How heartwarming is this? 5 year old Josiah Duncan (pictured with his mum) brought brought a group of Waffle House diners to tears when he
asked his mother to buy dinner for a homeless man he saw outside - and
then sang a blessing with him at the table.
Ava Faulk said her son wouldn't stop asking her questions when he spotted a disheveled man
holding a bag with his bike outside the restaurant in Prattville. When Faulk explained the man was homeless, little Josiah asked 'What does that mean?' Faulk
told Josiah that it meant he didn't have a home, to which her son
responded, 'Where is his house? Where is his family? Where does he keep
his groceries?'
But Josiah was most concerned that the stranger didn't have any food, and he begged his mother to buy the man a meal at the restaurant, she told WSFA 12 News.
mother agreed, but when the man sat down at the restaurant and 'nobody
really waited on him', Josiah decided to take matters into his own
He 'jumped up' and asked the man if he needed a menu, telling him 'you can't order without one', Faulk said.
When the man insisted he would be fine with a simple cheeseburger, Faulk made sure he knew he could have anything he wanted.
The mother remembers that, when he asked if he could have bacon, she told him 'get as much bacon as you want'.
Awww..how sweet..Some kids are naturally nice
Do the walking and let your shoes do the talking
Homeless and has a bike?
Hmm this is so touching ..my blog http://www.gistnation.com
Little Children are The Cutest!!
Very Good of him.
Cute baby,may he forever be blessed
An angel at such tender age.
God will bless that young man!
Awwwwwwww, lovely baby
heart touching, may the little boy never know lack in his life. amen
Wow, had me a bit teary eyed too!
Wow! Gud boy, may God bless him n his mum
Wow! Gud boy, may God bless him n his mum
God works in ways we can't imagine
The innocence of dat little Angel. Wish we could all be like children, the world would have been a berra place. Linda take note!
Soooo touching. little angel, may God bless u
I teared up reading this too. Lovely!
The innocence of dat little Angel. Wish we could all be like children, the world would have been a berra place. Linda take note!
*Phewww! I almost shed a tear
9ja pikin go bone d mata!!
Awww.. how sweet. Like the vid i watched online where people don't care about the homeless or even wanna help them with food or anything. It's a crazy world out there.. y'all beta be grateful with what u have n stop grumbling. Bye!
Awwwwww..... that really got me. God bless this child.
May d good LORD bless u lil Josiah, u shall rich to feed nations IJN. Amen
May d good LORD bless u lil Josiah, u shall rich to feed nations IJN. Amen
Lord knws if i try this stuff when i was that age i for dey psych hospital bcos the slap wey them tear me that tym go still dey affect me up to this moment i swear...
May d good LORD bless u lil Josiah, u shall rich to feed nations IJN. Amen
Such a sweetheart!
May d good LORD bless u lil Josiah, u shall rich to feed nations IJN. Amen
APATA ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ROCK OF AGES
Awww soo touching 😢
Good bless his little heart
Nice of them.
Never knew i would drop a tear in my weeping vase any time soon.
So touching a story that Z was forced to take a walk around the Complex facility, as i can't explain to colleagues why my eyes are soaked red.
Never knew that some ish will be Too emotional 4 me to handle.
Don't even know what 2 say about the lil kid other than i will LUV TO SPEND SOME TIME WITH HIM TO LEARN MORE ABOUT LIFE I THOUGHT I KNEW.
Awwww, so touching!
Awwww handsome boy I love what this little boy did. May God bless u josiah Amen.
Awwwww.. Some people are just born with it. Blessed child
Awww. God bless his hrt
It pays to be kind.
Wow! God bless that little boy
Wow! God bless that little boy
Blessed child!!! Tells a lot about his upbringing. God bless you and ur mum.
very touching.. shey nigerian kids nowadays can do this? question to be answered
If na Naija parents them go pull the boy ears ask am watin concern am. That is why God blessed oyimbo land. Oyimbo people nor get stress at all. Them no send
So touching
God choosen one
Wow! Children wit good heart, and born into dat special being dat God calls them into r usually known by their fruits.
Wsh we cud av mor pipu like him in diz world
wow.......Children re blessings
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......
That's so kind of him....
Beautiful soul God bless his hrt Amen.
Small boy with a good heart.....this shows what he gonna b in future.
Amazing..This is what we really need..LOVE
That's how God passes thru us to bless someone .... God bless that little boy and his family
awww! train up a child in a way he should go. that child is well trained.
awwwww...my eyes fail me too. God is good all the time.showing love and care through the eyes and acts of a child. lets learn to share and care 4d needy.may God bless his soul.
