nigerian red carpet and to think some people (Nigerians i'm sure) recognized and took pictures with her mmmmh go OMOSEXY she looked good.
*BTW* KIM K is the only lady that gets my fashionista nod on this list.
Rihanna looks like a christmas ornament.
What is up with Toni Braxton, she doesn't look so good, maybe it's the make up.
as crazy as dis sounds, i like riri's dress!!! yes i said it, it werks for her. n she is wearing a nude underwear, look at the second pix, u'll see dat. also, kudos to jhud but i think she needs to own dis look, i don't know she looks bit off, i guess my eyes need to adjust to the new look or something n am not fat bf someone accuses me of jealousy.
first of all kelly and julianna look like dressed up birds.lets see waht they ave to say ......then riri, oh gosh. i think shes done it all and now shes just clueless. jhud looks way too thin now.nikky minaj is just a lady gaga wanna be and the gaga lady her self is just a hiss.
guilliana really needs to heed to her doctor's advice of her adding weight in order for her to conceive. she looks terribly hungry. this is not cute. she's ugly plus no fat to fill out her face has made her look eww. i miss the guilliana of 2005, those were the good old days when she wasn't vain and stupid.
as for rihanna.........i hand her over to una
nope! she is not naked..i can see a shiny skin-coloured clothing that outlined her vay-jay-jay!
@skankspeace..i totally agree.
@anonymous february 14th, 3:24pm.. go and hug a transformer! then bash your head against the wall anytime you come across an obese person!
i wonder how you would look in years time? maybe you would kill yourself when you put on weight?
Nicki Minaj beat Lady Gaga for once at her own fashion game. Minaj must have made a lot of bucks...
As for Toni Braxton, it is a lesson all of us. Do not allow fame to rock your brains.
She did not invest her money and went bankrupt. How can she be happy? I pity her.
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