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Edirin Onogeta Idogun |
His parents, Lydia Erhire and John Idogun were issued with a court order to return the boy, who is believed to be with his father in Lagos.
When they failed to do so, Mrs Erhire was convicted at the Old Bailey of being in contempt of court and sentenced to eight months in prison.
Edirin was born in Nigeria but moved to London with his mother seven years ago.
He had been studying for his GCSEs and had been due to transfer to a college in Hackney to study business and media.
'Significant risk'
Last year he feared he may be taken to Nigeria and forced to marry against his will, his solicitors said, and a Forced Marriage Protection Order was issued on 8 July.
He attended school for the final time on 12 July and it is thought he flew to the African country about four days later.
The High Court ruled Edirin was a resident of England and was entitled to continue to live there.
His removal from England was contrary to the protection order and he was at "significant risk" while in Nigeria, it decided.
Alicia says...
well what did they think by moving him to the Uk to begin with? do they think he will act like a villager in the Uk? these parents must not have their head screwed on right.
if thats the case, they should have stayed in Naija.
thank God he wasn't forced to marry against his well.
his parents (mama) are bush people! how can you try to force someonme into marriage in this day and age? AT 17 YEARS OLD? na wa!
OMG...dis white people will not get the full story before they publish their ridiculous stories.....i dont knw whats going on but we all knw that no parent in nigeria will want their son to get married at this age maybe a girl, but definitely not a boy. the boy was probably misbehaving and was sent home to learn how to behave, as the UK will not allow parents to discipline their children properly. that is why there are so many ill behaved youth roaming the streets. you need to hear the way they talk to their parents, its appalling
@Alicia u knw its not possible that they are forcing him to get married, maybe a girl, but definitely not a boy. That is the only thing the UK lawyers can use against his mother. the boy apparently was misbehaving, they live around hackney and u need to see the youths there. half of them are good for nothing. and the poor woman would rather go to jail than see her son become like them
This is one of the reasons why I will not allow my children to relocate to U.K. or U.S. You don't have control over your child. Some of the children there are so wayward (by Nigerian standard) and you cannot do anything. That is why you see a lot of teenage girls there pulling buggy with their babies in it.
This story was on Sahara Reporters and most readers could not understand what it was all about because it was not well written. So that is what she did!
Thanks, after several days in the dark... If not for the same picture I wouldn't have known that it was the same case.
on top my pikin again????????
wonders shall never end!
um okay...why?
They have sent him to naija with his British passport that his why the British are giving him protection, next time, you use his naija pali to send him to naija, that way Goodluck would look after him.
OMG are you freaking kidding me. Man, that's what my mother used to scare me to get me in shape when I was younger. So you're telling me I can't try that. Mogbe!!! I can't beat my dog, I go to Jail, I can't beat my child I go to Jail, now I can't send them to Ajegunle grammar school to get real beating. Time to move back home ejo!
pleaseeeeeee the boy probably lied that they were forcing him to get married
Are you people serious??? Why are you blaming the boy? The UK police are only doing their jobs. This boy has been given a protection order. if the mother knew he was in nigeria, why didnt she say so since? Nigerians will just be embarrassing themselves. and Kiky, how do you know they are not trying to force him into marriage? are you living with them? from this small story, see all the misleading generalizations you have brought out. na you biko
The boy's lifestyle / behaviour was reason his parents tricked him to Naija. Africans and Asians do it to their wayward kids, especially girls when they are about 12yrs old. Kids don't listen to their parents. I understand the issues in question. I sympatise with the parents. I sympatise with the parents cos what they did by sending the kid to Naija was for the best - for his interest. Hackney / East London and some parts of london is no place to bring up tenage kids. U r at work n u dont know what they get up to after school. But, .......whatever the issues or argument, this matter is straight forward:
"The High Court ruled Edirin was a resident of England and was entitled to continue to live there. His removal from England was contrary to the protection order and he was at "significant risk" while in Nigeria, it decided."
Obey the law of the land or go to jail. White people have been jailed here for not ensuring that their wayward kids (who don't want to attend classes) go to school.
I'm against the removal of the kid from his home, United Kingdom. Tricking him to Naija was not the only way to control the child. The parents brought up the child. He grew up under their nose. They did not bring up correctly. I blame the parents. I recommend Parental Skills education for every parent. ••• Throws Naija's "Culture", "Custom" and "Tradition" out of the pram ••• what the parents did was wrong and unlawful. Poor kid. Probably traumatised wherever he is now. The mother and father of the kid should be glad I wasn't the prosecutor. I would have done them for Kidnapping, Child Abduction, and more.