Couldn't hold my tears as I read " he wanted to say the blessing wt him". When a mother lives a life dts worth emulating! U see it in the life of the children. Not teachn children a life of negative class nd show off.
So touching to read
Congenital compassion
So touching to read
Its indeed a proud moment to witness as a parent. It speaks well of his home.. Thanks for sharing, Linda
So touching to read
So touching to read
So touching to read
Raise ur kids in d way of the Lord and they won't depart from it, dis made me cry
That's really touching..
This small cutey is really an angel. He will be a great guy in future touching many souls.
WoW!This kid is well trained.
Beautiful hearts
Am almost crying ......
My eyes just got misty! GOD bless that child!
So touching! Out of the mouths of babes....Parents should take a cue from this, that sweet kid learnt kindness from his parents even when his mom forgot... Lord please give me the grace to be a good guardian when i have kids
God bless you son. Amen!
God bless you son. Amen!
nobody go comment nah....when dier is no eggplant on display..
1st to commentus...
May the Lord protect him. And may he grow in the knowledge of God
That is a world changer right there. He's a greater man at heart than so many of us.
Good touching story,
this is some positive post, not eggplant or the Kardashian clan..smh
This boy is going to be great in years to come
Wonderful.....Some home Work For d Future Parents....Let Your Kids Rep What U Teach 'em (Positive o)
Wow. I just really want to be a great parent.
I have done that before
.God bless and increase d young child in HIS knowledge and,provide for d poor as well. Amen
Dats magical.... she's blessed
so sweet.
This was the Holy Spirit at work.
Praise God
Bleass mother and son
Wow... Truly inspiring... Mum did a great job raising her son in a manner worthy of emulation. As adults we should learn to be like this kid and see everyone as equals. This story brought tears to my eyes
At 5 years. Who ever had a negative mindset in that place will marvel and change his ways with the act of that boy. You can be anyone's angel if you choose to. God bless the lil' lad.
I teared up reading it. A child shall lead the way. Love is always an action, never just words.
God bless him. He has a pure heart, hope this evil world does not taint him and he grows into a kind hearted man
So touching.God bless him
God bless that Child!
A child with a large heart. Wonderful and very sensitive kid. You will go places dear. God bless you for touching lives. # landlady
you see why God loves little children?They are pure at heart
Aww i am in tears
wow...... good boy from a nice home... keep it up.. god bless u and ur family.
And what has a bike got to do with homelessness? You can't have a bike if your are homeless? What of homeless people who live in their cars? Do your research next time biko
Aww. So sweet of d boy. His mama is sure raising him well. Some Naija parents will slap their kids if they dare made such demands. Yet we keep asking what is wrong with us.
You no well, pray for a kind heart
Wow! So sweet of him, and God bless him.
Glory be to Almighty God for this wonderful kid he will continue to be source of joy to his family and entire world sorrow will never be his potion in his entire life. Amen.
A bike is a bicycle
@ obina ur father, so if him get bike mean say everything dey ok for am, u need dialysis of d brain, dat ur stinking mouth like umgbeke pus***y
M in tears
So what if he has a bike? Does that make him any less homeless?
No wonder the bible says....the kingdom of God belongs to little children. .....I guess the 11 people cried because they all walked pass the man without the thought of feeding him.
Whatsoever you do...to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me...says the Lord of Host.
Truly, God have a way of letting all mankind know that little thing sometimes matters..
May God in his infinite mercy continue to order the steps of the little Angel. .....
This made me tear up a little. God bless that little boy and his mum. Amen
And you tell me theres no God? They say God is love that you can relate from this story. True love is real same as God #BEWISE
Its a reflection of good parenting and it can never be hidden, if you like let your children watch wizki and dvidoff, little shoki dancing twerps is what you will have.
Awwww how sweet, really pure at heart!
I felt the sympathy n meekness nature of the Lil boy Oh God bless him n his mother
Obinna o di ka ishi mebiri gi nke ojo. What is the definition of homeless? Go to google and find out the definition then come back here and feel very stupid with yourself you hear? Good boy. Now run along. See why your parents told you to study well in school? Ishi mmebi wu ihe na enye gi nsogbu. Zuzuru fuo nga. Aturu mmuo
Eeeyaa......Gud boy
:-) beautiful
Just in case of next time so u don't disgrace urself bike isn't just power bikes or okada, they call bicycles bikes here and I'm sure u knw lots of Pple got it
Imagine the kind of homeless comment you just made...
Wow, the innocence of a child. Truly, this child is an angel in human form. Hope he stays true to his calling as he grows up in this cynical and heartless world.
so touching
Awwww, such a beautiful soul. God bless him richly
aww sweet
God bless u darling
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