How did the Albert Kenedy Trust know about the Edirin?
Why can't the boy be brought back here to save his mum?
Can't they interview the boy via videolink ?
What is all this mess sef?
If he was being abducted, why didn't he raise alarm at the airport or on the plane? Kids brought up here are very vocal so wetin dey?
Something doesn't add up.
The boy must be lying may be he knew they will soon send him to Nigeria because he was misbehaving, he decided to make that marriage story up so he will escape coming to Nigeria.
The boy just made the marriage matter up so he will not be taken to Nigeria. And you that is saying parents issue, life now and life then are not the same do you know if the kid was hiding to commit.lastly UK is not a place to raise kids, I think the parents just wanted send him Nigeria to groom him that's all.
@ Anonymous, Na wa o. Even if they are at fault, would you cut off the head in order to cure a headache. I believe you as a Nigerian, would not pray to loose your child to the U.K system. The parents of the boy might have made the mistake of not bringing up the child properly at one point or the other,but they have resolved to make amend by taking measures to correct their mistakes. They have a responsibility to God to bring up their child properly. If you as a parent would disregard God and uphold the man made laws more, then you have your conscience and your God to answer to. If anyone would believe a lying child against his parents, then it leaves much to be desired. I am doubly sure, no parent will send a 17 year old boy home to get married. No parent also will give their daughter out in marriage to a 17 year old high school boy and that includes all of the respondents. You westernised Nigerians should handle your children the way you deem fit but please leave NIGERIANS to bring up theirs the best possible way. I have the right to send my child to any country in the world to school and that includes Nigeria.I know a good number of wealthy Americans whose children are schooling in other countries for reasons best known to them. Let us stop this destructive habits of Pull Him Dowm syndrom. Live and let s live. We need to move forward. Pleaseeeeeee.
I am surprised at the unsavoury comments of some people. How can we bring up a child properly int the ways of the Lord and to become responsible if the state will not allow us talk. A good number of these law makers would rather bring up their own children differently from what their laws prescribed so as to have well trained children who will take up the reign of power from them.If Clinton, Bush or Thatcher had not brought up their own children properly, you probably would have been seeing them with sagged pants all around their different countries. Every parent has the sole responsibilty of bringing up their children the best way possible and can send them to school anywhere in the world. As long as they believe it is best for their children. I know a good number of wealthy American parents whose children are schooling in other countries. Why would we always be antagonistic towards each other. How can anyone believe that a parent will send her 17 year old son to go get married. How many of us will give our daughters out in marriage to such a boy in Nigeria. Please let us be realistic here. I salute the courage of that woman. She did what was best for her son. I believe the boy will one day appreciate his mum for her courage. There is no point rearing children if you cannot be responsible for bringing them up properly to become good and excellent children in future. The world is full of and tired of untrained, ill mannered and aimless kids.
I am surprised at the unsavoury comments of some people. How can we bring up a child properly int eh ways of the Lord and to become responsible if the state will not allow us talk. A good number of these law makers will rather bring up their own children differently from what their laws prescribed so as to have well trained children who will take up the reign of power from them.If Clinton, Bush or Thatcher did not bring up their own children properly, you would have been seeing them with sagged pants all around. Every parent has the sole responsibilty of bringing up their children the best way possible and can send them to school anywhere in the world. As long as they believe it is best for their children. I know a good number of wealthy American parents whose children are schooling in other countries. Why would ve always be antagonistic towards each other. How can anyone believe that a parent will send her 17 year old son to go get married. How many of us will give our daughters out in marriage to such a boy in Nigeria. Please let us be realistic here. I salute the courage of woman. She did what is best for her son. I believe the boy will one day appreciate his mum for her courage. There is no point rearing children if you cannot be responsible for bringing them up properly to become good and excellent children in future. The world is full of and tired of untrained, ill mannered and aimless kids.
I think the boy is in some Nigeria village, far away from his passport or British Embassy. If I was him, I'd escape and run away from home. The boy is held in Nigeria against his wish. You don't do that to a 17 yr old. Though, he was born in Nigeria, UK is his country / home. Its the place he called home. His friends are here. His experiences are here. His memory are here. He grew up here. He's a UK citicen. He should be brought back. If Obama was sent to Kenya by his dad, today there won't be a US President named Barack Obama. I hope the boy don't grow up hating his parents. They should have been honest and upfront with him that he should go complete college and uni in Nigeria, then come back here in about 12 years time. That would have been a fair deal.
gosh ! how can ppl be sooo gullible??? that boy obviously either made up the marriage story , or his solicitors told him to say that to strenghten his case ! if i see his mother, i will shake her hand for taking this step. hackey, my people is not where a mother wants her child to grow up in > this is not to say responsible kids are not brought up there; but the chances of him falling by the wayside are much higher. that boy should suck it up and get used to life in nigeria !
i can assure you that he will thank his parents in future after he sees that some of his mates are either dead due to gang related activities; or DEAD !! AS A PARENT,I WOULD DO THE SAME THING !!
I agree the boy must have lied. He was most likely becoming a way-ward youth and his parents had to act quickly. Unfortunately Oyibo people are just too suspicious! If i were his mum,I would have sent him home as well, quick quick!!!
Jail ke? Because I choose where the child I carried, fed and housed from conception, lives? If say I be that pikin moda ehn, I go tear his paper and swallow am, he will never ever ever in his life smell obodo oyibo again! lai lai
It's just that as a parent it is hard to just leave your child make e go, make e just spoil like dat any how any how but my grandmother used to say one ting, she sey no dey go come when dem go use pickin bone dig my grave o and dat go be my mantra when I get pickin because some children go put you inside grave before your due time and this boy na dat kain pickin!
Me, and I dey speak like persin wey no get pickin o, ME ewo Jesus I will tell them where he is, they can bring him back to London, I would meet him at Gatwick/Heathrow with ALL of his belongings, documents etc and I would wash my hands off him. He thinks he's grown, let him go out there and fend for himself. He no like free food, free rent, nwanu go and see how it is to work to make ends meet. Sometimes you have to meet Fire with Fire but that na me wey no get pickin wey dey tok so forgive me all you parents out there, make unu no vex o.
I feel sad for the mother, she was trying to save her son from self destruction and I feel sad for the boy because he has brought about punishment to himself because the bible says to honor thy father and mother so that your days on earth may be long. It is sad that he thinks na jolly hin dey jolly right now but by the time he tries to straighten out his life, it might be too late and that mother he is putting through hell right now might be no more. I have seen it happen within my family but by then the tears come a little too late.
Sha, may God help them mend their family, renew their spirits, renew their bond and be the family God intended for them to be in putting them together, AMEN!
When you hear a story, you have to know how to filter it. This story doesn't even make sense. Something does not add up, there's definitely more to the story. Ps: that a child is brought up in England doesn't mean the child would grow up to be wayward (whatever the word even really means).
I agree with the court's decision to jail the mother. There was a standing court order that she violated. If the mother wants to live in UK then she has to abide by their laws. Also, the fact that in Naija children have no human rights has to be taken into consideration. Just a few days ago, Linda featured a child whose father doused them with acid and it appears that the authorities did nothing to the parents.
If you all bother to read between the lines at all you will realise that this is a good for nothing boy who, at seventeen, had become unruly and too hot to handle. His mother had become tired of his misbehaviour and sent him to his father. They brought him to the UK for a better life but he turned out for the worse. He demonstrated the height of his stupidity by reporting his mother to the authorities in advance,knowing that his misbehaviour will only end up in him being sent home, and has now succeeded in getting her jailed. Who would wish for such a son. He is an ingrate who at seventeen years of age, has no respect for the mother who brought him up. Or why else would he not be afraid to report her to the authorities? Where is the fear? Where is the parent's honour? He was born in Nigeria after all and lived there for many years so he should have learnt to respect his own mother. And to spite her he concocted the story of being sent off to marry. Everyone knows that this is a predominantly Asian practice that has little to do with Nigerians. As far as I am concerned that boy is under a curse until he redeems himself somehow. And those who think he will learn to appreciate what his mother did have another thing coming. The guy is almost an adult mind you. His mind is fully formed. And given his track record only God knows what else he has planned. A stupid son is a grief to his mother and a thorn to his father. May God help those parents.
Nigerians send their kids home to Nigeria each time withouse issue from the law and so I am still unclear as to why this one resulted in a jail sentence for the mother.
If this boy contacted the Albert Kennedy Trust, an organisation which supports gay teens then he is gay and the fear that he was being sent back to be married off is believable.
This boy could have contracted a number of organisations that support troubled teenagers i.e childine, NSPCC etc but the fact he made a beeline for the gay organisation really does explain what this story is about. The word in the article used 'Lifestyle' is also dead giveaway.
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